How to extract number with awk in quotes after equal sign - awk

I have something like this in my parameters:
config_version = "1.2.3"
I am trying to get 1.2.3 without quotes with awk command, is it possible ?
how I get quoted number:
awk '/config_version =/ {print $3}' params.txt
output: "1.2.3"
desired: 1.2.3

find the line with the right label, trim the quotes of the value and print.
$ awk '$1=="config_version"{gsub(/"/,"",$NF); print $NF}' file

And also with awk:
$ echo 'config_version = "1.2.3"' | awk -F'=' '{gsub(/"/,"",$2);print $2}'

I'd use gsub to remove leading and trailing "s:
$ awk '{gsub(/^"|"$/,"",$3);print $3}'

The obligatory (or, perhaps "one of", rather than "the". There are lots of ways to do this!) sed solution:
sed -n '/^config_version *= */{y/"/ /; s///p;}'
Note that this leaves a trailing space in the result.

Use grep:
echo 'config_version = "1.2.3"' | grep -Po 'config_version\s+=\s+"\K[^"]+'
Here, GNU grep uses the following options:
-P : Use Perl regexes.
-o : Print the matches only (1 match per line), not the entire lines.
\K : Cause the regex engine to "keep" everything it had matched prior to the \K and not include it in the match. Specifically, ignore the preceding part of the regex when printing the match.
grep manual
perlre - Perl regular expressions

You might set FS so " would be treated as part of field seperator, let file.txt content be:
config_version = "1.2.3"
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ \"]+"}/config_version =/{print $3}'
Explanation: I instruced AWK to treaty any non-empty string consisting of spaces or " or combination thereof to be treated as field seperator. If you want to know more about FS and others I suggest reading 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR.
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)

Using gnu awk, you might also use a pattern with a capture group and print the group 1 value using m[1]
awk 'match($0, /config_version = "([^"]+)"/, m) {print m[1]}' file
If there should be digits optionally followed by a dot an digits:
awk 'match($0, /config_version = "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)"/, m) {print m[1]}' file

there are 3 ways to do it. the clean way like (\042 octal is double quote " )
{mawk 1/2 | gawk} 'BEGIN { FS = "\042" } $1 ~ /config_version =$/ {print $2}'
I specify $1 ~ in the offball chance that it's a phrase that shows up AFTER the version number, if data was misformatted. Another more extreme version of it asks FS to do all the work
{mawk 1/2 | gawk} 'BEGIN { FS = "(^[ \t]*config_version =\042|\042.*$)"
} NF==3 {print $2}'
Here i let FS gobble up the rest of the record, from left to right, so NF==3 provides enforcement exactly only this scenario will show up. And finally, a purist approach
{mawk 1/2 | gawk} 'BEGIN { FS = "(^[ \t]*config_version =\042|\042.*$)" ;
OFS = "" ;} ( NF == 3 ) && ( $1 = $1 )'


Chain awk regex matches like grep

I am trying to use awk to select/remove data based on cell entries in a CSV file.
How do I chain Awk commands to build up complex searches like I have done with grep? I plan to use Awk to select rows based on matching criteria in cells in multiple columns, not just the first column as in this example.
Test data
Separate Awk statements with intermediate files
awk '$1 !~ /^[[:digit:]]/ {print $0}' file.txt > output1.txt
awk '$1 !~ /^G-[[:digit:]]/ {print $0}' output1.txt > output2.txt
mv output2.txt output.txt
cat output.txt
Chained or multi-line grep version (I think limited to first column only)
grep -v \
-e "^[[:digit:]]" \
-e "^G-[[:digit:]]" \
file.txt > output.txt
cat output.txt
How can I rewrite the Awk command to avoid the intermediate files?
Generally, in awk there are boolean operators available (it's better than grep! :) )
awk '/match1/ || /match2/' file
awk '(/match1/ || /match2/ ) && /match3/' file
and so on ...
In your example you could use something like:
awk -F, '$1 ~ /^[[:digit:]]/ || $1 ~ /G-[[:digit:]]/' input >> output
Note: This is just an example of how to use boolean operators. Also the regular expression itself could have been used here to express the alternative match:
awk -F, '$1 ~ /^(G-)?[[:digit:]]/' input >> ouput
In your awk commands and example, awk regards file.txt as having only one field because you have not defined FS, so the default whitespace field separator is used.
With that said, you can easily AND your two pattern matches together like this:
awk '($1 !~ /^[[:digit:]]/) && ($1 !~ /^G-[[:digit:]]/) {print $0}' file.txt
To make awk use comma as a field separator, you can define it in a BEGIN block. In this example, the output should be just line3
awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} ($1 !~ /^[[:digit:]]/) && ($1 !~ /^G-[[:digit:]]/) {print $2}' file.txt
I would suggest the literal translation of that grep command in awk is
awk '
/^[[:digit:]]/ {next}
/^G-[[:digit:]]/ {next}
' file.txt
But you have several examples of how to write it more concisely.
You can use
awk '$1 !~ /^(G-)?[[:digit:]]/' file.txt > output.txt
The awk tries to find in Field 1:
^ - start of string
(G-)? - an optional G- char sequence (note the regex flavor in awk is POSIX ERE, so (...) denotes a capturing group and ? denotes a one or zero times quantifier)
[[:digit:]] - a digit.
If the match is found, the record (=line) is not printed. Else, the line is printed.
to stick to your question, I would use:
awk '$1 !~ /^[[:digit:]]/ && $1 !~ /G-[[:digit:]]/' file.txt > output.txt
But I like the #Wiktor Stribiżew REGEX approach!
With your shown samples, this could be also done in grep in a single regexp, we need not to chain the different regex, adding this solution in case you/anyone need it; could be helpful.
grep -v -E '^(G-)?[[:digit:]]' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, using grep's -v option to omit lines which are matching the mentioned pattern. Then using -E option of it to enable ERE(extended regular expressions). In main program using regex ^(G-)?[[:digit:]] to match if line starts from G- OR digit then don't print that line.

How to extract string from a file in bash

I have a file called DB_create.sql which has this line
I want to extract only testrepo from this. So I've tried
cat DB_create.sql | awk '{print $3}'
This gives me testrepo;
I need only testrepo. How do I get this ?
With your shown samples, please try following.
awk -F'[ ;]' '{print $(NF-1)}' DB_create.sql
awk -F'[ ;]' '{print $3}' DB_create.sql
OR without setting any field separators try:
awk '{sub(/;$/,"");print $3}' DB_create.sql
Simple explanation would be: making field separator as space OR semi colon and then printing 2nd last field($NF-1) which is required by OP here. Also you need not to use cat command with awk because awk can read Input_file by itself.
Using gnu awk, you can set record separator as ; + line break:
awk -v RS=';\r?\n' '{print $3}' file.sql
Or using any POSIX awk, just do a call to sub to strip trailing ;:
awk '{sub(/;$/, "", $3); print $3}' file.sql
You can use
awk -F'[;[:space:]]+' '{print $3}' DB_create.sql
where the field separator is set to a [;[:space:]]+ regex that matches one or more occurrences of ; or/and whitespace chars. Then, Field 3 will contain the string you need without the semi-colon.
More pattern details:
[ - start of a bracket expression
; - a ; char
[:space:] - any whitespace char
] - end of the bracket expression
+ - a POSIX ERE one or more occurrences quantifier.
See the online demo.
Use your own code but adding the function sub():
cat DB_create.sql | awk '{sub(/;$/, "",$3);print $3}'
Although it's better not using cat. Here you can see why: Comparison of cat pipe awk operation to awk command on a file
So better this way:
awk '{sub(/;$/, "",$3);print $3}' file

AWK that reads up to the /

I have the following lines of text :
170311 005201 0433 DE(N) itemhandling itemAddBarCodeData: Barcode(1/1) <0157357069/OK> ##[ti=7672,
170311 005323 0433 DE(N) itemhandling itemAddBarCodeData: Barcode(1/1) </NOREAD> ##[ti=7672,
I have the following script :
grep "itemAddBarCodeData" %myItemHandling% | gawk -F "[<>]+" -v OFS=, "{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){if($i~/Barcode/){print substr($1,5,2)substr($1,3,2)substr($1,1,2),substr($1,8,6),$(i+1)}}}" > %myOutputPath%%myFilename%
What I need is a script that reads only the /NOREAD and the /OK so the output is like :
any help would be greatly appreciated
Complex gawk approach:
awk -F"[ />]" '{patsplit($1, a, /[0-9]{2}/); patsplit($2, b, /[0-9]{2}/);
printf("%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",a[3],a[2],a[1],b[1],b[2],b[3],$10)}' inpufile
The output:
-F"[ />]" - "composite" field separator
patsplit(string, array [, fieldpat [, steps ] ])
Divide string into pieces defined by fieldpat and store the pieces in array and
the separator strings in the seps array.
You can use this following script:
/\/[A-Z]+>/ { match($1"-"$2,/(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)(..)/,ts)
dt=mktime( sprintf("20%s %s %s %s %s %s",
ts[1], ts[2], ts[3],
ts[4], ts[5], ts[6]) )
dtd = strftime( "%d-%m-%y", dt )
dts = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", dt )
match ( $0, /\/[A-Z]+>/) # set RSTART and RLENGTH
print dtd, dts, substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
Run it like this: awk -v OFS=, -f script.awk yourfile
The important part is the second match function call, which matches
a string of capital letters [A_Z]
preceded by a /
followed by a >.
It should match the OK and NOREAD case and not the Barcode(1/1).
The variables
are set by the match function, we have to correct them by +1 and -2, because the match RE included / and >.
The first match, mktime, strftime and the sprintf function call are another way the format the date and time. The time functions are GNU AWK extensions.
Regular awk version:
awk '
gsub(/../,"& ",d)
printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]
' file
With script in file:
gsub(/../,"& ",d)
printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]
awk -f script.awk file
crammed on one line..
awk '{d=$1$2; gsub(/../,"& ",d); split(d,T); split($8,R,"[/>]"); printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]}' file
You don't need grep when you're using awk. With GNU awk for gensub():
$ awk '/itemAddBarCodeData/{print gensub(/(..)(..)(..) (..)(..)(..).*\/([^>]+).*/,"\\3-\\2-\\1,\\4:\\5:\\6,\\7",1)}' file
Here's a pragmatic combination of awk and sed that is conceptually relatively simple:
On Linux and BSD/macOS:
awk -F'[ />]' -v OFS=, '/itemAddBarCodeData/ {print $1, $2, $10}' file |
sed -E 's/^(..)(..)(..),(..)(..)(..)/\3-\2-\1,\4:\5:\6/'
On a Windows system, invoked from cmd.exe, different quoting and line continuation rules apply (assumes the presence of ported GNU utilities):
awk -F"[ />]" -v OFS=, "/itemAddBarCodeData/ {print $1, $2, $10}" file ^
| sed -E "s/^(..)(..)(..),(..)(..)(..)/\3-\2-\1,\4:\5:\6/"
Note how:
"..." strings rather than '...' strings must be used to protect the embedded content from interpretation by the shell
Unlike with "..." on Unix, $ has no special meaning to cmd.exe, so it can be used as-is.
^ as the very last character on a line serves as the explicit line-continuation character, and the line must be broken before the | (whereas on Unix a line ending in | is implicitly continued).
This is only used for readability here; of course, you can place your command on a single line.

Regex "^[[:digit:]]$" not working as expected in AWK/GAWK

My GAWK version on RHEL is:
I wanted to print a line if the first field of it has all digits (no special characters, even space to be considered)
echo "123456789012345,3" | awk -F, '{if ($1 ~ /^[[:digit:]]$/) print $0}'
Expected Output:
What is going wrong here ? Does my AWK version not understand the GNU character classes ? Kindly help
To match multiple digits in the the [[:digit:]] character class add a +, which means match one or more number of digits in $1.
echo "123456789012345,3" | awk -F, '{if ($1 ~ /^([[:digit:]]+)$/) print $0}'
which satisfies your requirement.
A more idiomatic way ( as suggested from the comments) would be to drop the print and involve the direct match on the line and print it,
echo "123456789012345,3" | awk -F, '$1 ~ /^([[:digit:]]+)$/'
Some more examples which demonstrate the same,
echo "a1,3" | awk -F, '$1 ~ /^([[:digit:]]+)$/'
echo "aa,3" | awk -F, '$1 ~ /^([[:digit:]]+)$/'
do NOT produce any output a per the requirement.
Another POSIX compliant way to do strict length checking of digits can be achieved with something like below, where {3} denotes the match length.
echo "123,3" | awk --posix -F, '$1 ~ /^[0-9]{3}$/'
echo "12,3" | awk --posix -F, '$1 ~ /^[0-9]{3}$/'
does not produce any output.
If you are using a relatively newer version of bash shell, it supports a native regEx operator with the ~ using POSIX character classes as above, something like
while IFS=',' read -r row1 row2
[[ $row1 =~ ^([[:digit:]]+)$ ]] && printf "%s,%s\n" "$row1" "$row2"
done < file
For an input file say file
$ cat file
The script produces,
$ bash
Although this works, bash regEx can be slower a relatively straight-forward way using string manipulation would be something like
while IFS=',' read -r row1 row2
[[ -z "${row1//[0-9]/}" ]] && printf "%s,%s\n" "$row1" "$row2"
done < file
The "${row1//[0-9]/}" strips all the digits from the row and the condition becomes true only if there are no other characters left in the variable.
Here you are printing every line that matches a pattern. This is exactly the purpose of grep. Since #Inian brilliantly told you what was wrong with your code, let me propose an alternative grep-based answer that does exactly the same as the awk command (albeit much faster):
grep -E '^[[:digit:]]+,'
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps.
echo "123456789012345,3" | awk -F, '{if ($1 ~ /^([[:digit:]]*)$/) print $0}'
EDIT: Above code could be reduced a bit to as follows too.
echo "123456789012345,3" | awk -F, '($1 ~ /^[[:digit:]]*$/)'

Using pipe character as a field separator

I'm trying different commands to process csv file where the separator is the pipe | character.
While those commands do work when the comma is a separator, it throws an error when I replace it with the pipe:
awk -F[|] "NR==FNR{a[$2]=$0;next}$2 in a{ print a[$2] [|] $4 [|] $5 }" OFS=[|] file1.csv file2.csv
awk "{print NR "|" $0}" file1.csv
I tried, "|", [|], /| to no avail.
I'm using Gawk on windows. What I'm I missing?
You tried "|", [|] and /|. /| does not work because the escape character is \, whereas [] is used to define a range of fields, for example [,-] if you want FS to be either , or -.
To make it work "|" is fine, are you sure you used it this way? Alternativelly, escape it --> \|:
$ echo "he|llo|how are|you" | awk -F"|" '{print $1}'
$ echo "he|llo|how are|you" | awk -F\| '{print $1}'
$ echo "he|llo|how are|you" | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"} {print $1}'
But then note that when you say:
print a[$2] [|] $4 [|] $5
so you are not using any delimiter at all. As you already defined OFS, do:
print a[$2], $4, $5
$ cat a
he|llo|how are|you
$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="|"} {print $1, $3}' a
he|how are
For anyone finding this years later: ALWAYS QUOTE SHELL METACHARACTERS!
I think gawk (GNU awk) treats | specially, so it should be quoted (for awk). OP had this right with [|]. However [|] is also a shell pattern. Which in bash at least, will only expand if it matches a file in the current working directory:
$ cd /tmp
$ echo -F[|] # Same command
$ touch -- '-F|'
$ echo -F[|] # Different output
$ echo '-F[|]' # Good quoting
-F[|] # Consistent output
So it should be:
awk '-F[|]'
# or
awk -F '[|]'
awk -F "[|]" would also work, but IMO, only use soft quotes (") when you have something to actually expand (or the string itself contains hard quotes ('), which can't be nested in any way).
Note that the same thing happens if these characters are inside unquoted variables.
If text or a variable contains, or may contain: []?*, quote it, or set -f to turn off pathname expansion (a single, unmatched square bracket is technically OK, I think).
If a variable contains, or may contain an IFS character (space, tab, new line, by default), quote it (unless you want it to be split). Or export IFS= first (bearing the consequences), if quoting is impossible (eg. a crazy eval).
Note: raw text is always split by white space, regardless of IFS.
Try to escape the |
echo "more|data" | awk -F\| '{print $1}'
You can escape the | as \|
$ cat test
$ awk -F\| '{print $1, $2}' test
hello world