How to change Opacity of button in conditional rendering in react native - react-native

I am new to react native. I have created a form. in which I am rendering some buttons according to server response. Now I want to set opacity of button 50% means. I want that button should look like its a disabled Now. SO is it possible if yes then please help. thanks. I want to set that opacity in my 1st line of code
here is my code
{data.bank_account_details_data[0] != null && (
<Card center middle shadow style={styles.category} >

You can set the opacity of the TouchableOpacity with a ternary expression (like your first line) based on a condition within the style prop.
Simplified example:
export default function App() {
const [hasOpacity, setHasOpacity] = React.useState(false)
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
style={{opacity: hasOpacity ? 0.5 : 1.0}}
In your example, it might look like this:
style={{opacity: data.bank_account_details_data[0] != null ? 0.5 : 1.0}}

you can use something like this
// opacity value ranges from 0 to 1
activeOpacity={0.9} //opacity for on touch behaviour
style={{opacity:0.9}} // opacity for view behaviour
console.log("i am here")
<Text style={{color:"#FFF"}}>This is opacity check</Text>
instead of static value of opacity you can use state, props or value from backend as a variable as well


Vertically align Pressable inside a Text component

flexDirection: "row",
flex: 1,
By continuing, you agree to our{" "}
Terms of Service
"Terms of Service" is printed higher than "By continuing, you agree to our". How do I vertically align them?
Or more precisely - how do I get the Pressable Text to vertically align to the bottom?
This is a bug in React Native itself. There are several open reports of this bug on React Native's GitHub, but the chances of it being fixed don't look good: - for the general problem of Views nested in Text being mis-aligned on Android, and a core contributor responded, but appeared to get derailed and stuck in some details specific to mimicking superscript and subscript. - specific to Pressable and someone posted a PR to fix it, but Facebook closed it because no-one from Facebook got around to reviewing it before it became stale and out of date with the main branch.
There's also some discussion in this issue comment, but the issue got closed.
In React Native >= 0.65, if your inline pressable element uses only text styles, you can work around this issue by using <Text> with onPress (and onPressIn and onPressOut to style the pressed state). Crude example:
* Like a simplified Pressable that doesn't look broken inline in `Text` on Android
const TextButton = ({ children, onPress, style, } => {
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState(false)
const onPressIn = () => setPressed(true)
const onPressOut = () => setPressed(false)
return (
style={typeof style === 'function' ? style({ pressed }) : style}
{typeof children === 'function' ? children({ pressed }) : children}
Beware, however, that there are also bugs around selecting interactive elements nested inside text using accessibility tools. If you can simply avoid nesting the interactive element in text, and have it on its own line, that's probably better: link-like interactive nested text isn't well supported in React Native currently.
On older versions of React Native before 0.65, Text didn't support onPressIn or onPressOut:
If you don't need Pressable's pressed state, use Text instead of Pressable (as the asker did:
If you do need pressed state, Text doesn't support the required onPressIn/Out handlers. However, TouchableWithoutFeedback does support those, and works by injecting props into its child so the Text will remain Text with no wrapping View. Wrap a Text in TouchableWithoutFeedback and pass the touchable onPress with onPressIn and onPressOut handlers and store the pressed state yourself.
* Like a simplified Pressable that doesn't look broken inline in `Text` on Android
const TextButton = ({ children, onPress, style, } => {
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState(false)
const onPressIn = () => setPressed(true)
const onPressOut = () => setPressed(false)
// TouchableWithoutFeedback modifies and returns its child; this returns `Text`
// plus press in/out events attached that aren't supported by Text directly.
return (
style={typeof style === 'function' ? style({ pressed }) : style}
{typeof children === 'function' ? children({ pressed }) : children}
Warning: if you're also using React Native Web and React Navigation, don't use the TouchableWithoutFeedback approach on Web, use pure Pressable on web, because React Navigation's navigate functions don't reliably work when passed to Touchable*s on Web due to a quirk of how the event handlers are set up (but they do work in Pressable), and this issue doesn't exist on Web.
Ended up doing this differently, using the onPress property of the <Text> component and finally wrapping all <Text> components in another <Text> component to have a proper line break:
By continuing, you agree to our{" "}
<Text onPress={() => {...}}>
Terms of Service
{" "}and our{" "}
<Text onPress={() => {...}}>
Privacy Policy
The snippet below should work but hard to understand without giving a shot. If you can provide screenshots I can help more in sake of getting a more proper result.
<Text style={{
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center'
By continuing, you agree to our{" "}
onPress={() => {
navigate("LegalStack", { screen: "Terms" });
<Text style={{margin: 'auto'}}>
Terms of Service
I found a very hackidy-hack solution...
<Text selectable={true}>
<Text>if you click</Text>
style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}
onPress={() => Linking.openURL("")}
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
marginBottom: -4,
<Text>, it will open google</Text>
By default the flexDirection is column. Change it to flexDirection:"row"

Updating button state which is clicked, inside RenderItem of Flat-list, in React Native

I am new to React Native and trying to accomplish something like below, where simple list from server is rendering in a list with a button. Button, upon click, will be disabled and opacity will be changed.
I am able to create the UI but when I click any button that says Join, previous clicked button resets it state to original. In other words, only one button displays clicked state all the time.
so my code is something like
this.state = {selectedIndices: false, groupsData: ''};
Flatlist inside render method looks like
<FlatList style={styles.list}
keyExtractor={(groups) => {
return groups.groupId.toString();
renderItem={(item, index) => {
return this.renderGroupItem(item);
renderGroupItem = ({item} )=>(
<GroupItem group = {item} style={{height: '10%'}} onPress = {() => this.onJoinButtonPress(item)}
index = {this.state.selectedIndices}/>
onJoinButtonPress = (item) =>{
this.setState({selectedIndices: true});
if( === this.props.index){
<View style = {[styles.container]}>
<Image source={{uri: 'some Image Url'}} style={styles.roundImage}/>
<Text style={styles.groupText}>{}</Text>
<View >
<TouchableOpacity style = {[styles.button, {opacity: 0.4}]} activeOpacity = { .5 } onPress = {this.props.onPress}
disabled = {true}>
<Text style = {{color: 'white', fontSize: 12}}>Joined</Text>
<View style = {styles.container}>
<Image source={{uri: 'Some Image Url'}} style={styles.roundImage}/>
<Text style={styles.groupText}>{}</Text>
<View >
<TouchableOpacity style = {styles.button} activeOpacity = { .5 } onPress = {this.props.onPress}>
<Text style = {{color: 'white', fontSize: 12}}>Join</Text>
Now I know that I need to pass an array or hasmap which contains mapping of items that have been clicked but I dont know how to do that. Need desperate help here.
I was able to overcome above problem after maintaining a boolean in the groupsData. Upon selection, I update a boolean "groupsJoined" in groupsData and update the state of groupsData which will invoke render. Inside GroupsItem class, I added a check that if data from props has joinedGroups as true then render selected state else non selected state.

Conditional ImageBackground React Native / JSX

I know I'm just having a syntax issue, but here goes.
I'm building a weather app where the background image source changes based on weather conditions. My quotes and weather desc work, but having trouble setting the background image based on the same conditions.
const weatherCases = {
"clear sky": {
title: "clear sky",
background: "../assets/sunnyBackground.png",
quote1: "My whole life has been sunshine. I like sunshine, in a certain way.",
return (
<ImageBackground source={weatherCases[weatherName].background} style={styles.forecastContainer}>
<View style={styles.forecastTopContainer}>
<Text style={styles.quoteText} >{weatherCases[weatherName]["quote" + randomQuoteNumber.toString()]}</Text>
<View style={styles.forecastBottomContainer}>
<View style={styles.forecastImageContainer}>
<View style={styles.forecastTempContainer}>
<Text>{hum}% Humidity</Text>
You can define a conditional variable which may be inside the json or state object and conditionally pass the source as follows.
<ImageBackground source={this.state.conditional?require('./assets/snack-icon.png'):null}>
Here is a expo link
You need to specifically require() every image resource that you will use. ImageBackground source prop expects the result of this require
const sunnyBg = require("../assets/sunnyBackground.png")
"clear sky": {
title: "clear sky",
background: sunnyBg,
quote1: "My whole life has been sunshine. I like sunshine, in a certain way.",
import LadyInGrass from '../../../assets/images/lady_in_grass.jpg';
source={imageSource ?? LadyInGrass}>

Touchable Opacity onPressIn color change

I have the following code in my RN application.
// onPress={onPress}
I want to change the color of TouchableOpacity when it is being pressed. So, in onPressIn, I changed the color to darkRed, but it display a light red or something similar to that. No dark color can be set there. What is the issue here? How can I change the color till I onPressOut? The color should be a dark one.
Found the solution. Set your activeOpacity={1} in your TouchableOpacity.
I guess I overengineered it a little bit. You can simply use the activeOpacity={1} prop.
The problem is that TouchableOpacity already provides feedback by reducing the opacity of the button, allowing the background to be seen through while the user is pressing down. So even if you change the backgroundcolor of the button, you won't notice it. Fortunately, I have a solution for you.
You can use TouchableWithoutFeedback together with an additional View to create your wanted behavior.
onPressIn={() => this.setState({pressIn: true })}
onPressOut={() => this.setState({pressIn: false})}
// change the color depending on state
style={{ backgroundColor: this.state.pressIn ? '#4c7d4c': '#98FB98'}}
<Text> Custom Button </Text>
Working Example:

Disabling buttons on react native

I'm making an android app using react native and I've used TouchableOpacity component to create buttons.
I use a text input component to accept text from the user and the button should only be enabled once the text input matches a certain string.
I can think of a way to do this by initially rendering the button without the TouchableOpactiy wrapper and re-rendering with the wrapper once the input string matches.
But I'm guessing there is a much better way to do this. Can anyone help?
TouchableOpacity extends TouchableWithoutFeedback, so you can just use the disabled property :
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}>
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
React Native TouchableWithoutFeedback #disabled documentation
The new Pressable API has a disabled option too :
<Pressable disabled={true}>
{({ pressed }) => (
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
Just do this
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={disabled ? 1 : 0.7} onPress={!disabled && onPress}>
this native-base there is solution:
style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
onPress={learnedWordsByUser.length && () => {
<Text>Let's Review</Text>
So it is very easy to disable any button in react native
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}>
This is disabled button
disabled is a prop in react native and when you set its value to "true" it will disable your button
Happy Cooding
This seems like the kind of thing that could be solved using a Higher Order Component. I could be wrong though because I'm struggling to understand it 100% myself, but maybe it'll be helpful to you (here's a couple links)...
TouchableOpacity receives activeOpacity. You can do something like this
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={enabled ? 0.5 : 1}>
So if it's enabled, it will look normal, otherwise, it will look just like touchablewithoutfeedback.
To disable Text you have to set the opacity:0 in Text style like this:
<TouchableOpacity style={{opacity:0}}>
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
You can use the disabled prop in TouchableOpacity when your input does not match the string
<TouchableOpacity disabled = { stringMatched ? false : true }>
<Text>Some Text</Text>
where stringMatched is a state.
You can build an CustButton with TouchableWithoutFeedback, and set the effect and logic you want with onPressIn, onPressout or other props.
I was able to fix this by putting a conditional in the style property.
const startQuizDisabled = () => === 0;
style={startQuizDisabled() ? styles.androidStartQuizDisable : styles.androidStartQuiz}
>Start Quiz</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
androidStartQuiz: {
backgroundColor: "green",
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
borderWidth: 1
androidStartQuizDisable: {
backgroundColor: "green",
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
borderWidth: 1,
opacity: 0.4
androidStartQuizBtn: {
color: "white",
fontSize: 24
I think the most efficient way is to wrap the touchableOpacity with a view and add the prop pointerEvents with a style condition.
<View style={this.state.disabled && commonStyles.buttonDisabled}
pointerEvents={this.state.disabled ? "none" : "auto"}>
<Text style={styles.connectButtonText}">CONNECT </Text>
buttonDisabled: {
opacity: 0.7
Here's my work around for this I hope it helps :
onPress={() => {
style={this.state.validity ?
SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle :
[SignUpStyleSheet.inputAndButton, {opacity: 0.5}]}>
<Text style={SignUpStyleSheet.buttonsText}>Sign-Up</Text>
in SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle holds the style for the button when it disabled or not, then in style={this.state.validity ? SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle : [SignUpStyleSheet.inputAndButton, {opacity: 0.5}]} I add the opacity property if the button is disabled.
You can enable and disable button or by using condition or directly by default it will be disable : true
// in calling function of button
// set the state for disabling or enabling the button
this.setState({ Isbuttonenable : true })
this.setState({ Isbuttonenable : false})
<TouchableOpacity onPress ={this.handledisableenable} disabled=
<Text> Button </Text>
Use disabled true property
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}> </TouchableOpacity>
Here is the simplest solution ever:
You can add onPressOut event to the TouchableOpcaity
and do whatever you want to do.
It will not let user to press again until onPressOut is done