Split Form creates a separate collections for each of its parts - vba

I have a split Form in MS Access where users can select records in the datasheet and add it to a listbox in the Form thereby creating custom selection of records.
The procedure is based on a collection. A selected record gets transformed into a custom Object which gets added to the collection which in turn is used to populate the listbox. I have buttons to Add a Record, Remove a Record or Clear All which work fine.
However I thought, that pressing all these buttons is a bit tedious if you create a Selection of more then a dozen records, so i reckoned it should be simple to bind the actions of the Add and Remove buttons to the doubleclick event of a datasheet field and the listbox respectively.
Unfortunately i was mistaken as this broke the form. While a doubleclick on a field in the datasheet part of the form added the record to the listbox it was now unable to remove an item from the underlying collection giving me Run-time error 5: "Invalid procedure call or argument". Furthermore the clear all Button doesn't properly reset the collection anymore. When trying to Clear and adding a record of the previous selection the code returns my custom error that the record is already part of the selection and the listbox gets populated with the whole previous selection, which should be deleted. This leaves me to believe, that for some Reason the collection gets duplicated or something along these lines. Any hints into the underlying problem is apprecciated. Code as Follows:
Option Compare Database
Dim PersColl As New Collection
Private Sub AddPerson_Click()
AddPersToColl Me!ID
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click()
Set PersColl = Nothing
lBoxSelection.RowSource = vbaNullString
End Sub
Private Sub btnRemovePers_Click()
PersColl.Remove CStr(lBoxSelection.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub FillListbox()
Dim Pers As Person
lBoxSelection.RowSource = vbaNullString
For Each Pers In PersColl
lBoxSelection.AddItem Pers.ID & ";" & Pers.FullName
Next Pers
End Sub
Private Function HasKey(coll As Collection, strKey As String) As Boolean
Dim var As Variant
On Error Resume Next
var = IsObject(coll(strKey))
HasKey = Not IsEmpty(var)
End Function
Private Sub AddPersToColl(PersonId As Long)
Dim Pers As Person
Set Pers = New Person
Pers.ID = PersonId
If HasKey(PersColl, CStr(PersonId)) = False Then
PersColl.Add Item:=Pers, Key:=CStr(PersonId)
Else: MsgBox "Person Bereits ausgewählt"
End If
End Sub
This works alone, but Simply Adding this breaks it as described above.
Private Sub Nachname_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
AddPersToColl Me!ID
End Sub
Further testing showed that its not working if i simply remove the Private Sub AddPerson_Click()
Clarification: I suspected that having 2 different events calling the same subs would somehow duplicate the collection in memory, therefore removing one event should work. This is however not the case. Having the subs called by a button_Click event works fine but having the same subs called by a double_click event prompts the behaviour described above. The issue seems therefore not in having the subs bound to more than one event, but rather by having them bound to the Double_Click event.
Edit2: I located the issue but I Haven't found a solution yet. Looks like Split-Forms are not really connected when it comes to the underlying vba code. DoubleClicking on the record in the datasheet view creates a Collection while using the buttons on the form part creates another one. When trying to remove a collection item by clicking a button on the form, it prompts an error because this collection is empty. However clicking the clear all button on the form part doesn't clear the collection associated with the datasheet part.
Putting the collection outside into a separate module might be a workaround but i would appreciate any suggestions which would let me keep the Code in the form module.

The behavior is caused by the split form which creates two separate collections for each one of its parts. Depending from where the event which manipulates the collection gets fired one or the other is affected. I suspect that the split form is in essence not a single form, but rather 2 instances of the same form-class.
A Solution is to Declare a collection in a separate module "Coll":
Option Compare Database
Dim mColl as new Collection
Public Function GetColl() as Collection
Set GetColl= mColl
End Function
And then remove the Declaration of the Collection in the SplitFormclass and Declare the Collection in every Function or Sub by referencing the collection in the separate Module like in the following example:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub AddPersToColl(PersonId As Long)
Dim Pers As Person
Dim PersColl as Collection
Set PersColl = Coll.GetColl
Set Pers = New Person
Pers.ID = PersonId
If HasKey(PersColl, CStr(PersonId)) = False Then
PersColl.Add Item:=Pers, Key:=CStr(PersonId)
Else: MsgBox "Person Bereits ausgewählt"
End If
End Sub
This forces the form to use the same Collection regardless if the event is fired from the form or datasheet part of the split-form. Any Further information is appreciated but the matter is solved for now.
Thanks everyone for their time


Using PreviousControl property with nested subforms and controls

I am creating a custom floating number pad so that tablet users can more easily tap numerical data into a form. I'm using toggle buttons (the idea is to eventually highlight them briefly). The following code for the number pad works on my main form's controls. When I click on the 1 button, then a 1 is put into the active control of the main form
Private Sub Form_Activate()
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusControl = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Toggle1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Add a 1 to the currently selected control
Dim refControl As Control
If FocusForm = "" Then End
Set refControl = Forms(FocusForm).Controls(FocusControl)
If (IsNull(refControl)) Then
refControl = "1"
refControl.Text = refControl.Text & "1"
End If
End Sub
However, if I navigate into the subform then the Screen.PreviousControl properties return the main form's name and the subform's name, but I can't then seem to be able to refer to the subform control's name as well. Bascially I'm looking for a line that does the following
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusSubform = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
FocusSubformControl = ?????
Similarly, my subform has its own nested subform and I would like to do the same with this
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusSubform = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
FocusSubform2 = ?????
FocusSubform2Control = ?????
The in-built floating number pad on the tablets is very fiddly to use, hence my coding of this custom one, however if someone knows where I might find code for a customisable number pad that writes directly into whatever window is active, this would similarly be much appreciated!
If called from a subform,Screen.PreviousControlreturns the name of the mainforms subfom-control (as mainform needs to be active to get the subform control (nested in mainform) active), not the subform (but they can have same name, just change controls name and you won't get subforms name returned, but subforms control name!).
Now how to get previous control of the subform? By its.ActiveControlproperty, as form was active before, its active control must be the previous control. (if you want to get previous control, when you stay on the same subform, you need to store it in a module variable)
As there may be multiple subforms inside of subforms, we just loop while the control is a subform and set it to the next subform.ActiveControltill finished.
Why bother with names, if you can use references? This enables using multiple instances of a form.
Just store the reference to the control in Form_Activate and use it inMouseUp:
'On top of forms code module
Option Explicit
Private PreviousFormControl As Access.Control
Private Sub Form_Activate()
On Error Resume Next ' ignore error if no previous control availible
Set PreviousFormControl = Application.Screen.PreviousControl ' this stores the reference not the name!
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Handle error here, e.g. disable controls, show msg, ...
End If
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handler (not needed only to remind you not just to ignore all errors!
Do While TypeOf PreviousFormControl Is SubForm ' Loop till control is not subform
Set PreviousFormControl = PreviousFormControl.Form.ActiveControl ' if subform, previous control of it is its current ActiveControl
End Sub
Private Sub Toggle1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Add a 1 to the currently selected control
PreviousFormControl.Text = PreviousFormControl.Text & "1" ' concat "1" to controls text, no need to handle empty text as it can only be an vbNullString(""), even if Null, then Null & "1" => "" & "1" => "1"
End Sub
however if someone knows where I might find code for a customisable number pad that writes directly into whatever window is active
Of course you can use any Virtual Keyboard running on windows that fit your needs. But then you may have to handle things like bring keyboard to front on wanted position.
numpad emulator was the first open source app I found on quick search, but looks goods on short test. Of course there may be better solutions out there, just search and test.

Access an Collection within a form via VBA out of a Class-module

I just like to reorder the VBA of a bunch of Forms in Access, doing all nearly the same. So I created a class clsPopup and I just want to pass some collections out of all this Forms into the class, so I can access their entries over there or in there or how ever.
I could pass the Form-element of the Popup to the class as I created a sub named Load in clsPopup like
Dim m_frm As Form
sub Load(frm As Form)
Set m_frm = frm
debug.print m_frm.colSp("Name")
end sub
In the Form I tried
Dim m_clsPopup As clsPopup
Dim colSp As Collection
sub Form_Load()
Set m_clsPopup = New clsPopup
Set colSp = New Collection
colSp.Add "SomeString", "Name"
m_clsPopup.Load Me.Form
end sub
At this point I got the 2465 Runtime error in the line of m_clsPopup.Load Me.Form.
My main idea is, to just collect all the needed data within the Forms as collections and than I easily could work with them in the class.
Of course I thought of arrays, but collections seems so much more handy and I could avoid some terrible indexing.
Ahh, and it needs to work in Access 2010. Might that be the problem?
I feel like just a tiny pice of code is missing. Could anyone help to create nice code out of a masterpiece of redundancy?

VBA Calling a subroutine in one user form from another user form

I am using Excel VBA. I have two user forms:
ClientInfo and ClientSearch
In ClientSearch, I search through an excel worksheet to list all clients with the same last name. From there, I pick the client I want (by highlighting the name in the list and clicking on command button cmdOpenClientInfo) and determine their ClientID (which is also in the worksheet).
I then want to pass this ClientID to the form ClientInfo in order to populate all text boxes on this form with the relevant data from the worksheet:
Coded in the ClientSearch form:
Private Sub cmdOpenClientInfo_Click()
Dim ClientID As Integer
ClientID = textSrchClientID.value
'user msgbox to check to make sure I get the correct ClientID ... and I do
Call frmClientInfo.PopulateClientInfo(ClientID) 'this is where it fails
End Sub
Coded in the ClientInfo form:
Sub PopulateClientInfo(ClientID As Integer)
'this is where I would populate the text field
End Sub
The routine always gets stuck at the
CALL frmClientInfo.PopulateClientInfo(ClientID)
In the case above, I get Run-time error '424' Object Required.
I have tried various solutions presented in this forum, but have not found a solution.
Your call to frmClientInfo.show is in Modal mode, so the next statement wont execute until the new form closes. You can try to make the call non-modal:
frmClientInfo.show Modal:=False
But this may be source of other problems. Better keep working in modal mode but pass the ClientID parameter to the form before it shows up.
1- Modify your PopulateClientInfo method of frmClientInfo like this:
Public Sub PopulateClientInfo(ClientID As Integer)
'populate The fields, then:
Me.Show ' <-- form shows itself after populating its fields
End Sub
2- Remove the call to frmClientInfo.show in the ClientSearch form.
You can't call a procedure in a form module from outside that module. Try this code (sorry, I didn't).
Private Sub cmdOpenClientInfo_Click()
Dim ClientID As Integer
Dim FrmInfo As frmClientInfo
ClientID = textSrchClientID.Value
'user msgbox to check to make sure I get the correct ClientID ... and I do
MsgBox (ClientID)
Set FrmInfo = New frmClientInfo
With FrmInfo
.Tag = ClientID
' make this call in the FrmInfo Activate event procedure
' PopulateClientInfo(cint(Me.Tag)
End With
Unload FrmInfo
Set FrmInfo = Nothing
End Sub
I presume that you have a form which is named frmClientInfo. You can create an instance of that form with the command Set FrmInfo = New frmClientInfo. This object will not show until the Show method is invoked but you gain access to all its controls. To pass a variable to that form you can address any of them. Perhaps you have a Tbx which should show the ClientID. You can access that Tbx and set its value. The above code assigns the ClientID to the Tag property of the form itself.
The form's Activate event will occur when the Show method is invoked. That would be the moment to run the PopulateClientInfo procedure (from within the frmClientInfo module, of course), retrieving the ClientId from the Tag property.
Bear in mind that the code will continue running in the cmdOpenClientInfo_Click procedure when the ClientInfo form is closed. So, that is the time to remove that form from memory, on the one hand. On the other, the 'FrmInfo' object still exists and you could pick any information from it that you might want to use in the form which made the call. The syntax is very simple, like, FrmInfo.Textbox1.Value.

Declaring WebBrowser in VB.NET Other Form

I am working on a project that has WebBrowsers in Other Forms;
I wrote the code below to control these WebBrowsers; but I need the code to recognize (Declare) the WebBrowsers of these forms.
Dim openForm As Form = Nothing
For Index As Integer = My.Application.OpenForms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
openForm = My.Application.OpenForms.Item(Index)
If openForm IsNot Me Then
MyWebBrowser.navigate("http://www.google.com/") ' PROBLEM IN THIS LINE
End If
My Module created them as below:
Module MMMBrowser
Dim frmNew As New Form
Dim MekdamBrowser As New WebBrowser
Other info gleaned from comments:
there is form factory of some sort which creates new frmNew
there are many of these open at a time, which is the reason for the backwards loop thru OpenForms to find the last one.
The MekdamBrowser reference is an attempt to refer to the browser on the form.
The easy things is to provide a way for outsiders to tell the form to navigate somewhere using a new Sub, and let the form drive the browser control. This probably eliminates the need for a global MekdamBrowser reference. In the browser form add something like this:
Public Sub GotoNewURL(url As String)
End Sub
This procedure only exists for Form1 not the generic Form type, so we need to change how you find the form to use. Your existing loop is wonky. It will only ever find the last instance of a form which is not the current form. If you add a third form type, it wont work well:
Dim lastBrowserFrm As Form1 ' use the class name!
' this will try to get the last Instance of Form1
lastBrowserFrm = Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of Form1)().LastOrDefault
' LastOrDefaultcan return nothing if there are none,
' so test
If lastBrowserFrm IsNot Nothing Then
lastBrowserFrm .GotoNewUrl("www.stackoverflow.com")
' create a new one, I guess
End If
Your loop was not considering that there could be other form types in the collection which are not Form1 or even if a new browser form was the last one created! This is more important now because GotoNewURL is only available on Form1 instances.
I changed the name to lastBrowserFrm to reflect what is really going one - it will just find the last one created. If you are trying to work with a specific instance, you need to provide a way to track the ones you create such as with a List(of Form1) or use the Name property so you can tell one from the other. As is, you do not a way to get back a specific form instance.

Not all controls in collection are being copied

I'm a bit confused here. I'm copying all the controls from one form to a panel on the main form and for some reason only about half of them copy.
Private Sub switchComponent()
Dim selection As String = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text
Dim query = From cont In serverDic(selection).Controls
Select cont
For Each copier As Control In query
End Sub
serverDic is defined as:
Dim serverDic As New Dictionary(Of String, frmServer)
When stepping through the code, serverDic(selection).Controls has 12 elements, but only 6 of them get copied. Next time this gets called, only 3 get copied. Does Panel1.Controls.clear() somehow kill the references?
EDIT: Just to show that there are infact 12 elements in the collection:
The problem here is that you are iterating over a collection that you are changing. When you add a Control to an container it is implicitly removed from it's previous parent and hence query. This is why you see exactly half of the items get removed.
With most collections this would be more apparent because they would throw if modified during an enumeration. The primary source of query here though is ControlCollection which does allow for modifications while enumerating.
To fix this problem just add the following line before the For Each loop.
query = query.ToList()