Difference Between Tile and Data usage & Feature Service - arcgis

With Developer Account we get upto 5GB free for Tile And Data usage and uptoo 100 MB free for Feature Service. We are not sure what's the difference between two?
If I upload 100MB+ Geojson file will it be considered under 100MB or 5GB?
Thank you,

When you upload the data to ArcGIS, it will be published as a layer in a Feature Service. This will then count towards the 100MB Feature limit. However, feature service storage is typically (always?) more efficient than GeoJSON storage. For example, in a quick test, a 521KB GeoJSON file downloaded from here turned into 328KB Feature Service. Geometries in feature services are stored as binary fields, and various other efficiencies of the backing hosted feature service (such as efficiently storing attribute data) will also help. There are of course many factors that influence this, but I expect you would always see an improvement over the raw GeoJSON size.
Note that the GeoJSON file you upload will also be stored as the source for the published feature service as part of your 5GB limit (this is so you can upload updated GeoJSON and republish your feature service at the same URL). You can delete this if you won't ever need to update the feature service this way. For reference, here's the GeoJSON file I uploaded (it seems that was also compressed slightly for storage to 509KB).


Need suggestion on usage of cloud file storage system, where reads are more than writes

I need a cloud service for saving file objects for my project.
1. Pushing the files would be less compared to reading files from the storage.
2. Need to maintain versions of the file objects
3. File objects must be indexed for fast retrieval.
We have already considered using Amazon S3 bucket, but considering our project requirement, as reading the file objects would be 1 million times more than writing a file into storage.
As Amazon charges S3 usage more on the number of reads that writes it really is the last option for us to use.
Can anybody kindly provide suggestions on what can we use here?

any storage service like amazon s3 which allows upload /Download at the same time on large file

My requirement to upload large file (35gb), when the upload is in progress need to start the download process on the same file. Any storage service which allows develop .net application
Because Amazon s3 will not allow simultaneously upload and download on
You could use Microsoft Azure Storage Page or Append Blobs to solve this:
1) Begin uploading the large data
2) Concurrently download small ranges of data (no greater than 4MB so the client library can read it in one chunk) that have already been written to.
Page Blobs need to be 512 byte aligned and can be read and written to in a random access pattern, whereas AppendBlobs need to be written to sequentially in an append-only pattern.
As long as you're reading sections that have already been written to you should have no problems. Check out the Blob Getting Started Doc: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-dotnet-how-to-use-blobs/ and some info about Blob Types: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/ee691964.aspx
And feel free to contact us with any follow up questions.

Storing Uploaded Files in Azure Web Sites: File System or Azure Storage

When using Azure Web Sites (WAWS) general opinion seems to be that uploaded content such as photo's or files should be stored in Azure Storage Blobs and not in the WAWS File System.
Clearly using Azure Storage is a great idea if you have a lot of data and need scale and redundancy however for small or simple sites it seems to add another layer of complexity and also means you can't easily use things like ImageResizer without purchasing the Azure compatible licence etc.
So given that products like WordPress from the Azure Gallery uses "/site/wwwroot/wp-content/uploads/" to store all uploaded files on WAWS is there anything wrong with using the WAWS file system for storage or are there other considerations to take into account when using Azure WAWS?
The major drawback to using the WAWS storage is that your data is now intermingled with the application. By saving all of your plugins/images/blobs externally in a database or blob storage, you retain the flexibility to redeploy your application to a new region/datacenter by just pushing your code to the new website and changing connection strings.
If your plugins/images are stored on disk in WAWS, then you need to make sure that you are backing it up appropriately. If anything happens, you need to restore the site along with all of the data that had been uploaded.
Azure Web Sites is using Azure storage as a file storage so essentially the level of complexity you're talking about is abstracted.
Another great benefit that comes with this approach is if you scale your web site to multiple instances all of them will work with exact same file content.
Of course if you want to use pure Azure Storage features like snapshots or sharing specific content to specific users this is not available as is. But for the web site purposes is quite good.
Hope that helps

Should I cache blob content to local HD?

Suppose I have files in blob storage, and these files are constantly used by my web application hosted in Windows Azure.
Should I perform some sort of caching of these blobs, like downloading them to my app's local hard-drive?
Update: I was requested to provide a case to make it clear why I want to cache content, so here it goes: imagine I have an e-commerce web-site and my product images are all high-resolution. Sometimes, though, I would like to serve them as thumbnails (eg. for product listings), and one possible solution for that is to use an HTTP handler to resize the images on demand. I know I could use output-cache so that the image just needs to be resized once, but for the sake of this example, let us just consider I would process the image every time it was requested. I imagine it would be faster to have the contents cached locally. In this case, would it be better to cache it on the HD or to use local-storage?
Thanks in advance!
Just to start answering your question, yes accessing a static content from Role specific local storage would be faster compare to accessing it from Azure blob storage due to network latency even when both compute and blob are in same data center.
There could be a solution in which you can download X amount of blobs from Azure storage during startup task (or a background task) in Role specific Local Storage and reference these static content via local storage however the real question is for what reason you want to cache the content from Azure blob storage? Is it for faster access or for reliability? If reason is to have static content accessible almost immediately then I could think of having it cached at local storage.
There are pros and cons of each approach however if you can provide the specific why would you want to do that, you may get much better to the point response.
Why not use a local resource? It gives you a path to a folder on the HD, and you can get a lot of space. You can even keep it around between restarts.
Another option is Azure Cloud Drive. It's fast, and would allow you to share the cache among instances (but only can write at once).

Distributed datastore

We're trying to add some kind of persistence in our app.
The app generates about 250 entries per second. Each of these entries belong to one of 2M files. For each file, we want to keep the last 10 entries, so we can look them up later.
The way our client application works :
it gets a stream of all the data
it fetches the right file (GET)
it adds the new content
it saves the file back (PUT)
We're looking for an efficient way to store this data that can scale horizontally as the amount of data we're getting is doubling every few weeks.
We initially looked at S3. It works fine, but becomes very expensive very fast (>$1000 monthly just in PUT operations!)
We then gave a shot at Riak. But it seems we can't get more than 60 write/sec on each node, which is very very slow.
Any other solution out there?
There are lots of knobs you can turn in Riak - ask the mailing list if you haven't already and we'll figure out a sane configuration for you. 60 writes/sec is not within the norm.
See: http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
What about Hadoop's HDFS spread over Amazon EC2 instances? I know each instance has a good amount of storage space, and you don't have to pay for put/get, only the inbound transfer.
I would suggest looking at CloudIQ Storage from Appistry. Its a fully distributed file store. Its accessible via a REST-based API, and can run on commodity hardware. You can define the number of copies retained on a file by file basis. It supports an Eventually Consistent model so you can balance file consistency with performance.