Combine tables postgres - sql

I'm trying to combine two tables in postgres - people and meetings. Each meeting can have multiple people. As a summary:
create table People (
id serial,
primary key (id)
create table Meets (
id serial,
primary key (id)
create table MeetsPeople (
meets_id integer references Meets(id),
people_id integer references People(id),
primary key(meets_id,people_id)
Is there a way to keep the meeting content but combine the people_ids (or even better all the info in the people table) into one attribute? An example output is below, l am basically looking to merge record 1 and 2, keeping the common attributes to notes and then keeping unique values for the people attributes.
Or am l best off just returning two seperate tables and combining this in the backend logic?
Hopefully that makes sense...


Simple database table design structure

I have a situation while database designing, A simple issue but needed a working suggestions
My database tables:
Aees can mapped/contain one or more records of table Bees or also can be without any Bees
Aees can also mapped with one or more records of table Aees itself
Here normal primary key and foreign key relationship/hierarchy won't solve the purpose and also worried that parent/child hierarchy may end up in forming a loop between tables and can give a duplicates records on various joins.
Need a better table mapping for above mentioned tables(a,b) which will satisfy 1 and 2 points.
So to avoid such a situation, how the table relationship/hierarchy will be a better approach?
Database used: SQL Server
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
You seem to describe a many-to-many relationship. If so, you would create a thrid table to store that relationship, like so:
create table a (
a_id int primary key,
create table b (
b_id int primary key,
create table ab (
a_id int references a(a_id),
b_id int references b(b_id),
primary key (a_id, b_id)
Each a/b tuple is stored on a separate row in bridge table ab.

How to add references to multiple "tags"?

In my database, I have a table for "tags". So, in my main table, I want to give each item multiple tags.
For example, if my main table is dog, I want to add tags for small brown and mean. But in my tags table, I might have 50 possible tags. Each dog can have as many tags if I want.
How do I do that?
I don't really want to create one column for each tag in the main table with a boolean. Is there a way to specify multiple tags in one field?
(I'm rather not used to working with databases, so this probably sounds stupid.)
In the end, the goal is to be able to get all the dogs that match a particular tag.
You are describing a many-to-many relationship between dogs and tags. You would typically represent that with a bridge table, that references the two other referential tables, that store dogs and tags.
Assuming the following structures for the referential tables:
create table dogs (
dog_id int primary key,
name text
create table tags (
tag_id int primary key,
name text
You would create the bridge table as:
create table dogs_tags (
dog_id int references dogs(dog_id),
tag_id int references tags(tag_id),
primary key (dog_id, tag_id)

query with SQL m:n relationships

I have a quick question with respect to many to many relationships in sql.
So theoretically i understand that if 2 entities in an ER model have a M:N relationship between them, we have to split that into 2 1:N relationships with the inclusion of an intersection/lookup table which has a composite primary key from both the parent tables. But, my question here is , in addition to the composite primary key, can there be any other extra column added to the composite table which are not in any of the 2 parent tables ? (apart from intersectionTableId, table1ID, table2ID) a 4rth column which is entirely new and not in any of the 2 parent tables ? Please let me know.
In a word - yes. It's a common practice to denote properties of the relationship between the two entities.
E.g., consider you have a database storing the details of people and the sports teams they like:
first_name VARCHAR(10),
last_name VARCHAR(10)
name VARCHAR(10)
A person may like more than one team, which is your classic M:N relationship table. But, you could also add some details to this entity, such as when did a person start liking a team:
person_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES person(id),
team_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES team(id),
fandom_started DATE,
PRIMARY KEY (person_id, team_id)
Yes, you can do that by modeling the "relationship" table yourself explicitly (just like your other entities).
Here are some posts about exactly that question.
Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table
Entity Framework CodeFirst many to many relationship with additional information

Design SQL tables with a list behaviour

I have one table
Client (
Another table;
Exercise (
And a final table;
Workout (
creator INT REFERENCES Client(id),
exercise INT REFERENCES Exercise(id),
PRIMARY KEY(name,creator,exercise) );
My tables has some other columns aswell but these are all the relevant ones.
A workout has a creator, it is given a name (for example 'legs - monday' or whatever) and then it has a list of unique exercises one is to perform during this workout. So in an Object oriented approach this would look something like
Object Workout
string name
int creator
List<Exercise> exercises
So far this has worked well for me but now i need to create a new table that has a reference to a workout, and i am not sure how to capture this. Maybe my implementation of this is wrong?
table A (
workout References Workout(?) );
I cannot reference (name,creator) since it is not marked as unique, and even if it was i would only be able to add one exercise then. It seems silly to reference all rows in Workout (my teacher in relational databases would skin me alive).
Would it be bad practice to just reference one arbitrary entry to a workout (name,creator,exercise)? If i have the name and the creator i can just make a select statement and get all the exercises from them. All rows where the tuple (name,creator) match are said to belong to the same workout.
Children should reference a parent, not vice versa:
create table client (
id serial primary key
create table workout (
id serial primary key,
name varchar,
creator int references client(id)
create table exercise (
id serial primary key,
workout int references workout(id)
Then your list view for a given workout may look like this:
select *
from workout w
left join exercise e on e.workout =
where name = 'some name';
Edit. In case of many-to-many relationship the common way is to create so-called join table, e.g.:
create table workout_parts (
workout int references workout(id),
exercise int references exercise(id),
primary key (workout, exercise)

SQL One-to-Many Table vs. multiple one-to-one relationships

I'm working on a project with the following objective: A User can create a Challenge and select an optional Rival to take part of this challenge. The Challenge generates Daily entries and will track stats on these.
The basic User and Entry entities look like this:
id (INT),
CREATE TABLE entries (
challengeId INT,
userId INT,
entryDate DATE,
entryData VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId, entryDate)
The piece I'm having trouble with is the Challenge piece with the Rival concept. I can see two approaches.
// Hard code the concept of a Challenge Owner and Rival:
CREATE TABLE challenges (
id INT,
ownerId INT,
rivalId INT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY (ownerId, name)
// Create Many-to-one relationship.
CREATE TABLE challenges (
id INT,
CREATE TABLE participant (
challengeId INT,
userId INT,
isOwner BIT,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId)
The problem with the first approach is that referential integrity is tough since now there are two columns where userIds reside (ownerId and rivalId). I'd have to create two tables for everything (owner_entries, rival_entries, owner_stats, etc.) in order to set up foreign keys.
The second approach solves this and has some advantages like allowing multiple rivals in the future. However, one thing I can't do anymore with that approach is enforce Challenge name uniqueness across a single user instead of the whole Challenge table. Additionally, tasks like finding a Challenge's owner is now trickier.
What's the right approach to the Challenges table? Is there anyway to set up these tables in a developer friendly manner or should I just jump all the way to Class Table Inheritance and manage the concept of Owner/Rivals there?
I think the way I would set this up is as follows (using the second approach):
CREATE TABLE challenges (id INT,
owner_id INT,
UNIQUE KEY (name, owner_id))
CREATE TABLE participant (challengeId INT,
userId INT,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId))
This allows easy tracking of who owns the challenge, yet extracts out the individual participants.
This would also allow you to unique the challenge name by the owner safely, and foreign keys on the userId in participant are easy. 'Rivals' are then all participants that are not the challenge owner.
I treat the first approach the right one.
You could have one table for users and one for challenges.
Are you aware that you can reference one table twice like below?
In this case you can reference both rivals and owners without creating new tables.