Can't create a S3 bucket with KMS_MANAGED key and bucketKeyEneabled via CDK - amazon-s3

I have a S3 bucket with this configuration:
I'm trying to create a bucket with this same configuration via CDK:
Bucket.Builder.create(this, "test1")
But I'm getting this error:
Error: bucketKeyEnabled is specified, so 'encryption' must be set to KMS (value: MANAGED)
This seems like a bug to me, but I'm relatively new to CDK so I'm not sure. Am I doing something wrong, or is this indeed a bug?

I encountered the issue recently, and I have found the answer. I want to share the findings here just in case anyone gets stuck.
Yes, this was a bug in the AWS-CDK. The fix was merged this month:
According to the CDK doc (, if bucketKeyEnabled is set to true, S3 will use its own time-limited key instead, which helps reduce the cost (see; it's only relevant when Encryption is set to BucketEncryption.KMS or BucketEncryption.KMS_MANAGED.

bucketKeyEnabled flag , straight from docs:
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should use an S3 Bucket Key with
server-side encryption using KMS (SSE-KMS)
BucketEncryption has 4 options.
NONE - no encryption
MANAGED - Kms key managed by AWS
S3MANAGED - Key managed by S3
KMS - key managed by user, a new KMS key will be created.
we don't need to set bucketKeyEnabled at all for any scenario. In this case, all we need is aws/s3 , so,
bucketKeyEnabled: Need not be set.(since this is only for SSE-KMS)
encryption: Should be set to BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED
const buck = new s3.Bucket(this, "my-bucket", {
bucketName: "my-test-bucket-1234",
encryption: s3.BucketEncryption.KMS_MANAGED,


Boto3 generate presinged url does not work

Here is my code that I use to create a s3 client and generate a presigned url, which are some quite standard codes. They have been up running in the server for quite a while. I pulled the code out and ran it locally in a jupyter notebook
def get_s3_client():
return get_s3(create_session=False)
def get_s3(create_session=False):
session = boto3.session.Session() if create_session else boto3
S3_ENDPOINT = os.environ.get('AWS_S3_ENDPOINT')
s3 = session.client('s3',
s3 = session.client('s3', region_name='us-east-2')
return s3
s3 = get_s3_client()
signed_url = s3.generate_presigned_url(
"Bucket": BUCKET,
When I tried to download the file using the url in the browser, I got an error message and it says "The specified key does not exist." I noticed in the error message that my object key becomes "[my-bucket-name]/[my-object-name]" rather than just "[my-object-name]".
Then I used the same bucket/key combination to generate a presigned url using aws cli, which is working as expected. I found out that somehow the s3 client method (boto3) inserted [my-object-name] in front of [my-object-name] compared to the aws cli method. Here are the results
From s3.generate_presigned_url()
From aws cli s3 presign
I've been working on this and searching for solutions for day and half and I couldn't find out what was wrong with my implementation. I guess it might be that I ignored some basic but important settings to create a s3 client using boto3 or something else. Thanks for the help!
Ok, myth is solved, I shouldn't provide the endpoint_url=S3_ENDPOINT param when I create the s3 client, boto3 will figure it out. After i removed it, everything works as expected.

Amazon Redshift COPY always return S3ServiceException:Access Denied,Status 403

I'm really struggling with how to do data transfer from Amazon S3 bucket to Redshift with COPY command.
So far, I created an IAM User and 'AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess' policy is assigned. But when I call COPY command likes following, Access Denied Error is always returned.
copy my_table from 's3://' credentials 'aws_access_key_id=<...>;aws_secret_access_key=<...>' REGION'ap-northeast-2' delimiter '|';
Amazon Invalid operation: S3ServiceException:Access Denied,Status 403,Error AccessDenied,Rid EB18FDE35E1E0CAB,ExtRid ,CanRetry 1
Details: -----------------------------------------------
error: S3ServiceException:Access Denied,Status 403,Error AccessDenied,Rid EB18FDE35E1E0CAB,ExtRid ,CanRetry 1
code: 8001
context: Listing prefix=mybucket/myobject
query: 1311463
location: s3_utility.cpp:542
process: padbmaster [pid=4527]
Is there anyone can give me some clues or advice?
Thanks a lot!
Remove the endpoint from the S3 path:
COPY my_table
FROM 's3://mybucket/myobject'
REGION 'ap-northeast-2'
(See the examples in the documentation.) While the Access Denied error is definitely misleading, the returned message gives some hint as to what went wrong:
We'd expect to see bucket=mybucket and prefix=myobject, though.
Check encription of bucket.
According doc :
The COPY command automatically recognizes and loads files encrypted using SSE-S3 and SSE-KMS.
Check kms: rules on you key|role
If files from EMR, check Security configurations for S3.
your redshift cluster role does not have right to access to the S3 bucket. make sure the role you use for redshift has access to the bucket and bucket does not have policy that blocks the access

Amazon S3 error- A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource.

Why I got this error when I try to create a bucket in amazon S3?
This error means that, the bucket was recently deleted and is queued for delete in S3. You must wait until the name is available again.
This error means that, the bucket was recently deleted and is queued for delete in S3. You must wait until the Bucket name is available again.
Kindly note, I received this error when my access-priviliges were blocked.
The error means your Operation for creating new bucket at S3 is aborted.
There can be multiple reasons for this, you can check the below points for rectifying this error:
Is this Bucket available or is Queued for Deletion
Do you have adequate access privileges for this operation
Your Bucket Name must be unique
P.S: Edited this answer to add more details as shared by Sanity below, and his answer is more accurate with updated information.
You can view the related errors for this operation here.
I am editing my asnwer so that correct answer posted below can be selected as correct answer to this question.
Creating a S3 bucket policy and the S3 public access block for a bucket at the same time will cause the error.
Terraform example
resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "allow_alb_access_bucket_elb_log" {
bucket = local.bucket_alb_log_id
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.allow_alb_access_bucket_elb_log.json
resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "lb_log" {
bucket = local.bucket_alb_log_id
block_public_acls = true
block_public_policy = true
resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "lb_log" {
bucket = local.bucket_alb_log_id
block_public_acls = true
block_public_policy = true
# To avoid OperationAborted: A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress
depends_on = [
We have also observed this error several times when we try to move bucket from one account to other. In order to achieve this you should do the following :
Backup content of the S3 bucket you want to move.
Delete S3 bucket on the account.
Wait for 1/2 hours
Create a bucket with the same name in another account
Restore s3 bucket backup
I received this error running a terraform apply with the error:
Error: error creating public access block policy for S3 bucket
(bucket-name): OperationAborted: A conflicting
conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource.
Please try again.
status code: 409, request id: 30B386F1FAA8AB9C, host id: M8flEj6+ncWr0174ftzHd74CXBjhlY8Ys70vTyORaAGWA2rkKqY6pUECtAbouqycbAZs4Imny/c=
It said to "please try again" which I did and it worked the second time. It seems there wasn't enough wait time when provisioning the initial resource with Terraform.
To fully resolve this error, I inserted a 5 second sleep between multiple requests. There is nothing else that I had to do.

boto - more concise way to get key's value from bucket?

I'm trying to figure out a concise way to get data from s3 via boto
my current code looks like this. s3 manager is simply a class that does all the s3 setup for my app.
log.debug("generating downloader")
downloader = s3_manager()
log.debug("accessing bucket")
bucket_archive = downloader.s3_buckets['#archive']
log.debug("getting key")
key = bucket_archive.get_key(archive_filename)
log.debug("getting key into string")
source = key.get_contents_as_string()
the problem is that , looking at my debug logs, i'm making two requests to amazon s3:
key = bucket_archive.get_key(archive_filename)
source = key.get_contents_as_string()
looking at the docs [ ] , it seems that the call to get_key checks to see if it exists , while the second call gets the actual data. does anyone know of a method to do both at once ? a more concise way of doing this with one request is preferable for our app.
The get_key() method performs a HEAD request on the object to verify that it exists. If you are certain that the bucket and key exist and would prefer not to have the overhead of a HEAD request, you can simply create a Key object directly. Something like this would work:
import boto
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = s3.get_bucket('mybucket', validate=False)
key = bucket.new_key('myexistingkey')
contents = key.get_contents_as_string()
The validate=False on the call to get_bucket eliminates a GET request that also is intended to validate that the bucket exists.

What are the credentials to use Azure blob in Jclouds?

I m playing around with Jclouds. I managed to connect to my Amazon S3 account, and I m trying to do the same for Azure blob store. However I dont know what credentials should I fill in :
BlobStoreContext context = new BlobStoreContextFactory().createContext("azureblob", accesskeyid, secretkey);
So what it the accesskeyid and the secretkey?
I found some instrcutions here but they were not very helpful.
In Azure blob, what you get is two access keys: a primary and secondary one. I tried to use these ones as accesskeyid and secretkey respectively but didnt work.
Anybody has an idea?
I just found out that the credentials are as follows:
accessKeyId: storage account name
secretKey: Primary Access Key