MacOS/Safari double extensions when using ImageResizer - imageresizer

We are converting large PNG images to JPEG using ImageResizer ( It's works great with ?format=jpg and they are delivered with the correct content type and all.
When downloading these images they are named image.jpg in all browsers except Safari. Here it asks the user if they want to go with .jpg or with .png. It also saves the images as image.png.jpg which is confusing for some users.
I read something about Content-Disposition header, but I think that's for direct download, not for right click and choosing Save as. I also don't know if it would be possible to add it without creating some kind of middle layer and probably lose performance.
Ideas? Thanks <3

I don't think there is a solution to this, as it is in the browser's control.


Upload same image in different sizes - Dropzonejs

There is any possibility to upload a file with different sizes in DropzoneJs?
I'm using vue-dropzone which is made with dropzonejs and i have to upload the same file with different sizing for srcset.
I want to upload the file test.png which is 1000x500 px. There is any possibility to upload it at the same time in original resolution and also in 500x250px?
Image resizing in the browser has been a seat-of-the pants experience for a long time. Web assemblies are the way of the future for processing-intensive tasks in web apps. I came across this project the other day. It looks fantastic and I really can't wait to strip out our home-baked image resizing with canvas and replace it with this.
The usual reason for doing this is to avoid large uploads. It's a little bit weird to want to resize in the browser then upload the original. You might be better resizing on the server. You'll save bandwidth and the server libraries will be more mature than what's available on the client.
Along with the original image object you can add one more your custom resized image to the array of images by using resize config of dropzone. You can do the above on drop event or adddedFile event of dropzone.

Dynamic User Interface in iOS

Im struggling with a thought here. Let's say a user has his own CMS where he can fill the content for our app. One of his options is to create a view by uploading images and typing text. Well keep it very simple and imagine he only uploads a image (320 x 20) and some text. So an image on top and some textlines below.
What would be the best way to let my app know of this layout and download the contents? I was thinking of a downloadable XML file which defines the layout but don't really know how to implement this or if its even the best way.
Oh and the content and layout must be downloadable for offline use too.
Another option what I was thinking of is showing the layout in a webview but I can't figure out how to download the mobile website for offline use.
A push in the right direction would be appreciated!
We use a custom XML and it is working good. All texts inside 'label tags' are in XHTML
remember to:
be specific when defining the xml to save some effort
write a limiting XSD! So nothing 'surprising' creeps into the xml
remember not include everything in ONE xml file as that would get rather large rather quickly. Choose a scheme for portioning the XML

ImageResizer minwidth / minheight for ebay images

Ebay now requires images to be 500x500.
I want to try to use ImageResizer to resize an image to be a minimum of 500x500 by adding white background padding
The following command achieves this quite easily.
This works great, except when the original image is 800x800 and it will be downsized and lose quality.
What I really want to do is combine scale=canvas with scale=upscaleonly but that doesn't seem to be possible? Am I missing something or will I have to write code myself using the API.
PS. I realize ebay may detect whitespace and still reject the image, but I'm trying that for now - I have a lot of perfectly good 450x450 images that fall short and I don't want to upscale them.
At present, there's no 'upscalecanvasonly' mode.
So far we haven't had anyone else request this, but feel free to add it to our UserVoice site as a feature idea.
You could also implement this with a small IPlugin that subclassed BuilderExtension and implemented LayoutImage to support an additional command. It shouldn't be very difficult.
I haven't used ImageResizer before, but I've worked with images, so I took a quick peek at the basic commands for ImageResizer.
If I understand your problem correctly, when you downsize a 800x800 image it looses quality. This does point to a severe problem because the original image has more data than what is needed to display a high quality 500x500 image. Because of this, we must look at the image file format type and the data compression quality/method.
In your example, you are using the JPEG file format. You may want to specify the format in the command, i.e., format=jpg
In using the JPEG format, Imageresizer gives you control over the quality of the compression:
The documentation states:
quality - Jpeg compression: 0-100 100=best, 90=very good balance, 0=ugly
Take a look at the documentation for the exact verbage for setting the quality.

In any web site, the image always downloaded in the background, right?

Just to confirm, the image always downloaded in another thread which is different with the page text loading thread??
I put in my page, refer to a image on internet, the all text always show up firstly.
What do you think?
I think that html file contains all the prose and refers to pictures, so in whatever threads you do that you first download the text. Whether it's rendered before pictures are downloaded is up to UA and they may or may not be the same in this respect.
Depends on the Browser and the website. In most cases the Browser loads the "main html" where there are references to the Pics and other things.
If the Website loads most of the text-content via AJAX it could be kind of the other way round.
.. but in most cases you are right

Screen Scraping with HTTP Headers Issue - I Think

I've been trying to figure this one out for about a week now and just
can't come up with a good solution. So, I figured I would see if anyone could help me out. Here's one of the links that I'm trying to scrape:
I right-clicked to copy image location.
This is the link that is copied:
(Can't paste this as a link because I'm new)
http:// content (dot) lib (dot) washington (dot) edu/cgi-bin/getimage.exe?CISOROOT=/alaskawcanada&CISOPTR=491&DMSCALE=100.00000&DMWIDTH=802&DMHEIGHT=657.890625&DMX=0&DMY=0&DMTEXT=%20NA3050%20%09AWC0644%20AWC0388%20AWC0074%20AWC0575&REC=4&DMTHUMB=0&DMROTATE=0
There is no clear image URL being displayed. Obviously that's
because the image is hidden behind some type of script. Through trial and
error I found that I can put ".jpg" after the "CISOPTR=491" and then the link becomes an Image URL. The problem is that this is not the high-resolution version of the image. To get to the
high-resolution version I have to change the URL even more. I found a lot of articles to mention trying to build a script using curl and PHP, I have even tried a few of them with no luck. "491" is the image number and I can change that number to find other images in the same directory. So, scraping a sequence of numbers should be pretty easy. But I'm still a noob at scraping and this one is kicking my butt. Here's what I've tried.
Get remote image using cURL then resample
also tried this.
I also have Outwit Hub, and Site Sucker, but they don't recognize the URL as an image file and fo they just pass right ove it. I used SiteSucker overnight and it download 40,000 files and only 60 were jpegs, none of which were the ones I wanted.
The other thing I keep running into, is the files I have been able to download manually, the filename is always either getfile.exe or showfile.exe and then if I manually add ".jpg" as the extension I can view the image locally.
How can I reached the original high-res image file, and automate the download process so that I can scrape a couple hundred of these images?
I right-clicked to copy image location. This is the link that is
You noticed the title has ".exe" in there. Look at the stuff in the query string:
Strongly implies the original source of this image is in a database or something and it is being passed thru a server-side filter (not sure if that is what you meant by "some kind of script"). Ie, this is dynamically generated content, not static, and the same caveats apply as would to dynamic text content: you have to figure out what instructions to provide the server to get it to cough up what you want. Which you pretty much have in front of you...if SiteSucker or whatever won't deal with it properly, scrape the address yourself using an HTML parser.