Does index still exists in these situations? - sql

I have some questions about index.
First, if I use a index column in WITH clause, dose this column still works as index column in main query?
For example,
WHERE EMP_ID >= '2000'
'EMP_ID' in 'EMP_MASTER' table is PK and index for EMP_MASTER consists of EMP_ID.
In this situation, Does 'Index Scan' happen in main query?
Second, if I join two tables and then use two index columns from each table in WHERE, does 'Index Scan' happen?
For example,
A.COL1 > 200 AND
B.COL1 > 100
Index for table A consists of 'COL1' and index for table B consists of 'COL1'.
In this situation, does 'Index Scan' happen in each table before table join?
If you give me some proper advice, I really appreciate that.

First, SQL is a declarative language, not a procedural language. That is, a SQL query describes the result set, not the specific processing. The SQL engine uses the optimizer to determine the best execution plan to generate the result set.
Second, Oracle has a reasonable optimizer.
Hence, Oracle will probably use the indexes in these situations. However, you should look at the execution plan to see what Oracle really does.

First, if I use a index column in WITH clause, dose this column still works as index column in main query?
Yes. A CTE (the WITH part) is a query just like any other - and if a query references a physical table column used by an index then the engine will use the index if it thinks it's a good idea.
In this situation, Does 'Index Scan' happen in main query?
We can't tell from the limitated information you've provided. An engine will scan or seek an index based on its heuristics about the distribution of data in the index (e.g. STATISTICS objects) and other information it has, such as cached query execution plans.
In this situation, does 'Index Scan' happen in each table before table join?
As it's a range query, it probably would make sense for an engine to use an index scan rather than an index seek - but it also could do a table-scan and ignore the index if the index isn't selective and specific enough. Also factor in query flags to force reading non-committed data (e.g. for performance and to avoid locking).


Oracle Performance with Index

Let say if I have table TABLE1 that consist of million of records.
The table has COLUMN A, B and C.
I have an index of A with B.
C is not indexed at all.
After that I do a query with as per below
I run query Select * from TABLE1 where A='something' and
I run query Select * from TABLE1 where
A='something' and B='something' and C='something'
I understand that both query will use the index that I have specified. Based on my understanding, the performance of both query should be the same. However, is there any possibility that a query has better performance / run faster than the other? Why?
The queries will not necessarily use the index. Oracle makes a decision to use an index for queries based on the "selectivity" of the index. So, if 90% of the rows have a = 'something' and b = 'something' being true, then a full table scan is faster than using the index.
In both cases, the selectivity of the index would be the same (assuming the comparison values are the same). So both should be using the same execution plan.
Even so, the second query would typically run a bit faster, because it would typically have a smaller result set. The size of the result set is another factor in query performance.
By the way, both could take advantage of an index on table1(A, B, C).
Also, on a "cold" database (one just started with no queries run), the second should run faster for the simple reason that some or all of the data will have already been loaded into page and index caches.

how to improve the performance on this type of Query?

I have query that I am searching for a range of user accounts but every time I pass query I will be using multiple id number's first 5 digits and based on that I will searching. I wanted to know is there any other way to re-write this query for user Id range when we use more than 10 userIDs to search? Is there going to be huge performance hit with this kind of search in query?
select A.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from table1 A,table2 B
where A.col2=B.col2
and (B.col_id like '12345%'
OR B.col_id like '47474%'
OR B.col_id like '59598%');
I am using Oracle11g.
Actually it is not important how many UserIDs you will pass to the query. The most considerable part is what is selectivity of your query. In other words: how many rows will return your query and how many rows are there in your tables. If the number of returned rows is relatively small then it is good idea to create an index on column B.col_id. There is also nothing bad in using OR condition. Basically each OR will add one more INDEX RANGE SCAN to the execution plan with final CONCATENATION (but you'd rather check your actual plan to be sure). If the total cost of all that operations are lower than full table scan then Oracle CBO will use your index. In other case if you select >=20-30% of data at once then full table scan is most likely to happen and you should even less be worried about OR because all data will be read and comparing each value with your multiple conditions won't add much overhead.
Generally the use of LIKE makes it impossible for Oracle to use indexes.
If the query is going to be reused, consider creating a synthetic column with the first 5 characters of COL_ID. Put a non-unique index on it. Put your search keys in a table and join that to that column.
There may be a way to do it with a functional index on the first 5 characters.
I don't know if the performance will be better or not, but another way to write this is with a union:
select A.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from table1 A,table2 B
where A.col2=B.col2
and (A.col_id like '12345%')
union all
select A.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from table1 A,table2 B
where A.col2=B.col2
and (A.col_id like '47474%') -- you did mean A.col_id again, right?
union all
select A.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from table1 A,table2 B
where A.col2=B.col2
and (A.col_id like '59598%'); -- and A.col_id here too?

Does indexes work with group function in oracle?

I am running following query.
SELECT Table_1.Field_1,
FROM Table_1, Table_2
WHERE Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3)
AND Table_2.Field_2 <> 2
AND Table_2.Field_3 = 'Y'
AND Table_1.Field_1 = Table_2.Field_1
AND Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'
GROUP BY Table_1.Field_1, Table_1.Field_2;
I have created index for columns (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) of Table_1 but the index is not getting used.
If I remove the SUM(Table_1.Field_5) from select clause then index is getting used.
I am confused if optimizer is not using this index or its because of SUM() function I have used in query.
Please share your explaination on the same.
When you remove the SUM you also remove field_5 from the query. All the data needed to answer the query can then be found in the index, which may be quicker than scanning the table. If you added field_5 to the index the query with SUM might use the index.
If your query is returning the large percentage of table's rows, Oracle may decide that doing a full table scan is cheaper than "hopping" between the index and the table's heap (to get the values in Table_1.Field_5).
Try adding Table_1.Field_5 to the index (thus covering the whole query with the index) and see if this helps.
See the Index-Only Scan: Avoiding Table Access at Use The Index Luke for conceptual explanation of what is going on.
As you mentioned, the presence of the summation function results in the the Index being overlooked.
There are function based indexes:
A function-based index includes columns that are either transformed by a function, such as the UPPER function, or included in an expression, such as col1 + col2.
Defining a function-based index on the transformed column or expression allows that data to be returned using the index when that function or expression is used in a WHERE clause or an ORDER BY clause. Therefore, a function-based index can be beneficial when frequently-executed SQL statements include transformed columns, or columns in expressions, in a WHERE or ORDER BY clause.
However, as with all, function based indexes have their restrictions:
Expressions in a function-based index cannot contain any aggregate functions. The expressions must reference only columns in a row in the table.
Though I see some good answers here couple of important points are being missed -
SELECT Table_1.Field_1,
FROM Table_1, Table_2
WHERE Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3)
AND Table_2.Field_2 <> 2
AND Table_2.Field_3 = 'Y'
AND Table_1.Field_1 = Table_2.Field_1
AND Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'
GROUP BY Table_1.Field_1, Table_1.Field_2;
Saying that having SUM(Table_1.Field_5) in select clause causes index not to be used in not correct. Your index on (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) can still be used. But there are problems with your index and sql query.
Since your index is only on (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) even if your index gets used DB will have to access the actual table row to fetch Field_5 for applying filter. Now it completely depends on the execution plan charted out of sql optimizer which one is cost effective. If SQL optimizer figures out that full table scan has less cost than using index it will ignore the index. Saying so I will now tell you probable problems with your index -
As others have states you could simply add Field_5 to the index so that there is no need for separate table access.
Your order of index matters very much for performance. For eg. in your case if you give order as (Field_4,Field_1,Field_2,Field_3) then it will be quicker since you have equality on Field_4 -Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'. Think of it this was -
Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011' will give you less options to choose final result from then Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3). Things might change since you are doing a join. It's always best to see the execution plan and design your index/sql accordingly.

mysql: which queries can untilize which indexes?

I'm using Mysql 5.0 and am a bit new to indexes. Which of the following queries can be helped by indexing and which index should I create?
(Don't assume either table to have unique values. This isn't homework, its just some examples I made up to try and get my head around indexing.)
Select a.*, b.*
From a
Left Join b on b.type=a.type;
Select a.*, b.*
From a,b
Where a.type=b.type;
Select a.*
From a
Where a.type in (Select b.type from b where b.brand=5);
Here is my guess for what indexes would be use for these different kinds of queries:
Create Index Query1 Using Hash on b (type);
Create Index Query2a Using Hash on a (type);
Create Index Query2b Using Hash on b (type);
Create Index Query2a Using Hash on b (brand,type);
Am I correct that neither Query1 or Query3 would utilize any indexes on table a?
I believe these should all be hash because there is only = or !=, right?
using the explain command in mysql will give a lot of great info on what mysql is doing and how a query can be optimized.
in q1 and q2: an index on (a.type, all other a cols) and one on (b.type, all other b cols)
in q3: an index on (a.b_type, all other a cols) and one on b (brand, type)
ideally, you'd want all the columns that were selected stored directly in the index so that mysql doesn't have to jump from the index back to the table data to fetch the selected columns. however, that is not always manageable (i.e.: sometimes you need to select * and indexing all columns is too costly), in which case indexing just the search columns is fine.
so everything you said works great.
query 3 is invalid, but i assume you meant
where a.type in ....
Query 1 is the same as query two, just better syntax, both probably have the same query plan and both will use both indexes.
Query 3 will use the index on b.brand, but not the type portion of it. It would also use an index on a.type if you had one.
You are right that they should be hash indexes.
Query 3 could utilize an index on a.type if the number of b's with brand=5 is close to zero
Query2 will utilize indices if they are B-trees (and thus are sorted). Using hash indices with index-join may slow down your query (because you'll have to read Size(a) values in non-sequential way)
Query optimization and indexing is a huge topic, so you'll definitely want to read about MySQL and the specific storage engines you're using. The "using hash" is supported by InnoDB and NDB; I don't think MyISAM supports it.
The joins you have will perform a full table or index scan even though the join condition is equality; Every row will have to be read because there's no where clause.
You'll probably be better off with a standard b-tree index, but measure it and investigate the query plan with "explain". MySQL InnoDB stores row data organized by primary key so you should also have a primary key on your tables, not just an index. It's best if you can use the primary key in your joins because otherwise MySQL retrieves the primary key from the index, then does another fetch to get the row. The nice exception to that rule is if your secondary index includes all the columns you need in the query. That's called a covering index and MySQL will not have to lookup the row at all.

What is a Covered Index?

I've just heard the term covered index in some database discussion - what does it mean?
A covering index is an index that contains all of, and possibly more, the columns you need for your query.
For instance, this:
FROM tablename
WHERE criteria
will typically use indexes to speed up the resolution of which rows to retrieve using criteria, but then it will go to the full table to retrieve the rows.
However, if the index contained the columns column1, column2 and column3, then this sql:
SELECT column1, column2
FROM tablename
WHERE criteria
and, provided that particular index could be used to speed up the resolution of which rows to retrieve, the index already contains the values of the columns you're interested in, so it won't have to go to the table to retrieve the rows, but can produce the results directly from the index.
This can also be used if you see that a typical query uses 1-2 columns to resolve which rows, and then typically adds another 1-2 columns, it could be beneficial to append those extra columns (if they're the same all over) to the index, so that the query processor can get everything from the index itself.
Here's an article: Index Covering Boosts SQL Server Query Performance on the subject.
Covering index is just an ordinary index. It's called "covering" if it can satisfy query without necessity to analyze data.
SELECT ID, Foo FROM MyTable -- All requested data are covered by index
This is one of the fastest methods to retrieve data from SQL server.
Covering indexes are indexes which "cover" all columns needed from a specific table, removing the need to access the physical table at all for a given query/ operation.
Since the index contains the desired columns (or a superset of them), table access can be replaced with an index lookup or scan -- which is generally much faster.
Columns to cover:
parameterized or static conditions; columns restricted by a parameterized or constant condition.
join columns; columns dynamically used for joining
selected columns; to answer selected values.
While covering indexes can often provide good benefit for retrieval, they do add somewhat to insert/ update overhead; due to the need to write extra or larger index rows on every update.
Covering indexes for Joined Queries
Covering indexes are probably most valuable as a performance technique for joined queries. This is because joined queries are more costly & more likely then single-table retrievals to suffer high cost performance problems.
in a joined query, covering indexes should be considered per-table.
each 'covering index' removes a physical table access from the plan & replaces it with index-only access.
investigate the plan costs & experiment with which tables are most worthwhile to replace by a covering index.
by this means, the multiplicative cost of large join plans can be significantly reduced.
For example:
select oi.title,, c.address
from porderitem poi
join porder po on = poi.fk_order
join customer c on = po.fk_customer
where po.orderdate > ? and po.status = 'SHIPPING';
create index porder_custitem on porder (orderdate, id, status, fk_customer);
Lets say you have a simple table with the below columns, you have only indexed Id here:
Id (Int), Telephone_Number (Int), Name (VARCHAR), Address (VARCHAR)
Imagine you have to run the below query and check whether its using index, and whether performing efficiently without I/O calls or not. Remember, you have only created an index on Id.
SELECT Id FROM mytable WHERE Telephone_Number = '55442233';
When you check for performance on this query you will be dissappointed, since Telephone_Number is not indexed this needs to fetch rows from table using I/O calls. So, this is not a covering indexed since there is some column in query which is not indexed, which leads to frequent I/O calls.
To make it a covered index you need to create a composite index on (Id, Telephone_Number).
For more details, please refer to this blog: