Vue: Adding class to one item in v-for - vue.js

I have a list of items in a v-for loop. I have a function on #click that will delete the item but I want to give it a class when I click it to change the background color for a short time so the user knows they clicked that item and it's deleting. In my deleteItem function, I set deletingItem to true but that obviously creates an issue because it will apply that class to all the divs in the in v-for. What is the best way to solve it so that it only gets applied to the div I click on?
<div :class="{'box': true, 'deleting-item': deletingItem}" v-for="(item,index) in items">
<div #click="deleteItem(item,index)>Delete</div>

You need to save the clicked item in a data property
<div v-for="(item, index) in items">
<button #click="deleteItem(index)" :class="{'delete-in-progress-class': index === indexOfDeletedItem}> {{item}} </button>
export default {
data() {
return {
items: ['a', 'b', 'c']
indexOfDeletedItem: null
methods: {
deleteItem(index) {
this.indexOfDeletedItem = index;
setTimeout(() => { this.items.splice(index, 1); this.indexOfDeletedItem = null }, 1000); //delete item after 1s
.delete-in-progress-class {
background: red;
Obviously the solution above is naive. It'll probably go crazy if the user wants to delete many items in a short time, since the indices of an array shift around when you delete something.
But hopefully it'll give you an idea of how to conditionally apply styles in a list.


Conditionally rendering icons only one time depending on property

I am trying to write a template that displays either Icon AAA or Icon BBB, depending on whether or not the item in the current iteration has a specific flag. Here is my code:
<div v-for="(item, itemIndex) in items">
<div v-if="item.hasUnreadComments">
<span>Display Icon AAA</span>
<div v-else>
<span>Display Icon BBB</span>
The issue here is that I need either icon displayed ONCE. If more than one item has it set to item.hasUnreadComments === true, Icon AAA will be displayed equally as many times, which is not what I want. Couldnt find anything in the docs and I dont want to bind it to a v-model.
Can this be done in Vue without a third data variable used as a flag?
You will have to do some sort of intermediate transformation. v-if is just a flexible, low-level directive that will hide or show an element based on a condition. It won't be able to deal directly with how you expect the data to come out.
If I'm understanding what you're asking for, you want an icon to only be visible once ever in a list. You can prefilter and use an extra "else" condition. This sounds like a use case for computed properties. You define a function that can provide a transformed version of data when you need it.
This example could be improved upon by finding a way to boil down the nested if/elses but I think this covers your use case right now:
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
items: [{
hasUnreadComments: true
hasUnreadComments: true
hasUnreadComments: false
hasUnreadComments: true
hasUnreadComments: false
computed: {
filteredItems() {
let firstIconSeen = false;
let secondIconSeen = false;
return => {
if (item.hasUnreadComments) {
if (!firstIconSeen) {
item.firstA = true;
firstIconSeen = true;
} else {
if (!secondIconSeen) {
item.firstB = true;
secondIconSeen = true;
secondIconSeen = true;
return item;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="(item, itemIndex) in filteredItems">
<div v-if="item.firstA">
<span>Display Icon AAA</span>
<div v-else-if="item.firstB">
<span>Display Icon BBB</span>
<div v-else>
<span>Display no icon</span>

Vue.js Problem Controlling Div with v-show

I have four buttons and corresponding four divisions. On clicking first button, I want to display first div, on clicking the second button, I want to display the second div, and so on.
The button click event calls a method with the division number (0 through 3)
#click="showDiv(0)" for first button and #click="showDiv(1)" for the second button. This is my showDiv() method
showDiv: function(divNumber)
showDiv: function(divNumber)
this.showDetailsDiv.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
this.showDetailsDiv[divNumber] = true;
The initial value of showDetailsDiv prop is array with null values
showDetailsDiv: [
In template, I am trying to control the divisions through v-show
<div v-show="showDetailsDiv[0]">
First div
<div v-show="showDetailsDiv[1]">
Second div
<div v-show="showDetailsDiv[2]">
Third div
When I click the button, I see that the corresponding element of showDetailsDiv is changing to true, however, the corresponding division does not display. Is there anything wrong in my logic?
When I try to control the display of division using direct properties (e.g. showDiv0, showDiv1, showDiv2 & showDiv3) with the following code, it works.
showDiv: function(divNumber)
this.showDetailsDiv.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
this.showDetailsDiv[divNumber] = true;
this.showDiv0= false;
this.showDiv1= false;
this.showDiv2= false;
this.showDiv3= false;
let elementID = 'showDiv' + divNumber;
this[elementID] = true;
<div v-show="showDiv0">
First div
<div v-show="showDiv1">
Second div
<div v-show="showDiv2">
Third div
Any suggestions?
Keep it simple. Template should look like:
<div v-show="visible == 0">
First div
<div v-show="visible == 1">
Second div
<div v-show="visible == 2">
Third div
data() {
return {
visible: null,
You can simplify showDiv method to:
showDiv: function(divNumber) {
this.visible = divNumber;
You can also add method isVisible to check which div is visible:
isVisible(divNumber) {
return this.visible == divNumber;
and use it like:
<div v-show="isVisible(0)">
First div
If you change an array element directly, Vue won't be able to detect the changes due to JavaScript limitations. You should be able to do it using the corresponding array method:
this.showDetailsDiv.splice(divNumber, 1, true);
You can find more ways of doing it here:
Also, if showDetailsDiv is a prop, you should probably avoid modifying it and create a copy in the component data instead.

Show on several elements in the same component in vuejs

Looping out a number of boxes within the same component in vuejs.
Each box has a button that reveals more text using v-on:click.
The problem is that all the boxes respond to this at the same time.
Is there a way to target the specific button being clicked if there are several buttons in a component?
Is there some way to isolate each button so they all dont activate at once?
<div class="filter-list-area">
<button #click="show =!show"> {{text}} </button>
<ul class="filter-list-item-area">
<li class="filter-list-item " v-for="(items, key) in packages">
<img class="fit_rating">
<div class="filter-list-item-info" >
<p> Match: {{items.match_value}}</p>
<div v-for="(courses, key) in courses">
<transition name="courses">
<div class="courses2" v-show="show">
<p v-if="courses.Pu_Id === items.pu_Id">
import testdata from '../App.vue'
export default {
data (){
text: 'Show Courses',
testFilter: 'Sweden',
show: false
props: {
title: String,
likes: Number,
isPublished: Boolean,
commentIds: Array,
author: Object,
testuni: Array,
list: Array,
packages: Array,
courses: Array
this.text = 'Hide Courses'
this.text = "Show Courses"
mounted() {
watch: {
function() {
EDIT: I've created this before you posted the code example, but you could use same principle:
In your data add showMoreText, which will be used to track if show more data should be shown.
I would agree with #anaximander that you should use child components here
Simple example how to show/hide
<div v-for="(box, index) in [1,2,3,4,5]">
Box {{ box }} <button #click="toggleMore(index)">More</button>
<div v-show="showMoreText[index]">
More about box {{ box }}
export default {
data() {
return {
showMoreText: {},
methods: {
toggleMore(index) {
Adds a property to a reactive object, ensuring the new property is
also reactive, so triggers view updates.
this.$set(this.showMoreText, index, ! this.showMoreText[index])
This sounds like an ideal situation for a new child component, which will allow each instance of the new component to have its own separate state.
The child components can emit events to the parent, if cross-component communication is necessary.

accordion only show one item at same time in vue js

//this code in vue js for accordion this is working but not show open only //one at the same time.
//there component and pass props data.
<packing-material-category v-for="(category, index) in packingMaterialCategories" :category="category" :key="index"></packing-material-category>
//there template to render data.
<div class="packing-categories">
<div :class="packingCategoryClass">
<h3 class="packing-category__title" #click="toggleAccordion(category.title)" v-text="category.title" />
<div v-show="accordionOpen===true" class="packing-category__content">
<div v-if="category.description" class="packing-category__description" v-text="category.description" />
//call method for open and close
toggleAccordion() {
this.accordionOpen = !this.accordionOpen;
You need to track which item is shown outside of packing-material-category component (value of openedIndex) and to pass that value down to components. When value changes in the packing-material-category component, you emit event change-accordion, and in your parent component you update value of openedIndex
Try this
In your parent component, add openedIndex: 0 to data.
If you want everything closed by default, set value to false.
Update template to pass down the props index and openedIndex, so that components know when to show/hide.
v-for="(category, index) in packingMaterialCategories"
#change-accordion="(newOpen) => openedIndex = newOpen"
And the packing-material-category component could look like this
<div class="packing-categories">
<div :class="packingCategoryClass">
<h3 class="packing-category__title" #click="toggleAccordion" v-text="category.title" />
<div v-show="index === openedIndex" class="packing-category__content">
<div v-if="category.description" class="packing-category__description" v-text="category.description" />
export default {
props: [
'index', // index of this component
'openedIndex', // which item should be shown/opened
data() {
return {
packingCategoryClass: '',
methods: {
toggleAccordion() {
// Show current item. If already opened, hide current item
let value = this.index === this.openedIndex ? false : this.index;
// notify parent component about the change
this.$emit('change-accordion', value)

Vuejs multiple active buttons

I'm trying to create a list where every list item contains a button and i want a user to be able to click multiple button. I'm generating my list like so:
<li v-for="item in items" :key="">
<button type="button">{{item.title}}</button>
but the problem with my code is whenever a user click a button, it turns the rest of the buttons to "unclicked". been trying to play with the focus and active stats but even with just css i cant get to enable multiple select .
i did manage to change the look of the current selected button:
button:focus {
outline: none;
background-color: #6acddf;
color: #fff;
any idea how can i allow multiple buttons to be clicked?
to make things a bit clearer, i am going to create an AJAX call later and pass the of each item where it's button is clicked
I would much rather avoid changing the data structure if possible
Well you have to store somewhere that you clicked on the clicked item.
If you can't edit the items array then you can always create a new one, like isClicked where you store those values.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [{
id: 1,
title: 'foo'
id: 2,
title: 'bar'
id: 3,
title: 'baz'
isClicked: []
beforeMount() {
// set all values to false
this.items.forEach((item, index) => this.$set(this.isClicked, index, false))
methods: {
clicked(index) {
// toggle the active class
this.$set(this.isClicked, index, !this.isClicked[index])
.active {
background: red
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<button #click="clicked(index)" :class="{'active': isClicked[index]}">{{item.title}}</button>
Or you can use vuex for storing those values.
However you can just use Vues event to manipulate the classList property, like:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
.active {
color: red
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button v-for="i in items" #click="e =>'active')">{{ i }}</button>
But it doesn't feel right, IMHO.
Also you can use cookies or localStorage to store those states. So it's really up to you.
Use id attribute for list items to make it unique.
<li v-for="item in items" :key="" :id="">
<button type="button" #click="doThis">{{item.title}}</button>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {},
methods: {
doThis() {
// Use this to access current object