Limitation on requests for an Ad / Adset / Campaign history from Facebook Marketing API - api

I currently want to get the full history of an Ad account on the Facebook side. Having read the documentation:
I expected to get all the events done in this account but found that I could only get one week of data. Something that is not indicated in the documentation.
Is this normal?

Please make sure to read the Graph API docs. In this case, pay attention to the time-based pagination part. You can specify the since parameter (which expects a Unix timestamp, more on it in the link above) to specify the start of the data you are requesting.


Azure AD B2C Audit Logs - Graph API - query options not working

I am trying to retrieve the Azure AD user sign-in audit logs for our tenant. For this, I am using [Microsoft’s graph APIs][1]$filter=createdDateTime ge 2019-10-08T09:00:00.0000000 and createdDateTime le 2019-10-08T09:12:00.0000000
In the above-given example,
I am trying to filter the logs based on a query option, $filter where I am trying to retrieve the records based on createDateTime,
from Date 2019-10-08T09:00:00.0000000 and to date 2019-10-08T09:12:00.0000000.
Every time I am getting the records from the current time and going back in history. This means, irrespective of any date range I provide, it gets ignored.
For that matter when I apply any OData ( query options ($top, $orderby, etc), the API still returns with the latest audit logs and none of the query options seems to work.
Could this be due to the permissions or the license? Any help is much appreciated.
With the given date ranges I should be able to get the audit logs between the ranges.
It works as expected on my side and I don't think it is related with the permissions. Can you paste your whole request here?
Here is mine request:$filter=createdDateTime le 2019-10-08T09:00:00.0000000Z&$top=1
You can have a try with this one. You can test it by using microsoft graph explorer.
One more thing, we should use /v1.0 instead of /beta version.
APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change.
Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported.
I finally found the answer. I was sending the encoded(HttpUtility.UrlEncode) version of the query options part of the Url, which Graph API doesn’t like for some reason.

Confused about the API changes

Since LinkedIn support has moved to StackOverflow... here we go. It might seem like a stupid question though...
The LinkedIn API will move to v2 in the near future, but I am unsure which data will really remain available (without being a LinkedIn Partner).
I have been reading the API v2 documentation. This talks about r_basicprofile (which I have used with v1), but this will be replaced with r_liteprofile. (I quote: "This API will only recognize a new “Lite Profile” permission, which supports a reduced set of member profile fields.")
So, r_liteprofile only has a couple of data fields (first name, last name, maiden name, profile picture). In the future, how am I to get the LinkedIn profile URL from this? And some other information that is not necessarily privacy sensitive?
If I try to get more data through r_liteprofile it doesn't show them, which would be expected behavior according to the r_liteprofile documentation. But how am I supposed to link to people's LinkedIn profile from my application? Doesn't LinkedIn want people to come back to their platform through other websites?
So, in conclusion:
After March 1st, will there still be a way to get the profile URL, and perhaps the headline and industry ID?
The obvious answer is "no you can't". I'm just hoping for a "yes you can".
In short: it's not possible to maintain the r_basicprofile fields without applying for a LinkedIn partnership, starting March 1st, 2019 (when the transition from the LinkedIn API v1 to v2 will be made).
From the migration docs:
"Looking to maintain access to the Basic Profile fields? Learn more about applying to a LinkedIn Partner Program."
You can get more fields by specifying them in url:,firstName,lastName,profilePicture(displayImage~:playableStreams))
You can find more fields here

How can I deep link into QuickBooks Online with results from API calls that don't include the txnId

QuickBooks Online (QBO) uses a URL format like to point to, in this example, a TimeActivity.
However, in the API, resources are referenced by entityId (returned as just Id when querying via the TimeActivity API), which is different from txnId.
In my time tracking web app, I have a feature that exports time to QBO as TimeActivities. I'd like to provide users with direct links from the time entered in my app to the corresponding TimeActivity in QBO—is there any way to do so?
The answer to this is that it's not currently possible because there's multiple base URLs (I think they call them "realms") in use for QuickBooks Online ( is only one of them). Because you do not receive this information as part of linking to QBO via OAuth, there's unfortunately no way to construct proper links.
Yes, when creating a successful TimeActivity you will receive back an Id, which I assume you are persisting.
That Id can be used to query QBO in a simple GET request.

get +1 date timestamp or for google plus activities/posts

I am trying to get some information about the post people do in google plus. In particular I am interested in the "+1"'s.
Either from the google api or directly from the google plus web site you can get the total count and name of the people who did "+1". But, I would be interested in getting the time or timestamp of the "+1"'s. Does anyone knows if it is possible or how can I do that?
Help is always appreciated
Thanks to all,
As you can see at, the only data we return for a +1 is a list of the +1-ers, as well as the total number of people who +1'ed the item you are looking at.
If you would like to request additional data, please file a feature request in our Issue Tracker: It would really help if you could be as detailed as possible in the type of data you would like to see and how you would ideally use that data.
If you're dealing with your own website and only care about +1s for pages on your own domain, you could use Google Analytic's social information to see how +1s change over time. You wouldn't get information about who did the +1ing.

Get A Users Over All Retweet and Mention Counts using Twitter API

We are working on some analytics using the amount a user is retweeted or mentioned... I can't seem to find a way to get these numbers using the apis does anyone have any ideas?{screen_name}&count={count}
it's important to include the line include_entities=true to the request. This will give you an expanded response including re-tweet and mention counts.
Get Status / User Timeline
Twitter API Console
to get tweets from the last 90 days, there is a Node.js library you can use called Snapbird
.. and here is another resource covering the same topic.