Reshape Pandas dataframe (partial transpose) - pandas

I have a csv similar to the following, where the column heading specifies the time (hour number):
When I load it as a dataframe using
df = pd.read_csv(open('VirusLevels.csv', 'r'), index_col=[0,1], header=0)
Pandas creates a dataframe with indices Day and Location, and column names 1, 2, and 3.
I need it to be reshaped as shown below, where Day and Time are the indices, and the Location is the column heading:
I've tried a lot of things and followed a lot of rabbitholes, but haven't been successful. The most on-point example I could find suggested something like the following, but it doesn't work (says "KeyError: 'Day'").
df.melt(id_vars=['Day'], var_name= 'Time',
value_name = 'VirusLevels').sort_values(by='Location').reset_index(drop=True)
Thanks in advance for any help.

df = pd.read_csv('VirusLevels.csv', index_col=[0,1])
# or
# df.rename_axis('Time',axis='columns').stack().unstack('Location')
Location A B C
Day Time
1/1/2021 1 0.345307 0.099403 0.474077
2 0.299947 0.853091 0.352472
3 0.400975 0.599249 0.743099
1/2/2021 1 0.660258 0.003976 0.295406
2 0.425434 0.953433 0.418783
3 0.421021 0.844761 0.369561


How do I change the index of a pandas dataframe object so as not to get null values in the dataframe entries?

I do not seem to know what the issue is when I combined three dataframes into one and tried changing the index of the combined dataframe. The following is what I have done:
1) I first combined (or Concatenated) three dataframes into a 'combo' dataframe. Below is an excerpt ('TSP_JuMP_Obtained_Solu') of one of the three. The index goes from 0-9 for all the three datafames as well as the combined.
2) I then used the following line of code to combine them:
f_solu_tsp = pd.concat([list_TSP,list_Scenario1,list_Scenario2], axis=1,
3) I subsequently used the followine line of code to change the index of the combined dataframe (df_solu_tsp):
df_solu_tsp = df_solu_tsp.reindex(proTy_uniq_list)
NB: 'proTy_uniq_list' is a list with membership as shown below:
[u'lau15', u'gr17', u'fri26', u'bays29', u'dantzig42', u'KATRINA_38',
u'HARVEY_50', u'HARVEY_100', u'HARVEY_200', u'HARVEY_415']
Below is the result of the combined dataframe (df_solu_tsp ):
Thank you in advance for the help.
Without having example DataFrame I will try to answer as good as possible:
Solution 1
As Peter Leimbigler mentioned in the comments:
df_solu_tsp = df_solu_tsp.set_index(proTy_uniq_list)
Which replaces your original index with the new index which is in this case an equal length list.
Solution 2
As mentioned in the pandas docs
df_solu_tsp.set_index([pd.Index(proTy_uniq_list), 'proTy'])
Solution 3
I see that you're creating a dataframe from three lists, so we can go a step back and create your data in one go:
f_solu_tsp = pd.DataFrame({'TSP_JuMP_Obtained_Solu': list_TSP,
'Scenario1': list_Scenario1,
'Scenario2': list_Scenario2}, index=proTy_uniq_list)
Example solution 3
data1 = ['hi', 'goodbye']
data2 = ['hello', 'bye']
idx = ['arriving', 'leaving']
df = pd.DataFrame({'column1': data1,
'column2': data2}, index=idx)
column1 column2
arriving hi hello
leaving goodbye bye

pandas dataframe export row column value

I import data from Excel into python pandas with read_clipboard.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_clipboard()
The column index are the month (januar, februar, ...,december). The row index are products name (orange, banana, etc). And the value in cells are the monthly sales.
How can I export a csv of the following format
To make it more visual, I show the input in the first image and how the output shoud be in the second image.
You can also use xlrd package.
Sample Book1.xlsx:
january february march
Orange 4 2 4
banana 2 6 3
apple 5 1 7
sample code:
import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook("Book1.xlsx")
first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
row1 = first_sheet.row_values(0)
for i in range(len(row1)):
if i !=0:
next_row = first_sheet.row_values(i)
for j in range(len(next_row)-1):
If that is only the case, it might solve that problem:
month = df1.columns.to_list()*3
product = []
for x in range(0,2):
product += [df1.index[x]]*12
sales += df1.iloc[x].values.tolist()
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'month': month, 'product': product, 'sales': sales})
But you need to look for smarter way if you have a larger Dataframe, like what #Jon Clements suggested in the comment.
I finally solved it thanks to your advice : using unstack
df2 = df.transpose()
df3 = df2 =.unstack()
df3.to_csv('my/path/name.csv', sep=';')

Pandas dataframe row data filtering

I have a column of data in pandas dataframe in Bxxxx-xx-xx-xx.y format. Only the first part (Bxxxx) is all I require. How do I split the data? In addition, I also have data in BSxxxx-xx-xx-xx format in the same column which I would like to remove using regex='^BS' command (For some reason, it's not working). Any help in this regard will be appreciated.BTW, I am using df.filter command.
This should work.
df[df.col1.apply(lambda x: x.split("-")[0][0:2]!="BS")].col1.apply(lambda x: x.split("-")[0])
Consider below example:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'col':['B123-34-gd-op','BS01010-9090-00s00','B000003-3frdef4-gdi-ortp','B1263423-304-gdcd-op','Bfoo3-poo-plld-opo', 'BSfewf-sfdsd-cvc']
0 B123-34-gd-op
1 BS01010-9090-00s00
2 B000003-3frdef4-gdi-ortp
3 B1263423-304-gdcd-op
4 Bfoo3-poo-plld-opo
5 BSfewf-sfdsd-cvc
Now Let's do two tasks:
Extract Bxxxx part from Bxxx-xx-xx-xxx .
Remove BSxxx formated strings.
Consider below code which uses startswith():
0 B123
2 B000003
3 B1263423
4 Bfoo3
Name: col, dtype: object
df[~df.col.str.startswith('BS')] gives us all the string which do not start with BS. Next, We are spliting those string with - and taking the first part with .col.str.split('-').str[0] .
You can define a function where in you treat Bxxxx-xx-xx-xx.y as a string and just extract the first 5 indexes.
>>> def edit_entry(x):
... return (str(x)[:5])
>>> df['Column_name'].apply(edit_entry)
A one-liner solution would be:
df["column_name"] = df["column_name"].apply(lambda x: x[:5])

how to group pandas timestamps plot several plots in one figure and stack them together in matplotlib?

I have a data frame with perfectly organised timestamps, like below:
It's a web log, and the timestamps go though the whole year. I want to cut them into each day and show the visits within each hour and plot them into the same figure and stack them all together. Just like the pic shown below:
I am doing well on cutting them into days and plot the visits of a day individually, but I am having trouble plotting them and stacking them together. The primary tool I am using is Pandas and Matplotlib.
Any advices and suggestions? Much Appreciated!
My Code is as below:
The timestamps are:
And the dataframe looks like this:
I plotted the timestamp density through the whole period used the code below:
timestamps_series_all = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.Series(unique_visitors_df.time_stamp))
timestamps_series_all_toBePlotted = pd.Series(1, index=timestamps_series_all)
and got the result:
I plotted timestamps within one day using the code:
timestamps_series_oneDay = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.Series(unique_visitors_df.time_stamp.loc[unique_visitors_df["date"] == "2014-08-01"]))
timestamps_series_oneDay_toBePlotted = pd.Series(1, index=timestamps_series_oneDay)
and the result:
And now I am stuck.
I'd really appreciate all of your help!
I think you need pivot:
# to L
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':L})
print (df.head())
0 2014-08-01 00:05:46
1 2014-08-01 00:14:47
2 2014-08-01 00:16:05
3 2014-08-01 00:20:46
4 2014-08-01 00:23:22
#convert to datetime if necessary
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'] )
#resample by Hours, get count and create df
df = df.resample('H', on='date').size().to_frame('count')
#extract date and hour
df['days'] =
df['hours'] = df.index.hour
#pivot and plot
#maybe check parameter kind='density' from
#df.pivot(index='days', columns='hours', values='count').plot(rot='90')
#edit: last line change to below:
df.pivot(index='hours', columns='days', values='count').plot(rot='90')

pandas / numpy arithmetic mean in csv file

I have a csv file which contains 3000 rows and 5 columns, which constantly have more rows appended to it on a weekly basis.
What i'm trying to do is to find the arithmetic mean for the last column for the last 1000 rows, every week. (So when new rows are added to it weekly, it'll just take the average of most recent 1000 rows)
How should I construct the pandas or numpy array to achieve this?
df = pd.read_csv(fds.csv, index_col=False, header=0)
df_1 = df['Results']
#How should I write the next line of codes to get the average for the most 1000 rows?
I'm on a different machine than what my pandas is installed on so I'm going on memory, but I think what you'll want to do is...
df = pd.read_csv(fds.csv, index_col=False, header=0)
df_1 = df['Results']
#Let's pretend your 5th column has a name (header) of `Stuff`
last_thousand = df_1.tail(1000)
A little bit quicker using mean():
df = pd.read_csv("fds.csv", header = 0)
results = df.tail(1000).mean()
Results will contain the mean for each column within the last 1000 rows. If you want more statistics, you can also use describe():
resutls = df.tail(1000).describe().unstack()
So basically I needed to use the pandas tail function. My Code below works.
df = pd.read_csv(fds.csv, index_col=False, header=0)
df_1 = df['Results']