spreadsheet missing data for corresponding cells - spreadsheet

I have a problem with missing data of corresponding column.
Column A has unique value which corresponds to specific cities in Col B. But few cells in col B is empty. It is long spreadsheet. How to fill col B from the values of corresponding col A automatically?
enter image description here

You can use if condition available with syntax ISBLANK().


Populate another sheet with the same columns but only selected rows

I have three columns: in column A I have Suppliers, B has Order Dates and C has Types ("Merchant" and "FBA").
How do I populate another sheet in the same Google Sheets with the same three columns but only with rows that have "FBA" in column C?
I want them to auto-populate so when I add another row in Sheet1 where column C is "FBA", it will automatically add that row to the next available row in Sheet2. I'm guessing I use the Index formula but am unsure how to use it.
Please try something like:
=query(Sheet1!A:C,"where C ='FBA'")

Excel - Have a value from column B of a 2 column reference pasted anytime the value from column A is entered on a separate worksheet

In the example I have a 2 column reference where data in column E is correlated to column F. I need the data in Column F to show up anytime data from Column E is entered in a separate worksheet if possible.
To be clear, is it possible to enter data in Column A of Sheet 1 that pulls the correlated data from column B in reference Sheet 2 and enters it into Column B of Sheet 1?
I tried using a simple function in a single sheet but it obviously doesn't do what I need.
You are after VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH
Sheet1 b1 and fill down rows
If you set you data up as tables the formulas will autofill down. Rather than use entire columns you can set to the ranges containing data.

Autofill multiple cells while filling one cell in Excel

The excel data looks like below:
Column A: Name
Column B: Role
Column C: Activity
Column D: Comments
Now in Columns A to C the entries are same and in Column D it is always different. Its like a timesheet of an employee.
So instead of filling Columns A to C the same, I want to put a formula such that when another entry in Column D is made, then Columns A to C are auto populated from the above filled data.
Please help.
You can create two tables using Format as Table:
If I understand you question right, you want to auto populate 2 different cells if a 3rd one is not empty.
Column A: Name
Column B: Role
Column C: Activity
Column D: Comments
Now in Columns A to C the entries are same and in Column D it is always different. Its like a timesheet of an employee.
Now in cells A to C add the following formula
=IF(NOT(ISBLANK(D1)),”Whatever you want in the cell”, “”)
What the function does is it looks if D1 cell is empty (you can also add ranges) and if it’s not; it adds “Whatever you want in the cell” to the cell holding the function; if cell D is empty, it leaves the holding cell empty
Alternatively, you can change the string to expression that fills your cell correctly

Find value in column, based on 2 criteria

I have a file with 3 columns. Column A contains 300,000 rows, with about 200 separate IDs, all duplicated at least 1,000 times. Column B contains the date for each of the rows. Column C contains the values that I need to extract.
Each of the 200 IDs in Col A can have multiple values (e.g. ID 1234 might have dates 1/1/2001, 1/3/2001, 1/2/2015, etc). Similarly, each date on Col B will have multiple IDs (e.g. 1/2/15 might have IDs of 1234, 1874, 1930, 6043, etc).
In a nutshell, I need to check the values in Col A and Col B to find the relevant ID in Col A and the maximum value in Col B, and return the value in the relevant cell in Col C.
I've looked at Index/Match examples, but they don't seem to be suitable. Is there any suggestions on a macro I could run, that would accomplish what is needed.
Use this array formula:
Being an array formula it must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
Change the "1234" to a reference cell with the appropriate ID.
You can accomplish this using array formulas. To start, you can retrieve the maximum date in column B when column A is 1234 using the below formula. Keep in mind that you have to use Ctrl-Shift-Enter when you finish typing an array formula.
Note that you will need to change the ranges to include all of your data, rather than my test data on rows 2-24.
Now that you have a formula to retrieve the max date, you can put that inside an index/match and, again using Ctrl-Shift-Enter, use the below array formula to retrieve the value in column C for a row matching 1234 and the maximum date.

Splitting data into two columns

I have a very large Excel spreadsheet that looks like this:
However, I want to move every cell in the second column that starts with Location to the next column.
So it would look like this:
No need of VBA
Enter this formula in C2 and copy till last record
Then copy paste values in column C, filter column B for Location:* and clear the resulting cells in column B or delete the rows (do as needed).
I would copy column B, paste it in column C then select C1 and press ctrl-- (CTRL and Minus together)
Select shift cells up and click OK.
Then either sort by column A or filter out any with a blank in column A.
You can also use this:
Then apply conditional formatting to your data range as following:
Final Result