is Materialize css not updated anymore? - materialize

Been using Materialize css for so long now, and i see that it looks the same, no new components, with what i can see. Unlike how boostrap has really evolve over time. Materialize still looks Nice but, just wanna ask how well is the Framework going?

The original repo is not actively maintained. But you'll find active commits on this fork, which is maintained by the same contributors on the original one.


Why chained variables not involved anymore in the taskassigning example solution from Optaplanner 8.17?

From OptaPlanner 8.17, it seems that the code of task assigning example project has been refactored a lot. I didn't succeed in finding in the release notes nor on Github any comment about these changes.
In particular, the implementation of the problem to solve doesn't involve chained variables anymore since this version. Could someone from the OptaPlanner team explain why ? I'm also a bit confuse because the latest version of the documentation related to this example project is still referencing the previous deleted classes from version before 8.17 (eg.
It's using #PlanningListVariable, an new (experimental) alternative to chained planning variables, which is far easier to understand and maintain.
Documentation for this new feature hasn't been written yet. We're finishing up the ListVariableListener interface and then the documantation will be updated to cover #PlanningListVariable too. At that time, it will be ready for announcement.
Unlike a normal feature, this big, complex feature took more than a year to bake. That's why it's been delivered in portions. One could argue the task assignment example shouldn't have escaped the feature branch, but it was proving extremely expensive to not merge the stable feature branches in sooner rather than later.

Vue: wait to render until all components are mounted

I have a Vue/Nuxt web app where pages are dynamically generated from lots of components that have child components.
The trouble is the header and footer are rendered first, then the child components that have the actual content. This looks terrible on first load and Lighthouse doesn't like it. It's an Avoid large layout shifts failure. For context it's only an issue when client side rendering, SSR would eliminate this issue while intoducing others.
What I could do is edit every single component in my project and add an event on mounted. That could then be used to decide when to show the layout. The problem is it would be a major hassle and would cause bugs when new components are added and this bit is forgotten.
I'm not able to find any general solution to this in Vue and/or Nuxt. I'd love to have a new lifetime hook of allMounted which would only fire when child components are also mounted but it doesn't exist. Even that would be a bit hacky. An even more general render when all components are mounted option would be awesome.
I'm not sure that a dynamic component can help in your case, but I guess that your company's website will not really benefit from this. Indeed, the problem of the content jumping will still be present IMO.
<component :is="currentTabComponent"></component>
I still think that you content is highly static IMO and that you could even switch to full static to have the best performance benefits rather than having to wait for a long time (TTFB) while SPA is loading all the content. It may be a bit more challenging to have everything look nice of course (before/after the hydration).
Also, you should have an idea of the approximate size of your containers. In that case, you could use some skeletons and a maybe even a prototyping font to visually populate the blocks.
In case you do not agree or think that this is not doable, you still have this solution to your disposal
<child-component #hook:mounted="makeSomeStuff"></child-component>
With this you may be able to display a full-sized loader until your content is done loading. You could add a mixin with the longer mounted syntax in each component to avoid too much boilerplate but this one is deprecated and do have various issues.
But IMO, the issue is more in your way of fetching the data (asyncData and fetch hooks are nice) and the way that everything is full dynamic when there is no specific need. If it's more important to keep the dynamic part, I guess that you can be serious on code reviews or plug some git hooks or alike to kinda scan the code and see if the required mounted emits are in place.
There is no ideal solution in your case but keep in mind that Lighthouse will always prefer some SSR content with the less amount of JS. Here is my personal bible to anything performance related, you could probably grasp some nice tips in this really in-depth article.
Update for Vue3
The syntax has changed for Vue3:

How to organise importing mixins, filters and directives in a large VUE project

) I am coding a really big vue app and now I have a question, how to organise importing mixins, filters and directives. I am in trouble because I see that I don't understant how to do it((( I hope somebody coud help me.
How to organise...
it depends...
are you working with a team or alone?
Do you want to move fast or keep your app maintainable?
Does your app have a user base (critical) or is it a side project?
The first question I would ask is what code is duplicated and can be simplified or generalized.
The goal is to shrink the code as much as possible while staying clean. Remember that in six months you will want to read your changes and immediately know what is going on.
If you are using Vue 2, I would ask the question, why are you using filters?
It is one of the breaking changes when it comes to migrating to Vue 3. Think of another solution, like methods or computed properties (easily implemented).
This question cannot be answered here. It is too opinion based. There are many cases to consider and everyone has their own preference. Some like code splitting, some like to collect a lot in one file. Some a mixture, depending on how important or often functions are used.

vue-chartjs - Do Experienced Vue Developers use this wrapper?

I am refactoring my first pass Vue dashboard application, which uses vue-chartjs to access chart.js.
As part of doing this, I am creating a set of wrapper components that encapsulate more functionality than just the chart itself, e.g. titles, dialogs, measures etc. In doing this, I am finding that how vue-chartjs adds complexity to my task for multiple reasons, e.g. the structure of renderChart props doesn't match the parameters of chartjs itself. Also, vue-chartjs has its own unique capabilities that add a layer of complexity to using chartjs.
I assume there are other complexities that are reduced by using vue-chartjs, but... my question is:
Do experienced Vue developers use vue-chartjs to access chart.js? Or do you go direct to chart.js? My first pass approach was derived from a tutorial, and I didn't question it at the time. Now that I'm doing more complex things, vue-chartjs is getting in my way as I try to simplify and minimize data marshaling.
For now I am working around these issues, but if it is reasonable to create my own wrappers rather than add an unnecessary level through vue-charts, I would like to try that. But I don't want to venture into this without first asking for feedback from other dashboard folks who have done it!
Thanks for any advice on this.
Anecdotally speaking, I've found in some code reviews less experienced devs tend to rely on vue-**** wrapper libraries even when there is little (or even no) benefit. Adding additional libraries increases exposure to more dependencies, each of which theoretically carries a potential for security vulnerability. I've also seen the opposite, where the functionality is re-invented when a vue library is available and would save significant amount of time and have a more robust component(like including aria fields or thoroughly tested with various browsers). The tl;dr; being, I take is on a case by case basis.
I agree with #Daniel. I can give another example where I used vue-popper wrapper package. The component itself is not bad, it's well done, however, it uses the previous major version of popper.js which lacks good new features and improvements. For this reason I created later my own implementation of vue popper with the latest version.

SmalltalkHub versus SqueakSource3

With the next closing of SqueakSource repository, I wonder what is the advantage of SmalltalkHub over SqueakSource3. Is there some feature missing in SqueakSource3?
I have noticed that basic functionality like explore projects seems broken in SmalltalkHub, which is understandable because it is still in beta, but why to move or register projects to SmalltalkHub then?
Pharo's core development happens completely on SmalltalkHub.
It is much faster than SqueakSource3, which is the main point in favor of it. SmalltalkHub is still being extended and new features are on the way. For a typical use case from the image side there is little or no difference between the two.
SmalltalkHub is faster than SS3. It has a new look. You can manage team and collaborators with a modern interface. Nicolas Petton uses it daily for work and in addition it will continue to enhance it. All the Pharo core packages are hosted there. Finally, you can also easily install and use SmalltalkHub in your company if you need it. The software stack behind SmalltalkHub is really robust and nice. Several companies uses it for other projects.
From a risk-avoidance POV, there is something to be said for storing them in both. Their software stacks and feature sets are sufficiently different. Just make sure you identify one as primary. Copying the monticello files from one repository to the other is easily automated. Stef provided some scripts to copy whole projects from squeaksource to smalltalkhub recently, they would equally well work for canary or ss3.