GatsbyJS - Can't resolve 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn' - npm

I have a website that has been running fine for the last 4 months. Randomly the site stopped deploying on Netlify and I keep getting this error:
Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
Can't resolve 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn' in
I have tried reinstalling babel, tried downgrading to different versions of babel/runtime, tried clearing cache and redeploying, Even tried reverting to old versions of the repo that I know for a fact deploy successfully and they still failed.
Here is my deploy log:
The repo is:
Im really stomped here if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.

Try upgrading your babel/core dependency.
Now you have it locked to 7.13.8 (according to your package-lock.json), and it seems that the missing helpers are fixed in the 7.5.5, according to this stack trace.

I fixed the issue by reinstalling yarn and doing 'yarn add babel-runtime'. Must've gotten rid of the entire plugin at somepoint by accident.

I suggest you to try adding "babel-runtime": "6.26.0" to your package.json
Maybe it would fix an error for you


Vue-fontawesome with Yarn

I've installed all the dependencies to use Font-Awesome with Vue. Nevertheless, I get this error when running yarn:
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"401 Unauthorized\"".
I'm using the free version of Font-Awesome.
Someone has any idea why?
EDIT: To solve the 401 authentication issue, we can use the solution from this Github thread:
From this github issue and the answer to it here, I do understand that this is temporary.
Try it again in a few minutes/hours to see if it's back or try to upgrade your yarn.
Also, maybe try just to be sure that it's not on your side
yarn cache clean
There is also this other solution, not sure what it's worth:
Some people fixed their issue by deleting their yarn.lock but this one seems a bit too extreme and risky IMO.

serverless issue on running deploy for AppSync: Error: No valid exports main found for 'node_modules/extract-files'

I'm unfamiliar with npm, only used it for basic serverless. Sorry if I'm being noobish.
I'm trying to get a basic serverless-appsync-plugin project up and running, but it turns up the issue in the title. My guess is the plugin cannot be detected, imported, or something along those lines, because when I comment out the plugin line in serverless.yml, serverless runs as expected, albeit still not doing what I need it to do.
This is after running npm install serverless AND npm install serverless-appsync-plugin.
Let me know if there's anything else I can add.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My brew/node/npm stack was out of date, causing some modules to fail to load. Gonna mark as resolved.

Cannot find module 'liferay-theme-tasks'

When I try to run my GULP task it gives me an exception Cannot find module 'liferay-theme-tasks'
But several days ago I deployed my project withou troubles and issues! Also I installed lifery themes. What the trouble? Any solutions?
I had the same problem, and running this command line solved the problem:
npm install liferay-theme-tasks
Like in your case, I also created and deployed themes two months ago using the same computer, so I am not sure why it has disappeared, but anyway with this now it works again.

Bigcommerce Stencil error

I am using bigcommerce stencil and have started working on it. But today I got this error:
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}.
Can any body help me why I am getting this error?
Hope this answer would help.
If you have selected Blueprint theme at Store SetUp --> Design and running Stencil locally. It will throw 500 error.
Try to select any stencil free theme at Store Setup --> Design. And then run the command(stencil start).
It will Work. :)
Try running npm install in the console from your project directory once before running stencil start to make sure you have the latest versions of all packages. I've run into this issue in the past when my files get out of sync from working from two computers. This may fix it for you.

Build ti.barcode failed

This is my first time to build Titanium module. What I am building is the ti.barcode for Android. I grasp the source code from Github and import to Titanium studio. Some build path error is easily corrected by opening build path and just close. There is no error shown on the project.
But when I tried to package it, I always get error message:
Launching build and packaging failed
Build failed. Unable to locate generated zip file at /Users/ymlan/Code/ti.barcode-android-2.3.5/dist/
I use JDK 1.8 , SDK 5.2.2GA , it seems to be some configuration error, but I can not figure it out after hours of googling. Since I request your keens help here.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Maybe it's related to
It gives me the same error with a new module too.
I had a similar issue. After two days of hell, I have found the cause of my problem! In my workspace root there was an old tiapp.xml (I do not know how it got there...). After removing it, I managed to make the build of the modules, both from Appcelerator Studio that from the CLI.
Try to see if you also have a tiapp.xml or timodule.xml file in the root of the workspace.
Maybe this one might help you
Or is it definitely required to use Ti.barcode ?