How to close iOS 14 DatePicker in Detox - detox

This must be super-simple, but I spent a bunch of time already trying to do it with no success.
After calling setDatePickerDate(), UIDatePicker is not closed and trying to calling to tap() on it throws an error saying it's not visible(why?).

After a bunch of research, I found out that you need to tap outside of the date picker to close it.
So the code to do it is: await element(by.type('UIDatePicker')).tap({ x: -10, y: -10 });


How do I wait for an element to disappear in Cypress?

I'd like to preface this by saying that I really tried looking here and anywhere else for an answer but without a succes.
Here is the problem:
I'm trying to automate a test for a web application that is loading a bigger amount of data and therefore has to be loading for a while. I have to wait for the page to load to do the next step and I'm trying to figure how to wait for the loading gif to be complete so that my tests can continue. The gif is a basic spinning thingy.
I would like to avoid using implicit wait time (cy.wait()) that is really only the last resort if noone is able to solve this.
What I found o far are these two functions:
cy.waitFor - this seems to be used mostly in situations, where you are waiting for an element to apper - I've tried this in different scenarios and works perfcetly but I havent been able to apply it here.
cy.waitUntil - this seems to be the thing I'm looking for but there is one huge problem. This function seems to have a timeout and I haven't been able to change it any other way than by changing timeouts globally for all the functions. If I set the global timeout to some longer period (minute +), then it works exactly how I would want it to work but obviously I dont really want to have such a long timeout for everything.
The way I see it, there are two possible solutions to this problem>
to change/turn off the timeout for the waitUntil function.
2)Or to somehow make it work with waitFor, because there seems to be no implicit timeout there and it just kind of waits forever for something to happen.
here is the code snippet of the situation:
cy.get('#load-data-button').click() // this clicks the button that stars the loading proces
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('body > div > my-app > billing > div > div > div.text-center > img').should('',) ) // this is the function that waits until the loading gif is invisible
I would be eternaly grateful for a solution, because unfortunatelly no one at my company is really a Cypress expert so they are not able to help.
Could you try something like:
cy.get([loading-spinner-identifier]).should("", { timeout: 60000 });
cy.get([an element that should now be visible]).should("be.visible");
It's a bit rough and ready, but I've used it when waiting for spinners to finish up. This waits a minute to see the spinner isn't there and then checks to see that something I'm expecting is there. I'd had varying success with this, but it has helped in some situations.
You can indeed use cy.waitUntil(). As you can see in the documentation of that package (, the timeout that the function has is just the default (5000 ms) of an argument you can change it. You can even change how often cypress checks the condition you want, so if you do something like:
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('body > div > my-app > billing > div > div > div.text-center > img').should(''), {
errorMsg: 'The loading time was too long even for this crazy thing!',
timeout: 300000,
interval: 5000
}); will try for 300 seconds (5 minutes) each 5 seconds (just an example with very long timeout).
Also, maybe you can consider to wait until some element is visible after that loading spinner, instead of checking if it dissapeared. If you want to specifically test it, is fine, but if some element appears or becomes interactable after the loading, it could happen that is still not in the state you want, for a fraction of a second, after the spinner is not visible. If that is the case, I would avoid the checking of the spinner dissapearing in first place, unless it adds value to your test, and I would just wait for that element to be in the state you want (for example wait until some input is not disabled, element is visible, text appeared somewhere...).
Add positive and negative assertion to make sure loading spinner is visible.
Default Time is 4s for assert statement.
You can increase defaultTime to wait for assertion to validate by adding configuration in cypress.json
"defaultCommandTimeout": 4000,
const waitForSpinner = () => {
// First, make sure the loading indicator shows up (positive assertion)
// Then Assert it goes away (negative assertion)

Moment format the time will become invalid date without debug mode on React Native

moment version is 2.24.0
My date value is 2019-04-23 03:16:00 +0000 UTC
I use moment to let it become to Asia time just like:
const moment = require('moment');
const localTime = moment(date).format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm');
localTime will show 2019/04/23 11:16
It works when I test it on debug mode.
But when I close the debug mode localTime will be
invalid date
The issue happen both of Android and IOS.
Any ideas ?
For anyone else experiencing date/time issues with Moment on Android especially if you're moving from React Native 0.59 (or older) to 0.60+, it appears that Hermes changes the way the Android works with Moment/dates. However, it would work when the debugger was enabled. Turns out, when you run the debugger, it switches back to the Chromium engine (or V8?) from Hermes. Resulted in us having to use console logs to track down Moment parsing issues. Oddly, the issues also occurred when trying the same manipulations in Safari.
If you're parsing dates passed in via different vars for day, month, year and the day or month does not have preceding zeroes (ex: 01 vs 1) then I recommend doing this:
const momentFormat = { y: birthYear, m: birthMonth, d: birthDay };
return Moment(momentFormat).format('MMMM Do, YYYY');
This manually sets the values rather than relying on each value being correctly formatted or having to write custom code to ensure the day/month values have the 0 when needed.

Qt5: drawing on X11 root screen (and changing the WId of an existing QWidget

Is it still possible in Qt5 to draw on the X11 root window and if so, how? As far as I understand this worked in Qt4 by changing the WId of an existing (just created) QWidget:
class Foo : public QWidget;
Foo:Foo(WId id)
        : QWidget()
    if (id) {
        create( id, false, true );
Apparently this is no longer possible despite what looks like only minor changes to the underlying code.
The sanctioned replacement approach of using
does not work for me: I get 2 more or less standard windows plus error messages:
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 850, resource id: 37748756, major code: 7 (ReparentWindow), minor code: 0
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 962, resource id: 37748760, major code: 7 (ReparentWindow), minor code: 0
QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
I'm not calling paintEngine myself, and am also not doing any painting outside of my QWidget::paintEvent() override.
I see similar questions have been asked but remained unanswered, I hope this one has more success.
appScreen returns a screen number, not a window ID. It returns 0 for the first screen/monitor, and that happens to the be default to tell QWidget() to create a new window. You need the QX11Info::appRootWindow() function.

Drag an element over another in selenium

I am trying to drag and drop an element over another but I am not able to do so. I am trying to perform the above operation on
This is my code
action.moveToElement(we2, 450, 250);
Instead of action.moveToElement(we2,450,250) I have even tried using action.moveToElement(we2) and action.moveByOffset(450,250).
I even tried to perform this operation using Robot class.
robot.mouseMove(230, 170);
robot.mouseMove(450, 200);
Nothing happens in any of the above code. No error or exception is thrown and Code execution gets completed successfully.
After a lot of effort (hit & try :) ) I was able to find a solution for my problem. It is working fine for the site I mentioned as well as for other sites also where drag and drop functionality is present. Here is the solution:
robot.mouseMove(we1CenterX, we1CenterY);
waitForMe(1); //custom wait
robot.mouseMove(we2CenterX, we2CenterY);
robot.mouseMove(we2CenterX+100, we2CenterY-70);
/*Moving the cursor over the element before releasing
the mouse button solved my problem*/

Error returned by Nuance DragonMobile text-to-speech when maximum number of transactions is reached

I'm about to release my App on IOS that uses Nuance Dragon Mobile SDK. I'm signed up for the "Silver" plan, which allows me 20 transactions per day.
My question is, does anyone know what error is returned by Nuance, when the limit is exceeded? I'm concerned, because I am filtering out:
error.code == 5 // Because this fires whenever I interrupt running speech
error.code == 1 // Because after interrupting speech, the first time I restart, it cuts off
// before finished, so I automatically start again, so as not to trouble the user to do so
I figure if Nuance returns an error different from these, I'll allow it to pass through, and be able to alert the user that they've reached their daily limit.
I think the following gives the possible errors:
extern NSString * const SKSpeechErrorDomain;
enum {
SKServerConnectionError = 1,
SKServerRetryError = 2,
SKRecognizerError = 3,
SKVocalizerError = 4,
SKCancelledError = 5,
It seems likely to me that it's the SKServerConnectionError that would be fired. In that case, I need to come up with a different strategy. If I could figure out what's going on with the restart issue I wouldn't have to filter out that error. Plus, when I automatically restart these false starts, I'm probably racking up my transaction count, which is unfortunate.
Anybody have experience with this aspect of the Nuance SDK for IOS?