Get Data using MSXML2.XMLHTTP - vba

i am trying to get data using MSXML2.XMLHTTP
but it didn't work
any ideas?
Sub getdata
Dim request As Object
Dim response As String
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
Dim website As String
Dim price As String
Dim sht As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set sht = ActiveSheet
On Error Resume Next
website = ""
Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
request.Open "GET", website, False
request.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"
response = StrConv(request.responseBody, vbUnicode)
html.DocumentElement.innerHTML = response
price = html.querySelector("div.AJyN7v")(0).innerText
Debug.Print price
Application.StatusBar = ""
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True``
End Sub
I have done many ways but still not working ,
hope someone can help me

Pretty much everything on that page requires javascript to load. Javascript doesn't run with xmlhttp request to landing page so price never gets retrieved..
The price is being retrieved dynamically from an additional API call returning json.
If you examine the url you will have the following:
The last set of consecutive numbers is the product id i.e. 5568491283.
If you open the network tab of dev tools F12, and press F5 to refresh the web traffic that updates the page, then check on the xhr only traffic, then input your product id into the search box, the first result retrieved is the xhr which is returning the price:
The response is json so you will need a json parser to extract the result (or use regex on string - less preferable)
In the headers sub-tab you can view info about the xhr request made.
Check the terms and conditions to see if scraping allowed and also whether there is an public API for retrieving this data.


Safe way to web scrape within VBA

I need to scrape some price data from a website. To get this done, I use the following snippet:
With http
.Open "GET", url, False
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Set topics = html.getElementsByClassName("sidebar-item-label")
For i = 1 To topics.Length - 1
str = topics(i).href
It works, but I am wondering how to secure the data, before assigning the html response to my variable str. To avoid malicious code get run on my windows machine, I need to validate, sanatize and escape the response data, before safe it to the variable and do the further stuff like string splitting and save it into my Excel spreadsheet.
Does anybody can help me with that? Do you need more informations?
My code so far:
Dim objXmlHTTP as New XMLHTTP60, html as New HTMLDocument
Dim prices as IHTMLElementCollection
With objXmlHTTP
.open "GET", URL, FALSE
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Set prices = html.getElementsByClassName("MyClass")
After getting the data, I am looping through the collection and search for a specific string "price" and assign the data t/value of price to an Excel cell. So and to avoid that excel will execute any bad code, I want to validate, sanatize and escape the data, before saving the html data into Excel cell.

Catch the POST Request Response and the Redirected URL from XMLHTTP request with VBA

I'm trying to catch a Response to a POST Request using XMLHTTP using the code below
Dim HTMLDoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim htmlEle1 As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim htmlEle2 As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim URL As String
Dim elemValue As String
URL = ""
XMLPage.Open "GET", URL, False
HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML = XMLPage.responseText
For Each htmlEle1 In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("div")
Debug.Print htmlEle1.className
If htmlEle1.className = "styles__SCFileModuleFooter-e6rbca-1 kUUNkj" Then
elemValue = Trim(htmlEle1.innerText)
If InStr(UCase$(elemValue), "CONSTITU") > 0 Then
'Found Value
Exit For
End If
End If
Next htmlEle1
The problem is that I can't find the ClassName "styles__SCFileModuleFooter-e6rbca-1 kUUNkj", because I notice that when I manually insert the value (500004064) in the search box of the URL :, the Web Page generates addicinal traffic and turns up at an end point URL :, where that className can be found in the Request ResponseText.
My goal is to use the First URL to retrieve the Duns number '453060832', to be able to access the information in the ResponseText of the EndPoint URL. And to catch Duns Number, I need to find a way to get the Endpoint URL, or try to get The POST request response below, and get that value using JSON parser:
{'TotalResults': 1,
'NumberOfPages': 1,
'Results': [{'Duns': '453060832',
'Vat': '500004064',
'Locality': 'ÉVORA',
'OfficeType': 'HeadOffice',
'FoundIn': None,
'Score': 231.72766,
'PageUrl': '/pt/pesquisa/empresa/?Duns=453060832'}]}
I'm not being able to capture what is really happening using the XMLHTTP Browser request, that seems to be the below steps:
navigate to
Webpage generates additional traffic
Amongst that additional traffic is an API POST XHR request which
returns search results as JSON. That request goes to and includes
the 500004064 identifier amongst the arguments within the post body
Based on the API results the browser ends up at the following URI
Can someone help me please, I have to do it using VBA.
Thanks in advance.
A small example how to POST data to your website using VBA, and how to use bare-bones string processing to extract data from the result, as outlined in my comments above.
Function GetVatId(dunsNumber As String) As String
.open "POST", "", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.send "{""Page"":0,""PageSize"":5,""SearchTerm"":""" & dunsNumber & """,""Filters"":[{""Key"":""districtFilter"",""Name"":""Distrito"",""Values"":[]},{""Key"":""legalFormFilter"",""Name"":""Forma Jurídica"",""Values"":[]}],""Culture"":""pt""}"
If .status = 200 Then
MsgBox "Response: " & .responseText, vbInformation
GetVatId = Mid(.responseText, InStr(.responseText, """Vat"":""") + 7, 9)
MsgBox "Repsonse status " & .status, vbExclamation
End If
End With
End Function
Dim vatId As String
vatId = GetVatId("453060832") ' => "500004064"
For a more robust solution, you should use a JSON parser and -serializer, something like

Import web source code including not displayed on page

I want to import the web page source code in excel what I see using View Page Source option in Chrome. But when I import it using below code, it doesn't import all content. The values that I'm looking for do not get displayed on web page.
I'm also unable to locate the element using getElementsByClassName or other methods.
Private Sub HTML_VBA_Excel()
Dim oXMLHTTP As Object
Dim sPageHTML As String
Dim sURL As String
'Change the URL before executing the code
sURL = "http://pntaconline/getPrDetails?entry=8923060"
'Extract data from website to Excel using VBA
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", sURL, False
sPageHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText
'Get webpage data into Excel
' If longer sourcecode mean, you need to save to a external text file or somewhere,
' since excel cell have some limits on storing max characters
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = sPageHTML
MsgBox "XMLHTML Fetch Completed"
End Sub
Data I want to import is IDs and Name:
So you need to understand the DOM in order to realize why this isnt loading everything.
XMLHTTP is going to load that specific resource you requested. A lot of web pages, sorry pretty much all web pages, load extra resources after the initial request is done.
If you're missing stuff, it's probably loaded on a different network request. So open up your DevTools in Chrome, make sure Network tab is recording, and watch how many network requests go in and out when you load your target page.
Essentially, this if you're using XMLHTTP, you'd have to simulate each of those to get the requests you want to scrape.
So you're just kind of pasting the data response into Excel.
Better to create HTMLDocument variable then set the response from XMLHTTP to be the response like here:
set xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");"GET", "http://localhost/books.xml", false);
Dim xString as String
xSring = xmlhttp.responseText
'search the xString variable
You can then split that response for the sheet or search it and extract the values in VBA memory, rather than print to the sheet.
You could also set the xString responseText as the innerHTML for a new HTMLDocument variable
Dim xHTML as HTMLDocument
Set xHTML.innertext = xString

Trouble scraping the names from a certain website

I've come across such a webpage which seems to me a bit misleading
to scrape. When I go the address "" it takes me to a page with "suchen" option. After clicking "suchen" it opens a new layout within this tab and takes me to a page with lots of names. So, the site address is same again "".
I would like to scrape the names of that page, as in "Mitarbeiter für die Leerguttrennung (m/w)". Any help would be highly appreciated.
What I wrote so far:
Sub WebData()
Dim http As New MSXML2.xmlhttp60
Dim html As New htmldocument, source As Object, item As Object
With http
.Open "GET", "", False
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Set source = html.getElementsByClassName("ng-binding ng-scope")
For Each item In source
x = x + 1
Cells(x, 1) = item.innerText
Next item
Set html = Nothing: Set source = Nothing
End Sub
The links are incremented like these as per xhr in developer tool but can't figure out what is the number of the last link.

Using MSXML to fetch data from website

I am trying to use the following code to geocode a bunch of cities from this website: but there seems to be some sort of issue and the variable 'Lat' in the following code always returns empty:
Sub Code()
IE.Open "GET", ", Osaka", False
While IE.ReadyState <> 4
Dim htmlBody As MSHTML.htmlBody
Set HTMLDoc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set htmlBody = HTMLDoc.body
htmlBody.innerHTML = IE.responseText
Lat = HTMLDoc.getElementById("geodata-lat").innerHTML
End Sub
I have another code that uses the browser to do the same thing and it works fine with that but it gets quite slow. When I use this code with MSXML, it just doesn't work. Apologies I am a newbie with using VBA for data extraction from website. Please help.
The response contains no content in the geodata-lat element. It appears that client side code is getting that data so your response only is looking at the html that the server generated. I tried this out myself and this is the section of the response you are looking for. You can see it is empty:
If you try an element that has content (geodata-kml-button), it does pull in a value ("Download KML file"). Ignore the ByteArrayToString() call, that was just me testing:
If they don't have a real API then I don't think you can get your data this way.