Cannot parse JSON from Vuex getter in Ionic Vue - vue.js

I have an Ionic Project with Vuex. I have created a store:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
user: localStorage.getItem('userdata') || {}
getters: {
getUser(state) {
return state.user
mutations: {
setUser(state, user) {
state.user = user
destroyUser(state) {
state.user = null
actions: {
retrieveUser(context) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(response => {
const user =
localStorage.setItem('userdata', JSON.stringify(user))
context.commit('setUser', user)
.catch(error => {})
This part works perfect as expected. My localstore holds the JSON string. Now i tried to return the string with the getUser getter JSON.parsed. This doesn't work, because it gives me a parse error which makes no sense, because the string works perfectly fine.
When I try to load the userdata in the vue component like this
export default {
data() {
return {
user: [],
mounted() {
methods: {
loadUserData() {
let userData = JSON.parse(this.$store.getters.getUser)
this.user = userData
It returns the JSON Data as Proxy ( ?? )
Proxy {id: 27, name: "English", firstname: "Harriet", fullname: "Harriet English", number: null, …}
[[Handler]]: Object
[[Target]]: Object
[[IsRevoked]]: false
(it's sample data, so no real name shown ) which I cannot use.
I have also tried to use the state variable, the localstorage content, which did not work...
How can I access my JSON data?

When you save the user data after your API call, you are storing it in localStorage as JSON.stringify(user) but you are updating the store with just the raw user data. I guess you should update your API call handler to:
const user =;
const strUser = JSON.stringify(user);
localStorage.setItem('userdata', strUser);
context.commit('setUser', strUser);
This should allow you to parse the data the way you are trying to in your component, which should work whether state.user has been initialised with the localStorage data, or if it has been updated after the API call.


How to reactively re-run a function with parameters when pinia store state changes

I have a Pinia auth module, auth.js
I have the following code in it:
export const useAuthStore = defineStore('auth', {
state: () => ({
token: null,
is_logged: false,
user: {
default_landing_page: {},
actions: [],
getters: {},
actions: {
async login(formData) {
const { data } = await'login', formData);
this.token = data.access_token;
this.is_logged = data.auth;
this.actions = data.user.meta_actions;
Then for example, I get this.actions as
['can_view_thing', 'can_edit_thing', 'can_delete_thing']
This makes it so that I can have code such as:
import { useAuthStore } from '#/store/auth';
const auth = useAuthStore();
<button v-if="auth.actions.includes('can_edit_thing')">Edit Thing</button>
That works and is perfectly reactive if permissions are added or removed from the auth store actions array. The problem is I want to change it so it's a function, such as:
// pinia auth store
// introduce roles
this.roles = [{ id: 1, key: 'admin' }, { id: 2, key: 'manager' }]
getters: {
hasAuthorization() {
return (permission) => {
// if some condition is true, give permission
if (this.roles.some(role => role.key === 'admin') return true;
// else check if permissions array has the permission
return this.permissions.includes(permission);
// also permission could be an array of permissions and check if
// return permissions.every(permission => this.permissions.includes(permission))
<button v-if="hasAuthorization('can_edit_thing')">Edit Thing</button>
I researched it before and you can make a getter than returns a function which allows you to pass in a parameter. I was trying to make it reactive so that if this.actions changed, then it would re-run the getter, but it doesn't.
Is there some way I can achieve a reactive function in Pinia?
Here's an example of what I don't want:
<button v-if="auth.actions.includes('can_edit_thing') || auth.roles.some(role => role.key === 'admin')">Edit Thing</button>
I want to arrive at something like:
// preferably in the pinia store
const hasAuthorization = ({ type = 'all', permissions }) => {
const superAdminRoles = ['arbitrary', 'admin', 'superadmin', 'customer-service'];
if (auth.roles.some(role => superAdminRoles.includes(role.key)) return true;
switch (type) {
case 'any': {
return permissions.some(permission => auth.actions.includes(permission));
case 'all': {
return permissions.every(permission => auth.actions.includes(permission));
v-if="auth.hasAuthorization({ type: 'all', permissions: ['can_edit_thing', 'can_edit_business'] })"
>Edit Thing</button>
I don't want to create a computed prop in 100 components that causes each to reactively update when pinia state changes.
Is there any way to do this reactively so that anytime auth.actions or auth.roles changes, the function will re-run with parameters?

Passing OAuth token from one Vuejs component to another

I get OAuth token after successful OAuth login in a SuccessOAuth.vue component. I get the token details as follows:
const queryString = this.$route.query;
const token = this.$route.query.accessToken
const secret = this.$route.query.tokenSecret
this.tokens.token = token;
this.tokens.secret = secret;
beforeMount() {
Now I want to use this token in another component apiCalls.vue where I use this token details to use call the API methods.
getProductDetails() {
console.log(".. Get Product details....");
.get("/auth/getShpDetails", {
params: {
token: this.tokens.token
.then(response => {
const productInfo =;
console.log("Product info :" + productInfo);
How do I pass the token details from SuccessOAuth component to apiCalls. I tried using props method but I wasn't able to get the token value to the script tag, not sure about other methods used to pass i.e using $emit and using vuex. Please suggest the best way and the right solution for the problem.
As suggested by #Nishant Sham, I am just modifying the action method in index.js as seen below:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from "vuex";
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
token: ''
getters: {
return state.token;
mutations: {
setToken(state, tokenValue){
state.token = tokenValue;
actions: {
setToken({commit}, tokenValue){
commit("setToken", tokenValue);
In your vue component you call getters and setters as follows:
//Set token value
var token = "dwe123313e12";//random token value assigned
this.$store.commit("setToken", token);
//Get token value
var getToken = this.$store.getters.getToken;
You can keep your token inside Localstorage or cookies. And use as per your need. Here is the sample code for this:
const token = 'token'
export function getToken() {
return localStorage.getItem(token)
export function setToken(tokenData) {
return localStorage.setItem(token, tokenData)
export function removeToken() {
return localStorage.removeItem(token)
you can use Vuex for state management. Here is an article
One way to do this could be vuex
in the root, store create a token field and make one getter that you can call from any vue component and on any life cycle hook..
The second way can be that you set the token to localStorage and get/use it wherever you need it
I would prefer the vuex method that way it ensures a single source of truth...
Here is how to use vuex store
First of all install vuex depending on the vue version you are using, Generally, for the vue3 it is advisable to use npm i vuex#next
Create a Store folder inside your src folder and in there add the index.js with the following code
import { createStore } from "vuex";
import axios from "axios"; // I Use axios for making API CALLS hence this pkg
const store = createStore({
state() {
return {
token: null,
export default store;
This is the basic store and state of you app for now.
Lets start adding Actions first because actions are the async code used for making the API call and get the data from server
actions: {
async login(context, payload) {
try {
const result = await axios({
method: "POST",
url: "auth/login",
data: {
password: payload.password,
//If the Request Successed with Status 200
if (result.status === 200) {
//A: Extract the Token
const token =;
//B. Token to LocalStorage Optional if you wish to set it to localstorgae
localStorage.setItem("token", token);
//c: UPDATE THE STATE by calling mutation
context.commit("setToken", {
} catch (err) {
Next step as you might have guessed adding mutation, which is used for updating your app state..
mutations: {
setToken(state, token) {
state.token = token;
Last the getter which you shall use to fetch the data either as computed inside your app components this is the
getters: {
getToken(state) {
return state.token;
Finally after all of this you index.js should look something like this
import { createStore } from "vuex";
import axios from "axios";
const store = createStore({
state() {
return {
token: null,
actions: {
async login(context, payload) {
try {
const result = await axios({
method: "POST",
url: "auth/login",
data: {
password: payload.password,
//If the Request Successed with Status 200
if (result.status === 200) {
//A: Extract the Token
const token =;
//B. Token to LocalStorage Optional if you wish to set it to localstorgae
localStorage.setItem("token", token);
//c: UPDATE THE STATE by calling mutation
context.commit("setToken", {
} catch (err) {
mutations: {
setToken(state, token) {
state.token = token;
getters: {
getToken(state) {
return state.token;
export default store;
NOTE - This is a General representation of how the code for vuex should looks like there are a ton of other way to achive the same result, depending on you project requirment
The above code is not a final code, as it will need to be adjusted as per your test/example/project requirement

Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers with Firebase Auth Object

I have been trying to solve this problem for a few hours now to no avail. Could someone help me spot the problem?
The error I am getting is:
Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers
Here is my login script section with the offending function in login()
import { auth, firestoreDB } from "#/firebase/init.js";
export default {
name: "login",
props: {
source: String
layout: "login",
data() {
return {
show1: false,
password: "",
rules: {
required: value => !!value || "Required.",
min: v => v.length >= 8 || "Min 8 characters",
emailMatch: () => "The email and password you entered don't match"
email: null,
feedback: null
methods: {
login() {
if ( && this.password) {
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(, this.password)
.then(cred => {
this.$store.dispatch("user/login", cred);
.catch(err => { = err.message;
} else { = "Please fill in both fields";
signup() {
import { auth, firestoreDB } from "#/firebase/init.js";
export const state = () => ({
profile: null,
credentials: null,
userID: null
export const getters = {
getinfo:(state) =>{
return state.credentials
if (state.credentials != null) {
return true
} else {
return false
export const mutations = {
commitCredentials(state, credentials) {
state.credentials = credentials
commitProfile(state, profile) {
state.profile = profile
state.credentials = null,
state.profile = null
export const actions = {
login({commit},credentials) {
return firestoreDB.collection("Users").where('email', '==',
.then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
let profile = {}
commit("commitCredentials", credentials)
commit("commitProfile", profile)
}).catch((e) => {
credentials({ commit }, credentials) {
logout() {
I have checked that there is no where else that is directly calling the store state.
I have worked out that if I don't do the commitCredentials mutation which mutates credentials, the problem doesn't happen.
Another note to add, the error keeps printing to console as if it were on a for loop. So my console is flooded with this same message.
I am pretty sure this is to do with the firebase auth sign in and how the Credential object is being changed by it without me knowing, but I can't seem to narrow it down.
Any help would be very much welcomed.
Found the answer.
signInWithEmailAndPassword(, this.password)
"Do not save authUser directly to the store, since this will save an object reference to the state which gets directly updated by Firebase Auth periodically and therefore throws a vuex error if strict != false."
Credential object is constantly being changed by the firebase library and passing the credential object is just passing a reference not the actual values itself.
The solution is to just save the values within the object.

Vuex - Baffling mutation payload in new window/tab

I have a simple VueJS SPA served by Express. Express also handles API endpoints called by Vue front-end.
Express is connected to Postgres, and API endpoints interact with the database (perform basic CRUD operations).
In my database, I have a single "patient" table, with columns "first_name", "last_name", "date_of_birth", and "id".
In the created() hook of PatientList.vue component, database is queried for all patients, and this information is saved to component data, displayed using v-for loop.
My PatientList.vue code is:
import auth from '#/auth/authenticator';
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
components: {
name: 'PatientsList',
data() {
return {
patients: [],
computed: {
accessTokenGetter: {
get: function () {
return this.$store.getters.accessToken;
patientEditStatusGetter: {
get: function () {
return this.$store.getters.g_patientEditStatusCheck;
methods: {
cachePatientHandler(ptnt) {
console.log('PatientList.vue method cachePatientHandler', ptnt);
var patientObject = {
'date_of_birth': ptnt.date_of_birth.split('T')[0],
'first_name': ptnt.first_name,
'last_name': ptnt.last_name,
'patient': ptnt.patient,
'uid': ptnt.uid
getPatients() {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${this.accessTokenGetter}`);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
xhr.onload = () => {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
for( var i=0, r = data.results; i<r.length; i++ ){
xhr.onerror = () => {
beforeCreate() {
created() {
console.log('PatientList.vue created()');
} else {
In order to edit a patient, I have router-link to edit page. Router-link has click-handler, argument passed in is iterable from v-for loop (i.e. single patient object). I have 4 mutations related to this
const mutations = {
m_startPatientEditProcess(state, trueStatus) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_startPatientEditProcess');
state.patientEditStatus = trueStatus;
m_endPatientEditProcess(state, falseStatus) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_endPatientEditProcess');
state.patientEditStatus = falseStatus;
m_clearPatientEditState(state, emptyString) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_clearPatientEditState');
state.patientDetails.date_of_birth = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.first_name = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.last_name = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.patient = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.uid = emptyString;
m_cachePatient(state, patientObj) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_cachePatient, received: ', patientObj);
state.patientDetails.date_of_birth = patientObj.date_of_birth;
state.patientDetails.first_name = patientObj.first_name;
state.patientDetails.last_name = patientObj.last_name;
state.patientDetails.patient = patientObj.patient;
state.patientDetails.uid = patientObj.uid;
Also, my PatientEdit.vue code is:
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
components: {
name: 'PatientEdit',
data() {
return {
patientToEdit: {
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
date_of_birth: '',
patient: '',
uid: '',
patientDetailsLoaded: false,
computed: {
patientToEditDetailsGetter: {
get: function() {
return this.$store.getters.g_patientToEditDetails;
accessTokenGetter: {
get: function() {
return this.$store.getters.accessToken;
methods: {
populatePatientEditState() {
const pDeets = this.patientToEditDetailsGetter;
this.patientToEdit.first_name = pDeets.first_name;
this.patientToEdit.last_name = pDeets.last_name;
this.patientToEdit.date_of_birth = pDeets.date_of_birth;
this.patientToEdit.patient = pDeets.patient;
this.patientToEdit.uid = pDeets.uid;
this.patientDetailsLoaded = true;
submitUpdatedPatientDetails() {
const payload = Object.assign({}, this.patientToEdit);
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', `${payload.uid}`)
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${this.accessTokenGetter}`);
xhr.onload = async () => {
try {
await console.log(xhr.response);
await console.log('Sent patient data to update endpoint \n Ready to be redirected.');
await Promise.all([this.m_endPatientEditProcess(false), this.m_clearPatientEditState('')]);
await this.$router.push('/patients/index');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e);
created() {
My reasoning was to avoid unnecessary request to database.
Everything works as intended. I have a store.subscription set up to save Vuex state to localStorage (for session persistence when this application is refreshed).
Store subscription logs state and mutation, everything is normal like so:
First store output
If I open a new tab or window (cookies left untouched), and try to perform the same update operations, my store subscription freaks out, and I cannot auto-populate my PatientEdit page with patient information from Vuex.
According to the output, suddenly mutation is committing things that I never specified like so:
Store output 2
Why does this happen?
Thanks for reading.
NB: If I have missed information necessary to figure this behaviour out, please let me know.
Edit 1:
Vuex store:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import session from './modules/session';
import patient from './modules/patient';
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
mutations: {
initStore(state) {
console.log('Vuex root state checking for local snapshot');
if (localStorage.getItem('store')) {
console.log('Snapshot found, hydrating...');
this.replaceState(Object.assign(store, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('store'))));
store.subscribe((mutation, state) => {
console.warn('Subscription detected');
console.log('mutation: ', mutation);
console.log('state: ', state);
localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(state));
export default store;
You end up with a "cannot stringify circular JSON" error, because you are turning the state, but also the getters, mutations and actions into a string. These contain references to the object you are trying to stringify, which results in an infinite loop.
This is not a problem in your first run, because your localStorage is still empty then. You correctly stringify your state, but when you reload the following line runs:
this.replaceState(Object.assign(store, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('store'))));
This line replaces your state with your store, extended with what you have in localStorage. If you replace store with state things should work much better.

Vuex - Passing a state's object into another state's object

In Vuex I'm trying to pass a state's object (a string in this case), into another state's object, but it is returning undefined.
state: {
notifications: [
{ key: "success",
notification: "Awesome " + this.theName + "! Success.",
redirectPath: "/home"
{ key: "error",
notification: "Oh no " + this.theName + "... Error.",
redirectPath: "/error"
theName: 'Ricky Bobby' // this would normally come from a mutation method - see below
The example above the theName is hard-coded just for testing but its value is coming from a mutation method. I know it is coming in into the store's state, because I am able to console log it. But the string interpolation inside the notifications object is not working. How can I pass that incoming value into the notifications.notification value?
I don't know if this helps, but here is the mutation example:
mutations: {
loginSuccess(state, payload){
state.theName = payload.uName;
There're two issues with your code. Firstly, this doesn't work the way you're trying to make it to do. In your question this inside each notification doesn't refer to the state or any other part of your code. Its value is the global window object or undefined, depends on whether you are in strict mode:
const object = {
propName: this,
Secondly, you code is asynchronous, so theName would change from time to time, but you never actually redefine message strings in your notifications. And they won't be 'recalculated' by itself:
let surname = 'Whyte';
const object = {
fullName: 'Pepe ' + surname,
setTimeout(() => {
surname = 'White';
console.log('the value of \'surname\' variable is ' + surname + ' though.');
}, 2000);
What you can do in your case is to define notification as a function:
notification(name) { return "Awesome " + name + "! Success."}
Then write a getter for notifications and pass a name to the function.
Or as an alternative you can refer to the object itself inside the function. Like this:
let surname = 'Whyte';
const object = {
person: {
firstName: 'Pepe ',
fullName: () => {
return object.person.firstName + ' ' + surname;
setTimeout(() => {
object.person.firstName = 'Keke';
}, 1000);
UPD: I've made another example for you. It's hard to tell how exactly you are going to call this notifications, but here are two options you can access them the way you want (jsfiddle):
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
theName: 'Ricky Bobby',
// accessing `theName` prop inside state (probably won't be possible in the real project or very inconvinient due to modularity)
successNotificationInState: () => `Awesome ${store.state.theName}! Success.`,
// accessing the same prop with getter
getters: {
successNotification: (state) => `Awesome ${state.theName}! Success.`,
mutations: {
loginSuccess(state, payload) {
state.theName = payload.uName;
actions: { // let's emulate a login
}) {
return new Promise(fullfil => {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('logging in')
const response = {
uName: 'Keke',
email: '',
commit('loginSuccess', response);
}, 2000);
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
msgGetter: '',
msgState: '',
computed: {},
methods: {
login() {
this.$store.dispatch('login').then((response) => {
this.msgGetter = this.$store.getters.successNotification;
this.msgState = this.$store.state.successNotificationInState();
mounted() {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>Message from state: {{msgState}}</p>
<p>Message from getter: {{msgGetter}}</p>