I have such JSON:
"list": [
"product": {
"id": 1123456,
"context": {
"items": [
and a code that reads it:
TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>> typeRef
= new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>() {};
InputStream inputStream = TypeReference.class.getResourceAsStream("/mocks/Docs.json");
Map<String, Object> map = mapper.readValue(inputStream, typeRef);
But I don't want the simple Map<String, Object>, I want to map into a map that looks like Map<String, MyRepresentation> map:
Is there a direct way to do it, or I need first to read it into Map<String, Object> and then manipulate it manually and fill the MyRepresentation object?
the JSON file structure doesn't correspond to the classes at all.
ConditionSummary looks like a type of contextData element accessible as docList[i].product.contextData if it had id, which is defined in the product element.
also, AccountManagerStatistics#map is not public and doesn't have #JsonProperty annotation, so it is out of json for now.
try creating the sample file first if you sure the classes represent the truth:
Map<String, AccountManagerStatistics> map = createStubData();
new ObjectMapper().writerFor(new TypeReference<Map<String, AccountManagerStatistics>>() {}).writeValueAsString(map)
or try to modify your classes to match the data,
which is probably what should be done here.
then you could start from the top and introduce a proper class instead of using Map<String, X>,
BTW no need for HashMap in TypeReference:
public class Root {
#JsonProperty("docList") //or #XmlElement("docList")
public final List<Doc> docs;
#ConstructorProperties({ "docs", ... })
public Root(List<Doc> docs, ...) {
this.docs = List.copyOf(docs);
I have a JSON string in which the keys are not predictable.
The server returns the values with different keys with each response.
Sample JSON looks like -
"ids": {
"123": "08:10",
"456": "08:00"
Here, keys 123 and 345 are not fixed i.e. on the next request, my response would look as below -
"ids": {
"123": "08:10",
"456": "08:00"
Now, I want to parse this response into an object using GSON. So, I created the model classes as below -
data class SlotsResponse(
val ids: IDs
data class IDs(
val id: Map<String, String>
And in the code, I am trying to deserialize it as -
val response = Gson().fromJson(strResponse, SlotsResponse::class.java)
But, I am unable to get the values for IDs. They are null.
Can someone please help me to understand whatever I am trying to achieve is possible?
What you have represented with your current model contains one extra nested object. So it would represent JSONs that look like this:
"ids": {
"id": {
"123": "08:10",
"456": "08:00"
In your actual JSON, there is no field named id, so you only need the root object with the field ids, and the dynamic map:
data class SlotsResponse(
val ids: Map<String, String>
This is a weird problem to describe since it's no actually a problem in the technical sense but still makes me curious enough to ask about it:
I created a #RestController that returns ResponseEntity<EntityModel<?>>. I build the EntityModel and attach a self link built with linkTo and methodOn. Now for some reason, the output looks like this:
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/points/knx/office_light"
"labels" : {
"name" : "Light",
"room" : "Office"
"access" : [ "READ", "WRITE" ],
"type" : "SwitchPoint",
"state" : "OFF"
Contrary to other rest services I have build, the "_link" gets rendered at the top not at the bottom. Any ideas why?
public ResponseEntity<EntityModel<Map<String, Object>>> oneByExt(#PathVariable String ext,
#PathVariable String id) {
EntityModel<Map<String, Object>> point = client.getPoint(ext, id);
return new ResponseEntity<>(localToGlobal(ext, point), HttpStatus.OK);
private <T> EntityModel<T> localToGlobal(String ext, EntityModel<T> model) {
ComposedId id = ComposedId.fromEntityModel(ext, model);
Link newSelfLink = linkTo(methodOn(PointController.class).oneByExt(id.getExtension(), id.getIdentifier()))
EntityModel<T> newModel = EntityModel.of(model.getContent());
return newModel;
It's probably due to the Map, I'm assuming you using something like HashMap which has no guarantee of iteration order. Try change it to a LinkedHashMap and see what happens (should print the values in the order they were added to the map)
I have a linkedhashmap that has the following shape: <String, Subject>. The class Subject has the following fields:
class Subject {
var name: Boolean? = null
var lastname: Boolean? = null
var location: Boolean? = null
final_result =
"admin" -> Subject
"customer" -> Subject
I need to populate data classes that have the following format:
data class SubjectSummary(
val admin: SubjectData,
val customer: SubjectData
data class SubjectData(val details: DetailsData)
data class DetailsData(val name:String, val lastName:String ...)
Because I need to serialize the SubjectSummary class and get the following json format:
"admin": {
"details": {
"name": "",
"lastname": "",
"customer": {
"details": {
"name": "",
"lastname": "",
How do I assign the final_result map to match the SubjectSummary structure? I have done it with simple data classes, but when the fields within the data class are data classes, I'm not sure hot to populate it. Any guidance?
For simplicity I'm only showing a small example with a few fields.
If your goal with this transformation is just to be able to serialize with the given JSON format, then you don't need this SubjectSummary class. A Map<String, SubjectData> would be sufficient and probably more convenient to create when transforming from the initial map.
Also, it seems that DetailsData contains the same fields as Subject. If that's the case there is no need for an extra class either.
So in the end it seems you just need to create a Map<String, SubjectData where SubjectData could be defined as data class SubjectData(val details: Subject). You can transform your initial map pretty easily then:
val transformed = finalResult.mapValues { (_, subject) -> SubjectData(subject) }
Using JAX-RS, I have successfully implemented an ExceptionMapper for Exceptions that do not require a more sophisticated response than an HTTP status code, as follows.
public class ISBNNotFoundManager implements ExceptionMapper<ISBNNotFoundException>{
public Response toResponse(ISBNNotFoundException exception) {
return Response.status(NOT_FOUND).build();
This works as expected.
However, I want to respond with something more useful when bean validation fails. The follow code snippet results in a MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException.
public class ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper implements
ExceptionMapper<ConstraintViolationException> {
public Response toResponse(ConstraintViolationException exception) {
final Map<String, String> errorResponse =
Collectors.toMap(o -> o.getPropertyPath().toString(), o -> o.getMessage()));
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(errorResponse).build();
When a bean validation occurs the response includes the HTTP response code 500 and the root cause is given as follow:
MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json,
type=class java.util.HashMap, genericType=class java.util.HashMap.
What I have tried that didn't work:
Wrapping the Map in a GenericEntity like so. The same result as above:
new GenericEntity>(errorResponse) {}
What I tried the DID work:
Wrapping the map in a custom POJO, DataIntegrityValidation, as follows:
public class DataIntegrityValidation {
private Map<String, String> errorResponse = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, String> getErrorResponse() {
return errorResponse;
public void setErrorResponse(Map<String, String> errorResponse) {
this.errorResponse = errorResponse;
Then in the toResponse method I wrap the map in the DataIntegrityValidation POJO like so and add it to the response object.
DataIntegrityValidation dataIntegrityValidation =
new DataIntegrityValidation();
This gives the following JSON:
"errorResponse": {
"entry": [
"key": "saveBook.arg0.description",
"value": "size must be between 100 and 2147483647"
"key": "saveBook.arg0.published",
"value": "must be in the past"
"key": "saveBook.arg0.link",
"value": "must match \"^(https?:\\/\\/)?([\\da-z\\.-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6})([\\/\\w \\.-]*)*\\/?$\""
I can live with this but would really like to know why it cannot handle the Map even though it is wrapped in the Generic Entity.
All responses welcome.
The reason the marshalling failed for both Map and GenericEntity is because there is no JAXB definition associated with them. And when you wrapped the map in a POJO annotated with #XmlRootElement; it was able to marshal it correctly.
I have a JSON document similar to the following:
"aaa": [
"value": "wewfewfew"
"bbb": [
"value": "wefwefw"
I need to deserialize this into something more clean such as:
public class MyEntity{
private String aaa;
private String bbb;
What's the best way to unwrap each array and extract the "value" field on deserialization? Just custom setters? Or is there a nicer way?
For completeness, if you use jackson, you can enable the deserialization feature UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS.
To do that, you have to enable it for the ObjectMapper like so:
ObjectMapper objMapper = new ObjectMapper()
With that, you can just read the class as you are being used to in Jackson.
For example, assuming the class Person:
public class Person {
private String name;
// assume getter, setter et al.
and a json personJson:
"name" : [
"John Doe"
We can deserialize it via:
ObjectMapper objMapper = new ObjectMapper()
Person p = objMapper.readValue(personJson, Person.class);
Quick solution with Gson is to use a JsonDeserializer like this:
package stackoverflow.questions.q17853533;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import com.google.gson.*;
public class MyEntityDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyEntity> {
public MyEntity deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
String aaa = json.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("aaa").get(0)
String bbb = json.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("bbb").get(0)
return new MyEntity(aaa, bbb);
and then use it when parsing:
package stackoverflow.questions.q17853533;
import com.google.gson.*;
public class Q17853533 {
public static void main(String[] arg) {
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
builder.registerTypeAdapter(MyEntity.class, new MyEntityDeserializer());
String testString = "{ \"aaa\": [{\"value\": \"wewfewfew\" } ], \"bbb\": [ {\"value\": \"wefwefw\" } ] }";
Gson gson = builder.create();
MyEntity entity= gson.fromJson(testString, MyEntity.class);