does "npm pack" memorize version of package? - npm

I'm newbie at development, first, I'm not good at English. I hope your understanding.
I'm making UI library now. for the test of it, I found npm pack command.
It seems like If I enter npm pack once in specific version, then I cannot change the library contents without upgrading version in package.json file.
I wanna modify contents of library and test of it without version upgrade before publish.
is this possible?
ex) my situation
library v0.0.8, I found some problems.
modified contents of library without upgrading version(to v0.0.9)
npm pack
install library at test folder
changes were not reflected in test folder.
package.json -image
I'm making an npm UI library for company.
I was thinking about how to do the test of it, and found "npm pack" command.
I made the pacakage version v0.0.8, and entered the "npm pack" command.
after copy of tgz file, I pasted it to root directory of test folder.
and I downloaded it with yarn add ./library-test-0.0.8 at test folder.
after that, I found some problems of library, so modified those at package files.
but I didn't modified version of pacakage as v0.0.9 in package.json file.
after delete all builded files at dist directory, I entered npm build, npm pack
and I deleted v0.0.8 from my test folder with yarn remove library-test
again, after copy of new tgz file, I pasted it to root directory of test folder.
However, the changes I made were not properly reflected at test folder.
I tried npm cache clean --force, but it didn't work.
also, I tried it in new test folder, but it was same.
folder structure -image at ui-library
folder structure -image at test folder
as you can see above images, types folder should be deleted.
I guess, if I enter 'npm pack' command once, npm memorize that version and does not change.
is there any way to reset this npm's behavior?
I tried modifying version in pacakage.json(by upgrading v0.0.9) at my pacakge, it worked.
but this method will confuse me in the future..
I searched like below.
how to reset npm pack version
npm pack memorize version
npm pack revert
but I couldn't find what I want.
is there anyone who can give me some keywords or sites for this problem?


How to upgrade one individual file from node_modules folder instead of upgrading the whole package

I need to upgrade one of the yarn.lock file from node_modules folder to remove the Raven vulnerabilities issue.
The file path is
I know I can use npm install to install a new package. But is there a way that I can keep the whole package to the current version, but upgrade one file in the package?
You can edit the file directly. Or you can fork the package and update just the file, then publish your fork. But no, there is no way to use npm (and presumably not yarn either) to update a file without updating the package. That is by design. There are big debugging and malware possibilities if you run an npm command and have it report back that you are running version 1.2.3 but in reality you are running version 1.2.3 with one or more files modified.
I'm puzzled a bit by your desire to update a yarn.lock file in a package. yarn.lock files don't affect anything if they're inside node_modules. This is true both for npm and yarn. The yarn.lock file is ignored if it is not in your top-level project. Updating yarn.lock inside node_modules won't do anything to your running code. Perhaps the dependency is listed in your top-level yarn.lock file for your project?

Why does NPM create unwanted folder when installing packages?

Every time when I install any npm package, it creates a folder called 'tmpnodejsnpm-cache'. See the picture below.
Why does this happen?
The unwanted generated folder

Patching a NPM package locally with patch-package, not working

I'm working on a vue.js frontend, and I need to patch a package to fit the special needs of the app. The package I'm trying to patch is 'vue-youtube' (not that it really matters). I'm trying to patch it with patch-package (
So basically :
I edited locally the /node_modules/vue-youtube/src/vue-youtube.js to fit my needs
I did add the postinstall script in my package.json : "scripts": { "postinstall": "patch-package" }
I did npm install patch-package --save-dev
Then I ran npx patch-package vue-youtube
It did create a vue-youtube+1.4.0.patch file in a /patches folder with my modifications
BUT, my modifications are not seen. When I do npm run serve and launch my webapp, the package used is still the one not edited. I tried running npm install before, without success. When I go to the /node_modules/vue-youtube/dist/vue-youtube.js (thankfully it is a small package so it is readable), I can see that indeed my modifications have not been "compiled".
What am I missing here ? I feel like I have followed eveything in the patch-package npm page..
EDIT : Still investigating.. few more informations/questions :
my patch name is patches/vue-youtube+1.4.0.patch
when i run npm ls vue-youtube it returns just one element : vue-youtube#1.4.0
in my package.json the dependency listed is "vue-youtube": "^1.4.0", should it be different ? should it mention that it needs to be patched ?
EDIT 2 : I realized that I am not editing the node_modules/vue-youtube/dist/vue-youtube.js, but the node_modules/vue-youtube/src/vue-youtube.
If you edit the files in the dist folder, the patch works. (however I thought patch-package would allow me to edit the files in the src folder, in readable JS...)
If you edit the files directly in the dist/ folder of the package instead of the src/ folder, the patch works fine.
Adding below npm script in package.json after patching worked for me.
scripts: {
"prepare": "patch-package",
The lines from yarn documentation explains about prepare
For compatibility reasons, scripts called install, postinstall, prepublish, and prepare will all be called after your package has finished installing.
After adding this script in package.json, the changes of module file in patches folder has been patched into respective node module.
I was trying to do the exact same thing with some package, let's call it "some_package". When I saw the EDIT 2 my mind just connected the dots...
To test changes locally
Modify the files in node_modules/some_package/src folder and then, go to the node_modules/some_package and run:
$ npm install
$ npm run <name of the script that generates the dist folder>
No need to run npx patch-package nor postinstall step.
I think that this approach doesn't work for all packages, it depends on how the modified package's package.json is configured. Specifically, pay attention where the browser field is pointing (in my case ./dist/some_package.js).
CAVEAT: You will have to run npm install and npm run every time you make an update to the package.
To test changes and be able to share it among team members (when the package is on Github)
Make a fork of the package you want to modify.
Make all the changes you want to your forked version of the package.
Run the following to automatically update the package.json file to make the dependency point to your forked version:
$ npm install <github's user name>/<package's name of the forked repository>#<branch name> --save-prod
For instance, if your Github's user name is "johndoe", and you forked, and you made a branch named "mycoolbranch" containing your changes, then it would be:
$ npm install johndoe/aurelia-framework#mycoolbranch --save-prod
Note that the --save-prod flag could be replaced with --save-dev if the dependency is just for development.
Take a look at this answer, it may help.
For me it was happening because of version mismatch between package.json intended version of package and yarn.lock / package-lock.json

Where to install bulma-start through npm in project

I have created a css folder in my public folder of my project. Is it handy to npm install bulma-start directly in the css folder? Currently project links to Bulma via CDN link but I want to install it on my local machine so the project can run it locally. Can you please recommend the best procedures for installing all dependancies correctly?
Using bulma-start is bit different as compared to working with other npm packages so here are the steps I've followed to work with bulma-start.
Create another folder say temp.
Initiate npm package there by using npm init
Install bulma-start by using npm install bulma-start.
Copy paste all the files inside the node-modules to wherever you want to work with this project.
Again do npm install to install the dependencies of bulma-start i.e. bulma etc.
Feel free to delete temp.
Is it handy to npm install bulma-start directly in the css folder?
bulma-start is a complete package to start working, this includes the whole js, sass, CSS folders and scripts to start working. So bulma-start should be considered as the parent folder of your project.

Can't run npm after installing

I've seen many similar posts on this here on SO but for some reason those solutions don't seem to work for me. Clearly I'm missing something.
I installed depcheck package globally by running npm install -g depcheck which ran fine without any errors.
If I go into the global directory for npm packages which is:
c:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\npm on my Windows 10 machine, I do see the depcheck.cmd file.
I also see the depcheck folder within c:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\npm\npm_modules folder.
I think this means I was able to install the depcheck package globally.
When I run npm config get prefix, I get c:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\npm which seems to be the correct path.
Why is it that when I run depcheck inside my project's root folder where the package.json is located, I get:
'depcheck' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
If I try another standard npm command inside my project's root folder, it works fine. For example, I ran npm -v and got the version number.
What am I doing wrong?
I also had this problem before. After searching on the web I found that reinstalling NPM with Administrator permissions worked for me, as the installer without Administrator permissions doesn't create/write to some specific files. I hope this will help for you.