Adding a new Migration File using Rake (in the command line) - sql

I know there's a way to automatically create the barebones of a migration file by entering some rake command in the command line but I can't seem to remember exactly what it is. I know it should look something like this...
rake db:create NAME=table_name
but that keeps failing. I also tried
rake db:create_migration NAME=table_name
but no luck with this either. The first attempt returns "Don't know how to build task 'table_name' and the second says "Don't know how to build task 'migration'

rake isn't the command for this, instead you can either:
manually create the file
run rails generate migration table_name in a rails app
or in my case where I'm not using rails, pliny-generate migration table_name


Bundle Exec Rake DB Migrate

I have been getting this error when I run bundle exec rake db:migrate for a basic RoR website. I am a beginner and found similar errors on this site and Treehouse but nothing with the specific second half of this error (from the NOT NULLC onward). I am still not sure how to resolve this - can anyone advise? I am running this on windows.
SQLite3::SQLException: duplicate column name: email: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "em
ail" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULLC:/Sites/code/omrails-master/db/migrate/201
30804201341_add_devise_to_users.rb:5:in `block in up'
I guess it happens because you already have the email column in your users table (a previous migration added it, propably that created the table) and the Devise migration you're running (201
30804201341_add_devise_to_users.rb) is trying to re-add it. Is that the case?
If so, open the migration file which first creates the users table and remove the line that creates the email column (it looks something like t.string :email). Close your Rails server, then do the following.
$ bundle exec rake db:drop
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
I came across this problem when first starting out. I always solved it by just reseting the database. You already have a column created so reseting it will probably work.
bundle exec rake db:reset
bundle exec rake db:create
and finally
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Rails 4 Engine not migrating migrations

I created a new rails 4 engine and added a model. I am trying to migrate the database using
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
and it comes back with no errors. However, when I run:
rspec spec
an error returns stating there are pending migrations.
Migrations are pending; run 'rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test' to resolve this issue. (ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError)
It's true if I look at my database (tried on pg and sqlite) that they have not been run and no tables have been created. Running the suggested command listed above does not run the migrations.
There is only one migration in 'engine_name/db/migrate', and no migrations inside the dummy app.
I am using ruby 2.0 and rails 4.0.0.rc1.
You need to copy migrations into dummy app rake app:<engine_name>:install:migrations
Add code in your engine task .
I've experienced this same issue. doabit's fix worked for me. thanks!
There is an open issue for this with the rails core team.

Rails run rake:scheduler after start server

I need to run a rake command after starting a rails server.
However, when I try to call system(rake reque:scheduler") in config.before_initialise,
the command appears to run in an infinate loop.
I've searched other sites for an answer, but I'm not finding it.
You don't want to start that process inside Rails. Take a look at Foreman:

does Delayed_job daemon not run in development?

I'm using delayed_job and I am able to run jobs using rake jobs:work but using the daemonized version, it does nothing although I see it in the process list.
I'm using:
rails (3.0.9)
delayed_job (2.1.4)
daemons (1.0.10)
I'm running delayed_job using:
unix>RAILS_ENV=development script/delayed_job start
It could be a problem loading a custom job class file. To test that, try this:
Enter the rails console rails console --sandbox.
Make sure you have a job in the table job = Delayed::Job.first.
Try YAML.load(job.handler). If you get an error that looks like this: ArgumentError: undefined class/module MyCustomClass, it's probably a problem loading your custom job
Still in the rails console, run require 'My_Custom_Class. Then run the YAML.load(job.handler) command again. If this returns the appropriate object it's definitely a class loading problem.
To fix the problem create the file config/initializers/custom.rb and in it put require 'My_Custom_Class'.
You should then be able to run rake jobs::workoff and get something that looks like this:
[Worker( pid:5085)] Starting job worker
[Worker( pid:5085)] MyCustomJob completed after 0.0774
[Worker( pid:5085)] 1 jobs processed at 9.1935 j/s, 0 failed ...
[Worker( pid:5085)] No more jobs available. Exiting
To answer your question we may need more information.
Are jobs added to database? Are there any errors in jobs?
What's the result of RAILS_ENV=development script/delayed_job status as I already mentioned?
Second, did you went through the most common problems Wiki page?

Rails. "unitialized Contsant Object::Contact"

I'm working through the Ruby on Rails Bible using Windows 7 and Rails 3 + mysql.
I created a database and a table in mysql directly as per instructions.
Then I created a model called Contact
Next in irb I entered: and then I get the error:
"unitialized constant Object::Contact"
I think perhaps I have to precede the code with a require statement or perhaps I need to install a gem? Except I haven't a clue beyond that at this stage as I'm a newbie...
Instead of running irb manually, run rails console, this should load all dependencies for your app. Also make sure you have run rake db:migrate before starting the console.