Checking API calls in chrome network tab with nuxt - vue.js

I am new to Nuxt and I want to see my API calls in my network tab. I understand Nuxt is SSR and it doesn't show APIs in its fetch() hook in network tab. I searched online quite a bit but couldn't find a way to examine my API calls in network tab. So I was wondering if there is a way to see your API calls on fetch() hook, in network tab to examine them with Nuxt?


How to see request headers and parameters in react native

New to react Native. Just like we can see all the API calls and the headers, as well as the request & response parameters, passed to the APIs from the network tab from the browsers, similarly, is there any way we can see the same while developing mobile applications in react native?
You could use Flipper if you use React-Native v0.62+. Flipper has a very neat network inspector and It has also plenty of debugging utilities.
Use the Network inspector to inspect outgoing network traffic in your apps. You can easily browse all requests being made and their responses. The plugin also supports gzipped responses.
According to Flipper's official documentation.
Here is an example screenshot from the Flipper Network tab:
There are some other network inspectors but I highly recommend using Flipper.

Display Discord Bot info to NuxtJS

So I'm learning NuxtJS and I want to display some info from my Discord bot to the website. Now as I understood I can make a component that gets the information and then call the component. Let me break down the question more.
To get how many users my bot serves I can do client.users.cache.size in my normal JS files in node but how do I achieve this in my website? I don't understand how to connect such things really.
And if you can please direct me somewhere that explains more stuff than just the official docs
I created an express API that pushes the info that I want and through the VUE app I simply used Axios to get that info.
This Mini-series by Traversy Media helped me A LOT

How can run a function before render template in nuxt

As mentioned in documents, everything in nuxt is between two options server side or client side. What if you need to run a function in client side, exactly before rendering templates.
My specific use case is user device detection in nuxt static mode. If you use ssr mode its easy to find just by {req} object but in static before find the device and applying on conditional classes, html and Dom are rendered in advanced.
So You're using SPA mode?
Following Nuxt lifecycle - Nuxt client lifecycle
You can attach detection like this on a middleware or in some created/beforeMount hook.

Does the Nuxt "Universal"-mode re-request the page from the Node server every time a new page is requested by the client?

I'm trying to figure out a basic thing about Nuxt "Universal" mode with the help of my dev tools, but I am just not sure if I understand it correctly.
Every time I request a new route in the Universal Nuxt app it seems to send a 200 (OK) request to the Node server. Did I understand correctly that on every page request a new document gets requested and served up by the Node server?
Some people are claiming that even while running the Universal mode the Node server sends only one package and after that the navigation and subsequent pages are loaded on the client side, thus not hitting the Node server anymore, but this is not the case right, how could the search engine crawler index that?
Essentially on every new route instead, the page gets re-requested from the Node server in its pre-rendered form right? This is how the "Universal" mode is actually SEO friendly as the crawler can look through all the pages and index it correctly to Google or Bing?
I'm sorry as I'm just a beginner with Nuxt and I fully understand (I think) how SPA as well as the Nuxt Generate modes work but this Universal mode is still a mystery for me at this point.
I would be very thankful for any clarifications on this!!! It would be super valuable in my learning journey! Thanks!
It's important to understand different "kinds" of navigation.
If you are navigating to a route by typing it into browser's URL bar, browser is hitting server (and this has nothing to do with Nuxt specifically) and what you get back is HTML with HTML content of your route pre-rendered by Nuxt + js bundle. Same thing happens if you use F5 (reload).
If on the other hand you use <nuxt-link> inside of some Nuxt page pointing to a different route/page and you click it, underlying Vue router will be used to switch to a different page (Vue component), server is not requested (for HTML) and new component (page) will handle rendering client side only
There can be an Ajax request when navigating that way but request is not for server-side rendered HTML. It's for additional JS content. Its because Nuxt is using automatic code-splitting (so when you hit the server 1st time, only JS needed for that route to work is loaded). Once the JS bundle for a specific route is loaded, it will not load again on subsequent navigation and unless your page/components inside are loading data from some API, you will not see any requests to a server during navigation....

Jmeter load testing in SPA

I am beginner in Load testing and I am doing load testing using JMeter on a single page web application. The issue which I am facing right now that as you know in SPA there is a single URL and page contains multiple tabs, how I can switch between the tabs using JMeter. You can see my test plan in below image.
I Know I have little knowledge, any link or guidelines are welcome as there is a limited information on google regarding SPA.
Do not compare the load testing with automation testing. Jmeter can only trigger the request that your system is sending to server. The steps you need to do:
Open your URL in chrome/firefox
Inspect the page or tap f12 on keyboard.
Go to network tab
Now click on the tabs you have in your webpage
check if there is any request being passed to server when navigating through tabs.
If yes, replicate the same request by adding a HTTP Request in jmeter and provide the request headers and parameters same as that of the request being passed.