List split in Elm - elm

Write a function to split a list into two lists. The length of the first part is specified by the caller.
I am new to Elm so I am not sure if my reasoning is correct. I think that I need to transform the input list in an array so I am able to slice it by the provided input number. I am struggling a bit with the syntax as well. Here is my code so far:
listSplit: List a -> Int -> List(List a)
listSplit inputList nr =
let myArray = Array.fromList inputList
in Array.slice 0 nr myArray
So I am thinking to return a list containing 2 lists(first one of the specified length), but I am stuck in the syntax. How can I fix this?

Alternative implementation:
split : Int -> List a -> (List a, List a)
split i xs =
(List.take i xs, List.drop i xs)

I'll venture a simple recursive definition, since a big part of learning functional programming is understanding recursion (which foldl is just an abstraction of):
split : Int -> List a -> (List a, List a)
split splitPoint inputList =
splitHelper splitPoint inputList []
{- We use a typical trick here, where we define a helper function
that requires some additional arguments. -}
splitHelper : Int -> List a -> List a -> (List a, List a)
splitHelper splitPoint inputList leftSplitList =
case inputList of
[] ->
-- This is a base case, we end here if we ran out of elements
(List.reverse leftSplitList, [])
head :: tail ->
if splitPoint > 0 then
-- This is the recursive case
-- Note the typical trick here: we are shuffling elements
-- from the input list and putting them onto the
-- leftSplitList.
-- This will reverse the list, so we need to reverse it back
-- in the base cases
splitHelper (splitPoint - 1) tail (head :: leftSplitList)
-- here we got to the split point,
-- so the rest of the list is the output
(List.reverse leftSplitList, inputList)

Use List.foldl
split : Int -> List a -> (List a, List a)
split i xs =
f : a -> (List a, List a) -> (List a, List a)
f x (p, q) =
if List.length p >= i then
(p, q++[x])
(p++[x], q)
List.foldl f ([], []) xs
When list p reaches the desired length, append element x to the second list q.
Append element x to list p otherwise.
Normally in Elm, you use List for a sequence of values. Array is used specifically for fast indexing access.
When dealing with lists in functional programming, try to think in terms of map, filter, and fold. They should be all you need.
To return a pair of something (e.g. two lists), use tuple. Elm supports tuples of up to three elements.
Additionally, there is a function splitAt in the List.Extra package that does exactly the same thing, although it is better to roll your own for the purpose of learning.


Sum of numeric elements in a nested list LISP

Return the SUM of numeric elements in a nested list using LISP. If there are no numeric elements return an empty list/NIL
(6 3 -2 5 (4 2 -3) 4) should return 19
(1 2 3 (-4 5) a b c) should return 7
Asking other people to do your homework for you is almost never a good way of learning anything.
But here's an answer, which is written in a Lisp (Racket) and which does show how you ought to go about solving this problem, and also (I think) demonstrates some nice ways of thinking about problems like this ... but which you almost certainly can't cut and paste.
Note that this does not quite agree with the requirements given: which is supposed to return a non-numeric value for a list with no numbers in it. That breaks a recursive algorithm like this, since the empty list is a list with no numbers in it. So this does something more sensible. Making this answer implement the requirements is left as an exercise to the student.
(define (sum-nested-list l)
(let sum-nested-list-loop ([thing l]
[running-total 0])
(match thing
;; We're done if we've run out of list
[(list* (? number? x) r)
;; A list whose first element is a number: add it to the running total
;; and carry on on the rest of the list
(sum-nested-list-loop r (+ running-total x))]
[(list* (? list? x) r)
;; A list whose first element is a nested list: recurse into the
;; nested list
(sum-nested-list-loop r (sum-nested-list-loop x running-total))]
[(list* _ r)
;; A list whose first element is not a number or a nested list:
;; carry on on the rest of the list
(sum-nested-list-loop r running-total)]
;; Not a list at all: explode
(error 'sum-numeric-list "what?")])))
(defun flat-sum (tree)
(let ((count 0))
(tree-equal tree tree :test (lambda (left right)
(if (numberp left)
(incf count left) t)))
1> (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (-4 5) a b c))

Destructuring a list with equations in maxima

Say that I have the following list of equations:
list: [x=1, y=2, z=3];
I use this pattern often to have multiple return values from a function. Kind of of like how you would use an object, in for example, javascript. However, in javascript, I can do things like this. Say that myFunction() returns the object {x:1, y:2, z:3}, then I can destructure it with this syntax:
let {x,y,z} = myFunction();
And now x,y,z are assigned the values 1,2,3 in the current scope.
Is there anything like this in maxima? Now I use this:
x: subst(list, x);
y: subst(list, y);
z: subst(list, z);
How about this. Let l be a list of equations of the form somesymbol = somevalue. I think all you need is:
map (lhs, l) :: map (rhs, l);
Here map(lhs, l) yields the list of symbols, and map(rhs, l) yields the list of values. The operator :: means evaluate the left-hand side and assign the right-hand side to it. When the left-hand side is a list, then Maxima assigns each value on the right-hand side to the corresponding element on the left.
(%i1) l : [a = 12, b = 34, d = 56] $
(%i2) map (lhs, l) :: map (rhs, l);
(%o2) [12, 34, 56]
(%i3) values;
(%o3) [l, a, b, d]
(%i4) a;
(%o4) 12
(%i5) b;
(%o5) 34
(%i6) d;
(%o6) 56
You can probably achieve it and write a function that could be called as f(['x, 'y, 'z], list); but you will have to be able to make some assignments between symbols and values. This could be done by writing a tiny ad hoc Lisp function being:
(defun $assign (symb val) (set symb val))
You can see how it works (as a first test) by first typing (form within Maxima):
:lisp (defun $assign (symb val) (set symb val))
Then, use it as: assign('x, 42) which should assign the value 42 to the Maxima variable x.
If you want to go with that idea, you should write a tiny Lisp file in your ~/.maxima directory (this is a directory where you can put your most used functions); call it for instance myfuncs.lisp and put the function above (without the :lisp prefix); then edit (in the very same directory) your maxima-init.mac file, which is read at startup and add the two following things:
add a line containing load("myfuncs.lisp"); before the following part;
define your own Maxima function (in plain Maxima syntax with no need to care about Lisp). Your function should contain some kind of loop for performing all assignments; now you could use the assign(symbol, value) function for each variable.
Your function could be something like:
f(vars, l) := for i:1 thru length(l) do assign(vars[i], l[i]) $
which merely assign each value from the second argument to the corresponding symbol in the first argument.
Thus, f(['x, 'y], [1, 2]) will perform the expected assigments; of course you can start from that for doing more precisely what you need.

Infinite Type error while attempting exercise in Binary Tree example

In working through Exercise 2 here, I offered this solution to the compiler and got an Infinite Type error.
flatten : Tree a -> List a
flatten tree =
case tree of
Empty -> []
Node v left right ->
[v] :: flatten left :: flatten right
This doesn't seem too different from my solution to the first exercise:
sum : Tree Int -> Int
sum tree =
case tree of
Empty -> 0
Node v left right ->
v + sum left + sum right
I wondered if perhaps the issue had to do with order of operations, so I added parens to ensure flatten gets evaluated before ::, but this doesn't seem to make a difference:
flatten : Tree a -> List a
flatten tree =
case tree of
Empty -> []
Node v left right ->
[v] :: (flatten left) :: (flatten right)
So now I'm just stumped.
:: is the cons operator, which means it will prepend a single element onto a list. Its type signature is a -> List a -> List a. That means this isn't valid code since the first argument, [v] is a list:
[v] :: flatten left :: flatten right -- invalid!
If you want to concatenate two lists, you use the concatenation operator: ++. You could just replace :: with ++ in your example to get it to compile:
[v] ++ flatten left ++ flatten right
Another way to represent that line is to concatenate the two lists, then prepend the list with v using the cons operator.
v :: flatten left ++ flatten right
-- The following is the same as above, but with parentheses showing precedence
v :: (flatten left ++ flatten right)
There are more efficient ways to do this, of course, but it highlights the difference between cons and concatenation.
The reason your sum example works is because it is returning an int instead of a list of ints. The type you are returning in sum is the same as the value in the tree, so you end up with an aggregate, not another list.

Is there a way to cache a function result in elm?

I want to calculate nth Fibonacci number with O(1) complexity and O(n_max) preprocessing.
To do it, I need to store previously calculated value like in this C++ code:
using namespace std;
vector<int> cache;
int fibonacci(int n)
return 0;
return cache[n-1];
int res;
return res;
But it relies on side effects which are not allowed in Elm.
A normal recursive definition of fibonacci in Elm would be:
fib1 n = if n <= 1 then n else fib1 (n-2) + fib1 (n-1)
If you want simple caching, the maxsnew/lazy library should work. It uses some side effects in the native JavaScript code to cache computation results. It went through a review to check that the native code doesn't expose side-effects to the Elm user, for memoisation it's easy to check that it preserves the semantics of the program.
You should be careful in how you use this library. When you create a Lazy value, the first time you force it it will take time, and from then on it's cached. But if you recreate the Lazy value multiple times, those won't share a cache. So for example, this DOESN'T work:
fib2 n = Lazy.lazy (\() ->
if n <= 1
then n
else Lazy.force (fib2 (n-2)) + Lazy.force (fib2 (n-1)))
Working solution
What I usually see used for fibonacci is a lazy list. I'll just give the whole compiling piece of code:
import Lazy exposing (Lazy)
import Debug
-- slow
fib1 n = if n <= 1 then n else fib1 (n-2) + fib1 (n-1)
-- still just as slow
fib2 n = Lazy.lazy <| \() -> if n <= 1 then n else Lazy.force (fib2 (n-2)) + Lazy.force (fib2 (n-1))
type List a = Empty | Node a (Lazy (List a))
cons : a -> Lazy (List a) -> Lazy (List a)
cons first rest =
Lazy.lazy <| \() -> Node first rest
unsafeTail : Lazy (List a) -> Lazy (List a)
unsafeTail ll = case Lazy.force ll of
Empty -> Debug.crash "unsafeTail: empty lazy list"
Node _ t -> t
map2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Lazy (List a) -> Lazy (List b) -> Lazy (List c)
map2 f ll lr = Lazy.map2 (\l r -> case (l,r) of
(Node lh lt, Node rh rt) -> Node (f lh rh) (map2 f lt rt)
) ll lr
-- lazy list you can index into, better speed
fib3 = cons 0 (cons 1 (map2 (+) fib3 (unsafeTail fib3)))
So fib3 is a lazy list that has all the fibonacci numbers. Because it uses fib3 itself internally, it'll use the same (cached) lazy values and not need to compute much.

Find all Change Combinations (money) in OCaml

I have a some OCaml code that finds all combinations of change given a change amount. I have most of the code working, however I am not able to figure out how this recursive function will actually return the possible change combinations.
let change_combos presidents =
let rec change amount coinlist = match amount with
|0 -> [[]] (*exits when nothing*)
|_ when (amount < 0) -> [] (*exits when less than 0*)
|_ -> match coinlist with
|[] -> [] (*Returns empty list, exits program*)
(*h::f -> something, using [25;10;5;1] aka all change combinations...*)
(*using recursion, going through all combinations and joining lists returned together*)
let print_the_coin_matrix_for_all_our_joy enter_the_matrix =
print_endline (join "\n" ( array_to_string enter_the_matrix));;
Thanks for the help, let me know if I need to clarify something :)
It is a bit confusing what you're looking for. I believe that you want to generate a list of all the combinations of a list? You should think about the recursion and how to generate the individual elements. Start with the input type, and how you'd generate successive elements by reducing the problem space.
let rec generate lst = match lst with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> [h] :: ( (fun x -> h::x) (generate t)) # (generate t)
If the list is [] there are no combinations. If we have an element we generate all combinations without that element and base our construction on that assumption. The components fall into place at this point. Concatenate the list of combinations of t with the combinations of t and h cons'd onto each and a singleton of h.