Error when uploading Image to user when registering? -

I am trying to upload the profile picture for my user when registering, but the error "An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request" happens, what is this and how can I fix it. I have successfully loaded the image for the Index page, but my Register got the error as shown below. Here is my code
Error Picture
enter image description here

The error seems to indicate that you did not register the implementation of IProfileRepository. Please, check if you are doing something like below, in you Startup:
services.AddScoped<IProfileRepository, ProfileRepository>()
If you are not, I believe that's the cause. The important error message is actually the "Unable to resolve service..." phrase, shown in the image :)


getting "Fatal Error" when any function is call by $cart in Prestashop 1.7

I'm facing an issue, where I'm getting 'Fatal error' after adding product.
When I call any cart method, it leads to fatal error.
As you can see from the error StackTrace , issue is caused by the "sendinblue" module, that executes some code in the "actionCartSave" hook.
Try disabling the module in first place to see if problem goes away,
then you need to check the module code (maybe there's an updated version?) to see where/when the fatal error arises.

Getting the following error: Unable to resolve "../assets/icon.png" from "app\assets\screens\WelcomeScreen.js"

When I try to run my app I get the error
Unable to resolve "../assets/icon.png" from "app\assets\screens\WelcomeScreen.js"
Error: Problems validating asset fields in app.json. See
• Field: icon - cannot access file at './assets/icon.png'.
I created a screens folder and input my homescreen into it as I heard that the majority of the react native community does things that way. Attached is a picture of my filesenter image description here
I think that the image path is off, however I had changed it multiple times and am still getting the same error.
Any help would be appreciated.
try the following: ../icon.png
Cause that's what I can see from your file structure.
If you use visual studio code as dev tool, when you type path cue, correct path will be appeared. so you can avoid to make mistake in path of image.

Trying to trace an error in xcode

When I start up my application I get the error detailed below. If I continue the application everything seems to be working fine. The error is raised between the calls to applicationWillFinishLaunching and applicationDidFinishLaunching.
I suspect the eror is getting generated when the xib is being loaded, however I can see nothing wrong with the xib and how it is connected up. Can anyone give me some tips on how I can trace back to find the source of the error?
2012-08-21 11:31:55.293 ConjugationViewer[32508:707] *** Assertion failure in -[NSTextFieldCell _objectValue:forString:errorDescription:], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1138.47/AppKit.subproj/NSCell.m:1564
2012-08-21 11:31:55.303 ConjugationViewer[32508:707] Ignoring exception raised in __-[NSPersistentUIManager restoreAllPersistentStateWithTalagentWindows:registeringAsReadyWhenDone:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_3: Invalid parameter not satisfying: aString != nil
I had same problem.
In my case I had set
[NSTextField setStringValue:nil] By mistake.
You can trace the problem in your code using crash stack log.
The log shows function call as stack start from bottom. You can search the last call of your function after which cocoa functions get called. You can say problem present at the same function.

How to know if QLPreviewController successfully loaded a document/failed to load it?

My iOS app loads a variety of documents using QLPreviewController. My aim is to set a flag if the document loaded properly and show an error if it didn't.
Curiously the QLPreviewControllerDelegate protocol offers no callback to check this, nor does the QLPreviewController seem to throw any exception when I try to load an invalid file.
For the record, I tried loading an invalid PDF and it simply logged a message about not being able to find the header and displayed an empty file.
Can anyone please tell me how I can figure this out?
If establishing whether an item could be displayed beforehand works for you then a call to the following may be an option:
+(BOOL)canPreviewItem:(id<QLPreviewItem>) item

Selenium.SeleniumException: ERROR: Command execution failure

Please search the forum at for error details from the log window. The error message is: Permission denied
I am getting error when i am trying to execute Selenium.IsElementPresent(ticketLocator)
Help me!!
Yeah got the answer.
Basically with the selenium I was clicking a button and then directly calling this
and not waiting for the page to load.
Selenium.WaitForPageToLoad(milliseconds.ToString()); // milliseconds
So now after clicking I am waiting for 3 seconds and it started working fine.