Invalid generated code while compiling template 'web.ViewSwitcherButton' odoo - odoo-14

Error: Invalid generated code while compiling template 'web.ViewSwitcherButton': missing ) after argument list
at QWeb._compile (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:971:133)
at Object.atNodeEncounter (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:1056:140)
at QWeb._compileNode (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:990:54)
at QWeb._compileChildren (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:1027:108)
at QWeb._compileNode (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:997:6)
at Object.atNodeEncounter (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:1066:44)
at QWeb._compileNode (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:990:54)
at QWeb._compileChildren (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:1027:108)
at QWeb._compileNode (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:997:6)
at QWeb._compileChildren (http://****/web/content/112-34b6e20/web.assets_common.js:1027:108)
This message appears on all pages and we cannot do anything.
When I activate developer mode with assets, it works fine.

I also face same problem when i using Odoo version 14.0-20210305. The problem is from file odoo/addons/web/static/src/xml/base.xml.
I try take base.xml from stable version in my case i take from version 14.0-20210108. Then i replace to new version.
Here part code of stable version:
<t t-name="web.ViewSwitcherButton" owl="1">
<button type="button"
t-attf-class="btn btn-secondary fa fa-lg o_switch_view o_{{ view.type }} {{ view.icon }}"
t-att-class="{ active: env.view.type === view.type }"
t-attf-aria-label="View {{ view.type }}"
t-attf-title="View {{ view.type }}"
t-on-click="trigger('switch-view', { view_type: view.type })"

When you activate developer mode with assets it works fine, then try to upgrade web module!

Thanks fo the solution this helps and work for me too.
This is located as a bug you can check the error here.


laravel (blade) and `:href="route(...)"`, `href="{{ route..)}}`, `:action="route(...)"`, and `action="{{route(...)}}`

In Laravel's bootcamp (blade), there are two different syntaxes used for calling route() in a blade view component:
<x-dropdown-link :href="route('chirps.edit', $chirp)">
{{ __('Edit') }}
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('chirps.destroy', $chirp) }}">
<x-dropdown-link :href="route('chirps.destroy', $chirp)" onclick="event.preventDefault(); this.closest('form').submit();">
{{ __('Delete') }}
My understanding from documentation is that {{ }} is just a shortcut for <?= ?>
and by adding a : to html attribute laravel renders those attributes in the template.
So I started testing variations to see what works and doesn't work. This is what I got:
:href="{{ route(...) }}" doesn't work
href="{{ route(...) }}" works
:action="route(...)" doesn't work
action="{{ route(...)}}" does work
So my understanding makes sense for 1, 2, and 4, but not 3:
What is going on here? Does laravel not have an :action attribute for forms for some reason? or is it due to POSTing rather than GETting? Or is my understanding of laravel's syntax flawed?
It seems putting the : before a laravel/blade component attribute is the way to pass a variable of that name/value into that component class' constructor (passing-data-to-components).
So :href sets __constructor($href) to the string {{route(...)}} in the <x-dropdown-links> class, which laravel/blade constructs when the component is called. Which explains why <form :action...> wouldn't work.
There is an <x-form> component in the extra blade-ui library, but interestingly even there it seems that the action attribute is set with action="" not :action="". So guessing there is an issue related to POSTing after all.

Vue.js How To Manage nuxt keep-alive key?

I am using Nuxt for my vue project. I want to build a multi-tab application. But I could not manage the caching mechanism of nuxt.
The case is that, my full path never contains any parameters even in update paths.
I mean my paths are always like
instead of
So when I try to bind the nuxt key like
<nuxt keep-alive :key="$route.path + ($route.params ? JSON.stringify($route.params) : '')" />
It does not caches anything and keeps loading all lifecyles (beforeCreate, created, beforeMount, mounted...)
If I do not use :key,
then keep-alive works perfect for pages without parameters
but works wrong with parameters. If I route to customer with id:3 once, then when I go to another customer with id:4, it still caches and displays the data of customer with id:3.
Here is my nuxt-link code:
v-for="(tag, index) in tabbedViews"
:key=" + (tag.params ? JSON.stringify(tag.params) : '')"
:key=" + (tag.params ? JSON.stringify(tag.params) : '')"
:to="{ name:, params: tag.params }"
{{ }}
And below is the code that I use for viewing routes
<nuxt keep-alive :key="$route.path + ($route.params ? JSON.stringify($route.params) : '')" />
Any help will be pleasured.
Thank you...
Try to use :nuxt-child-key instead of :key.

Where is the state of a Electron-Vue application stored?

How and, more to the point, where is state data persisted between sessions?
I followed this tutorial ( to create a simple ToDo App using Vue.js in Electron.
After filling in some blanks everything works. However, I'm unable to find where the application state is stored. For example, in Dev mode (npm run dev), if I add some ToDo items and then close the App (and even restart VS Code) the ToDo data is persisted when the App is restarted.
I'm using Win10 and, among other things, have tried searching for files changed within the last 30 minutes (datemodified:‎23/‎09/‎2019 12:30..13:00) but without luck. I've looked in my profile, the App directory, and searched google for clues.
I think it has something to do with this import { createPersistedState, createSharedMutations } from 'vuex-electron' (located in src\renderer\store\index.js) but not much closer to understanding where the state is stored. Yep - I'm pretty new to this.
For what it's worth, if you want to follow this tutorial:
Issue 1.
Now that we know how the Vue application is started, let’s take a look at the defined routes within our application. Head over to src/router/index.js:
should be: src/renderer/router/index.js:
Issue 2. In src/renderer/components/LandingPage.vue
<div class="todos">
v-for="todo in todos"
should be:
<div class="todos">
v-for="todo in todos"
#click="completeTodo(todo)">{{}}</li> // {{}}
Using 'createPersistedState' option of 'vuex-electon' saves in json format in 'AppData' path.
Remove 'createPersistedState' to disable saving.
import { createSharedMutations } from 'vuex-electron'
export default new Vuex.Store({
plugins: [
strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
see a

Vue.js link redirection to external site

I am new to Vue.js and I am trying to solve the following issue.
I have a component which look as follows:
<div class="capture-photo">
<input id="chooseFile"
<div v-show="imgURL">
<img v-bind:src="imgURL" style="width:200px">
<button id="sendImage" v-on:click.prevent="post">Send Image</button>
<div id="extractedLink">
<a id="extractedLinkButton" v-bind:href="urlLink">{{ urlLink }}</a>
and I am trying to run a test that would check that the link is clicked and redirects to the correct page (the urlLink is defines in the data element of my component. The testing in done using nightwatch and the test code looks like this:
'Redirect the extracted url to the actual website': function test(browser) {
const devServer = browser.globals.devServerURL;
.waitForElementVisible('#app', 5000)
.setValue('input[type="file"]', require('path').resolve(''))
.assert.elementPresent('#extractedLink', '')
when running the test, the error message that I receive is the following:
TEST FAILURE: 1 assertions failed, 35 passed. (38.623s)
✖ capturePhoto
- Redirect the extracted url to the actual website (2.8s)
Testing if the URL equals "". - expected "" but got: "http://localhost:8081/#/"`
where, being the urlLink value.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

"Unable to resolve constructor for: '""'"

I am facing following issue while working with dojo inline template:
I am creating the template in a html page by defining the template in between the following tags(It has mvc also integrated)
`<script id="createNewItem" type="text/template">
<div data-dojo-type='dijit/TitlePane' data-dojo-props='open:false'>
<div class='accordionRev'>
<input type="number" name="qty" placeholder="Quantity (required)" data-dojo-type="" class='quantity' data-dojo-props="value: at('rel:','quantity'), class:at('rel:', 'quantityErr')" onchange="cntrl.createQuoteFields(true, this, '{{lineNumber}}');" onkeypress=", '{{lineNumber}}')" onpaste="" tabindex=0/>
I will be using this template in another page like this
`<ul id="rfqTitlePane" class="hide"
data-dojo-props="children: at(cntrl.createQuoteList,'items').direction(at.from)"
data-mvc-child-props="clickable: true, variableHeight: 'true',
indexAtStartup: this.indexAtStartup,
customTitle: at(, 'title').direction(at.both), titlePaneDOM:at(,'displayDetails').direction(at.from).transform({format:custom.helpers.RequestMarkup})">
<script type="dojox/mvc/InlineTemplate">
I am getting "Unable to resolve constructor for: '""'" error. I actually defined textbox before the template gets loaded. I am not sure where its going wrong
It appears that the question contains wrong markdown, so I'd recommend fixing that so that better answers can be provided. Meanwhile some things I can say are:
You may want to try importing dojox/mobile/TextBox module before running the template.
Recent releases of Dojo prefers AMD format in data-dojo-type e.g. data-dojo-typ="dojox/mobile/TextBox".
dojox/mvc/InlineTemplateMixin looks at <script type="dojox/mvc/InlineTemplate"> instead of <script type="text/template">.
Hope this helps.
Best, Akira