How to dynamically choose which authentication method is used in Ktor? - ktor

I implemented google sign-in in my application like so:
fun Application.module(testing: Boolean = false) {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
gson {
val jwtIssuer ="jwt.domain").getString()
val jwtAudience ="jwt.audience").getString()
val jwtRealm ="jwt.realm").getString()
val jwkProvider = JwkProviderBuilder(URL(""))
.cached(10, 24, TimeUnit.HOURS)
.rateLimited(10, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
install(Authentication) {
jwt {
verifier(jwkProvider) {
realm = jwtRealm
validate { credentials ->
if (credentials.payload.audience.contains(jwtAudience))
routing {
authenticate {
post("/token-sign-in") {
val payload = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.payload ?: error("JWTPrincipal not found")
id = payload.subject,
email = payload.getClaim("email").asString(),
name = payload.getClaim("name").asString(),
profilePictureUrl = payload.getClaim("picture").asString()
I want to authenticate the user every single time they access one of the routes, but I want to have both google and firebase-auth login as an option. The thing is that they require different methods to check the authenticity of the given token, hence I need two authentication methods.
I was thinking of including an "AuthenticationProvider: "Google|Firebase"" in the header of the call, and according to its value, I would decide which authentication method should be called.
So something like this:
fun Application.module(testing: Boolean = false) {
install(Authentication) {
jwt("google") {
// verify google sign in token
jwt("firebase") {
// verify firebase token
firebaseOrGoogle("firebaseOrGoogle") {
// check header value for auth provider
// verify token with either "firebase" or "google" auth methods
routing {
authenticate("firebaseOrGoogle") {
post("/token-sign-in") {
// ...
get("/transactions") {
// ...
Is this at all possible?
If this is possible please could you provide some code as to how to dynamically decide which authentication method should be called?

As an alternative solution, you can configure an authentication feature to try proving the identity of a user by both methods. The first successful check wins. To do that just pass those two configuration names to the authenticate method:
routing {
authenticate("google", "firebase") {
post("/token-sign-in") {
// ...
get("/transactions") {
// ...
The order of arguments determines what check comes first.


Optional route authentication in Ktor

I have a route in my Ktor application that I want to optionally authenticate. What is the best way to go about this? If I put two routing blocks in, both calls default to the unauthenticated one.
routing {
post("/my-route") {
val request = call.receive<MyRouteRequest>()
authenticate(Constants.myAuthScope) {
post("/my-route") {
val request = call.receive<MyRouteRequest>()
val user = call.principal<User>()
It should be possible using more explicit models combined with validation of those either in the route or perhaps in the underlying service (depends if this is seen as domain logic or API logic)
For basic auth it looks a bit like:
sealed interface PrincipalResult {
data class User(/* ... */): PrincipalResult
object NoUserProvided: PrincipalResult
// This might be replaced with a null result to conform with the Ktor API
// I prefer making it explicit and communicate what's going on
// and not just accept a null that means everything and nothing.
// This can also be made into a data class and expanded
// with additional information, allowing for better errors and richer debugging
object InvalidUserCredentials: PrincipalResult
install(Authentication) {
basic("stuart-auth") {
realm = "Access to the '/' path"
validate { credentials ->
if (credentials.isMissing()) {
} else if (credentials.isValid() {
PrincipalResult.User(/* ... */)
} else {
now one can do:
authenticate(Constants.myAuthScope) {
post("/my-route") {
val request = call.receive<MyRouteRequest>()
val principalResult = call.principal<PrincipalResult>()
when (principalResult) {
is PrincipalResult.User ->
is PrincipalResult.NoUserProvided ->
is PrincipalResult.InvalidUserCredentials ->
// ...
This pattern should of course be applied to whichever authentication scheme you actually use, such as JWT, OAuth, LDAP etc.

Change auth credentials in KTor client

How can I change the credentials in a KTor client?
The Auth feature needs to be installed when the client is created. I've tried doing it later but it seems not to work, either as a first time setup or a repeat.
The docs suggest holding onto the client once it's created as the setup is expensive, so it seems unduly restrictive not to be able to change the credentials (& surely the smart folks at JetBrains wouldn't have done that).
I have an answer which works, to my surprise, but I'm not sure it's a good answer. Comments welcome.
Because the docs say that creating the client is expensive I've put it in a singleton and then I've done something like this
Object ServerLink {
fun setClient(id:String, pw:String) {
// Create the client here and set id and pw
Then I simply call ServerLink.setClient(newId, newPW) whenever I want. Yes this works, and I didn't think I'd got multiple threads, but won't this be a memory leak, or at least memory waste?
You can do it by getting a reference to Auth feature and mutating its list of providers. Here is an example of changing Basic authentication credentials after client creation:
val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
install(Auth) {
basic {
username = "user"
password = "password"
val auth = client.feature(Auth)
if (auth != null) {
auth.basic {
username = "new-user"
password = "new-password"
val r = client.get<String>("")
With ktor version 2.2.1 I managed to update the bearer token credentials like this:
const val REFRESH_TOKEN = "" // not required
val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
Auth {
bearer {
sendWithoutRequest { true }
loadTokens { BearerTokens(initialToken, REFRESH_TOKEN) }
fun updateBearerCredentials(newToken: String) {
client.plugin(Auth).bearer {
loadTokens { BearerTokens(newToken, REFRESH_TOKEN) }
I assume the same works for basic auth. Have not tested it though.

Spring reactive web client REST request with oauth token in case of 401 response

I wanted to play around with Spring reactive web client and an actually simple example: Ask for a REST resource and in case of a 401 response get new OAuth access token.
The first part seemed to be easy:
return webClientBuilder
But here the confusion already started. I tried something like
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, (response) -> {
if(response.rawStatusCode() == 401) {
My token should then be saved within an instance JPA entity. But I have a lack of conceptual understanding here I guess. When the OAuth client receives the OAuth response I need to extract it first to persist it (as embedded object) within my instance entity. And therefore I need to block it, right?
.exchangeToMono(response -> {
if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
OAuthResponse oauthResponse = response.bodyToMono(OAuthResponse.class).block();
Based on the response result of the OAuth client I need some kind of Mono to tell the actual REST client then if it should start a retry? And which way should be the preferred on: .retrieve() or .exchangeToMono()? So I'm a bit lost here if I'm on the right path or if something like that should better be done with the classic RestTemplate? But I've also read that the RestTemplate is no deprecated...
Thanks for sharing some thoughts with me.
Ok, in the meantime I've found a non-blocking way. Maybe not the best, but it works out well for me.
The client:
class ApiClient {
public Mono<MyResponse> getResponse(Tenant tenant) {
return webClientBuilder
.exchangeToMono(response -> {
if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
return response.bodyToMono(MyResponse.class);
} else if(response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)) {
return Mono.error(new MyOAuthExcpetion());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
the service:
public class MyService {
private final ApiClient apiClient;
private final RetryStrategy retryStrategy;
private final TenantService tenantService;
public Mono<MyResponse> getResponse(String tenantId){
return tenantService.getTenant(tenantId)
.flatMap(tenant-> apiClient.getResponse(instance))
.retryWhen(Retry.from(signals -> signals
.flatMap(retrySignal -> retryStrategy.reconnect(retrySignal, tenantId))));
and the retry strategy
public class RetryStrategy {
private final TenantService tenantService;
public Publisher<? extends Long> reconnect(RetrySignal retrySignal, String tenantId) {
long count = retrySignal.totalRetriesInARow();
Throwable failure = retrySignal.failure();
if(count > 0) {
return Mono.error(new UnsupportedOperationException("Retry failed", failure));
Mono<Tenant> updatedTenant = null;
if(failure instanceof MyOAuthExcpetion) {
updatedTenant = tenantService.getTenant(tenantId)
.flatMap(tenant -> tenantService.refreshOAuth(tenant));
if(updatedTenant == null) {
return Mono.error(new UnsupportedOperationException("Retry failed", failure));
return updatedTenant.then(Mono.delay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)));
Happy for any feedback or improvements.
In my application I went with prechecking the token before requests are being made:
.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + authenticator.getToken(client,token))
And in Authenticator Service I verify the validity of the token as follow:
String getToken(WebClient client, String token) {
if (token == null || isTokenExpired(token)) {
return this.fetchToken(client); // fetches a new token
return token;
private boolean isTokenExpired(String token) {
DecodedJWT jwt = JWT.decode(token);
return jwt.getExpiresAt().before(new Date());

Service Stack - Custom authentication on one route

In my current application, I am using Service Stack with JWT's for security. Security has been implemented and works perfectly. Trouble is, I would like to secure one route differently from the others. There is a document the logged in user retrieves, I want to make sure the document they are retrieving is theirs and not someone else's. It is very sensitive data. I would like to secure it differently because something like PostMan could be used with a valid token to retrieve any document, I want to prevent this. The users id is in the token, I would like to match it against the document that is being retrieved if possible. The current security is implemented like so:
public class AppHost: AppHostBase
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
new JsonWebTokenAuthProvider("myKey", "myAudience"),
JsonWebTokenAuthProvider is a custom class where security was implemented, this all works perfectly. Here is the code:
public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Authenticate request)
// first validate the token, then get roles from session
string header = request.oauth_token;
// if no auth header, 401
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
throw HttpError.Unauthorized(MissingAuthHeader);
string[] headerData = header.Split(' ');
// if header is missing bearer portion, 401
if (!string.Equals(headerData[0], "BEARER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw HttpError.Unauthorized(InvalidAuthHeader);
// swap - and _ with their Base64 string equivalents
string secret = SymmetricKey.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/');
string token = headerData[1].Replace("\"", "");
// set current principal to the validated token principal
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = JsonWebToken.ValidateToken(token, secret, Audience, true, Issuer);
string lanId = GetLanID(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);
string proxyAsLanId = request.Meta.ContainsKey(META_PROXYID) ? request.Meta[META_PROXYID] : null;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
// set the current request's user the the decoded principal
HttpContext.Current.User = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
// set the session's username to the logged in user
session.UserName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
session.Roles = GetApplicableRoles(lanId, proxyAsLanId);
authService.Request.SetItem("lanID", lanId);
authService.Request.SetItem("proxyAsLanId", proxyAsLanId);
return OnAuthenticated(authService, session, null, null);
I looked up RequestFilterAttribute found here, but I do not think that is what I want. Ideally, if the check fails I would like to return a 401 (unauthorized) if possible.
What is the best way to do this?
If you just want to handle one route differently than you can just add the validation in your single Service, e.g:
public object Any(MyRequest dto)
var lanId = base.Request.GetItem("lanId");
if (!MyIsValid(lanId))
throw HttpError.Unauthorized("Custom Auth Validation failed");
You could do the same in a RequestFilter, e.g:
public class CustomAuthValidationAttribute : RequestFilterAttribute
public override void Execute(IRequest req, IResponse res, object responseDto)
var lanId = req.GetItem("lanId");
if (!MyIsValid(lanId))
res.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
res.StatusDescription = "Custom Auth Validation failed";
And apply it to a single Service:
public object Any(MyRequest dto)
Or a collection of Services, e.g:
public class MyAuthServices : Service
public object Any(MyRequest1 dto)
public object Any(MyRequest2 dto)

Grails 3.0.x Interceptor matchAll().excludes for multiple controllers

Following Grails 3.0.11 Interceptors document, I code my own Interceptors as below:
class AuthInterceptor {
AuthInterceptor() {
println("AuthInterceptor.AuthInterceptor(): Enter..............");
// ApiController.index() and HomeController.index() don't need authentication.
// Other controllers need to check authentication
matchAll().excludes {
match(controller:'api', action:'index);
match(controller:'home', action:'index');
boolean before() {
println "AuthInterceptor.before():Enter----------------->>>>>>";
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): params:${params}");
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): session.user:${session.user?.englishDisplayName}");
if (!session.user) {
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): display warning msg");
render "Hi, I am gonna check authentication"
return false;
} else {
return true;
boolean after() {
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.after(): Enter ...........");
void afterView() {
// no-op
class P2mController {
def index() {
log.debug("p2m():Enter p2m()..............")
render "Hi, I am P2M";
When I test http://localhost:8080/p2m/index, from log console, I saw that P2mController.index() is executed without been checked authentication.
However, when I test http://localhost:8080/api/index or http://localhost:8080/home/index, AuthInterceptor.check() is executed and the browser displays
Hi, I am gonna check authentication
I wish P2mController been checked authentication, and HomeController.index() and ApiController.index() don't need to be checked authentication. But from the log and response, the result is opposite.
Where is wrong in my AuthInterceptor ?
You want to do this instead:
matchAll().excludes(controller:'api', action:'index')
.excludes(controller:'home', action:'index')
And don't forget the single-quote after the first 'index'.