How update vue variable if API variable changed? - vue.js

I would like to use VUE in combination with Pano2VR. Pano2VR has an API ( that allows me to use the value of a variable from Pano2VR in Vue.
I programmed a code that finds the value of a variable from Pano2VR and assigns that value to the VUE.
If I change the value of a variable in VUE, I can also change it in Pano2VR.
The problem, however, is that I need that if the value of a variable in Pano2VR changes, it also changes automatically in VUE.
The code I have below is what works for me so far, except for updating the values in Vue, if the value of the variable in Pano2VR changes.
Can someone help me how to do it ? May thanks for your time and help.
const app = new Vue ({
el: '#app',
data: {
dude: pano.getVariableValue('vue_text')
// save value from variable "vue_text" from Pano2VR into dude
methods: {
update: function () {
this.dude = 'Lama lamová',
pano.setVariableValue('vue_text', this.dude);
// update Pano2VR variable
<div id="app" #click="update">
{{ dude }}

It seems Pano2VR has a varchanged_VARNAME event that occurs for variable changes. You could hook into that to update Vue:
const app = new Vue ({
mounted() {
pano.on('varchanged_vue_text', () => {
this.dude = pano.getVariableValue('vue_text')


How can I reset the value of a ref and keep an associated watcher working?

I have achieved the desired behavior in the MCV by changing resetArray:
function resetArray() {
// myArray.value = [] // old version
myArray.value.length = 0 // new version
But I still don't understand why my MCV doesn't work.
In an app I am building, I store data in an a ref, created as const myArray = ref([]), which takes the form of an array of objects. This array is only changed in the following ways:
myArray.value[index] = {key: value}
myArray.value = [].
In particular, at no time is an object in myArray modified, it is either created or replaced.
I later added a watch which took action on every change to myArray.value. I discovered that after resetting myArray to [], the watcher stopped getting called.
Things I have tried:
I confirmed that my usage of ref follows the guidelines in this SO answer regarding ref vs reactive.
Refactoring to use watchEffect instead of watch. Did not help.
Refactoring to use reactive rather than ref. Did not help.
My Issue
In the MCV below, modifying myArray by calling addToArray works as intended: myArray.length is rendered and the first watch is triggered.
Calling resetArray triggers only the second watch, but the first watch IS NOT triggered when addToArray is called afterwards.
My Question
How can I both keep the ability to set myArray to [] and trigger actions every time myArray changes?
View my MCV on Vue SFC Playground
The below code is the content of App.vue in a Vue project created with npm init vue#latest:
<script setup>
import {ref, watch} from "vue"
const myArray = ref([])
function addToArray() {
function resetArray() {
myArray.value = []
watch(myArray.value, () => {
watch(myArray, () => {
console.log("RESET! clicked won't get called again!")
{{myArray.length}}<br />
<button #click="addToArray">CLICK ME</button><br />
<button #click="resetArray">RESET</button>
When watching a ref, use the ref itself -- not its value property -- as the watch source (the 1st argument to watch()).
To observe new array assignments or item additions/removals, pass the deep:true option (the 3rd argument to watch()):
myArray 1️⃣,
() => { /* handle change */ },
{ deep: true } 2️⃣

Vue and Fullcalendar customizing day cell

I need to add a button into every day cell. I know that I can do something similar to this:
dayCellContent: {
html: `<button> button text </button>`,
But i don't really wanna do that and I would much rather use my button component. Also like this I would have to add the click listeners without Vue which I also don't like very much.
So is there a better way to do this? Preferably just pass in the Vue component?
I solved this by using a component and initializing it using the Vue constructor like so.
const el = document.createElement("a");
const calendarDayCellContentContainer = new Vue({
render: (h) =>
h(CalendarDayCellContent, {
props: {
buttonText: "whatever",
and passing the button.$el as DOM node.
domNodes: [button.$el],

How to access props data?

I have an PHP var used in a blade template and want to pass it to a vue's method.
I'm still learning so sorry if it seems obvious but I read the docs but found noting useful.
So I have this piece of code in my HTML
<chat-messages :messages="messages" :surgery_id="{{ $surgery->id }}"></chat-messages>
And in my JS
Vue.component('chat-messages', require('./components/ChatMessages.vue'));
const app = new Vue({
el: '#chat',
methods: {
fetchMessages() {
axios.get('/messages/').then(response => {
this.messages =;
And I want to use something like axios.get('/messages/' + surgery_id).then(...)
But I can't figure out how to retrieve this surgery_id variable
In my ChatMessages.vue, I well created the properties
//Stuff to loop & display
export default {
props: ['messages' , 'surgery_id']
Use this as you do normally with the data:
axios.get('/messages/' + this.surgery_id).then(...)
You can access all the property of data option,props, and methods using this as context.
Further, if you want to use ES6, then it's even easier without concatenating them: (using tilde key `)
As per your query, you also need to pass props in your instance:
const app = new Vue({
// ...
surgery_id: 'your id value'
See my another post for more help.

Vue - instance data is not defined

I have a menu of topics (e.g. "About us", "Support") and I want to be able to tell what topic is active right now. When a topic is clicked it will become the active one. Think of it as a substitute for a router that will set an active route. This is not possible in my case since I'm working in SharePoint 2010... in a content editor. So I made the decision to have an activeTopic variable in my Vue instance.
The Vue instance
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
activeTopic: '',
This is because the activeTopic has to update another component and show some data based on the active topic. Like a router showing a child route.
The topic component
Vue.component('topic', {
props: ["title"],
methods: {
setActiveTopic: function (title) {
activeTopic = title;
isActiveTopic: function (title) {
return activeTopic == title;
template: `
<div v-bind:class="{active: isActiveTopic(title)}" v-on:click="setActiveTopic(title)">
<p v-text="title"></p>
The setActiveTopic function works as it should when I click it; it updates the activeTopic. But the isActiveTopic function gives me this error:
Error in render: "ReferenceError: activeTopic is not defined"
What I don't understand is that I can edit the activeTopic variable but I can't make a comparison? I've tried setting a default value but it still says it is undefined.
activeTopic should be assigned to the Vue component by setting and reading this.activeTopic. As is, you have two independent activeTopic variables scoped within each of your component methods.
You'll also want to include activeTopic in the component's data block, rather than on the Vue object itself, since it's specific to the component.
(If there's a reason to put that variable on the Vue object you would either want to pass it down to the component as a prop, or else access it directly as Vue.activeTopic instead of this.activeTopic. I'm honestly not certain whether Vue would treat that last structure as a reactive value within components -- I've never had a reason to try that, and can't think of a situation where that'd be a reasonable architecture.)
Vue.component('topic', {
props: ["title"],
data() { return {
activeTopic: ''
methods: {
setActiveTopic(title) {
this.activeTopic = title;
isActiveTopic(title) {
return this.activeTopic == title;
template: `
<div v-bind:class="{active: isActiveTopic(title)}" v-on:click="setActiveTopic(title)">
<p v-text="title"></p>
I am new to Vue, and have seen data being defined as an object in several examples.
But apparently, as per the documentation, you have to use data as a function that returns an object.
This is to ensure that all instances will have it's own version of the data object, and is not shared with all instances.
Instead of
data: {
count: 0
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
However I still don't know why in one of my component, data as an object worked, and in a child component with it's own data as an object, I got the error count is undefined;
I am assuming, the root element, (defined by new Vue({}) has to be a singleton, and is not intended to have several instances.
And since components, can have instances, the data in that needs to be defined as a function.

vuejs handsontable official and calling handsontable method

I'm a beginner, this is probably more of a javascript problem than vue but anyway:
there a plugin for spreadsheet named handsontable and in the normal use you make the table by doing this
hot = new Handsontable(container, {option})
and then you can use the method like hot.loadData() etc..
To use handsontable with vuejs, there a wrapper we can find here With the wrapper you make a table like this :
<div id="hot-preview">
<HotTable :root="root" :settings="hotSettings"></HotTable>
import HotTable from 'vue-handsontable-official';
import Vue from 'vue';
export default {
data: function() {
return {
root: 'test-hot',
hotSettings: {
data: [['sample', 'data']],
colHeaders: true
components: {
mounted () {
driver: localforage.INDEXEDDB,
name: 'matchlist-database'
localforage.getItem('DB').then(function (value) {
console.log('then i fetch the DB: ' + JSON.stringify(value))
if (value !== 'null') {
console.log('dB contain something')
So it work fine when i give an array but to load the data from a DB you must call the handsontable method hot.loadData(data).
i cannot find how to call this method in vuejs i always get the error
TypeError: root.loadData is not a function
i tried with all i could think of instead of root ex: HotTable.loadData(value)
but to no avail
Can someone point me out how i would call handsontable methods from the vuejs wrapper. Or point me out what kind of reading i should do to understand my mistake. Thank a lot
There are two problems here, not bad ones :)
1st problem:
If you want to refer to your data inside Vue's methods/computed properties/watchers/lifecycle events, you should use the this keyword. If you have data: function() { return { root: "root-value" }} and you would like to console.log that "root-value" string, you should write console.log(this.root) inside your mounted handler.
If you had something like:
data: function() {
return {
hot = new Handsontable(container, {option})
You could call hot.loadData() like so:
mounted() {;
So this refers to the Vue instance which exposes your data properties.
2nd problem:
If I understand the component wrapper correctly, you are supposed to pass data to it as props, not call any Handsontable methods directly.
<HotTable :root="root" :settings="hotSettings"></HotTable>
This means that Vue passes whatever you have as root in your data to the HotTable component. It also passes whatever you have as settings in your data. In the example, HotTable receives these:
root: 'test-hot',
hotSettings: {
data: [['sample', 'data']],
colHeaders: true
Now if you want to change/update/modify/add data that should be passed to the HotTable component, you should update your data in the Vue instance. You should do something like this.hotSettings = something new and this.root = something else and the HotTable component would receive those.
To understand what's really happnening with the HotTable, read all of the component documentation. Really. You will save lots of time if you read through the documentation. It all makes sense after that!