In Blazor, how do I implement client-side authorization checks that need server access? - authorization

I have a Blazor client (i.e. wasm) app that uses resource-based authorization. I connect to a DB to authorize authenticated users. It is easy to implement the API-side authorization (e.g. via an authorization service). It is not easy to implement client-side authorization checks in the UI, because they require communication with the server.
Microsoft suggests using an authorization service imperatively. I have two questions about this usage:
What am I allowed/supposed to put in the authorization handlers behind this example? I can't use the same handlers I use for API authorization (e.g. I can't connect to a DB) because it's the client app. Is this example only for authorization that doesn't require talking with the server?
Since this solution is imperative rather than declarative, is it incompatible with AuthorizeView?


Authorization server, Oauth2 and auth0

I have some questions because I don't understand well how implement authentication flow.
Reading some docs I found image below
Now, I understand the access token and refresh token, but I don't think I understand how to implement it.
I have a project where frontend is angular and backend is node.js koa with microservices architecture and gateways in front of them.
I can use auth0 like oauth2 authorization server with users stored inside?
How? In auth0 docs there are tons of instructions and I cannot understand which is right for me.
I have to intercept login, logout and sign up by gateway and redirect to auth0 or I have to do this inside my user microservice?
Does a user table make sense in my project(s) where there are also personal info table and company table?
Is in this way the authorization server sso for all my company projects?
Can I add external company's SSO?
Can I add Google sign in?
You can follow Auth0 Angular Quickstarts to implement your scenario. It exactly shows step by step implementation.
From architecture level, you are doing following:
Frontend application (angular) uses auth0-spa-js to implement Authorization Code flow + PKCE to implement login flow. It simply performs user authentication and obtain a token which request API scope as well. To request API permission, add the audience parameter when initiating the login flow.
Once you obtain the token, access token can be used to call your backend API.
In the backend server , you should implement API authorization (It validates the access token and check token have necessary scopes/ permission).
Above API authoriazatio quickstart uses express middleware. This blog post explains how to do the same in koa .
you have a very broad architectural implementation question for your specific organization case.
I would recommend you follow the below user management model which takes care of
Simple API for Authentication, Registration and User Management using NodeJS + Koa + Passport combination.
You can deploy the API to Heroku and test the API using Postman.
You can use the NodeJS Global Error Handler Middleware and you do not have to implement any reduntant local error handler.
As a best practice, use the node JWT middleware that checks the JWT token received in the http request from the client is valid before allowing access to the API, if the token is invalid a "401 Unauthorized" response is sent to the client. This JWT API authorization can be done at your gateway level itself before your microservices.
Finally the Koa + Passport user service contains the core business logic for user authentication and uses Koa-Redis for session management in the node api, it encapsulates all interaction with the mongoose user model and exposes a simple set of methods which are used by the users controller.
Moroever Koa + Passport supports Single sign-on with OpenID and OAuth which answers your other question related to SSO.
Here too you can find that KOA is best suited for microservices as you have already chosen the same. Overlaying authentication + user management using the same infrastructure will prove to be very versatile and extensible.
In order to connect to an external SSO provider, you could use the nodejs oauth2 client api as follows which allows you to connect your node backend to connect to an external SSO server.
For SSO using Google/Gmail, it is best to use SAML based SSO provided by google.
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based framework for authentication and authorization between two entities: a Service Provider and an Identity Provider. The Service Provider agrees to trust the Identity Provider to authenticate users. In return, the Identity provider generates an authentication assertion, which indicates that a user has been authenticated.
SAML is a standard single sign-on (SSO) format. Authentication information is exchanged through digitally signed XML documents. It's a complex single sign-on (SSO) implementation that enables seamless authentication, mostly between businesses and enterprises.
below link provides details of how to setup a SAML/SSO service into google from your application.

Integration of frontend and resource server using okta authentication and client credentials API authentication

We have an application that has frontend UI(Which is a web application) which communicates with a resource server. Our frontend will be using some APIs from a resource server to get data.
I am planning to add frontend to Okta and provide access to okta registered users.
In the resource server, we have some APIs that we want to expose to our customers to integrate in their system(Programmatically). To use our APIs, we have to provide client credentials(client ID/secret) to them. Using clientId/Secret, they will get access_token and will use that in a subsequent request. We can display this clientId/Secret via frontend UI once the user logs in to it via Okta.
How should I authenticate requests to the resource server from the frontend? And how do I authenticate requests to resource server via customer using clientId/Secret? Should I use one or two different tokens for this purpose?
Does Okta provides per-user client Id/secret that user(customer) can use to get access_token and send it to access resource server and resource server validate token against Okta.
I just did something very similar. You can read about my experience here: How to pass/verify Open ID token between .net core web app and web api?
I don't know what application framework you are using (.net, node, etc), but if you're using .NET the steps are to (a) install the middleware in your web app, (b) install the middleware in your api app, and (c) make sure calls from your web app to the api app pass the id_token.
If you, in addition to that, need to secure it for external users - it should work the same way. The only difference is they will manually call the /authorize endpoint to get their token - but the middleware should take care of the token verification for you in both cases.
Note I did experience one odd thing which is that I needed to pass the id_token and not the access_token. It is also worth mentioning that the claims were interpreted differently in the app and the api (in that the name of the claims for say, userid, were different between them - the data was still the same).
You will have to use 2 different access tokens. There are 2 different flows going on here:
Web UI to API
Business partner system to API
Technically this means:
Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
Client Credentials Flow
And in terms of tokens it means:
In the first case there is an end user represented in access tokens (the 'sub' claim)
In the second case there is only a Client Id claim in access tokens
I can advise on token validation techniques if needed - let me know.
To me though this feels like an architectural question - in particular around applying authorization after identifying the caller and versioning / upgrades.
Based on my experience I tend to prefer the following architecture these days, based on 2 levels of APIs: eg with these ones exposed to the internet:
User Experience API serves the UI
Partner API deals with B2B
And both entry point APIs call the same core services which are internal. Might be worth discussing with your stakeholders ..

Is the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credential Grant secured when using with my own spa?

I'm building a SPA (angular) with a back-end api ( core), both are build and belong to the same party.
I would like to use jwt authentication instead of cookie based authentication, because both sides - the back-end and the front-end spa - are owned by the same party I'm thinking to use the OAuth Resource Owner Password Grant flow and there shouldn't be any problem exposing the users credentials to the web app.
After searching on the web, I see a lot that it's not recommended to use this flow, but why should I implement any OpenId Connect flow with a redirection to the auth server if the web client belongs to same party of the api and the auth server?
The problem in your case is not so much in exposing the credentials to the Client since as you mention, all components in the flow are controlled by the same party.
Yet there are advantages to redirection as doing so separates the authentication method and means from the Client itself. And that enables e.g.:
a change of authentication mechanism or an upgrade to multi-factor (or some other advanced form of) authentication without impacting the Client(s)
SSO across different web applications
granular per-Client permissions
easy access revocation without having to change the user's password
less confusion for end-users as to which applications(s)/Client(s) they can trust with their credentials

OAuth2 different client authentication methods

I have a web service that acts as a OAuth 1.0a provider. Web applications go through the OAuth 1 workflow to gain access to user resources. So far so good.
The client web application has the need to communicate with the service for other needs, to exchange private data NOT linked to a particular user/resource owner. For that, a good idea seems to use OAuth2, in particular Client Credentials Grant (4.4)(which was designed exactly for this).
From a "confidential client" (and a web application falls into this category, according to the OAuth specs) you can directly authenticate your client and get an access token.
EDIT: of course, the kind of web application I am talking about is html+javascript BUT authentication and communication with the provider/web service happens entirely server-side. Credentials (client secret, keys, etc.) are all stored on (and never leave) the server.
According to the specs, authentication can happen with "username+password" (client password with HTTP Basic authentication scheme) or "other authorization methods".
I was not able to find any clue of what these "other authorization methods" may be.
Since we use private/public key pairs for OAuth1, can we use them for this task too?
The specs seem very liberal (and very vague!) on this point.
I would like something that is supported by the various libraries, so that a 3rd party client can implement it easily using standard libraries (like DotNetOpenAuth for example). If needed, it is reasonable to assume that some coding needs to be done for the custom method, as long as it can accommodate existing libraries (plugin?)
Is there anything "standard" or easily usable other than HTTP Basic, for OAuth 2 authentication?
If by web application you mean a JavaScript and HTML app that runs in the client browser and needs to make secure requests to your service, that is not a "confidential client". You cannot store secrets in a browser based app, as they will be visible to all.
If by web application you mean a server-side application that needs to make server to server requests, that is a "confidential client" because the executing code and secrets are not available to public scrutiny.
I interpret the "other authentication methods" to mean any authentication scheme that is customary over http (or https) that can be completed in one request. Client certificate authentication using TLS might also fall into this bucket. I think the main part of the OAuth2 4.4 Client Credentials Grant is that the client app presents credentials directly to the OAuth token service via existing authentication methods. The example uses HTTP Basic authentication, but that's just one example.
Client credentials grant differs from the resource owner credentials grant (4.3) primarily in that the resource owner grant presents the user credentials in the body of the http request instead of in the Authorization header. It would be difficult to use other authorization methods with resource owner grant.
The greatest caveat in using other authentication methods with the Client Credentials Grant is that support for anything other than HTTP Basic auth by OAuth2 client libraries will likely be spotty at best. Even if your use of digest or client cert auth with Client Credentials is within the OAuth2 spec, I'm doubtful that existing OAuth2 client libs will have built-in support for your particular permutation. See if you can find examples of client credentials grant using anything other than HTTP Basic auth by some of the big players such as Google or Yahoo. Things used there are more likely to be supported by OAuth client libs (especially the libs they ship!).
If you own both ends of the connection, this doesn't really matter. You can do whatever you want and find a client lib that will let you tweak or tailor the request to fit your needs.
If you want arbitrary clients to connect to your service using client credentials grant, you should plan on providing documentation and sample code of how clients should present the credentials you require. Off the shelf OAuth2 client libs probably won't provide automatic support for your scheme.

How to implement active federation provider with WIF

I have several Silverlight, WP7 and ASP.NET MVC client applications Most allow anonymous access to the application but secure various features based on a user's credentials when logged in. All of the clients use a common back-end service application for data access and business processing which require the user's credentials for authentication and authorization.
We currently use Forms Authentication in all client applications and I'd like to migrate our architecture to use federated identity and a claims-based model. Passive federation is not an option.
I am looking for the following flow:
The user triggers the login dialog, enters their username and
password then clicks "OK".
Behind-the-scenes, the application calls an active STS service in
our existing service application for authentication.
The service is actually a federated STS and passes the call through
to the (active) IP_STS which may or may not be ADFS.
When the IP returns the token to the FP, the FP modifies the token
with additional claims from the server data store before returning
the token to the client application.
The client application maintains the token in memory for
authorization checks (in Thread.CurrentPrincipal, for example).
The client also passes the token when making requests to other
service operations in our service application.
These service operations will use the token to
authenticate/authorize the request.
This is a very different use-case from any of the articles and samples I've been able to locate. Can anyone provide some guidance and/or point me in the right direction?
It is my understanding from Dominic Baier that WIF doesn't currently support the approach we are taking. We've taken his suggestion and created our own custom STS that moderates authentication using the Provider model.
Unfortunately, the farther we got into this, the more we realized that WIF isn't flexible enough to satisfy our needs at this point. We stuck with the custom STS approach but are using our own transport and credentialling rather than the WIF tooling. Hopefully a future release will give us what we want.