what is the difference between BigQuery and Storage on GCP? - google-bigquery

Hi guys I am using GCP for the first time and while I walking through the a project's cloud function example with the mock data, I got confused about similarities/differences of each one and I would like more clarity of what makes them different because to me they seem so similar.

BigQuery is a data warehouse and a SQL Engine. You can use it to store tabular data in datasets and tables. In the tables you may as well store more complex structures like arrays and JSONs but not files for example.
Cloud Storage is a blob storage, with functionality similar to what you know in your linux/windows machine (saving files, folders, deleting, copying). Of course that in the backend it's nothing like your local file system.

BigQuery is a fully managed and serverless data warehouse. It's like Snowflake or Redshift.
Google Cloud Storage(GCS) is like Amazon S3 or Azure Storage. Storages are for storing data as the name suggests.
You usually use BigQuery to analyze & query data in order to draw some insights. BigQuery is an analytical engine.
You can store images, videos, logs, files, and etc in GCS(Google Cloud Storage), but BigQuery can't.

Google BigQuery belongs to "Big Data as a Service" category of the tech stack, while Google Cloud Storage can be primarily classified under "Cloud Storage".
Some of the features offered by Google BigQuery are:
• All behind the scenes- Your queries can execute asynchronously in the
background, and can be polled for status.
• Import data with ease- Bulk load your data using Google Cloud Storage or stream it in bursts of up to 1,000 rows per second.
• Affordable big data- The first Terabyte of data processed each month is free.
On the other hand, Google Cloud Storage provides the following key features:
• High Capacity and Scalability
• Strong Data Consistency
• Google Developers Console Projects
"High Performance" is the primary reason why developers consider Google BigQuery over the competitors, whereas "Scalable" was stated as the key factor in picking Google Cloud Storage.


SQL database to Bigquery or SQL database to GCS to BigQuery

In the book Data Engineering with Google Cloud Platform by Adi Wijaya, to load the data from a sql database to BigQuery, the author always load the data from sql to Google Cloud Storage first, and use it as staging environment, and only after that would he load data to BigQuery
What are the advantage of going through the GCS step and not straight away into BigQuery? In which case would you load directly data from SQL db to BigQuery?
BigQuery doesn't support the SQL format as mentioned in this post to directly load data from Cloud SQL to BigQuery. You can follow the below procedures:
You can use BigQuery Cloud SQL federated query importing data directly into BigQuery from Cloud SQL.
Based on this documentation, you should first generate CSV or JSON from the Cloud SQL Database and persist those files to Cloud Storage and load data into BigQuery.
The advantages when loading data from Cloud SQL to Cloud Storage to BigQuery are:
Cloud storage provides services like resumable uploads, whereas combining the job and data means you'd need to be more careful about managing any issues with jobs, and concerning yourself with transient issues.
According to this documentation, using Cloud Storage you can take advantage of long term storage:
When you load data into BigQuery from Cloud Storage, you are not charged for the load operation, but you do incur charges for storing the data in Cloud Storage.
And as mentioned by #John Hanley, I agree that the advantage of loading data to Google Cloud storage to BigQuery it is faster and you can ensure a consistent copy or backup to be recovered in the event of a primary data failure.
BigQuery table can be deleted when not in use and imported when needed. And less likely to fail when creating a table.
Additional information, the cost of storing in BigQuery is higher than in Cloud storage. And you are subject to the following limitations when you load data into BigQuery from a Cloud Storage bucket.
To suggest the best strategy, your question needs more information. Still it depends on your use case. And for more information on loading data can be found in the BigQuery documentation.

Google Cloud Data Fusion, How can I load many tables to bigquery in one pipeline

I want to load many tables which is in aws rds mysql server by using cloud data fusion. each table storage is more than about 1gb. also I found the plugin which name is "multiple database table" to load multi table. but i got a fail. Also basically when I used database source I can check my tables' schema. However, in multiple database table, i can 't find how to check table's schema. how can i use this plugin? or is there any other way to load many tables in data fusion service?
My pipeline setting was as follows.
I'm posting this Community Wiki as OP didn't provide enough details to reproduce but the below information might help someone.
There are few ways to get your data using Cloud Data Fusion, you can use pipeline, plugin, driver and a few others depending on your needs.
On the internet you can find two very well described guides with examples.
If you would like to find some information about Cloud Data Fusion with GCP products you should read Bahadir Bulut guide - How I used Google Cloud Data Fusion to create a data warehouse - Part 1 and Part 2. Also Data Fusion allows to use 150+ preconfigured connectors and transformations like Amazons S3, SQS, etc. Azure services and many more.
Another well described (which I guess would help OP) is to configure both Amazon and GCP resources and using pipelines. This guide is Building a Simple Batch Data Pipeline from AWS RDS to Google BigQuery — Part 1: Setting UP AWS Data pipeline and second part Building a Simple Batch Data Pipeline from AWS RDS to Google BigQuery — Part 2: Setting up BigQuery Transfer Service and Scheduled Query.. In short this guide describes 2 main steps:
Extract data from MYSQL RDS and bring into S3 using AWS data pipeline service
From S3, bring the file inside Bigquery using BigqQuery transfer service.

Where the data will be stored by BigQuery

I am using BigQueryIO to publish data into BigQuery from a Google Dataflow job.
AFAIK, BigQuery can be used to query data from Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive and Google Sheets.
But when we store data using BigQueryIO, where the data will stored? Is it in Google Cloud Storage?
Short answer - BigQueryIO Write/Read to/from BigQuery Table
To go a little deeper:
BigQuery stores data in the Capacitor columnar data format, and offers the standard database concepts of tables, partitions, columns, and rows.
It manages the technical aspects of storing your structured data, including compression, encryption, replication, performance tuning, and scaling.
You can read more about BigQuery different components in BigQuery Overview
Cloud Storage is a separate service from Big Query. Internally, Big Query manages its own storage.
So, if you save your data to Cloud Storage, and then use the bq command to load a Big Query table from a file in Cloud Storage, there are now 2 copies of the data.
Consequences include:
If you delete the Cloud Storage copy, the data will still be in Big Query.
Fees include a price for each copy. I think in April 2017 long term storage in BQ is around $0.01/GB, and in cloud storage around $0.01-$0.026/GB depending on storage class.
If the same data is in both GCS and BQ, you are paying twice. Whether it is worthwhile to have a backup copy of data is up to you.
BigQuery is a managed data warehouse, simply say it's a database.
So your data will be stored in BigQuery, and you can acccess it by using SQL queries.

Can Google BigQuery's internal data storage location be pointed to another location like local in-house infrastructure?

I would really like to use BigQuery for data analytics and developing business intelligence. The only concern is that some of our clients are not comfortable with cloud storage, so we have in-house servers storing their data for all our other processes. So far as I can tell, BigQuery offers no flexibility on storage of datasets aside from specifying which location in the cloud (US or EU) should be used. Is there any way to specify that BigQuery datasets are to be stored in local clusters?
It is not possible to point BigQuery storage to servers outside of Cloud. BigQuery supports federated query from outside of its internal storage, but it still needs to be in Google Cloud Storage or on Google Drive (and in the future perhaps on other Cloud storage systems).
An alternative answer to the technically correct one provided above; while you cannot specify a storage location outside of Google's infrastructure for BigQuery to access, it is worth noting that BigQuery is simply a fully managed (and highly optimized) version of the open source tool, Drill. Drill is essentially the query execution engine of BigQuery entirely uncoupled from the storage layer that Google uses (Colossus).
We leverage both BigQuery and Drill heavily at my company, and are very happy with both, albeit for different uses.

Is Azure Table storage a column-oriented database like HBase

I wonder to know how data is stored on disk in Azure Table? are they stored in a columnar format like HBase?
Microsoft Azure Table is a form of Microsoft Azure Storage, a scalable cloud storage system. There are three layers within an Azure Storage stamp and Stream layer stores the bits on disk, and in charge of distributing and replicating the data across many servers to keep the data durable within a stamp. Please see “Stream Layer” section in the following paper (http://sigops.org/sosp/sosp11/current/2011-Cascais/11-calder-online.pdf) to understand how we manage data on the hardware.
I can't say for sure, but I don't think so. Azure Table Storage is a key-value store. HDInsight is Azure's column-family storage, built on Hadoop, similar to HBase.