React-select with react-hook-form - react-select

I have a credit card component. when user select expire month or expire year from select, I want to get value in p tag. Controller code is here, if I use render with controller its working but not giving error.
as={<Select options={years} />}
onChange={(inputValue) => changeValue(inputValue.value)}
required: true
How it giving error when its null and get value in the p tag?
and here is the sandbox link

I think you want to use watch/usewatch to retrieve the input value:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form";
import Select from "react-select";
const CreditCardForm = ({
cardInfo: { number, expiryMonth, expiryYear },
}) => {
const months = [
{ value: "01", label: "01" },
{ value: "02", label: "02" },
{ value: "03", label: "03" },
{ value: "04", label: "04" },
{ value: "05", label: "05" },
{ value: "06", label: "06" },
{ value: "07", label: "07" },
{ value: "08", label: "08" },
{ value: "09", label: "09" },
{ value: "10", label: "10" },
{ value: "11", label: "11" },
{ value: "12", label: "12" }
const years = [
{ value: "2021", label: "2021" },
{ value: "2022", label: "2022" },
{ value: "2023", label: "2023" },
{ value: "2024", label: "2024" },
{ value: "2025", label: "2025" },
{ value: "2026", label: "2026" },
{ value: "2027", label: "2027" },
{ value: "2028", label: "2028" },
{ value: "2029", label: "2029" }
const { register, errors, watch, formState, control } = useForm({
mode: "all",
reValidateMode: "onBlur"
function changeValue(inputValue) {
key: "expiryMonth",
value: inputValue.label
function changeValue2(inputValue) {
key: "expiryYear",
value: inputValue.label
return (
<div className="form-group expires">
<div className="expires__select">
{errors.expiryMonth && (
<span className="input__error-message">required</span>
as={<Select options={months} />}
// onChange={(inputValue) => changeValue(inputValue.value)}
required: true
<div className="expires__select">
{errors.expiryYear && (
<span className="input__error-message">required</span>
as={<Select options={years} />}
// onChange={(inputValue) => changeValue2(inputValue.value)}
required: true
export default CreditCardForm;


Cannot read properties of undefined on formatter, but data is showing fine

I have a bootstrap table that shows a list of appliances. I am importing my data with Axios and for this specific table I am outputting data from two database tables, so I have one object which is called applianceReferences which stores another object called activeAppliances.
Not sure if it is relevant for this question, but just so you know.
Before talking about the problem, let me just post the whole code and below I will talk about the section that is giving me issues.
<b-container class="my-2">
<b-card v-if="showTable" class="ml-4 mr-4">
:filter-included-fields=" => f.key)"
import {applianceService} from "#/services/appliance";
import CommonCollapsible from "#/components/common/CommonCollapsible";
import moment from 'moment';
export default {
components: { CommonCollapsible, CommonTable },
props: {
ownerId: String,
ownerType: String,
showDocuments: Boolean,
goToAppliances: "",
importAppliances: ""
data() {
return {
applianceReferences: [],
showTable: true
computed: {
fields() {
return [
key: 'referenceName',
label: this.$t('referenceName'),
sortable: true
key: 'activeAppliance.type',
label: this.$t('type'),
sortable: true,
key: 'activeAppliance.brandName',
label: this.$t('brand'),
sortable: true
key: 'activeAppliance.purchaseDate',
label: this.$t('purchaseDate'),
sortable: true,
template: {type: 'date', format: 'L'}
key: 'activeAppliance.warrantyDuration',
label: this.$t('warrantyDuration'),
sortable: true,
formatter: (warrantyDuration, applianceId, appliance) =>
this.$n(warrantyDuration) + ' ' +
this.$t(appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType ?
`model.appliance.warrantyDurationTypes.${appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType}` :
sortByFormatted: (warrantyDuration, applianceId, appliance) =>
appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType === 'YEARS' ? warrantyDuration * 12 : warrantyDuration
key: 'activeAppliance.purchaseAmount',
label: this.$t('amount'),
sortable: true,
template: {
type: 'number', format: {minimumFractionDigits: '2', maximumFractionDigits: '2'},
foot: sum
key: 'actions',
template: {
type: 'actions',
head: [
text: 'overviewOfAppliances',
icon: 'fas fa-fw fa-arrow-right',
action: this.createAppliance
icon: 'fas fa-fw fa-file-excel',
action: this.importAppliance,
tooltip: this.$t('importAppliances'),
cell: [
icon: 'fa-trash',
variant: 'outline-danger',
action: this.remove
methods: {
load() {
Object.assign(this.$data, this.$;
this.applianceReferences = null;
applianceService.listApplianceReferences(this.ownerId).then(({data: applianceReferences}) => {
this.applianceReferences = applianceReferences;
this.applianceReferences.forEach( reference => {
applianceService.listAppliances( => {
this.$set(reference, 'appliances',;
this.$set(reference, 'activeAppliance', =>
this.loaded = true
}).catch(error => {
watch: {
ownerId: {
immediate: true,
handler: 'load'
Okay, so the error occurs in this specific property:
key: 'activeAppliance.warrantyDuration',
label: this.$t('warrantyDuration'),
sortable: true,
formatter: (warrantyDuration, applianceId, appliance) =>
this.$n(warrantyDuration) + ' ' +
this.$t(appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType ?
`model.appliance.warrantyDurationTypes.${appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType}` :
sortByFormatted: (warrantyDuration, applianceId, appliance) =>
appliance.activeAppliance.warrantyDurationType === 'YEARS' ? warrantyDuration * 12 : warrantyDuration
What I am basically doing here is combining two values from the object: warrantyDuration and warrantyDurationType and putting them in one single row in my bootstrap table.
The problem is that this is giving me an error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'warrantyDurationType'
Yet the data actually outputs normally.
So what exactly does it want me to do?
I tried wrapping a v-if around the table to make sure that the application checks if the data exist before outputting it, but this does not solve the issue.
<div v-if="applianceReferences && applianceReferences.activeAppliance">
<b-card v-if="showTable" class="ml-4 mr-4">
:filter-included-fields=" => f.key)"
Last, just to give you a full overview, my array looks like this:
Any ideas?

Vue-multiselect update field using AJAX

Here is my Vue multiselect component:
<multiselect v-model="selectedcategoryitem"
placeholder="Type to search"
<span slot="noResult">Oops! No elements found. Consider changing the search query.</span>
And data and method:
data: { selectGoalID: 0
, selectedcategoryitem: []
, queryData: []
, options: [
value: 1,
category: 'item1',
libs: [
{ value: "1_1", name: 'name1(E)' },
{ value: "1_2", name: 'name2(P)' },
{ value: "1_3", name: 'name3(T)' },
{ value: "1_4", name: 'name4(F)' },
{ value: "1_5", name: 'name5' },
value: 2,
category: 'item2',
libs: [
{ value: "2_1", name: 'name1' },
{ value: "2_2", name: 'name2' }
value: 3,
category: 'item3',
libs: [
{ value: "3_1", name: 'name1' },
{ value: "3_2", name: 'name2' },
{ value: "3_3", name: 'name3' },
{ value: "3_4", name: 'name4' },
{ value: "3_5", name: 'name5' },
, methods: {
UpdateType: function (goal_id, selectedTypes) {
return $.ajax({
method: "POST"
, url: "#Url.Action("UpdateType", "Predict")"
, data: {
_goal_id: goal_id,
_selectedTypes: selectedTypes
, success: function (result) {
if (result.code == "S") {
else {
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
, toggleSelected: function (value) {
if (value.length > 0) {
this.queryData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
this.UpdateType(this.selectGoalID, this.queryData).then(
function (result) {
if (result.code == "S") {
else {
, function () {
And when I selected single item, console log return: null,
When i selected multiple items console log return:
(2) [{…}, {…}, __ob__: Observer]
0: {__ob__: Observer}
1: {__ob__: Observer}
length: 2
__ob__: Observer {value: Array(2), dep: Dep, vmCount: 0}
[[Prototype]]: Array
Question is:
Why first selected item is null, but v-model="selectedcategoryitem" selectedcategoryitem.length is 1.
How to convert value to JSON format send to Backend.
Step 1: Create an HTML template
<div id="app">
placeholder="Type to search"
<p>Selected Item: {{ selectedcategoryitem }}</p>
Step 2: Model data like,
data() {
return {
selectGoalID: 0,
selectedcategoryitem: [],
options: [
value: 1,
category: "item1",
libs: [
{ value: "1_1", name: "name1(E)" },
{ value: "1_2", name: "name2(P)" },
{ value: "1_3", name: "name3(T)" },
{ value: "1_4", name: "name4(F)" },
{ value: "1_5", name: "name5" },
value: 2,
category: "item2",
libs: [
{ value: "2_1", name: "name1" },
{ value: "2_2", name: "name2" },
value: 3,
category: "item3",
libs: [
{ value: "3_1", name: "name1" },
{ value: "3_2", name: "name2" },
{ value: "3_3", name: "name3" },
{ value: "3_4", name: "name4" },
{ value: "3_5", name: "name5" },
Step 3: Create an methods and call REST API call
methods: {
UpdateType: function (goal_id, selectedTypes) {
console.log("selectedTypes", selectedTypes);
return $.ajax({
method: "POST",
url: "#Url.Action('UpdateType', 'Predict')",
data: {
_goal_id: goal_id,
_selectedTypes: JSON.stringify(selectedTypes),
success: function (result) {
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
onChange() {
console.log("this.selectedcategoryitem", this.selectedcategoryitem);
this.UpdateType(this.selectGoalID, this.selectedcategoryitem).then(
function (result) {
function () {
You can see the logs for selected items and AJAX call form data

React Native - Connecting Two RNCPickerSelect's from 'react-native-picker-select'

How do I change the 'items' from a 'RNCPickerSelect' when I've selected a value from another 'RNCPickerSelect'?
For example, when I select a value called 'brand' from a RNCPickerSelect, the other RNCPickerSelect displays the 'models' associated with that specific 'brandName'. Basically, I want the 'items' from the other RNCPickerSelect to be influenced by the first RNCPickerSelect.
Here's the code:
pickerProps={{ style: {overflow: 'hidden' } }}
onValueChange={(value) => console.log(value)}
// style={styles.dropbox}
{ label: 'brand1', value: 'brand1' },
{ label: 'brand2', value: 'brand2' },
{ label: 'brand3', value: 'brand3' },
onValueChange={(val) => setBrand(val)}
pickerProps={{ style: {overflow: 'hidden' } }}
onValueChange={(value) => console.log(value)}
// style={styles.dropbox}
{ label: 'model1', value: 'model1' },
{ label: 'model2', value: 'model2' },
{ label: 'model3', value: 'model3' },
onValueChange={(val) => setModel(val)}
===============================Model Ideas================================
{ label: 'model4', value: 'model4' },
{ label: 'model5', value: 'model5' },
{ label: 'model6', value: 'model6' },
{ label: 'model7', value: 'model7' },
{ label: 'model8', value: 'model8' },
{ label: 'model9', value: 'model9' },
With the codes provided by #FreakyCoder, I've successfully fixed and improved the 'RNCPickerSelect'. I have adjusted the code to fit my project and have added some extra lines of codes as well. Thanks again #FreakyCoder!
The Sample Codes:
export default function MainPage() {
//===============Example Selections===============//
const firstPick = [
{ label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
{ label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
{ label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },
const secondPick = [
{ label: 'Football2', value: 'football2' },
{ label: 'Baseball2', value: 'baseball2' },
{ label: 'Hockey2', value: 'hockey2' },
const thirdPick = [
{ label: 'Football3', value: 'football3' },
{ label: 'Baseball3', value: 'baseball3' },
{ label: 'Hockey3', value: 'hockey3' },
const [dynamicPickerArr, setDynamicPickerArr] = useState(HondaModel)
onValueChange={(value) => { setModel(value)
// Magic here
// Your changed value logic should be here
return Football=setDynamicPickerArr(thirdPick)
else if(value=='baseball')
return Baseball=setDynamicPickerArr(secondPick)
else if(value=='hockey')
return Baseball=setDynamicPickerArr(firstPick)
{ label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
{ label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
{ label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },
onValueChange={(value) => console.log(value)}
you can do that with a simple state logic. When the first picker selects, it will update the other picker's predefined items array.
import React from "react";
import RNPickerSelect from 'react-native-picker-select';
const firstPick = [
{ label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
{ label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
{ label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },
const secondPick = [[
{ label: 'Football2', value: 'football2' },
{ label: 'Baseball2', value: 'baseball2' },
{ label: 'Hockey2', value: 'hockey2' },
export const Dropdown = () => {
const [dynamicPickerArr, setDynamicPickerArr] = useState(firstPick)
return (
onValueChange={(value) => {
// Magic here
// Your changed value logic should be here
{ label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
{ label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
{ label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },
onValueChange={(value) => console.log(value)}

How to combine Filtering, Grouping, and Sorting in Kendo UI Vue Grid (native)

I'm trying to enable some operations on my grid such as grouping, filtering and sorting, individually they works as shown in the docs but there is no an example of those functionality working together.
By myself I was able to combine sorting and filtering but grouping does not work when i'm adding it as it shown in the docs. look at at my code
<Grid :style="{height: '100%'}"
:sort= "sort"
:group= "group"
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [],
editID: null,
columns: [
{ field: 'AbsenceEmployeID', filterable:false, editable: false, title: '#'},
{ field: 'Employe', title: 'Employer', cell: DropDownEmployes},
{ field: 'Remarque', title: 'Remarque'},
{ field: 'Type', title: 'Type', cell: DropDownTypes},
{ field: 'CreatedDate', filter:'date', editable: false, editor: 'date', title: 'créé le', format: '{0:d}'},
{ title: 'Actions', filterable:false, cell: CommandCell}
filter: {
logic: "and",
filters: []
sort: [
{ field: 'CreatedDate', dir: 'desc' }
group: [],
gridData: []
mounted() {
computed: {
absencesList() {
return => Object.assign({ inEdit: item.AbsenceEmployeID === this.editID}, item));
getData() {
return orderBy(filterBy(this.absencesList, this.filter), this.sort);
absences: state => state.absences.absences
methods: {
loadItems () {
.then(resp => {
this.items = => item)
filterChange: function(ev) {
this.filter = ev.filter;
columnReorder: function(options) {
this.columns = options.columns;
sortChangeHandler: function(e) {
this.sort = e.sort;
// the following is for grouping but not yet used, read more
groupedData: function () {
this.gridData = process(this.getData, {group:});
createAppState: function(dataState) { =;
dataStateChange: function (event) {
The last three methods are not used yet, so filtering and sorting is working perfectly as of now. then in other to enable grouping I want to replace :data-items="getData" by :data-items="gridData" and run this.groupedData() method after the items are loaded but grouping doesn't work.
I think everything should be handle by the dataStateChange event and process() function but I also tried but without success
If you define the filterchange and sortchange events they are being triggered for filter and sort and you will have to updated data in their handlers. If you rather want to use datastatechage event for all the changes you have to remove the filterchange and sortchange events and the datastatechage event will be triggered instead of them. In this case you will have to update the data in its handler.
You can use the process method of #progress/kendo-data-query by passing the respective parameter each data change that is needed as in the example below:
const result = process(data, {
skip: 10,
take: 20,
group: [{
field: 'category.categoryName',
aggregates: [
{ aggregate: "sum", field: "unitPrice" },
{ aggregate: "sum", field: "unitsInStock" }
sort: [{ field: 'productName', dir: 'desc' }],
filter: {
logic: "or",
filters: [
{ field: "discontinued", operator: "eq", value: true },
{ field: "unitPrice", operator: "lt", value: 22 }
Hers is a sample stackblitz example where such example is working correctly -
You need to implement the groupchange method to handle Grouping
I prefer to use process from #progress/kendo-data-query
The following is a complete example of this
<Grid :style="{height: height}"
import '#progress/kendo-theme-default/dist/all.css';
import { Grid } from '#progress/kendo-vue-grid';
import { process } from '#progress/kendo-data-query';
const sampleProducts = [
'ProductID': 1,
'ProductName': 'Chai',
'UnitPrice': 18,
'Discontinued': false,
'ProductID': 2,
'ProductName': 'Chang',
'UnitPrice': 19,
'Discontinued': false,
'ProductID': 3,
'ProductName': 'Aniseed Syrup',
'UnitPrice': 10,
'Discontinued': false,
'ProductID': 4,
'ProductName': "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning",
'UnitPrice': 22,
'Discontinued': false,
export default {
components: {
data () {
return {
gridData: sampleProducts,
filter: {
logic: 'and',
filters: [],
skip: 0,
take: 10,
pageSize: 5,
pageable: {
buttonCount: 5,
info: true,
type: 'numeric',
pageSizes: true,
previousNext: true,
sort: [],
group: [],
columns: [
{ field: 'ProductID', filterable: false, title: 'Product ID', width: '130px' },
{ field: 'ProductName', title: 'Product Name' },
{ field: 'UnitPrice', filter: 'numeric', title: 'Unit Price' },
{ field: 'Discontinued', filter: 'boolean', title: 'Discontinued' },
computed: {
total () {
return this.gridData ? this.gridData.length : 0;
mounted () {
methods: {
getData: function () {
this.gridData = process(sampleProducts,
skip: this.skip,
take: this.take,
sort: this.sort,
filter: this.filter,
// ------------------Sorting------------------
sortChangeHandler: function (event) {
this.sort = event.sort;
// ------------------Paging------------------
pageChangeHandler: function (event) {
this.skip =;
this.take =;
// ------------------Filter------------------
filterChangeHandler: function (event) {
this.filter = event.filter;
// ------------------Grouping------------------
groupChangeHandler: function (event) { =;

How to reference a parent prop value in a vue-i18n translation string?

I am trying to make a vuetify text field reusable and would like to pass some prop data from a parent component into the validation translation strings as a variable. This prop is a max. character value for validation.
Is it possible to insert a prop or data value into a translation string ? Something like ...
props: {
maxLength: { type: Number, default: 20 },
i18n: {messages: {
en: { name_length: "Max. {this.maxLength} characters" },...
I've tried:
"Max." + String(this.maxLength) + characters", but it comes out as undefined.
Here's the complete code for reference:
v-model="text" :prepend-icon="iconfront"
:rules="nameRules" :name="name"
:label="label" :type="type">
export default {
props: {
value: {type: String},
iconfront: { type: String },
name: { type: String },
label: { type: String },
type: { type: String, default: 'text' },
minLength: { type: Number, default: 1 },
maxLength: { type: Number, default: 20 },
computed: {
text: { get() { return this.value },
set(val) { this.$emit('input', val) }
data () {
return {
nameRules: [
(v) => !!v || this.$i18n.t("name_rule"),
(v) => v && v.length <= this.maxLength || this.$i18n.t("name_length")
methods: {
this.$emit('textFieldInput', input)
i18n: {
messages: {
en: {
name_rule: "required field",
**name_length: "Max. {this.maxLength} characters",**
confirmation_rule: "passwords must match",
email_rule: "email must be valid",
password_length: "Length must be" + String(this.minLength)+ "-" + String(this.minLength) + "characters",
de: {
name_rule: "Pflichtfeld",
name_length: "Max. 20 Zeichen",
confirmation_rule: "Passwörter müssen übereinstimmen",
email_rule: "Email muss gültig sein",
password_length: "Länge: 6-20 Zeichen",
fr: {
name_rule: "champs requis",
name_length: "20 caractères maximum",
confirmation_rule: "les mots de passe doivent correspondre",
email_rule: "email doit être valide",
password_length: "longueur requise: 6 à 20 caractères",
}, //end of translations
OK, found the answer after a bit of digging:
props: {
maxLength: { type: Number, default: 20 },
i18n: {messages: {
en: { name_length: "Max. {max} characters" },...
Then in the template, you can pass the prop into the translation:
$t("name_length", {max: this.maxLength})