How to configure tc server 4 in IntelliJ for debugging mode? - intellij-idea

I'm working on a project using tc server 4 and I'm using IntelliJ as IDE. The application is running successfully in the server while I use the command line to start/stop server.
But I wanted to enable debugging mode in IntelliJ in case I need to put break points in Java files. The tc server plugin only support up to tc server 3 because version 4 has a huge difference in the folder structure and excutable scripts.
So can you please advise if is there a good way to configure tc server 4 in IntelliJ for debugging mode?

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Using Intellij With Remote Server

I have a dev *nix box. For most cases I can just ssh into the box and use emacs to develop. However, as I've started doing more Java work with very large codebases, I've realized IntelliJ IDEA is pretty invaluable.
Problem: I would like to use IntelliJ IDEA on OS X, but work with a project located on some other machine. Is there a way to configure IntelliJ IDEA to do this? (over ssh/mosh/or whatever)
I ended up just using IntelliJ locally and pointing it to a mounted server drive.
I assume that by "project" you actually mean the application that is running on a remote box? In IntelliJ IDEA, there's an option for remote server configuration. It is also possible to edit individual files at remote hosts if that's a requirement.

debugging project without eclipse debugger

I am using maven project in eclipse mars . My Project is not building in the eclipse so i am compiling my project through dos mode. I not being able to debug the somebody please help me to solve issue
You can debug a tomcat server even if you don't run it inside Eclipse, using remote debug.
Please take a look at Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse or this blog for Intellij / this one for Eclipse
The idea is to start your tomcat server in debug mode then connecting your debugger to the "remote" (even if on your local PC) JVM (The JVM of the server).

Worklight 6.1 Not connecting to Production server

I applied the latest Worklight fixes, but the Mobile Apps continue to try and connect to Development server and not the Production server specified in the Build and Deploy Target settings. The client is making a request to an adapter that is installed on the server. I have confirmed this with Wireshark and set initOptions on startup to capture the IP address. I have Worklight 6.1 EE edition installed and have applied the patches there as well. It is like the app ignores the production server.
Does anyone have any suggestions other than upgrading to 6.2?
Can this be a Development Studio problem with eclipse plugin issue?
After you change the remote server protocol/host/port/context properties in Run As > Build Settings and Deploy Target, you should execute Run As > Build All Environment and not Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server.
By executing Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server, the connection values in will be the ones for the local development server settings.
By executing Run As > Build All Environment, the connection values will be the ones set in the Build Settings and Deploy Target.
In 6.1, if after a Build All Environments, you will then select Run As > Xcode project for example, the local development connection values will be used... So make sure not to do that.
In 6.2, if you do the above action (Run As > Xcode project (or any other external IDE option provided)), if you have remote server properties set up - they will be used. If you do not have any remote server properties set up, the local development connection properties will be used.
I have confirmed that this is working now. Eclipse is sometimes slow in activating the build process, and I was incorrectly pushing the run on Development Server, which might be over writing the values. If I wait patiently, the build cycle will generate the client that connects properly.
Thanks for the help.

Tomcat support on WebStorm

I am JavaScript developer, and currently working on project where Tomcat server is used.
I am familiar with IntelliJ idea but recently read about another JetBrains product specially for web-development - WebStorm. I've found some cool features in WebStorm(especially related to AngularJS autocompletion) but it seems that there is no Tomcat server support and I have to build server side of project into *.war-file and run it manually through terminal each time.
So is there any Tomcat/Java support in WebStorm?
(Or I should continue to use IntelliJ idea and forget about WebStorm and its cool functionality =) )
You can do one thing.
First start your apache tomcat server with startup.bat/ (Suppose your project directory name is "AngularJSTest" in WebStorm.)
Right click on that > Refactor > Move .
Give the path to webapps directory of Apache tomcat.
So from now on whatever changes you make in the project from WebStorm, it will get reflected in the webapps directory. You can access it from the link http://localhost:8080/AngularJSTest/yourHtml.html.

Configuring PHPUnit on Server in PHPStorm 3.0 using XML configuration file

I would like to run PHPUnit tests on the development server as opposed to my desktop.
Using PHPStorm Run debug configuration I have created new PHPUnit on Server configuration.
However when I try to run it, PHPStorm does not seem to be able to see the XML configuration file. The path to the XML configuration file is on the local desktop, so it makes sense that PHPStorm runner would not be able to find the file on the server. However PHPStorm does not allow me to supply the path on the server.
P.S. I was able to run tests manually on the server and on my local desktop. In this question I am trying to figure out how to run the tests on the server directly from PHPStorm.
P.P.S. Could this be a bug in PHPStorm? if yes, then I'll submit it.
So far this seems to be an issue in PHPStorm. I have filed the issue here: