Looking for a pytorch function to repeat a vector - tensorflow

I am looking for a pytorch function that is similar to tf's tile function.
I saw that PyTorch used to have a tile function, but apparently it was removed.
An example for the functionality I am looking for:
Let's say I have a tensor of dimensions (1,1,1,1000), I want to repeat it several times so I get a (1,40,40,1000) tensor.

Torch tensors have a repeat() method, therefore:
a = torch.rand((1, 1, 1, 1000))
b = a.repeat(1, 40, 40, 1)
b.shape # Gives torch.Size([1, 40, 40, 1000])


Different behavior of sequential API and functional API for tensorflow embedding

When I tried using Sequential API and Functional API in Tensorflow to apply the same simple embedding function, I see different result.
The result is as follows:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from keras import layers
inputs = np.random.randint(0, 99, [32, 100, 1])
myLayer = layers.Embedding(input_dim = 100, output_dim = 8)
# Sequential API
sm = keras.Sequential()
sm_out = sm(inputs)
sm_out.shape # Shape of sm_out is: TensorShape([32, 100, 8])
# Functional API
fm_out = myLayer(inputs)
fm_out.shape # Shape of fm_out is: TensorShape([32, 100, 1, 8])
Is it intended or a bug?
First of all, your second call is not a functional API call. You need to wrap your layer output (with a tf.keras.layers.Input) in a tf.keras.models.Model for this to be a functional API call.
Secondly, when you're calling the sequential model, it is smart enough to detect that last dimension is 1 and ignore that when looking up embeddings (I'm not sure where exactly this is handled, maybe someone else can point to). So when you pass in a tensor of [32, 100, 1], what the embedding layer really sees is a [32, 100] sized array. This, after the look up, gets converted to a [32, 100, 8] sized tensor.
In your second call, when calling the model directly, it doesn't do this. So it simply converts the [32, 100, 1] sized input to a [32, 100, 1, 8] sized input.
You can get the same result from both these methods if you set your inputs shape to [32, 100] or [32, 100, 2] (last dimension != 1).
I guess the lesson here is always use the input_shape argument (to the first layer of the Sequential model) to prevent such unexpected behaviors.

How to drop last row and last col in a tensor using Keras Tensorflow

Let's say I have a tensor (None, 2, 56, 56, 256). Now I want to have my tensor with shape (None, 2, 55, 55, 256) by dropping last col and last row. How can I acheive this using Keras/Tensorflow?
In tensorflow we can slice tensors using python slice notation. SO, given a tensor X with shape (20,2,56,56,256) say (as you have described but with a batch size of 20), we can easily slice it taking all but the last 'row' in the 2nd and 3rd dimension as follows:
Note the use of :-1 to denote "everything before the last 'row'".
Given this know-how about slicing the tensor in tensorflow we just need to adapt it for keras. We could, of course, write a full blown custom layer implementing this (or possibly even find one out there someone else has written - I've not looked but slicing is pretty common so suspect someone has written something somewhere!).
However, for something as simple as this, I'd advocate just using a Lambda layer which we can define as follows:
my_slicing_layer = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,:-1,:-1,:], name='slice')
And can use in our keras models as normal:
my_model = Sequential([
Activation('relu', input_shape=(2,56,56,256)),

Deconvolutions/Transpose_Convolutions with tensorflow

I am attempting to use tf.nn.conv3d_transpose, however, I am getting an error indicating that my filter and output shape is not compatible.
I have a tensor of size [1,16,16,4,192]
I am attempting to use a filter of [1,1,1,192,192]
I believe that the output shape would be [1,16,16,4,192]
I am using "same" padding and a stride of 1.
Eventually, I want to have an output shape of [1,32,32,7,"does not matter"], but I am attempting to get a simple case to work first.
Since these tensors are compatible in a regular convolution, I believed that the opposite, a deconvolution, would also be possible.
Why is it not possible to perform a deconvolution on these tensors. Could I get an example of a valid filter size and output shape for a deconvolution on a tensor of shape [1,16,16,4,192]
Thank you.
I have a tensor of size [1,16,16,4,192]
I am attempting to use a filter of [1,1,1,192,192]
I believe that the output shape would be [1,16,16,4,192]
I am using "same" padding and a stride of 1.
Yes the output shape will be [1,16,16,4,192]
Here is a simple example showing that the dimensions are compatible:
import tensorflow as tf
i = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1., shape=[1, 16, 16, 4, 192]))
w = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1., shape=[1, 1, 1, 192, 192]))
o = tf.nn.conv3d_transpose(i, w, [1, 16, 16, 4, 192], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
There must be some other problem in your implementation than the dimensions.

What are the parameters of TensorFlow's dynamic_rnn for this simple data set?

I want to train an RNN language model using TensorFlow.
My training data is a sequence of 5 tokens represented with integers like so
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
I want the unrolled length of the RNN to be 4, and the training batch size to be 2. (I chose these values in order to require padding.)
Each token has an embedding of length 3 like so
0 -> [0, 0 ,0]
1 -> [10, 10, 10]
2 -> [20, 20, 20]
3 -> [30, 30, 30]
4 -> [40, 40, 40]
What should I pass as parameters to tf.nn.dynamic_rnn?
This is mostly a repost of "How is the input tensor for TensorFlow's tf.nn.dynamic_rnn operator structured?".
That was helpfully answered by Eugene Brevdo. However he slightly misunderstood my question because I didn't have enough TensorFlow knowledge to ask it clearly. (Specifically he thought I meant the batch size to be 1.) Rather than risk additional confusion by editing the original question, I think it is clearest if I just rephrase it here.
I'm trying to figure this out for myself by writing an Example TensorFlow RNN Language Model.
most rnn cells require floating point inputs, so you should first do an embedding lookup on your integer tensor to go from the Categorical values to floating point vectors in your dictionary/embedding. i believe the function is tf.nn.embedding_lookup. the output of that should be a 3-tensor shaped batch x time x embedding_depth (in your case, embedding depth is 3)
you can feed embedding_lookup an integer tensor shaped batch_size x time.

How is the input tensor for TensorFlow's tf.nn.dynamic_rnn operator structured?

I am trying to write a language model using word embeddings and recursive neural networks in TensorFlow 0.9.0 using the tf.nn.dynamic_rnn graph operation, but I don't understand how the input tensor is structured.
Let's say I have a corpus of n words. I embed each word in a vector of length e, and I want my RNN to unroll to t time steps. Assuming I use the default time_major = False parameter, what shape would my input tensor [batch_size, max_time, input_size] have?
Maybe a specific tiny example will make this question clearer. Say I have a corpus consisting of n=8 words that looks like this.
1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2
Say I embed it in a vector of size e=3 with the embeddings 1 -> [10, 10, 10], 2 -> [20, 20, 20], and 3 -> [30, 30, 30], what would my input tensor look like?
I've read the TensorFlow Recurrent Neural Network tutorial, but that doesn't use tf.nn.dynamic_rnn. I've also read the documentation for tf.nn.dynamic_rnn, but find it confusing. In particular I'm not sure what "max_time" and "input_size" mean here.
Can anyone give the shape of the input tensor in terms of n, t, and e, and/or an example of what that tensor would look like initialized with data from the small corpus I describe?
TensorFlow 0.9.0, Python 3.5.1, OS X 10.11.5
In your case, it looks like batch_size = 1, since you're looking at a single example. So max_time is n=8 and input_size is the input depth, in your case e=3. So you would want to construct an input tensor which is shaped [1, 8, 3]. It's batch_major, so the first dimension (the batch dimension) is 1. If, say, you had another input at the same time, with n=6 words, then you would combine the two by padding this second example to 8 words (by padding zeros for the last 2 word embeddings) and you would have an inputs size of [2, 8, 3].