Auto generate comments on IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Is it possible to auto-generate a default /** */ javadoc comment when creating a new method (#inheritDoc) in IntelliJ?
Any tips? Is there a setting we can use?.


Intellij Idea does not detect and underline non-existing methods in the editor pane

In the idea editor and my java project , idea does not detect non-existing methods and underline in the editor pane, so i could not use alt + enter to generate new methods.
Example screenshot is below :
BTW : powersave mode is disabled, in the project setting sources are selected.
Project window is seen below:
I created demo maven project in idea, still the problem continues.
I created DemoNew Class.
public class DemoNew {
Then i created DemoImpl class:
public class DemoImpl {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DemoNew demoObject = new DemoNew();
demoObject.ssss(); // idea does not detect this non-existing method.
As seen above, idea does not detect the non existing ssss method in DemoNew class.
I uploaded demo project and my settings in intellij idea.
demo project and settings
After compiling project, still idea does not underline non-existing method with red color in the editor pane.
JetBrains Team answered the question
Looks like JDK uses wrong locale: Please try to add
"-Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true" option to JVM settings.
I added that parameters from intellij idea / help / edit custom vm options.
And parameters are seen below.
I added last four items in the file.
That fixed the problem.

Where is the Javadoc plugin settings in Intellij Idea?

The javadoc plugin generated default javadocs, how to set them ? Where is the Javadoc plugin settings in Intellij Idea ?
IntelliJ has built-in support for generating JavaDocs so unless there's something missing from that feature you won't need a plugin.
You can access this feature from Tools > Generate JavaDoc ...
More details in the docs here and here.
Edit 1: Based on your last comment I think you want to create the JavaDocs rather than generate the JavaDoc output. If so, then IntelliJ will create a Javadoc for you when you:
Place the caret in an empty line immediately above a method
Type /**
Hit the ENTER key
Given this method:
public void run(long distance) throws ExtremeFatigueException {
The /** + ENTER keystroke combination will generate this skeleton JavaDoc:
* #param distance
* #throws ExtremeFatigueException
The format of the JavaDocs in IntelliJ is controlled in Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Java then click on the JavaDoc tab.

How do I add class javadoc in intellij

I am using Intellij IDEA.
I know how to work "fix doc commnet"
It's always using method.
My question~
I would like to add javadoc on Class.
How can I do it?
There's nothing special, just place the cursor above the class and type:
and press enter.
Before each class you want documentation for, insert /** and press enter. A javadoc block should be generated for you. If you want to go ahead and generate the javadoc, do Tools -> Generate Javadoc and add whatever configuration options you feel necessary.

How to link to a static member of a Java class in KDoc?

In KDoc, you can do this:
* [Integer.equals] is an instance method.
But you can't do this:
* [Integer.signum] is a static method.
By "you can't" I mean that IntelliJ IDEA won't lead you to the declaration of a static member if you use Navigate → Declaration action on it. Navigating to static fields doesn't work as well.
Is there a way to link to static members of Java classes in KDoc? Is this probably just a bug in IDEA?
This is a bug. It has been fixed in more recent versions of the Kotlin IntelliJ plugin:

How can I change the javadoc class comment template in IntelliJ?

When I create a new Class the following javadoc comment is added
* Created by Dieter on 31.05.2015.
public class Calculator {
The Problem here is that my name is not Dieter :D (yes, it is the (first)name of the OS-User).
I am looking for the template but all I can find online does not seem to work on the current version anymore.
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> File and Code Templates and here you can edit your templates for new files.
You can read more here.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.2 it works for me.