Recently the toolbar is disappeared in pycharm.
I was trying to find config\options\ui.lnf.xml in IntelliJIdea and Pycharm directory, but there is no such file.
This should work:
press Shift twice (equivalent to Navigate > Search Everywhere)
type main menu (or just ma me)
select View | Appearance: Main Menu
Is your OS Linux? Try adding into Help | Edit Custom Properties and restart IDE.
Here are the steps to unhide (Or show back) the main menu/Toolbar in Goland/Pycharm or other IntelliJ Editors:
Click on the search icon in the top right-hand corner
In the search bar, type the word menu
You should see this result come up: View | Appearance: Main Menu
Then just click the toggle to change it from "Off" to "On"
There is a file name "ui.lnf.xml", the location of this file may different from OS to OS.
In Linux - the file location is - Home directory after that .config/JetBrains/Idea_<>/options.
For example I am using Ubutu.. then i can find the location like -
$ sudo find /home/ -name "ui.lnf.xml"
Under the "ui.lnf.xml" there will be an entry if main menu is off -
<component name="UISettings">
<option name="SHOW_MAIN_MENU" value="false" />
Need to change the value from false to true. This will solve the problem.
This is a Visual studio 2019 WinForms project on a Windows 7 64 bit machine
I know how to use the Properties to add an icon but if the icon is to be embedded with the EXE file that is not the process to use. I have also created a folder named Resources and place the icon in the folder not sure that is the best idea based on the EXE might not include the folder
Here is what I have tried Right Click Project > Properties > Application > Icon ComboBox > Browse
Select the icon which is named s.ico and is 32 X 32
I also tried to cut and paste from the solution explore to the Debug folder BIG MISTAKE
Now I have no Release folder ?
The question is this the correct process ?
Do I still need code to make this icon show on all the project forms ?
One form does not have a title bar
OK I am adding to this Question
I created a test project with only a form. textbox and button
I added a icon to the button and it shows when the project is run
For some reason when I added the icon to the button a Resource Folder was created that contained the cat.ico I DID NOT CREATE the FOLDER( See New Screen Shot )
Now I followed the steps to add an icon to the titlebar NO LUCK
Here is where I have no idea what is going on
If I right click on the two icon files One says the Build Action is "content"
If I right click on the other icon the Build Action is "None"
I see the option to select Build Action "Embedded Resource"
Question What does Build Action do?
And if "Embedded Resource" is selected does that mean the file is included in the EXE?
New Screen Shot
I am not sure this is a good way to solve the question
WHY because I do not understand how the code works BUT IT WORKS
Here is what I did I Right Click Project > Properties > Application > Icon ComboBox > Browse Select the icon
The icon in question is in the project > See the Screen Shot
Then I added this 7 year old code I found on SO
Stackoverflow Link
Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath)
OK So now someone please explain how this works ?
Based on my limited knowledge I would say this will include the icon in the EXE file
(Project > Properties > Application > Icon ComboBox > Browse
Select the icon)
this indeed is the right way to select an icon for your project.
The icon will be found after that in your project folder not the debug folder.
After debugging your Project it will be embedded with it and the EXE file icon will be changed to the selected Icon.
No need to add it to the resources.
Finally, to set the same icon for all your forms, take a look at this topic:
Set same icon for all my Forms
or of course, you could change it manually one by one in the (properties) menu, in (Icon), then browse to your Ico File.
After updating to IntellijIdea 14 I have discovered that an excluded folder in my project is now visible.
How do I hide it?
The answer is close, in the Project gear menu:
PS: Yes, it's a self-learning post
Also, you may have switched on the Show Excluded Files option. If so, use Shift + Shift and type excluded and do the obvious thing.
Right click at the directory you want to exclude to mark it as excluded,
and then uncheck the Show Excluded Files option.
1: Intellij IDEA > Preferences.
2: Go to File Types.
3: Add *.iml and *.idea to the Ignore files and folders list box at the bottom of this window.
In Idea 2022.2.2: project view -> gear icon -> Tree Appearance -> Show Excluded Files
In case you want to show excluded files instead of hiding them, you can invoke the Find action Window (e.g. Shift+Shift), search for Show Excluded Files and then turn it on or off. Sometimes there may not be this option in the Find action window somehow (such as me using the version 2019.3.3), but you can still toggle it by adding <option name="showExcludedFiles" value="true" /> to the node in .idea/workspace.xml:
<component name="ProjectViewState">
<option name="showExcludedFiles" value="true" />
Then restart the project window.
I can't find a hotkey for the feature "Scroll from Source".
What is the difference between Scroll from Source and Scroll to Source as well?
In the latest IntelliJ IDEA, there is a keymap entry called "Select in Project View" with no default shortcut. Just add a shortcut key to it. No need for a plugin.
Alt + F1, then 1
First checkout your shortcut key for the "Select In.." item in the Navigate menu.
Click in the file you're editing, hit the shortcut key for "Select in".. then press 1.
I've changed the hotkey for select in to Alt + 1 so that my key combination is the easy to remember Alt + 1, 1
There is a plugin for this now.
It's called Scroll From source:'
This is now builit in see #Dimitrov answer
There's no configurable shortcut in the Keymap settings, and it does not appear in the "Enter action" dialog, so I'm pretty sure it's not (yet) configurable, even if I agree it would be very appreciable.
You can use the navigation bar Shortcut keys as well.
On Mac
Hit ⌘ + ↑ (command and up key)
Hit ← (left arrow)
Hit ⌘ + Enter
This will take you to the folder in project view.
It's worth having a play round with the navigation bar.
IntelliJ really have this covered :)
For ubuntu i did ALT+L (cause ALT + F1 is busy), then just enter.
If you are using JetBrains Rider, then the shortcut is Locate in Solution Explorer:
As a much much much much much better alternative to the scroll from source functionality you can use the Navigation bar.
Note: double clicking on the folder in the navigation bar will scroll to that folder in the Project view, (i.e. the same functionality as scroll from source).
You can show the navigation bar in the view menu, there's also a shortcut for each OS (cmd and up arrow ⌘ + ↑ on OSX, Alt + Home on Linux and Windows)
So it looks like this...
And it allows you to browse through the folder structure containing the file in focus in the main editor.
In Ubuntu 18 you can disable shortcut Alt+F1, the super key(windows key) do same thing.
At moment i disable/changed this shortcuts of ubuntu
Alt+F7 --> windows+F7
Ctrl+Alt+L --> windows+L
Alt+F1 --> windows
Another better way:
The Shortcut is called Select in Projec View
The default shortcut is
or you can edit this.
UPDATE: Now you can easylly use Shift+Alt+1 in Gnome Keymap or Alt+F1 in Windows Keymap
If I understand correctly you don't want to toggle the option so much as trigger the file browser tool window with the selection being the currently edited file.
Just leave 'Scroll From Source' enabled and open the file browser with Command + 1 on OSX or CTRL + 1(i think) on Windows. The file browser sidebar will be selected and your selection will be highlighted.
This answer also explains the difference between Scroll To and Scroll From: How to make Scroll From Source feature always enabled?
In JetBrains Rider, this action used to be named Locate in Solution Explorer, but is now (v2019.2) named Locate/Select in Solution View and by default (at least with the built-in ReSharper keymap) bound to Alt+Shift+L.
I would like to have a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA that has the following effect: the tree in the project tool window expands to show the currently open class (or file), and this class becomes selected in the tree.
Is this possible?
Navigate (View in older versions)| Select In... (Alt+F1), Project View (Enter).
It's also possible to enable Autoscroll from Source option in the Project View so that current file is automatically selected.
IntelliJ IDEA 2019
Left click on the wheel > Always Select Opened File
There is also: Open Files with Single Click - the selected file from the tree view will be opened in the right side.
Old IntelliJ versions
Right click on Project/Packages area > Autoscroll from Source
Left click on the wheel > Autoscroll from Source
There is also: Autoscroll to Source - the selected file from the tree view will be opened in the right side.
Alt F1(Select Target dialogue) + Enter.
Click at this icon on the top of tree-box.
you can do this also using the upper dynamic menu that change for every opened file. just click twice on the last folder and the file will be on the same folder branch
also good for pycharm
You can also make your own key combo to the "select in tree view" via prefs. I often do: shift + cmd + a and then just write select in.. and then press enter.
Is there a way to create a new class in a desired location without using the mouse in IntelliJ?
I understand there is no keyboard binding in the default keymap.
If you are already in the Project View, press Alt+Insert (New) | Class. Project View can be activated via Alt+1.
To create a new class in the same directory as the current one use Ctrl+Alt+Insert (New...).
You can also do it from the Navigation Bar, press Alt+Home, then choose package with arrow keys, then press Alt+Insert.
Another useful shortcut is View | Select In (Alt+F1), Project (1), then Alt+Insert to create a class near the existing one or use arrow keys to navigate through the packages.
And yet another way is to just type the class name in the existing code where you want to use it, IDEA will highlight it in red as it doesn't exist yet, then press Alt+Enter for the Intention Actions pop-up, choose Create Class.
You can also use: ctrl+alt+insert
With Esc and Command + 1 you can navigate between project view and editor area - back and forward, in this way you can select the folder/location you need
With Control +Option + N you can trigger New file menu and select whatever you need, class, interface, file, etc. This works in editor as well in project view and it relates to the current selected location
// please consider that this is working with standard key mapping
For Mac Os, command + 1 , then press control + return
On Mac OS 10.14.5, Idea Intellij 2019.1.3 - Press command + 1 to navigate to project files then press control + n
On Mac you can navigate to the location in Project view where you want to create your class and then use ⌘N followed by Enter.
I do this a lot, and I don't have an insert key on my laptop, so I made my own keybinding for it. You can do this by opening Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap and navigating to Main menu > File > New... (I would recommend typing "new" into the search box - that will narrow it down considerably).
Then you can add a new keyboard shortcut for it by double clicking on that item and selecting Add Keyboard Shortcut.
Alt-Home until you're in Packages view
Down-arrow until package is highlighted
Enter X 2
Type name
If you use Mac, you are in luck. One can change the keymap for Intellij as Mac OS X, then you can use option+C.
In my (linux mint) system I can not get working combination alt+insert so I do the next steps:
alt+1 (navigate to "tree") --> "context button - analog right mouse click" (between right alt and ctrl) -- then with arrows (up or down) desired choice (create new class or package or ...)
Hope it helps some "mint" owners )).
I also searched this answer. Equivalent of command+N on Mac OS for Windows is ctr + alt + insert which #manyways already answered. If you searching this in settings it is in Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap, Other > New ...
If the difficulty is in finding the option that makes .java or .class files (Like me), then simply,
click on the folder you want to create file on. select new, and type file's name along with extension.
For example, instead of, helloWorld type or any file extension you desire.