hello i was trying to install postgis to one of my database with the following command
but it returned an error of
could not open extension control file "/Library/PostgreSQL/13/share/postgresql/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
how do i install postgis without it giving an error?
I have tried it on the default databases postgres.app gives you which is your desktop username(mine is aarushsharma), i tried to do
and it worked so i think it is a problem to do with my specific postgres user
I had the same error on Windows + Postgres 14.
On Windows you have to launch "Application Stack Builder" and add extension Postgis as said here : http://www.bostongis.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?content_name=postgis_tut01
then you should be able to create the extension.
first you need to download and install Postgis if you haven't , follow this.
if you are on Linux , you have to install 2 packages ,postgis and postgresql-13-postgis-3
only PostGIS 3,0 and above works with Postgresql 13 :
commands on Debian based distros ( I installed from PostgreSQL repository) :
sudo apt install postgis postgresql-13-postgis-3
on mac you can install it via brew by running this command in terminal:
brew install postgis
if you don't have brew installed then install it first :
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
If you have installed using postgressApp, Open the Terminal and enter the following two commands:
actually first follow step 3 from Installing Postgres.app documentation:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d &&
echo /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
then :
psql -d DATABASE_NAME -f /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/[Postgresqlversion]/share/postgresql/contrib/postgis-[PostGisVersion]/postgis.sql
psql -d DATABASE_NAME -f /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/[Postgresqlversion]/share/postgresql/contrib/postgis-[PostGisVersion]/spatial_ref_sys.sql
then you should be able to enable the extension :
I am trying to set up PyBOSSA on an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I am following the official instructions and have encountered three errors so far.
sudo apt-get install -y git postgresql postgresql-all postgresql-server-dev-all libpq-dev python-psycopg2 libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev python-virtualenv python-dev build-essential libjpeg-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev dbus libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python-pip python3-pip redis-server
cd ~
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Scifabric/pybossa
cd pybossa
virtualenv -p python3 env (I'm using Python3 explicitly as my system also has Python 2.7 installed).
source env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r ~/pybossa/requirements.txt
At this point, I start getting error messages... I have copied the stdout and stderr into a file, which I have uploaded here.
I'm not sure if the errors there are what have caused my later errors, but I pushed on through the instructions anyway in hopes it'd work...
cp settings_local.py.tmpl settings_local.py
cp alembic.ini.template alembic.ini
redis-server contrib/sentinel.conf --sentinel
I noted that the Redis server version was 4.0.9 (the instructions say it needs to be v2.6 or greater).
The output from starting the Redis server was as follows:
30284:X 30 Mar 03:09:22.004 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
30284:X 30 Mar 03:09:22.004 # Redis version=4.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=30284, just started
30284:X 30 Mar 03:09:22.004 # Configuration loaded
...I gather that's ok...
rqscheduler --host
This command wasn't installed on my system. I tried to use apt to install it, but there was nothing there. I also tried apt install rq rqscheduler rq-scheduler - nothing found. I then Googled and found the website for rq-scheduler, and found that I could install it by running pip install rq-scheduler
That installed correctly. Nonetheless, running the command rqscheduler --host in the terminal still failed: rqscheduler: command not found.
Knowing that it was a Python package, I wondered if maybe I needed to prepend python3 onto the start of the command: python3 rqscheduler --host Response: python3: can't open file 'rqscheduler': [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
I also tried pip3 install rq-scheduler (which installed fine) and then running the command, but encountered the same error.
I would appreciate knowing how to get that running, but for the purpose of this test, I skipped setting up Regis and the scheduler, and continued with the PyBOSSA instructions:
sudo su postgres
createuser -d -P pybossa
(Password set)
createdb pybossa -O pybossa
python3 cli.py db_create
...and then I got this error:
File "cli.py", line 162
'''SELECT id, created FROM task_run WHERE created LIKE ('\x%')''')
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 54-55: truncated \xXX escape
I instead tried python cli.py db_create, just in case it'd work, and got a different error:
python cli.py db_create
ValueError: invalid \x escape
So I'm seeing three separate issues:
Installing the PyBOSSA-required Python packages.
The issue with the rqscheduler command.
The error when starting the PyBOSSA server.
What do these errors mean?
1 ) For the installation, try this:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Which ended with no error.
2) Try :
pip install rq-scheduler==0.9.1
pip3 install rq-scheduler==0.9.1
3) The \ char need to be escaped (like \\) in python.
So you may alter the cli.py line 162 (using text editor) from:
'''SELECT id, created FROM task_run WHERE created LIKE ('\x%')''')
'''SELECT id, created FROM task_run WHERE created LIKE ('\\x%')''')
But it will be better to be fixed by dev on github ...
According to official documentation,
PYBOSSA for python 3 We’ve finally migrated PYBOSSA to python 3. We’re
not going to merge into master until we test it in production a bit
more, so please, help us by testing it. All you have to do is
basically, check out the python3 branch (migrate-python3) and run it.
Then, any bug, issue you find, you just report it and we will be happy
to help you.
The PYBOSSA python3 version is freshly migrated so finaly is not very stable ... I expect that it will be better to use the PYBOSSA python2.7 branch and follow exactly the documentation.
And according to official github account they try to make money with support (?...)
Get professional support You can hire us to help you with your PYBOSSA
project or server (specially for python 2.7). Go to our website, and
contact us.
The issue has now been fixed for the master branch (https://github.com/Scifabric/pybossa/pull/1986). You can fetch the new code and use it.
I have just upgraded my Macbook Pro OS to El Capitan (v10.11.4).
My attempt to export a Markdown file (created using Sublime Text 2, v2.0.2, build 2221) to pdf using pandoc is now failing, and I receive the following error:
pandoc: xelatex not found. xelatex is needed for pdf output
My output command is as follows:
pandoc doc1.md -o doc1.pdf --toc -V geometry:margin=1in --variable fontsize=10pt --variable fontfamily=utopia --variable linkcolor=blue --latex-engine=xelatex -f markdown-implicit_figures -s
Above command worked like a charm prior to installing El Capitan.
FYI - in searching for questions here I have not found one that gives a suitable answer.
For my case, add one line into ~/.bashrc solved the error:
export PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin:$PATH
Of course, the environment variable should be activated in the current term:
$ . ~/.bashrc
then run: $ make
the error disappears.
El Capitan's security features disable and remove the old symlink /usr/texbin. If you have MacTeX 2015, they should've been installed in /Library/TeX/texbin as well. You'll have to update the PATH your using to launch pandoc to include that folder. If you have a pre-2015 distribution of MacTeX, there are instructions here.
Linux Ubuntu instructions:
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04:
If you see this error on Linux Ubuntu:
pandoc: xelatex not found. xelatex is needed for pdf output
Then you need to install the texlive-xetex package like this:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install texlive-xetex
That solves it! Source where I learned this: TEX: XeLatex under Ubuntu.
In my particular case, I was trying to run this make_book.sh script to generate book.pdf, so I needed to do all of the following:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pandoc
pip3 install MarkdownPP
sudo apt install texlive-xetex
cd path/to/repo
cd systemd-by-example
# You'll now have "book.pdf" inside directory "systemd-by-example"!
https://github.com/jreese/markdown-pp - instructions to install MarkdownPP
https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/179811/168682 - instructions to install texlive-xetex
I have xmpp server (openfire_3.9.3) that is running on my ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS.
I have installed openfire by following given steps
1. $ sudo tar -zxvf openfire_x_x_x.tar.gz
2. $ sudo mv openfire /opt
then I moved to openfire bin directory to start openfire as
$ cd /opt/openfire/bin
$ sudo ./openfire start
then during setup through admin console always I am getting the given error
Home not found. Define system property "openfireHome" or create and add the openfire_init.xml file to the classpath
where I need to set openfireHome ? or how can i fixed it out ?
Well it seems your user account might have permissions issue. Can't you keep openfire in your home and try to run it from there and share results?
For me, it's a permissions issue.
I'm using server(Openfire 4.7.0, build e020f58) on my local computer (macOS Monterey 12.1 (21C52)).
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/openfire
Most (all?) information online is outdated since ECW (Hexagon Geospatial/Intergraph) has recently released new versions with breaking changes (5.0, 5.1 and 5.2).
Most instructions result in errors like:
checking for libNCSEcw.so or libecwj2... configure: error: not found in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/bin
This works for GDAL 1.11.2, but it should work back to 1.10.0.
Download the latest version of the ECW library from here (currently 5.5):
Instructions for v5.2.1, but should be similar for the latest version:
$ unzip erdas-ecwjp2sdk-v5.2.1-linux.zip
$ chmod +x ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
$ ./ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
Choose Desktop Read-Only and accept the license. A directory named hexagon is extracted. Copy that to /usr/local.
$ sudo cp -r hexagon/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.2.1/Desktop_Read-Only /usr/local/hexagon
Link the .so library for the correct architecture:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/hexagon/lib/(x64|x86)/release/libNCSEcw.so /usr/local/lib/libNCSEcw.so
Then configure GDAL with this command:
$ ./configure --with-ecw=/usr/local/hexagon
Before I could see ECW support in gdalinfo --formats | grep -i ecw
I also had to run sudo ldconfig.
That was in Ubuntu 14.04 Linux.
I have been trying to work with persistent job queues of gearman. When I try to use libdrizzle like-
gearmand -q libdrizzle --libdrizzle-host= --libdrizzle-user=gearman --libdrizzle-password=secret --libdrizzle-db=some_db --libdrizzle-table=gearman_queue --libdrizzle-mysql
It gives me error like-
gearmand: unknown option libdrizzle-host
Also a strange thing is that when I do man gearmand it does not have the libdrizzle options. What should I do? I want the persistent queues in mysql. I had tried using gearman_udf_mysql but it did not work too. I have posted the problem. see Where does mysql save the path for gearman mysql udf files?
Gearman must be compiled with libdrizzle/mysql support. You can check if it's been compiled in by running the command gearmand --help or on older versions man gearmand.
If libdrizzle/mysql support is available, you will see the Drizzle/Mysql options in the help. If it's not there, you will need to recompile gearmand. Here are the commands to install Gearman 1.1.12 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (tested on a clean Vagrant precise64 box):
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get update
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev gperf libevent-dev uuid-dev libmysqld-dev
vagrant#precise64:~$ wget https://launchpad.net/gearmand/1.2/1.1.12/+download/gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz
vagrant#precise64:~$ tar zxvf gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz
vagrant#precise64:~$ cd gearmand-1.1.12/
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ ./configure
At this point, look for the following lines at the end of the ./configure output, which indicates Mysql support is installed:
* Building with libdrizzle yes
* Building with libmysql yes
Then continue with the installation:
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ make
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ sudo make install
Gearmand is now configured with libdrizzle and will store jobs in a Mysql database.