Twitter API: What should I do next after completing apply for Twitter API and verifying email? - api

I'm planning to make a Twitter bot, and I've just completed apply for using Twitter API an hour ago and created API key at the Developer Portal page.
However, I don't know what is left for me to be enabled to use the API.
I guess my next task is just waiting for my apply is going to be passed for several days or weeks, but I've not received any email which tells me I have to wait for the screening being done. All I received
from Twitter so far is the email titled Verify your Twitter Developer, which I've verified.
Is it ok to just wait for the email from Twitter?
I'm sorry if my question is not really programming problem, but I can't find any answer for it.
The image below is the page I'm now in:
I've already got API key & secret (Consumer key) and Bearer token, but not yet Access token & secret. Can I already use Twitter API or do I have to wait
for screening and get Access token & secret first?
The image below is the Keys and tokens page:


Load instagram images from user's feed via API

I am trying to display only the images the client uploaded to instagram on their website. The client's user ID# is 176722013. According to the API this URL will provide just such a feed:
As indicated by the error message, I need to provide either a client_id or an auth_token. Since I don't want to deal with authentication I went ahead and created an "app" in instagram developers to get a client_id # 5b5a6e95469f465f9f70e4ebcf9ee3a6
Yet when I add it to the URL I still get an error that I needed to provide an auth_token. How does that make sense?
The app is in sandbox mode. When I attempt to submit it for review I must provide the purpose for the app. Upon selecting " I want to display my Instagram posts on my website." as the purpose I get the following message:
You do not need to submit for review for this use case. If you are a
developer and you want to display Instagram content on your website,
then you do not need to submit your app for review. By using a client
in sandbox mode, you can still access the last 20 media of any sandbox
user that grants you permission.
I am truly at a loss for how to proceed. Thanks for any support
As of June 1st, 2016, you need access_token to access API, where did u read: either a client_id or an auth_token ?
authenticate and get access_token and use to get API response.
#snucky you don't need authentication but you do need the users permission - from what I gather, instagram is accessible only by registered users - so you still need the access token - but instead of a server-explicit you need client-implicit.
Make a http request from your client to the api/authorize with the ?client_id=ID AND A redirect_uri= when the user allows the application, you'll receive an access_token in the url, which you will then use in every subsquent instagram call
read more here

Instagram API Authentication

I'm a little confused on how authentication works in Instagram. I want to display Instagram posts on a widget. But if I manually generate a single access_token I'm worried about hitting the limit (5000/hour) as it is a large web application.
Here's what I'm thinking: Have each user authenticate with their Instagram account and store their access_tokens and use the tokens to query Instagram's API. So essentially each user will be presented with Instagram posts queried using their access_token. And if the token expired for whatever reason I can easily have them re-authenticate. I need each user to authenticate anyway for other purposes.
I am not sure if the server could re-authenticate while providing a seamless experience for users.
Is this the right approach or is my thought process completely off?
EDIT: So I decided to have each user authenticate and call the Instagram API with each user's access_token. Everything has been working great. However, while testing the authentication one of my test accounts, I received this message "We noticed some unusual activity on your account. We'll send you a security code to verify your account." Are my API queries seen as unusual by Instagram if I'm querying public posts by tag for example? I'm worried my approach will cause end users to have to verify and ultimately make my application viewed as spam.
EDIT: I was hoping an Instagram API expert could offer advice on this topic. My application has been continuously querying for posts without issue. So for now I'm sticking to having each user authenticate and call the API using their access_token. I may have given the wrong impression when I said the Instagram posts would be on a "widget". I didn't mean a simple Instagram feed on a website. So if anyone has used the Instagram API for large amounts of querying for their application, please share your approach if possible!
If the access_token is invalid, you will get an error response like this:
{"error_type":"OAuthAccessTokenException","code":400,"error_message":"The access_token provided is invalid."}
check for this and ask user to login again

Instagram API Rate Limiting - Signed POST calls - still being treated like unsigned calls

Instagram changed the way it rate limits like, comment and relationship endpoints in its API can sign API POST requests with an HMAC hash of your client secret and app IP address. I am doing this successfully. I know this because I get a 403 error message if I don't include the a properly hashed X-Insta-Forwarded-For header; get a 200 success message if it is included).
Still, I'm being rate-limited to 30 "like" calls per hour (the limit for unsigned requests); 100 is the limit for signed requests. Anyone know why this might be?
Updated docs are here:
Apparently my Instagram client credentials had been flagged by Instagram, and they were limiting me based on past behavior of my app. I registered a new client with Instagram here:, re-authenticated with the new app, plugged the new secret into my code to sign my requests, and I was able to like 100 IG posts within an hour. Good to go!
I faced the same problem and I managed to solve it by simply revoking app token from user panel. No need to create new app.

Calling Yahoo API through OAuth

Spending my whole day on yahoo docs and here and there finally I am asking it here having failed in all attempts.I am implementing login with yahoo on my site using yahoo oauth. After a user login I need to get his profile.
I have successfully retrieved access token and completed the authorization flow as mentioned here:-
Yahoo OAuth authorization flow
After having the access token I need to retrieve the user profile by just making a simple Yahoo API call as mentioned here
But I not able to the same. Sometimes it gives me token rejected sometimes signature invalid,timestamp rejected e.t.c. I have seen similar type of question on Yahoo Forums but there are no replies to that people(I wonder what they did).
I would be really thankful if someone can describe this step completely, very clearly(signatures,methods,timestamp e.t.c) as it will be useful for users having similar problems. I am using JAVA language.
Thanking you in advance.

get latest tweet of a user without authentication

I am creating a website using rails. there is no user authentication but all the team members data(name, summary of job experience, social media handles, etc) is saved in a json file which is parsed to show the data on page. I have a twitter handle of every user. I want to collect the latest tweet and the tweet's information(tweeted on, etc) for every handle. Also, if any of the user posts another tweet, that tweet should replace the old tweet. I dont have user authentication in my application. i did try on terminal
but it gives me
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
All requests to Twitter's API now need to be authenticated. See the documentation for the API call you want to make.
You will need to register an app with Twitter and get your authentication tokens before you can start to make requests like that.
So, to be clear, the users do not need to be authenticated - but your app does need to be authenticated.