PHP Error with array_merge in Pusher Second param is null - laravel-6

I´m trying to send a push notification in Laravel. I´m using pusher but there is an error.
Route::get('push', function () {
event(new App\Events\MessageToProveedor("Welcome"));
return "Event has been sent!";
MessageToProveedor's file
public $username;
public $message;
* Create a new event instance.
* #return void
public function __construct($username)
$this->username = $username;
$this->message = "liked your status";
* Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
* #return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel|array
public function broadcastOn()
return ['my-channel'];
public function broadcastAs()
return 'my-event';
When I execute de route /push return an error in Pusher.php plugin.
ErrorException array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array
Failing line
$all_params = array_merge($post_params,$params);
$params is null

Are you using Laravel v8.29.0? This should be resolved in that release.


When try to log in as user : Target class [Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\AuthenticateSessionController] does not exist

I am new to Laravel 8, I am trying to make a multi auth system for admin and user.
I made a guard for admin, in FortifyServiceProvider in register method I added return Auth::guard('admin');
These are routes
Route::group(['prefix'=> 'admin', 'middleware'=>['admin:admin']], function(){
Route::get('/login', [AdminController::class, 'loginForm']);
Route::post('/login',[AdminController::class, 'storeAdmin'])->name('admin.login');
Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum,admin', 'verified'])->get('/admin/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');
Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum,web', 'verified'])->get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard;
use Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\AuthenticatedSessionController;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline;
use App\Actions\Fortify\AttemptToAuthenticate;
use App\Actions\Fortify\RedirectIfTwoFactorAuthenticatable;
use Laravel\Fortify\Actions\EnsureLoginIsNotThrottled;
use Laravel\Fortify\Actions\PrepareAuthenticatedSession;
use App\Http\Responses\LoginResponse;
use Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\LoginViewResponse;
use Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\LogoutResponse;
use Laravel\Fortify\Features;
use Laravel\Fortify\Fortify;
use Laravel\Fortify\Http\Requests\LoginRequest;
class AdminController extends Controller
* The guard implementation.
* #var \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard
protected $guard;
* Create a new controller instance.
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard $guard
* #return void
public function __construct(StatefulGuard $guard)
$this->guard = $guard;
public function loginForm(){
return view('auth.login', ['guard' => 'admin']);
* Show the login view.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return \Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\LoginViewResponse
public function create(Request $request): LoginViewResponse
return app(LoginViewResponse::class);
* Attempt to authenticate a new session.
* #param \Laravel\Fortify\Http\Requests\LoginRequest $request
* #return mixed
public function storeAdmin(LoginRequest $request)
return $this->loginPipeline($request)->then(function ($request) {
return app(LoginResponse::class);
* Get the authentication pipeline instance.
* #param \Laravel\Fortify\Http\Requests\LoginRequest $request
* #return \Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline
protected function loginPipeline(LoginRequest $request)
if (Fortify::$authenticateThroughCallback) {
return (new Pipeline(app()))->send($request)->through(array_filter(
call_user_func(Fortify::$authenticateThroughCallback, $request)
if (is_array(config('fortify.pipelines.login'))) {
return (new Pipeline(app()))->send($request)->through(array_filter(
return (new Pipeline(app()))->send($request)->through(array_filter([
config('fortify.limiters.login') ? null : EnsureLoginIsNotThrottled::class,
Features::enabled(Features::twoFactorAuthentication()) ? RedirectIfTwoFactorAuthenticatable::class : null,
* Destroy an authenticated session.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return \Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\LogoutResponse
public function destroy(Request $request): LogoutResponse
return app(LogoutResponse::class);
I can log in as an admin but got the error when try to log in as a user
thanks for help
Because bootstrap cache is in bootstrap/cache/routes_v7.php.
Solution: Remove cache
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize

Laravel 5.8 : manage failed mail notifications from a queue

I'm a little confused about the management of mail notifications failed from a queue.
I've created a mail notification class that I use to send a same notification to multiple users.
The process works well, but i'm trying to set up a management for the notifications that would fail (like sending a mail to the admin users to alert them about the failed notifications).
Here is the mail notification class :
class MyCustomMailNotification extends Notification implements
ShouldQueue {
use Queueable;
* The number of times the job may be attempted.
* #var int
public $tries = 3;
* The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
* #var int
//public $timeout = 90;
* Create a new notification instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Get the notification's delivery channels.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
->subject('My Subject')
->greeting('My greeting')
->line('My mail body')
->salutation('My salutations');
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function toArray($notifiable)
return [
public function failed(Exception $e)
dd('Entered failed from MyCustomMailNotification : ' . $e));
I've set a listener "LogNotification" To reach the handle of notification event, with a specific instruction to generate a fail :
* The event listener mappings for the application.
* #var array
protected $listen = [
'Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationSent' => [
namespace App\Listeners;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationSent; use
Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue; use
class LogNotification {
* Create the event listener.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Handle the event.
* #param NotificationSent $event
* #return void
public function handle(NotificationSent $event)
$result = 1/0;
The mailing is made in a controller like this:
$when = Carbon::now()->addSeconds(5);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$user->notify((new MyCustomMailNotification())->delay($when));
As in the failed function, I don't get any information of the notification that has failed, my question is:
How can I related a failure with the notification that has failed?
The goal is to be able to get the information of the user who has therefore not received his notification email.
Thanks for any help, idea or solution!
Well, that was so simple that I didn't see it...
As the failed function is inside the notification class, I can related to the notification simply with:
And then of course get all the informations about the notification from model/table like user id (notifiable_id) and data field with custom informations.

Symfony 2: How to use the ParamConverter with a PUT method to get or create an entity object

I need to implement an API with a PUT method and I would like to use the ParamConverter in my Controller to find an existing entity object, or if the entity object doesn't exist, to create a new one.
However the standard Symfony ParamConverter returns an exception if it doesn't find the entity object in the repository.
Do you have any ideas to do that in a nice and clean way ? Thx.
Here is an example of what I would like to do (I use FOS REST Bundle to handle the PUT request):
* #param Request $request
* #return View
* #ParamConverter("video")
public function putVideosAction(Request $request, Video $video)
try {
return $this->getHandlerVideos()->put($video, $request->request->all());
} catch (InvalidFormException $e) {
return $e->getForm();
Here's a solution. Please give me your thoughts on it.
In your controller, I would do that:
* #param Request $request
* #return View
* #Rest\Put()
* #Rest\View()
* #ParamConverter("video", converter="app_get_or_create_entity_converter", options={"repository_method" = "findOneById"})
public function putVideosAction(Request $request, Video $video)
try {
$video = $this->getHandlerVideos()->put($video, $request->request->all());
return $video;
} catch (InvalidFormException $e) {
return $e->getForm();
I would write a dynamic param converter that way:
class GetOrCreateEntityConverter implements \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\ParamConverterInterface
* #var EntityManagerInterface
protected $entityManager;
* #var ManagerRegistry $registry Manager registry
private $registry;
* #param ManagerRegistry $registry
* #param EntityManagerInterface $entityManager
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
public function supports(ParamConverter $configuration)
if ('app_get_or_create_entity_converter' !== $configuration->getConverter()) {
return false;
return true;
* {#inheritdoc}
* Applies converting
* #throws \InvalidArgumentException When route attributes are missing
* #throws NotFoundHttpException When object not found
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration)
$name = $configuration->getName();
$options = $configuration->getOptions();
$class = $configuration->getClass();
$repository = $this->entityManager->getRepository($class);
$repositoryMethod = $options['repository_method'];
if (!is_callable([$repository, $repositoryMethod])) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException($repositoryMethod . ' function does not exist.', 405);
$entity = $repository->$repositoryMethod($id);
if (null === $entity) {
$entity = new $class;
$request->attributes->set($name, $entity);
If you ask why I return a form in the catch, please go and see
You'll have to create your own custom paramConverter.
First, here is what you want to write in your controller:
* #ParamConverter("video", class = "MyBundle:Video", converter = "my_param_converter")
* #param Request $request
* #param Video $video
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function putVideosAction(Request $request, Video $video)
// your code..
Now let's write the my_param_converter!
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ParamConverter\ParamConverterInterface;
// ...
class MyParamConverter implements ParamConverterInterface
private $registry;
* #param ManagerRegistry $registry
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry = null)
$this->registry = $registry;
* Check if object supported by our paramConverter
* #param ParamConverter $configuration
public function supports(ParamConverter $configuration)
// In this case we can do nothing and just return
if (null === $this->registry || !count($this->registry->getManagers())) {
return false;
// Check if the class is set in configuration
if(null === $configuration->getClass()) {
return false;
// Get actual entity manager for class
$em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($configuration->getClass());
// Check what you need to check...
return true;
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration)
$videoId = $request->attributes->get('video');
if(null === videoId) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Route attribute is missing');
// Get actual entity manager for class
$em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($configuration->getClass());
$repository = $em->getRepository($configuration->getClass());
// Try to find the video
$video = $$repository->findOneById($videoId);
if($video === null || !($video instanceof Video)) {
// Here you can create your new video object
// Map video to the route's parameter
$request->attributes->set($configuration->getName(), $video);
Once your new paramConverter wrote, declare it as a service:
class: YourBundle\Path\To\MyParamConverter
- { name: request.param_converter, converter: my_param_converter }
- #?doctrine
Here you're done!
My answer is largely inspired by this article and hope is helpful.

FOSUserBundle - changes in default configuration, overriding some default settings

I am quite new in Symfony 2. I have to build an application in Symfony 2 (I'm using 2.8 and also latest version of FOSUser Bundle). Majority of work is done, although I have to do some changes in default security settings. I was looking for them for two days and I have only really foggy concept how this can be fixed. The supposed changes are following:
REGISTRATION - I have enabled confirmation by e-mail and I don't know how to make to the confirmation link expire after one hour and/or after one usage (one click). There is setting in config.yaml settting ttl, but only for password resseting.
REGISTRATION - Before confirming users are prevented from logging in and there is Symfony 2 Exception - Disabled Account working, rendering short message about it. Actually I have to set redirection to another page (I suppose template) to render custom message that 'this account is blocked...' and link to send another link with confirmation token (Am I right? The link in email is confirmation token?).
RESETTING - As mentioned before ttl for link (token?) ressetting password is set for one hour, but I don't know how to make it expire after one usage (one click).
I know how to override some template of FOSUser, but I have no clear idea which of files should I override to change these things.
I have noticed that my FOSUser uses Symfony 2 Exceptions files and if I have changed content of message in my Exception file, it has changed also on my page, but I don't know how to make it well and override it, adding all necessary features.
I was trying to override AuthenticationListener (from FOSUser) with use of Compiler Pass (, but I don't know if it worked, because any changes in overriden Listener were not visible. Actually I don't know if this is the file I should override.
I have check a few Stackoverflow questions, but I haven't found an answer.
FOSUser Bundle - Prevent Disabled users from logging in
This doesn't work for me, because users are prevented and I need only override message of exception and create redirection with another link sending confirmation one.
FOS user bundle authentication
I have tried to implement the solution pointed here, but it didn't work and I am not sure if I really need such a complicated solution.
Thanks for help in advance and I someone need to see my files, configuration just write and I will post here necessary ones.
I have finally figured all these things out. If someone has a similar problem i advise to read these topics in Symfony documentation:
Overriding FOSUser B controllers
Hooking into a controller
It turns out that for described features I need to override some files form FOSUser Bundle, sometimes Controller was enough, sometimes I needed to modify EventListener (actually I have even created my own event). There is more than one way.
The hardest part was one-click link for ressetting password. I have used a flag, which is set to false while sending an e-mail and set true while clicking on link to prevent from using link once more. The problem is, that Resetting Controller is 'executed' two times, so while clicking submit there was redirection, beacuse flag was true. I have added some counting in session in order to omit the part of code which checks the flag, when you hit the submit button (second usage of the Reset Method in Resetting Controller), but it prevented only from clicking submit second time, so actually you can not use the link two times, but you can see form two times, which is not an effect I wanted to reach, but is far better than nothing. If someone has an idea how to upgrade it I will be gratefull
namespace My\UserBundle\Controller;
use FOS\UserBundle\Controller\ResettingController as FOSResettingController;
use FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserEvents;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FormEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\GetResponseUserEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FilterUserResponseEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use My\UserBundle\Entity\User;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use My\UserBundle\UserEvents;
* Controller managing the resetting of the password
* #author Thibault Duplessis <>
* #author Christophe Coevoet <>
class ResettingController extends FOSResettingController
* Request reset user password: submit form and send email
public function sendEmailAction(Request $request)
$username = $request->request->get('username');
/** #var $user UserInterface */
$user = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager')->findUserByUsernameOrEmail($username);
if (null === $user) {
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:request.html.twig', array(
'invalid_username' => $username
if ($user->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->container->getParameter('fos_user.resetting.token_ttl'))) {
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:passwordAlreadyRequested.html.twig');
if (null === $user->getConfirmationToken()) {
/** #var $tokenGenerator \FOS\UserBundle\Util\TokenGeneratorInterface */
$tokenGenerator = $this->get('fos_user.util.token_generator');
$user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime());
$_SESSION['views'] = 1;
return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('fos_user_resetting_check_email',
array('email' => $this->getObfuscatedEmail($user))
* Reset user password
public function resetAction(Request $request, $token)
/** #var $formFactory \FOS\UserBundle\Form\Factory\FactoryInterface */
$formFactory = $this->get('fos_user.resetting.form.factory');
/** #var $userManager \FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserManagerInterface */
$userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
/** #var $dispatcher \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface */
$dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
$user = $userManager->findUserByConfirmationToken($token);
//Here there is a reaction for using expired token (column confirmation token === null) - redirection to page with possibility of sending another one.
if (null === $user) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('fos_user_invalid_token_click');
if ($_SESSION['views'] == 1){
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_CLICK_CHECK, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
} else {
} else {
if ($_SESSION['views'] == 5){
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_CLICK_CHECK, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_INITIALIZE, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
$form = $formFactory->createForm();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$event = new FormEvent($form, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_SUCCESS, $event);
if (null === $response = $event->getResponse()) {
$url = $this->generateUrl('fos_user_profile_show');
$response = new RedirectResponse($url);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_COMPLETED, new FilterUserResponseEvent($user, $request, $response));
return $response;
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:reset.html.twig', array(
'token' => $token,
'form' => $form->createView(),
public function InvalidTokenTtlMessageAction() {
return $this->render('UserBundle:Resetting:invalidTokenTtlRes.html.twig');
public function InvalidTokenClickMessageAction() {
return $this->render('UserBundle:Resetting:invalidTokenClickRes.html.twig');
My listener:
namespace My\UserBundle\EventListener;
use FOS\UserBundle\EventListener\ResettingListener as FOSResettingListener;
use FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserEvents;
use My\UserBundle\UserEvents;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FormEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\GetResponseUserEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use My\UserBundle\Entity\User;
class ResettingListener extends FOSResettingListener
private $router;
private $tokenTtl;
public function __construct(UrlGeneratorInterface $router, $tokenTtl)
$this->router = $router;
$this->tokenTtl = $tokenTtl;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
UserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_CLICK_CHECK => 'onResettingClickCheck',
FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_INITIALIZE => 'onResettingResetInitialize',
FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_SUCCESS => 'onResettingResetSuccess',
public function onResettingClickCheck(GetResponseUserEvent $event){
//checking if link hasn't expired due to its usage
if ($event->getUser()->isPasswordRequestedClicked() === true){
$event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('fos_user_invalid_token_click')));
public function onResettingResetInitialize(GetResponseUserEvent $event)
//checking if link hasn't expired due to exceeding token Ttl
if (!$event->getUser()->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->tokenTtl)) {
$event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('fos_user_invalid_token_ttl')));
public function onResettingResetSuccess(FormEvent $event)
/** #var $user \FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface */
$user = $event->getForm()->getData();
and my User entity:
namespace My\UserBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser;
use My\BackendBundle\Entity;
use Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation as Gedmo;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
* User
* #ORM\Table(name="user")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="My\UserBundle\Repository\UserRepository")
class User extends BaseUser
* #var int
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable = false)
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* #Gedmo\Slug(fields={"username"})
* #ORM\Column(length=128, unique=true)
private $slug;
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event", mappedBy="users")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false)
* #ORM\OrderBy({"date"="ASC"})
protected $events;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection $event_org
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event", mappedBy="user_org", cascade={"all"})
protected $event_org;
* #var \DateTime
* #ORM\Column(name="confirmation_token_requested_at", type="datetime")
protected $confirmationTokenRequestedAt;
* #var boolean
* #ORM\Column(name="password_requested_clicked", type="boolean", nullable=true)
protected $passwordRequestedClicked;
public function __toString()
return $this->getUsername();
* Get id
* #return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function __construct()
$this->event_org = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
* Add event
* #param \My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $event
* #return User
public function addEvent(\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $event)
$this->events[] = $event;
return $this;
* Remove event
* #param \My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $event
public function removeEvent(\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $event)
* Get events
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getEvents()
return $this->events;
* Set slug
* #param string $slug
* #return User
public function setSlug($slug)
$this->slug = $slug;
return $this;
* Get slug
* #return string
public function getSlug()
return $this->slug;
* Add eventOrg
* #param \My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $eventOrg
* #return User
public function addEventOrg(\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $eventOrg)
$this->event_org[] = $eventOrg;
return $this;
* Remove eventOrg
* #param \My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $eventOrg
public function removeEventOrg(\My\BackendBundle\Entity\Event $eventOrg)
* Get eventOrg
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getEventOrg()
return $this->event_org;
* Set confirmationTokenRequestedAt
* #param \DateTime $confirmationTokenRequestedAt
* #return User
public function setConfirmationTokenRequestedAt(\DateTime $date = null)
$this->confirmationTokenRequestedAt = $date;
return $this;
* Gets the timestamp that the user requested a confirmation_token.
* #return null|\DateTime
public function getConfirmationTokenRequestedAt()
return $this->confirmationTokenRequestedAt;
public function isConfirmationTokenNonExpired($ttl)
return $this->getConfirmationTokenRequestedAt() instanceof \DateTime &&
$this->getConfirmationTokenRequestedAt()->getTimestamp() + $ttl > time();
* Set passwordRequestedClicked
* #param boolean $passwordRequestedClicked
* #return User
public function setPasswordRequestedClicked($boolean)
$this->passwordRequestedClicked = (Boolean) $boolean;
return $this;
* Get passwordRequestedClicked
* #return boolean
public function getPasswordRequestedClicked()
return $this->passwordRequestedClicked;
* Checks whether the user has used password request.
* #return Boolean true if the user is enabled, false otherwise
public function isPasswordRequestedClicked() {
return $this->passwordRequestedClicked;
If someone would like to get code for remaining problems, please write me a message and I will provide it here :).
Resetting controller:
namespace My\UserBundle\Controller;
use FOS\UserBundle\Controller\ResettingController as FOSResettingController;
use FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserEvents;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FormEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\GetResponseUserEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FilterUserResponseEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use My\UserBundle\Entity\User;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use My\UserBundle\UserEvents;
class ResettingController extends FOSResettingController
public function sendEmailAction(Request $request)
$username = $request->request->get('username');
$user = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager')->findUserByUsernameOrEmail($username);
if (null === $user) {
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:request.html.twig', array(
'invalid_username' => $username
if ($user->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->container->getParameter('fos_user.resetting.token_ttl'))) {
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:passwordAlreadyRequested.html.twig');
if (null === $user->getConfirmationToken()) {
$tokenGenerator = $this->get('fos_user.util.token_generator');
$user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime());
$_SESSION['views'] = 1;
return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('fos_user_resetting_check_email',
array('email' => $this->getObfuscatedEmail($user))
public function resetAction(Request $request, $token)
$formFactory = $this->get('fos_user.resetting.form.factory');
$userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
$dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
$user = $userManager->findUserByConfirmationToken($token);
//Here there is a reaction for using expired token (column confirmation token === null) - redirection to page with possibility of sending another one.
if (null === $user) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('fos_user_invalid_token_click');
if ($_SESSION['views'] == 1){
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_CLICK_CHECK, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
} else {
} else {
if ($_SESSION['views'] == 5){
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_CLICK_CHECK, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
$event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_INITIALIZE, $event);
if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
return $event->getResponse();
$form = $formFactory->createForm();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$event = new FormEvent($form, $request);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_SUCCESS, $event);
if (null === $response = $event->getResponse()) {
$url = $this->generateUrl('fos_user_profile_show');
$response = new RedirectResponse($url);
$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_COMPLETED, new FilterUserResponseEvent($user, $request, $response));
return $response;
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Resetting:reset.html.twig', array(
'token' => $token,
'form' => $form->createView(),
public function InvalidTokenTtlMessageAction() {
return $this->render('UserBundle:Resetting:invalidTokenTtlRes.html.twig');
public function InvalidTokenClickMessageAction() {
return $this->render('UserBundle:Resetting:invalidTokenClickRes.html.twig');

Laravel Auth Custom Driver Error

FYI : I'm very new to Laravel and doing my best to learn it properly.
Working on an auth driver that uses a soap service to authenticate.
Error I get when trying to test with Auth::attempt()
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException (E_COMPILE_ERROR)
Declaration of Project\Providers\AuthUserProvider::retrieveByToken() must be compatible with Illuminate\Auth\UserProviderInterface::retrieveByToken($identifier, $token)
Here is the driver...
<?php namespace Project\Providers;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserProviderInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\GenericUser;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
class AuthUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface {
* External webservice for authentication
private $webservice;
* The user object.
private $user;
* Constructor
* #return void
public function __construct(\Project\Webservice\AuthCheckApi $webservice)
$this->webservice = $webservice;
$this->user = null;
* Retrieves a user by id
* #param int $identifier
* #return mixed null|array
public function retrieveByID($identifier)
$this->user = is_null($this->user) ? $this->webservice->find($identifier) : $this->user;
return $this->user;
* Tries to find a user based on the credentials passed.
* #param array $crendtials username|password
* #return mixed bool|UserInterface
public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials)
if(!$user = $this->webservice->byusername($credentials['username'],$credentials['password'])) return false;
return new GenericUser($user);
* Validates the credentials passed to the ones in webservice.
* #param UserInterface $user
* #param array $credentials
* #return bool
public function validateCredentials(\Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface $user, array $credentials)
$validated = $this->webservice->validateCredentials($user,$credentials['username']);
return true;
* Needed by Laravel 4.1.26 and above
public function retrieveByToken()
return true;
* Needed by Laravel 4.1.26 and above
public function updateRememberToken()
return false;
Thanks for any help.
You are implementing the UserProviderInterface so you need to add the complete definition of all functions of the interface, here you are forgetting the arguments for the last two function
public function retrieveByToken($identifier, $token)
public function updateRememberToken($user, $token)