psycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation while using COPY in postgresql - pandas

I am using a custom callable to pandas.to_sql(). The below snippet is from pandas documentation for using it
import csv
from io import StringIO
def psql_insert_copy(table, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data
table :
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted
# gets a DBAPI connection that can provide a cursor
dbapi_conn = conn.connection
with dbapi_conn.cursor() as cur:
s_buf = StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(s_buf)
columns = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(k) for k in keys)
if table.schema:
table_name = '{}.{}'.format(table.schema,
table_name =
sql = 'COPY {} ({}) FROM STDIN WITH CSV'.format(
table_name, columns)
cur.copy_expert(sql=sql, file=s_buf)
but while using this copy functionality, I am getting the error
psycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation: invalid input syntax for integer: "3.0"
This is not a problem with input as this table schemas and values where working initially, when I have used to_sql() function without using the custom callable 'psql_insert_copy()'. I am using sqlalchemy engine for getting the connection cursor

I would recommend using string fields in the table for such actions, or writing the entire (sql) script manually, indicating the types of table fields


Writing a scalable INSERT statement using cx_Oracle

I am attempting to write a script that will allow me to insert values from an uploaded dataframe into a table inside of an Oracle DB; but my issue lies with
too many columns to hard-code
columns aren't one-to-one
What I'm hoping for is a way to write out the columns, check to see if they sync with the columns of my dataframe and from there use an INSERT VALUES sql statement to input the values from the dataframe to the ODS table.
so far these are the important parts of my script:
import pandas as pd
import cx_Oracle
import config
df = pd.read_excel("Employee_data.xlsx")
conn = None
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(config.username, config.password, config.dsn, encoding=config.encoding)
except cx_Oracle.Error as error:
cursor = conn.cursor
data = cursor.fetchall()
col_names = []
for i in range(0, len(cursor.description)):
#instead of using df.columns I use:
rows = [tuple(x) for x in df.values]
which prints my ODS column names, and allows me to conveniently store my rows from the df in an array but I'm at a loss for how to import these to the ODS. I found something like:
cursor.execute("insert into ODSMGR.EMPLOYEE_TABLE(col1,col2) values (:col1, :col2)", {":col1df":df, "col2df:df"})
but that'll mean I'll have to hard-code everything which wouldn't be scalable. I'm hoping I can get some sort of insight to help. It's just difficult since the columns aren't 1-to-1 and that there is some compression/collapsing of columns from the DF to the ODS but any help is appreciated.
NOTE: I've also attempted to use SQLalchemy but I am always given an error "ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor" which is really strange given that I am able to connect with cx_Oracle
I was able to get a list of columns that share the same name; so after running:
import numpy as np
a = np.intersect1d(df.columns, col_names)
print("common columns:", a)
I was able to get a list of columns that the two datasets share.
I also tried to use this as my engine:
engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://")
dtyp = {c:types.VARCHAR(df[c].str.len().max())
for c in df.columns[df.dtypes=='object'].tolist()}
df.to_sql('ODS.EMPLOYEE_TABLE', con = engine, dtype=dtyp, if_exists='append')
which has given me nothing but errors.

Unable to use BLANKSASNULL Data conversion parameter in write_dynamic_frame.from_catalog while moving data to Redshift table

Previously, To move data to Redshift table we used "Copy" Command which has the functionality of Data Conversion parameters like BLANKSASNULL and EMPTYASNULL.
As our data contains both "Empty Strings" and "Null" values, We used to convert both to Null while moving to Redshift Table. as shown below.
Example code :
COPY Database.Table
FROM 's3:/folder/file.csv'
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::0000000:role/RedshiftCopyUnload'
Now, We had to use write_dynamic_frame.from_jdbc_conf method, we are trying to replicate the same(copy command data conversion parameters like **BLANKSASNULL and EMPTYASNULL), But we are unable to find the exact reference.
# Save data to Redshift
redshift_save_options = {
"dbtable": "Database." + TableName,
"database": "Schema"
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
x = DynamicFrame.fromDF(input_data, glueContext, "dfx")
frame = x,
catalog_connection = "Regshift-glue-connection",
connection_options = redshift_save_options,
redshift_tmp_dir = "s3:/project/RedshiftTempDirectory/")
Can someone help me in solving this.
Any suggestion is appreciated . Thankyou
To replicate the functionality of BLANKSASNULL and EMPTYASNULL, replace blank and empty columns in the DataFrame (i.e. input_data) prior to converting it to a DynamicFrame.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when
# replace empty strings values
# calling strip() handles "blank" strings (i.e. handles new line characters, etc)
input_data =
when(col(c).strip() == "", None).otherwise(col(c)).alias(c) for c in input_data.columns
x = DynamicFrame.fromDF(input_data, glueContext, "dfx")
PySpark Replace Empty Value With None/null on DataFrame

How to access nested tables in hdf5 with pandas

I want to retrieve a table from an HDF5 file using pandas.
Following several references I found, I have tried to open the file using:
df = pd.read_hdf('data/test.h5', g_name),
where g_name is the path to the object I want to retrieve, i.e. the table TAB1, for instance, MAIN/Basic/Tables/TAB1.
g_name is retrieved as follows:
def get_all(name):
if 'TAB1' in name:
return name
with h5py.File('data/test.h5') as f:
g_name = f.visit(get_all)
group = f[g_name]
I have also tried retrieving the object itself, as seen in the above code snippet, but the object type is
How would I convert this to something I can read as a data frame in pandas?
For the first case, I get the following error:
"cannot create a storer if the object is not existing "
I do not understand why it cannot find the object, if the path is the same as retrieved during the search.
I found the following solution:
hf = h5py.File('data/test.h5')
data = hf.get('MAIN/Basic/Tables/TAB1')
result = data[()]
# This last step just converts the table into a pandas df
df = pd.DataFrame(result)

Speed-up Pandas Dataframe insert into a Postgres DB using SQLAlchemy

I have a postgres table with about 100k rows. I extracted this dataset and applied some transformation resulting in a new pandas dataframe containing 100K rows. Now I want to load this dataframe as a new table in the database. I used to_sql to convert the dataframe to a postgres table using SQLAlchemy connection. However, this is very slow and takes several hours. How can I use SQLAlchemy to speed up dataframe insert into database table? I want to increase insert speed from several hours to few seconds? Can someone help me with this?
I have searched through other similar questions on Stackoverflow. Most of them converts data to a csv file and then use copy_from for sql. I am looking towards a solution using SQLAlchemy bulk insert statement with pandas dataframe.
Here is a small version of my code:
from sqlalchemy import *
url = 'postgresql://{}:{}#{}:{}/{}'
url = url.format(user, password, localhost, 5432, db)
con = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, client_encoding='utf8')
# I have a dataframe named 'df' containing 100k rows. I use the following code to insert this dataframe into the database table.
df.to_sql(name='new_table', con=con, if_exists='replace')
Try below model if the pandas version is above 0.24
Alternative to_sql() method for DBs that support COPY FROM import csv from io import StringIO
def psql_insert_copy(table, conn, keys, data_iter):
# gets a DBAPI connection that can provide a cursor
dbapi_conn = conn.connection
with dbapi_conn.cursor() as cur:
s_buf = StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(s_buf)
columns = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(k) for k in keys)
if table.schema:
table_name = '{}.{}'.format(table.schema,
table_name =
sql = 'COPY {} ({}) FROM STDIN WITH CSV'.format(
table_name, columns)
cur.copy_expert(sql=sql, file=s_buf)
chunksize = 10 4 # it depends on your server configuration. for my case 104 ~10**5 is OK.
df.to_sql('tablename',con=con, if_exists='replace',method=psql_insert_copy ,chunksize= chunksize)
if you use above psql_insert_copy mode and your postgresql server is work normally, you should enjoy fly speed.
Here is my ETL speed. Average 280~300K tuple per batch(in seconds).

Postgres 9.5 upsert command in pandas or psycopg2?

Most of the examples I see are people inserting a single row into a database with the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE syntax.
Does anyone have any examples using SQLAlchemy or pandas.to_sql?
99% of my inserts are using psycopg2 COPY command (so I save a csv or stringio and then bulk insert), and the other 1% are pd.to_sql. All of my logic to check for new rows or dimensions is done in Python.
def find_new_rows(existing, current, id_col):
current[id_col] = current[id_col].astype(int)
x = existing[['datetime', id_col, 'key1']]
y = current[['datetime', id_col, 'key2']]
final = pd.merge(y, x, how='left', on=['datetime', id_col])
final = final[~(final['key2'] == final['key1'])]
final = final.drop(['key1'], axis=1)
current = pd.merge(current, final, how='left', on=['datetime', id_col])
current = current.loc[current['key2_y'] == 1]
current.drop(['key2_x', 'key2_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return current
Can someone show me an example of using the new PostgreSQL syntax for upsert with pyscopg2? A common use case is to check for dimension changes (between 50k - 100k rows daily which I compare to existing values) which is CONFLICT DO NOTHING to only add new rows.
Another use case is that I have fact data which changes over time. I only take the most recent value (I currently use a view to select distinct), but it would be better to UPSERT, if possible.
Here is my code for bulk insert & insert on conflict update query for postgresql from pandas dataframe:
Lets say id is unique key for both postgresql table and pandas df and you want to insert and update based on this id.
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
engine = create_engine(postgresql://username:pass#host:port/dbname)
query = text(f"""
INSERT INTO schema.table(name, title, id)
VALUES {','.join([str(i) for i in list(df.to_records(index=False))])}
title= excluded.title
Make sure that your df columns must be same order with your table.
FYI, this is the solution I am using currently.
It seems to work fine for my purposes. I had to add a line to replace null (NaT) timestamps with None though, because I was getting an error when I was loading each row into the database.
def create_update_query(table):
"""This function creates an upsert query which replaces existing data based on primary key conflicts"""
columns = ', '.join([f'{col}' for col in DATABASE_COLUMNS])
constraint = ', '.join([f'{col}' for col in PRIMARY_KEY])
placeholder = ', '.join([f'%({col})s' for col in DATABASE_COLUMNS])
updates = ', '.join([f'{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}' for col in DATABASE_COLUMNS])
query = f"""INSERT INTO {table} ({columns})
VALUES ({placeholder})
ON CONFLICT ({constraint})
DO UPDATE SET {updates};"""
query = ' '.join(query.split())
return query
def load_updates(df, table, connection):
conn = connection.get_conn()
cursor = conn.cursor()
df1 = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None)
insert_values = df1.to_dict(orient='records')
for row in insert_values:
cursor.execute(create_update_query(table=table), row)
row_count = len(insert_values)'Inserted {row_count} rows.')
del cursor
For my case, I wrote to a temporary table first, then merged the temp table into the actual table I wanted to upsert to. Performing the upsert this way avoids any conflicts where the strings may have single quotes in them.
def upsert_dataframe_to_table(self, table_name: str, df: pd.DataFrame, schema: str, id_col:str):
Takes the given dataframe and inserts it into the table given. The data is inserted unless the key for that
data already exists in the dataframe. If the key already exists, the data for that key is overwritten.
:param table_name: The name of the table to send the data
:param df: The dataframe with the data to send to the table
:param schema: the name of the schema where the table exists
:param id_col: The name of the primary key column
:return: None
engine = create_engine(
df.to_sql('temp_table', engine, if_exists='replace')
updates = ', '.join([f'{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}' for col in df.columns if col != id_col])
columns = ', '.join([f'{col}' for col in df.columns])
query = f'INSERT INTO "{schema}".{table_name} ({columns}) ' \
f'SELECT {columns} FROM temp_table ' \
f'ON CONFLICT ({id_col}) DO ' \
f'UPDATE SET {updates} '
self.cursor.execute('DROP TABLE temp_table')