Is it a way to split chars with ANTLR? - antlr

I'm tryna do an ANTLR translator from Markdown format to HTML document and I found this problem when I try to recognize bold format. This is my ANTLR rule:
TxtNegrita : ('**' | '__') .*? ('**' | '__') {System.out.println('<span class="bold">' + getText() + '</span>');};
Unfortunately, the getText() function retrieves all the recognized String, including ** at the beginning and at the end of the String. Is it a way to delete that chars using ANTLR (obviously, in Java is perfectly possible).

You’ve created a Lexer rule which results in a single token. That is the expected behavior.
That rule looks more like something I’d expect in a parser rule.
(rules begin with upper case characters (conventionally all uppercase to make them stand out), and parser rules begin with lowercase letters and result in parse trees where each node has a context which gives you access to the component parts of your parser rule.
In ANTLR it is quite important to understand the difference between Lexer rules and parser rules.
Put simply... your input stream of characters is converted to an input stream of tokens using Lexer rules, and that stream of tokens is processed by parser rules.
Tokens are pretty much the “atoms” that parser rules deal with and their values are simply the string of characters that matched the Lexer Rule.


Partially skip characters in ANTLR4

I'm trying to match the following phrase:
And I need the tokens to be like:
'<svg', 'onload="alert(1);", '>'
So basically I need to skip the / in the <svg/onload part. But the skip phrase is not allowed here:
: ('/' -> skip) Identifier '=' StringLiteral?
The error was
error(133): HTML.g4:35:11: ->command in lexer rule Attribute must be last element of single outermost alt
Any ideas?
The error message pretty much tells you what the problem is. The skip command has to be at the end of the rule. You cannot skip intermediate tokens, but only entire rules.
However, I wonder why you want to skip the slash. Why not just let the lexer scan everything (it has to anyway) and then ignore the tokens you don't need? Also I wouldn't use a lexer rule, but a parser rule, to allow arbitrary spaces between elements.
Try lexer's setText(getText().replace("/", "")) or any other matched string manipulation

Modifiying ANTLR v4 auto-generated lexer?

So i am writing a small language and i am using antlrv4 as my tool. Antlr autogenerates lexer and parser files when u compile your grammar file(.g4). I am using javac btw. I want my language to have no semicolons and the way i want to do this is: if there is an identifier or ")" as the last token in a line, the lexer will automatically put the semicolon(Similar to what "go" language does). How would i approach something like this? There are other things like ATN(which i think is augmented transition network) and dfa(which i think is deterministic finite automaton) in the lexer file which i don't understand or how they relate to the lexing process?. Any help is appreciated. (btw i am still working on the grammar file so i don't have that fully completed).
Several points here: the ATN and the DFA are internal structures for parser + lexer and not something you would touch to change parsing behavior. Also, it's not clear to me why you want to have the lexer insert a semicolon at some point. What exactly do you want to accomplish by that (don't say: to make semicolons optional in the parser, I mean the underlying reason).
If you want to accept a command without a trailing semicolon you can make that optional:
assignment: simpleAssignment | complexAssignment SEMI?;
The parser will give you the content of the assignment rule regardless whether there is a trailing semicolon or not. Is that what you want?

ANTLR 4.5 - Mismatched Input 'x' expecting 'x'

I have been starting to use ANTLR and have noticed that it is pretty fickle with its lexer rules. An extremely frustrating example is the following:
grammar output;
FILEPATH: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|' '|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
NEWLINE: '\r'? '\n' ;
TITLE: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|' ')+ ;
This grammar will not match something like:
Oddly if I change TITLE to be TITLE: 'x' ; it still fails this time giving an error message saying "mismatched input 'x' expecting 'x'" which is highly confusing. Even more oddly if I replace the usage of TITLE in test with FILEPATH the whole thing works (although FILEPATH will match more than I am looking to match so in general it isn't a valid solution for me).
I am highly confused as to why ANTLR is giving such extremely strange errors and then suddenly working for no apparent reason when shuffling things around.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding of ANTLR:
Language Processing in ANTLR:
The Language Processing is done in two strictly separated phases:
Lexing, i.e. partitioning the text into tokens
Parsing, i.e. building a parse tree from the tokens
Since lexing must preceed parsing there is a consequence: The lexer is independent of the parser, the parser cannot influence lexing.
Lexing in ANTLR works as following:
all rules with uppercase first character are lexer rules
the lexer starts at the beginning and tries to find a rule that matches best to the current input
a best match is a match that has maximum length, i.e. the token that results from appending the next input character to the maximum length match is not matched by any lexer rule
tokens are generated from matches:
if one rule matches the maximum length match the corresponding token is pushed into the token stream
if multiple rules match the maximum length match the first defined token in the grammar is pushed to the token stream
Example: What is wrong with your grammar
Your grammar has two rules that are critical:
FILEPATH: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|' '|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
TITLE: ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|' ')+ ;
Each match, that is matched by TITLE will also be matched by FILEPATH. And FILEPATH is defined before TITLE: So each token that you expect to be a title would be a FILEPATH.
There are two hints for that:
keep your lexer rules disjunct (no token should match a superset of another).
if your tokens intentionally match the same strings, then put them into the right order (in your case this will be sufficient).
if you need a parser driven lexer you have to change to another parser generator: PEG-Parsers or GLR-Parsers will do that (but of course this can produce other problems).
This was not directly OP's problem, but for those who have the same error message, here is something you could check.
I had the same Mismatched Input 'x' expecting 'x' vague error message when I introduced a new keyword. The reason for me was that I had placed the new key word after my VARNAME lexer rule, which assigned it as a variable name instead of as the new keyword. I fixed it by putting the keywords before the VARNAME rule.

Optional Prefix in ANTLR parser/lexer

I'm trying to use ANTLR4 to parse input strings that are described by a grammar like:
grammar MyGrammar;
: [0-9]+ ':'
: .+
e.g. valid input strings include:
0: maracujá
1: 10kg
2:chilli pepper
But the SEARCH rule always matches the whole string - whether it has a prefix or not.
I understand this is because the ANTLR4 lexer gives preference to the rules that match the longest string. Therefore the SEARCH rule matches all input, not giving the PREFIX rule a chance.
And the non-greedy version (i.e. SEARCH : .+? ;) has the same problem because (as I understand) it's only non-greedy within the rule - and the SEARCH rule doesn't have any other parts to constrain it.
If it helps, I could constrain the SEARCH text to exclude ':' but I really would prefer it recognise anything else - unicode characters, symbols, numbers, space etc.
I've read Lexer to handle lines with line number prefix but in that case, the body of the string (after the prefix) is significantly more constrained.
Note: SEARCH text might have a structure to it - like €53.00 and 10kg above (which I'd also like ANTLR4 to parse) or it might just be free text - like apple, maracujá and chilli pepper above. But I've tried to simplify so I can solve the problem of extracting the PREFIX first.
ANTLR does lexing before parsing. The lexer prefers long matches and SEARCH tokens match every PREFIX token and even any character appended to it, so your complete line is matched by SEARCH.
To prevent this: Keep the lexer rules disjunct, or at least the tokens should not subsume each other.
parse : prefix? search;
search: (WORD | NUMBER)+;
prefix: NUMBER ':';
NUMBER : [0-9]+;
WORD : (~[0-9:])+;

How to code grammar or lexer rule to describe JSP/EL identifier or string literal in ANTLR?

How to code grammar or lexer rule to describe JSP/EL identifier or string literal in ANTLR? Remember, that JSP/EL is Unicode and you cannot list all possible symbols in a rule. Also remember, that strings can contain EL expressions, which may be complex, so lexer is insufficient to describe them, parser is required, while ANTLR parser is unable to match character classes or any character.
Checkout the new "Lexical Modes":
Lexical Modes
Modes allow you to group lexical rules by context, such as inside and outside of XML tags. It’s like having multiple sublexers, one for context. The lexer can only return tokens matched by entering a rule in the current mode. Lexers start out in the so-called default mode. All rules are considered to be within the default mode unless you specify a mode command. Modes are not allowed within combined grammars, just lexer grammars.