I am trying to understand how to put a constraint on a dense hidden layer in a model like the following one.
I would like to develop the function applyConstraint which rescale the values contained in params between the values min and max.
How would you do it?
inp = tfl.Input((10,))
dense = tfl.Dense(16, activation = 'relu')(inp)
dense = tfl.Dense(8, activation = 'relu')(dense)
params = tfl.Dense(3, activation = 'relu')(dense)
params_max_min = applyConstraint(params, min, max)
concat = tfl.Concatenate()([dense, params])
dense = tfl.Dense(16, activation = 'relu')(concat)
dense = tfl.Dense(8, activation = 'relu')(dense)
dense = tfl.Dense(1, activation = None)(dense)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs = inp, outputs = dense)
model_params = tf.keras.Model(inputs = inp, outputs = params_max_min)
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mse')
You can subclass tf.keras.constraints.Constraint and customize your own op to do what you want.
Define constraint:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.constraints import Constraint
class MinMaxConstraint(Constraint):
"""constrain model weights between [x_min, x_max]."""
def __init__(self, x_min=0.0, x_max=1.0):
self.x_min = x_min
self.x_max = x_max
# TODO: add sanity check if x_max == x_min or w_max == w_min
def __call__(self, w):
w_min = tf.minimum(tf.math.reduce_min(w), self.x_min)
w_max = tf.maximum(tf.math.reduce_max(w), self.x_max)
scale = (self.x_max - self.x_min) / (w_max - w_min)
m = self.x_min - w_min * scale
w = w * scale
return w + m
Test on default case:
# random data
X = tf.random.normal([10, 2])
y = tf.random.normal([10])
# optimizer
m_opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-3)
# network definition
x_in = tf.keras.Input([2])
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, kernel_constraint=MinMaxConstraint())(x_in)
x_out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
# model definition
model = tf.keras.models.Model(x_in, x_out)
# do a forward pass and update
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y_hat = model(X)
loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.losses.MSE(y, y_hat))
m_vars = model.trainable_variables
m_grads = tape.gradient(loss, m_vars)
m_opt.apply_gradients(zip(m_grads, m_vars))
# check weights
assert np.all(model.get_weights()[0] >= 0.0)
assert np.all(model.get_weights()[0] <= 1.0)
# passes!
Test on [-2, 2]:
# reset network
x_in = tf.keras.Input([2])
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, kernel_constraint=MinMaxConstraint(-2.0, 2.0))(x_in)
x_out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
# reset model
model = tf.keras.models.Model(x_in, x_out)
# do a forward pass and update
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y_hat = model(X)
loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.losses.MSE(y, y_hat))
m_vars = model.trainable_variables
m_grads = tape.gradient(loss, m_vars)
m_opt.apply_gradients(zip(m_grads, m_vars))
# check weights again
assert np.all(model.get_weights()[0] >= -2.0)
assert np.all(model.get_weights()[0] <= 2.0)
# passes!
Try this:
import tensorflow as tf
params = tf.random.uniform((2, 3))
min, max = 4., 5.
def applyConstraint(params, min, max):
mn = tf.reduce_min(params)
mx = tf.reduce_max(params)
mult = (max-min)/(mx-mn)
p = min + (params - mn) * mult
return p
output = applyConstraint(params, min, max)
I'm trying to build a VAE for some time series data, but am having a hard time getting the model to work with 4 inputs instead of 3, and I'm not sure what's causing the problem.
Here's the complete code that I have:
# data for each time series
import yfinance as yf
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
# load in the data
msft = yf.Ticker('MSFT').history(period = '5y')[['Close']]
googl = yf.Ticker('GOOGL').history(period = '5y')[['Close']]
amzn = yf.Ticker('AMZN').history(period = '5y')[['Close']]
vals = np.sin(np.linspace(-100, 100, msft.shape[0]))[:, None]
# scale the data for numeric stability
msft = StandardScaler().fit_transform(msft)
googl = StandardScaler().fit_transform(googl)
amzn = StandardScaler().fit_transform(amzn)
# global variables
latent_dim = 2
batch_size = 32
sequence_length = 30
# build time series samplers for each time series
c1 = keras.utils.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
targets = None,
sequence_length = sequence_length
c2 = keras.utils.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
targets = None,
sequence_length = sequence_length
c3 = keras.utils.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
targets = None,
sequence_length = sequence_length
c4 = keras.utils.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
targets = None,
sequence_length = sequence_length
# add the encoder for the sine wave
sin_inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(sequence_length, 1))
# stack two lstm layers
sx = layers.LSTM(64, return_sequences = True)(sin_inputs)
sx = layers.LSTM(64)(sx)
# build the encoders for each of the separate time series
msft_inputs = layers.Input(shape=(sequence_length, 1))
# stack two lstm layers
mx = layers.LSTM(64, return_sequences = True)(msft_inputs)
mx = layers.LSTM(64)(mx)
# now for google
googl_inputs = layers.Input(shape=(sequence_length, 1))
gx = layers.LSTM(64, return_sequences = True)(googl_inputs)
gx = layers.LSTM(64)(gx)
# and for amazon
amzn_inputs = layers.Input(shape = (sequence_length, 1))
ax = layers.LSTM(64, return_sequences = True)(amzn_inputs)
ax = layers.LSTM(64)(ax)
# now combine them together for a single joint time series!
x = layers.Concatenate()([mx, gx, ax, sx])
# pass into a dense layer
x = layers.Dense(64, activation = 'relu')(x)
# and finally pass them into the final decoder!
z_mean = layers.Dense(latent_dim, name = 'z_mean')(x)
z_logvar = layers.Dense(latent_dim, name = 'z_logvar')(x)
encoder = keras.Model([msft_inputs, googl_inputs, amzn_inputs, sin_inputs], [z_mean, z_logvar], name = 'encoder')
class Sampler(layers.Layer):
def call(self, z_mean, z_logvar):
batch_size = tf.shape(z_mean)[0]
n_dims = tf.shape(z_mean)[1]
epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = (batch_size, n_dims))
return z_mean + tf.exp(0.5 * z_logvar) * epsilon
latent_inputs = keras.Input(shape=(latent_dim,))
dec = layers.RepeatVector(sequence_length)(latent_inputs)
dec = layers.LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)(dec)
out = layers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(1))(dec)
decoder = keras.Model(latent_inputs, out)
class VAE(keras.Model):
def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, **kwargs):
self.encoder = encoder
self.decoder = decoder
self.sampler = Sampler()
self.total_loss_tracker = keras.metrics.Mean(name = 'total_loss')
self.reconstruction_loss_tracker = keras.metrics.Mean(name = 'reconstruction_loss')
self.kl_loss_tracker = keras.metrics.Mean(name = 'kl_loss')
def metrics(self):
return [self.total_loss_tracker,
def train_step(self, data):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
z_mean, z_logvar = self.encoder(data)
z = self.sampler(z_mean, z_logvar)
reconstruction = decoder(z)
reconstruction_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(data, reconstruction),
axis = (1, 2)
kl_loss = -0.5 * (1 + z_logvar - tf.square(z_mean) - tf.exp(z_logvar))
total_loss = reconstruction_loss + tf.reduce_mean(kl_loss)
grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, self.trainable_weights)
self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.trainable_weights))
return {
"total_loss": self.total_loss_tracker.result(),
"reconstruction_loss": self.reconstruction_loss_tracker.result(),
"kl_loss": self.kl_loss_tracker.result(),
vae = VAE(encoder, decoder)
vae.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(), run_eagerly=False)
vae.fit(zip(c1.repeat(), c2.repeat(), c3.repeat(), c4.repeat()), epochs = 10, steps_per_epoch = 10)
When I fit this model I get the following error:
ValueError: Data is expected to be in format `x`, `(x,)`, `(x, y)`, or `(x, y, sample_weight)`, found: (<tf.Tensor: shape=(128, 30, 1),
My issue is that this exact same model works when I only have 3 inputs instead of 4.
If I replace the lines where I specify the inputs everything seems to work fine:
x = layers.Concatenate()([mx, gx, sx])
encoder = keras.Model([msft_inputs, googl_inputs, amzn_inputs], [z_mean, z_logvar], name = 'encoder')
vae.fit(zip(c1.repeat(), c2.repeat(), c3.repeat()), epochs = 10, steps_per_epoch = 10)
So I'm curious about what it is about my setup that is causing my model to break when I add the fourth input.
I want to make a weighted average ensemble of 3 of my trained models. So, I want first to multiply the softmax output of a model (element-wise) by a vector and then average the 3 weighted outputs of the 3 models.
I used the following code to multiply the output of the first model by its weight vector:
from keras.layers import Multiply, Average
resnet_weights = np.asarray([[0.91855, 0.99485, 0.89065, 0.96525, 0.98005,
0.93645, 0.6149, 0.934, 0.92505, 0.785, 0.85]], np.float32)
resnet_weight_tensor=tf.constant(resnet_weights, np.float32)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
resnet_weighted = Multiply()([finetuned_model.layers[-1].output, resnet_weight_tensor])
new_model=Model(model.input, resnet_weighted)
However, I'm stuck with the following error:
What can I do?
Use Lambda instead of Multiply, and K.constant instead of tf.constant (is backend-neutral):
resnet_weight_tensor=K.constant(resnet_weights, 'float32')
out = finetuned_model.layers[-1].output
resnet_weighted = Lambda(lambda x: x * resnet_weight_tensor)(out)
batch_size = 32
num_batches = 100
input_shape = (4,)
num_classes = 3
model_1 = make_model(input_shape, 8, num_classes)
model_2 = make_model(input_shape, 10, num_classes)
model_3 = make_model(input_shape, 12, num_classes)
models = (model_1, model_2, model_3)
models_ins = [model.input for model in models]
models_outs = [model.input for model in models]
outputs_weights = [np.random.random((batch_size, num_classes)),
np.random.random((batch_size, num_classes)),
np.random.random((batch_size, num_classes))]
outs_avg = model_outputs_average(models, outputs_weights)
final_out = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(outs_avg)
model_ensemble = Model(inputs=models_ins, outputs=final_out)
model_ensemble.compile('adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
x1 = np.random.randn(batch_size, *input_shape) # toy data
x2 = np.random.randn(batch_size, *input_shape)
x3 = np.random.randn(batch_size, *input_shape)
y = np.random.randint(0,2,(batch_size, num_classes)) # toy labels
model_ensemble.fit([x1,x2,x3], y)
Verify averaging:
[print(layer.name) for layer in model_ensemble.layers] # show layer names
preouts1 = get_layer_outputs(model_ensemble, 'lambda_1', [x1,x2,x3])
preouts2 = get_layer_outputs(model_ensemble, 'lambda_2', [x1,x2,x3])
preouts3 = get_layer_outputs(model_ensemble, 'lambda_3', [x1,x2,x3])
preouts_avg = get_layer_outputs(model_ensemble, 'average_1',[x1,x2,x3])
preouts = np.asarray([preouts1, preouts2, preouts3])
sum_of_diff_of_means = np.sum(np.mean(preouts, axis=0) - preouts_avg)
print(np.sum(np.mean([preouts1, preouts2, preouts3],axis=0) - preouts_avg))
# 4.69e-07
Functions used:
def make_model(input_shape, dense_dim, num_classes=3):
ipt = Input(shape=input_shape)
x = Dense(dense_dim, activation='relu')(ipt)
out = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x)
model = Model(ipt, out)
model.compile('adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
return model
def model_outputs_average(models, outputs_weights):
outs = [model.output for model in models]
out_shape = K.int_shape(outs[0])[1:] # ignore batch dim
assert all([(K.int_shape(out)[1:] == out_shape) for out in outs]), \
"All model output shapes must match"
outs_weights = [K.constant(w, 'float32') for w in outputs_weights]
ow_shape = K.int_shape(outs_weights[0])
assert all([(K.int_shape(w) == ow_shape) for w in outs_weights]), \
"All outputs_weights and model.output shapes must match"
weights_layers = [Lambda(lambda x: x * ow)(out) for ow, out
in zip(outs_weights, outs)]
return Average()(weights_layers)
def get_layer_outputs(model,layer_name,input_data,train_mode=False):
outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers if layer_name in layer.name]
layers_fn = K.function([model.input, K.learning_phase()], outputs)
return [layers_fn([input_data,int(train_mode)])][0][0]
The bug is possibly caused by the mixture of kears api and tensorflow api, since your resnet_weight_tensor is a tensor from tensorflow api, while finetuned_model.layers[-1].output is the output from a keras layer. Some discusses can be seen here issue 7362
One walk around is to wrap resnet_weight_tensor into keras Input layer.
from keras.layers import Multiply, Average, Input
resnet_weights = np.asarray([[0.91855, 0.99485, 0.89065, 0.96525, 0.98005,
0.93645, 0.6149, 0.934, 0.92505, 0.785, 0.85]], np.float32)
resnet_weight_tensor=tf.constant(resnet_weights, np.float32)
resnet_weight_input = Input(tensor=resnet_weight_tensor)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
resnet_weighted = Multiply()([finetuned_model.layers[-1].output, resnet_weight_input])
new_model=Model([model.input, resnet_weight_input], resnet_weighted)
I am learning RNN through https://medium.com/#erikhallstrm/hello-world-rnn-83cd7105b767. I change the loss function to mean square error and found it does not converge. The output is stuck at 0.5. Somehow, I feel the mistake is inside
midlosses = [tf.squeeze(logits)-tf.squeeze(labels) for logits, labels in zip(logits_series,labels_series)]
But I don't how. I am not familiar with datatype. This may be a silly question. In case I don't make myself clear, the full code is below:
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
num_epochs = 100
total_series_length = 50000
truncated_backprop_length = 15
state_size = 4
num_classes = 1
echo_step = 3
batch_size = 5
num_batches = total_series_length//batch_size//truncated_backprop_length
def generateData():
x = np.array(np.random.choice(2, total_series_length, p=[0.5, 0.5]))
y = np.roll(x, echo_step)
y[0:echo_step] = 0
x = x.reshape((batch_size, -1)) # The first index changing slowest, subseries as rows
y = y.reshape((batch_size, -1))
return (x, y)
batchX_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop_length])
batchY_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop_length])
init_state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, state_size])
W = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(state_size+1, state_size), dtype=tf.float32)
b = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,state_size)), dtype=tf.float32)
W2 = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(state_size, num_classes),dtype=tf.float32)
b2 = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1,num_classes)), dtype=tf.float32)
# Unpack columns
inputs_series = tf.unstack(batchX_placeholder, axis=1)
labels_series = tf.unstack(batchY_placeholder, axis=1)
# Forward pass
current_state = init_state
states_series = []
for current_input in inputs_series:
current_input = tf.reshape(current_input, [batch_size, 1])
input_and_state_concatenated = tf.concat([current_input, current_state],axis=1) # Increasing number of columns
next_state = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(input_and_state_concatenated, W) + b) # Broadcasted addition
current_state = next_state
logits_series = [tf.matmul(state, W2) + b2 for state in states_series]
#Loss function HERE
midlosses = [tf.squeeze(logits)-tf.squeeze(labels) for logits, labels in zip(logits_series,labels_series)]
losses = tf.square(midlosses)
total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.3).minimize(total_loss)
with tf.Session() as sess:
loss_list = []
for epoch_idx in range(num_epochs):
x,y = generateData()
_current_state = np.zeros((batch_size, state_size))
print("New data, epoch", epoch_idx)
for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
start_idx = batch_idx * truncated_backprop_length
end_idx = start_idx + truncated_backprop_length
batchX = x[:,start_idx:end_idx]
batchY = y[:,start_idx:end_idx]
_total_loss, _train_step, _current_state,_logits_series,_midlosses = sess.run(
[total_loss, train_step, current_state,logits_series,midlosses],
if batch_idx%100 == 0:
print("Step",batch_idx, "Loss", _total_loss)
Just need to replace
logits_series = [tf.matmul(state, W2) + b2 for state in states_series]
logits_series = [tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(state, W2) + b2) for state in states_series] #Broadcasted addition
Problem can solved.
I'm doing research for cost-sensitive neural network based on Tensorflow. But because of the static graph structure of Tensorflow. Some NN structure couldn't be realized by myself.
My loss function(cost) ,cost matrix and the computational progress is described as follow and my target is to compute the total cost and then optimize the NN :
Approximately computational progress:
the y_ is the last full-connect output of a CNN which has shape (1024,5)
the y is a Tensor which has shape(1024) and indicates the ground truth of x[i]
the y_soft[i] [j] indicates the probability of x[i] to be class j
How can I realize this in Tensorflow?
It obvious 0.3 in [0.2,0.3,0.5] refers to right lable probility of [0,1,0], so it should not contibute to loss.
0.7 in [0.1,0.2,0.7] is the same. In other words, the pos with value 1 in y* not contibute to loss.
So I have (1-y*):
Then the entropy is target*log(predict) + (1-target) * log(1-predict),and value 0 in y*,should use (1-target)*log(1-predict), so I use (1-predict) said (1-y)
(italic num is useless)
the custom loss is
[[1,0,1], [1,20,0]] * log([[0.8,0.7,0.5],[0.9,0.8,0.3]]) *
and you can see the (1-y*) can be drop here
so the loss is -tf.reduce_mean(cost_embedding*log(1-y))
,to make it applicable , should be:
the demo is below
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
hidden_units = 50
num_class = 3
class Model():
def __init__(self,name_scope,is_custom):
self.name_scope = name_scope
self.is_custom = is_custom
self.input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,hidden_units])
self.input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None])
self.logits = self.inference()
self.predictions = tf.argmax(self.logits,axis=1)
self.losses,self.train_op = self.opitmizer()
def instantiate_weights(self):
with tf.variable_scope(self.name_scope + 'FC'):
self.W = tf.get_variable('W',[hidden_units,num_class])
self.b = tf.get_variable('b',[num_class])
self.cost_matrix = tf.constant(
dtype = tf.float32
def inference(self):
return tf.matmul(self.input_x,self.W) + self.b
def opitmizer(self):
if not self.is_custom:
loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits\
batch_cost_matrix = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(
loss = - tf.log(1 - tf.nn.softmax(self.logits))\
* batch_cost_matrix
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)
return loss,train_op
import random
batch_size = 128
norm_model = Model('norm',False)
custom_model = Model('cost',True)
split_point = int(0.9 * dataset_size)
train_set = datasets[:split_point]
test_set = datasets[split_point:]
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(100):
batch_index = random.sample(range(split_point),batch_size)
train_batch = train_set[batch_index]
train_labels = lables[batch_index]
_,eval_predict,eval_loss = sess.run([norm_model.train_op,
_,eval_predict1,eval_loss1 = sess.run([custom_model.train_op,
# print 'norm',eval_predict,'\ncustom',eval_predict1
print np.sum(((eval_predict == train_labels)==True).astype(np.int)),\
np.sum(((eval_predict1 == train_labels)==True).astype(np.int))
if i%10 == 0:
print 'norm_test',sess.run(norm_model.predictions,
print 'custom_test',sess.run(custom_model.predictions,
I want to implement a Siamese MLP network using mnist dataset.
I built my code based on Keras mnist_siamese_graph, but error value and accuracy are very huge compare to Keras version.
I cannot figure out where are problems.
This is my code:
import random
import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/data",one_hot=False)
import pdb
def create_pairs(x, digit_indices):
'''Positive and negative pair creation.
Alternates between positive and negative pairs.
pairs = []
labels = []
n = min([len(digit_indices[d]) for d in range(10)]) - 1
for d in range(10):
for i in range(n):
z1, z2 = digit_indices[d][i], digit_indices[d][i+1]
pairs += [[x[z1], x[z2]]]
inc = random.randrange(1, 10)
dn = (d + inc) % 10
z1, z2 = digit_indices[d][i], digit_indices[dn][i]
pairs += [[x[z1], x[z2]]]
labels += [1, 0]
return np.array(pairs), np.array(labels)
def mlp(input_,input_dim,output_dim,name="mlp"):
with tf.variable_scope(name):
w = tf.get_variable('w',[input_dim,output_dim],tf.float32,tf.random_normal_initializer())
return tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(input_,w))
def build_model_mlp(X_,_dropout):
model = mlpnet(X_,_dropout)
return model
def mlpnet(image,_dropout):
l1 = mlp(image,784,128,name='l1')
l1 = tf.nn.dropout(l1,_dropout)
l2 = mlp(l1,128,128,name='l2')
l2 = tf.nn.dropout(l2,_dropout)
l3 = mlp(l2,128,128,name='l3')
return l3
def contrastive_loss(y,d):
tmp= y *tf.square(d)
#tmp= tf.mul(y,tf.square(d))
tmp2 = (1-y) *tf.square(tf.maximum((1 - d),0))
return tf.reduce_sum(tmp +tmp2)/batch_size/2
def compute_accuracy(prediction,labels):
return labels[prediction.ravel() < 0.5].mean()
#return tf.reduce_mean(labels[prediction.ravel() < 0.5])
def next_batch(s,e,inputs,labels):
input1 = inputs[s:e,0]
input2 = inputs[s:e,1]
y= np.reshape(labels[s:e],(len(range(s,e)),1))
return input1,input2,y
# Initializing the variables
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
# the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets
X_train = mnist.train._images
y_train = mnist.train._labels
X_test = mnist.validation._images
y_test = mnist.validation._labels
batch_size =128
# create training+test positive and negative pairs
digit_indices = [np.where(y_train == i)[0] for i in range(10)]
tr_pairs, tr_y = create_pairs(X_train, digit_indices)
digit_indices = [np.where(y_test == i)[0] for i in range(10)]
te_pairs, te_y = create_pairs(X_test, digit_indices)
images_L = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=([None,784]),name='L')
images_R = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=([None,784]),name='R')
labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=([None,1]),name='gt')
dropout_f = tf.placeholder("float")
with tf.variable_scope("siamese") as scope:
model1= build_model_mlp(images_L,dropout_f)
model2 = build_model_mlp(images_R,dropout_f)
distance = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(tf.sub(model1,model2),2),1,keep_dims=True))
loss = contrastive_loss(labels,distance)
#contrastice loss
t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'l' in var.name]
batch = tf.Variable(0)
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.001,momentum=0.9,epsilon=1e-6).minimize(loss)
# Launch the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Training cycle
for epoch in range(40):
print('epoch %d' % epoch)
avg_loss = 0.
avg_acc = 0.
total_batch = int(X_train.shape[0]/batch_size)
start_time = time.time()
# Loop over all batches
for i in range(total_batch):
s = i * batch_size
e = (i+1) *batch_size
# Fit training using batch data
input1,input2,y =next_batch(s,e,tr_pairs,tr_y)
_,loss_value,predict=sess.run([optimizer,loss,distance], feed_dict={images_L:input1,images_R:input2 ,labels:y,dropout_f:0.9})
tr_acc = compute_accuracy(predict,y)
avg_loss += loss_value
avg_acc +=tr_acc*100
#print('epoch %d loss %0.2f' %(epoch,avg_loss/total_batch))
duration = time.time() - start_time
print('epoch %d time: %f loss %0.2f acc %0.2f' %(epoch,duration,avg_loss/(total_batch),avg_acc/total_batch))
y = np.reshape(tr_y,(tr_y.shape[0],1))
tr_acc = compute_accuracy(predict,y)
print('Accuract training set %0.2f' % (100 * tr_acc))