how to select in select postgresql - sql

I have a column named jenis_kelamin I want to display the gender of male and female in a select query. I have a query like this but the data that comes out is still wrong, what is the correct way?
SELECT distinct, mj.nama_pd,
(select distinct count(jenis_layanan) from public.isian_kuis
where jenis_kelamin = 'Laki' ) as jumlah_laki,
(select distinct count(jenis_layanan)
from public.isian_kuis
where jenis_kelamin = 'Perempuan' ) as jumlah_perempuan
FROM public.master_jabatan mj
join isian_kuis ik on ik.jabatan_id =
group by,mj.nama_pd
order by;
I have an example of the image of my query, this is still wrong
The correct data is that at ID 30 it has two men and one woman, in ID 29 there is only one woman

No need to use nested select just use Group By like this:
SELECT distinct,
SUM(CASE WHEN jenis_kelamin = 'Laki' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS jumlah_laki,
SUM(CASE WHEN jenis_kelamin = 'Perempuan' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS jumlah_perempuan
FROM public.master_jabatan mj
join isian_kuis ik on ik.jabatan_id =
group by,mj.nama_pd
order by;

In Postgres, you can use conditional aggregation which looks like:
SELECT, mj.nama_pd,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE jenis_kelamin = 'Laki')AS jumlah_laki,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE jenis_kelamin = 'Perempuan') AS jumlah_perempuan
FROM public.master_jabatan mj JOIN
isian_kuis ik
ON ik.jabatan_id =
GROUP BY, mj.nama_pd
Note that it is very, very rare to use SELECT DISTINCT with GROUP BY. This might slow down the query. And FILTER is standard SQL so is a good way to implement this.


Getting undesired output in SQL Server while using pivot

I am looking for an output of:
but getting this instead:
The two tables which I have used are Table 1 and Table 2.
I am providing the links for the table as well Kaggle Dataset
The code I have
nr.region, Medal,
COUNT(Medal) AS 'Total_Medal'
athlete_events AS ae
noc_regions AS nr ON ae.NOC = nr.NOC
Medal <> 'NA'
Medal, nr.region) AS t1
FOR Medal IN ([Gold], [Silver], [Bronze])
) pivot_table
Total_Medal DESC
Please help me to solve this, consider me a novice
Try This, you will get exact output
Select OH.Region,
Count(Case When O.Medal='Gold' Then 1 End) AS Gold,
Count(Case When O.Medal='Silver' Then 1 End) AS Silver,
Count(Case When O.Medal='Bronze' Then 1 End) AS Bronze
from athlete_events O
Join noc_regions OH On OH.NOC = O.NOC
Group by OH.Region
Order By Gold Desc,Silver Desc,Bronze Desc
I think you probably just want something like:
SELECT nr.region, medal
FROM athlete_events ae INNER JOIN noc_regions nr
ON ae.noc = nr.noc
WHERE medal <> 'NA'
) t1
PIVOT(COUNT(medal) FOR medal in ([Gold], [Silver], [Bronze])) pt
ORDER BY gold+silver+bronze DESC
There doesn't appear to be any reason for your inner grouping and counting. The pivot can handle the count and, since you don't want total medal in your output (except for the order), you can just sum the medal fields in the ORDER BY.
So I kinda gave up on pivot myself. Caused me to many problems in the past (always my own mistakes ofcourse) and when I can I try a different approache.
So I'll show you a query that tells you how you can get the results you want, but it won't answer your pivot question. This method isn't the most efficient, but it's fine for a size of these records and I think it makes the query even more readable.
, SUM(Gold) AS 'Gold'
, SUM(Silver) AS 'Silver'
, SUM(Bronze) AS 'Bronze'
LEFT JOIN (SELECT NOC, COUNT(*) AS 'Gold' FROM athlete_events WHERE Medal = 'Gold' GROUP BY NOC) gold_events ON noc_regions.NOC = gold_events.NOC
LEFT JOIN (SELECT NOC, COUNT(*) AS 'Silver' FROM athlete_events WHERE Medal = 'Silver' GROUP BY NOC) silver_events ON noc_regions.NOC = silver_events.NOC
LEFT JOIN (SELECT NOC, COUNT(*) AS 'Bronze' FROM athlete_events WHERE Medal = 'Bronze' GROUP BY NOC) bronze_events ON noc_regions.NOC = bronze_events.NOC
, Silver DESC
, Bronze DESC
, region ASC;

SQL count conditioning without the 0 values

I am trying to run a case count on SQL but I want the results without the 0 how do I do that?
Select ClubName,
Concat(Count(case when GameResult like 'w%' then 1 else NULL end), ' ','wins'),
Count(Case when GameResult like 'l%' then 1 end) AS Losses
from ClubDim,CountryDim,GamesFact
where ClubDim.CountryID = CountryDim.CountryID
And ClubDim.ClubID = GamesFact.ClubID
GROUP BY ClubName,ClubType,Country,GameResult
Having ClubType = 'Professional'
That's the code and I am getting a lot of zeros and my target is to count losses and wins in two separate columns
It's obviously not possible to test without sample data however you should be using sum not count here. Your having criteria should be part of the where clause as you are not filtering on an aggregate. I would also recommend using proper join syntax which has been standard since 1992! However this should give you expected results, I suspect.
Select ClubName,
Concat(sum(case when GameResult like 'w%' then 1 else 0 end), ' ','wins'),
Sum(Case when GameResult like 'l%' then 1 else 0 end) AS Losses
from ClubDim,CountryDim,GamesFact
where ClubDim.CountryID = CountryDim.CountryID and ClubDim.ClubID = GamesFact.ClubID
and ClubType = 'Professional'
GROUP BY ClubName,ClubType,Country,GameResult
The issue is that you have put gameResult in the group by.
More importantly, you need to learn proper, explicit, standard, readable JOIN syntax. Doing a Cartesian product and filtering in the WHERE clause is just awkward. Not using proper syntax is outdated:
select cl.ClubName, cl.ClubType, co.Country,
Concat(Count(case when g.GameResult like 'w%' then 1 else NULL end), ' ', 'wins'),
Count(Case when g.GameResult like 'l%' then 1 end) AS Losses
from ClubDim cl join
CountryDim co
on cl.CountryID = co.CountryID join
GamesFact g
on cl.ClubID = g.ClubID
where cl.ClubType = 'Professional'
group by cl.ClubName, cl.ClubType, co.Country;
In addition:
Note the use of table aliases. These should be abbreviations for the table names.
I did my best to qualify all columns, so it is clear what tables they come from. Of course, your question doesn't provide this information, so this is just guessing.
Filter before aggregating by using a WHERE clause rather than filtering after aggregating with a HAVING. Use HAVING when you want to filter on the results of aggregations (such as COUNT(*)).
You can try below query -
SELECT ClubName,
Count(case when GameResult like 'w%' then 1 else NULL end) AS Wins,
Count(Case when GameResult like 'l%' then 1 end) AS Losses
JOIN CountryDim COD ON CLD.CountryID = COD.CountryID
JOIN GamesFact GF ON CLD.ClubID = GF.ClubID
where ClubType = 'Professional'
GROUP BY ClubName,ClubType,Country) X;

Aggregate Function on an Expression Containing A Subquery

With the following t-sql query:
select u.userid
into #temp
from user u
where u.type = 1;
select top 50
count(*) as all_views,
sum(case when hc.userid in (select userid from #temp) then 1 else 0 end) as first_count,
sum(case when hc.userid in (40615, 40616) then 1 else 0 end) as another_count
from hitcounts hc
inner join user u on u.userid = hc.userid
group by hc.contentid
order by count(*) desc;
I get an error message
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
However, if just include the column 'another_count' (with the hard-coded list of identifiers), everything works as I expected. Is there a way I should go about only getting the count for userids contained within a subquery? I plan to have multiple columns, each counting up a set/subquery of different userids.
Performance is not a concern at this point and I appreciate any guidance.
You don't need a temporary table for this purpose. Just use a conditional aggregation:
select top 50 contentid,
count(*) as all_views,
sum(case when u.type = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as first_count,
sum(case when hc.userid in (40615, 40616) then 1 else 0 end) as another_count
from hitcounts hc join
user u
on u.userid = hc.userid
group by hc.contentid
order by count(*) desc;

Sum distinct records in a table with duplicates in Teradata

I have a table that has some duplicates. I can count the distinct records to get the Total Volume. When I try to Sum when the CompTia Code is B92 and run distinct is still counts the dupes.
Here is the query:
count(distinct a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then 1 else 0 end) as B92_Sum
FROM artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event a
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
group by 1
order by 1
Is There a way to only SUM the distinct records for B92?
I also tried inner joining the table on itself by selecting the distinct notification id and joining on that notification id, but still getting wrong sum counts.
Your B92_Sum currently returns either NULL, 1 or 2, this is definitely no sum.
To sum distinct values you need something like
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end)
If this column_to_sum is actually the notif_id you get a conditional count but not a sum.
Otherwise the distinct might remove too many vales and then you probably need a Derived Table where you remove duplicates before aggregation:
--no more distinct needed
count(a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end) as B92_Sum
select repair_week_period,
from artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
-- only onw row per notif_id
qualify row_number() over (partition by notif_id order by ???) = 1
) a
group by 1
order by 1
#dnoeth It seems the solution to my problem was not to SUM the data, but to count distinct it.
This is how I resolved my problem:
count(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then a.notif_id else NULL end) as B92_Sum

SQL Nested Select statements with COUNT()

I'll try to describe as best I can, but it's hard for me to wrap my whole head around this problem let alone describe it....
I am trying to select multiple results in one query to display the current status of a database. I have the first column as one type of record, and the second column as a sub-category of the first column. The subcategory is then linked to more records underneath that, distinguished by status, forming several more columns. I need to display every main-category/subcategory combination, and then the count of how many of each sub-status there are beneath that subcategory in the subsequent columns. I've got it so that I can display the unique combinations, but I'm not sure how to nest the select statements so that I can select the count of a completely different table from the main query. My problem lies in that to display the main category and sub category, I can pull from one table, but I need to count from a different table. Any ideas on the matter would be greatly appreciated
Here's what I have. The count statements would be replaced with the count of each status:
int_tasktype "INT / TaskType",
COUNT (1) total,
COUNT (1) released,
COUNT (1) assembled
(t.invn_need_type || ' / ' || s.code_desc) int_tasktype,
t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr wave_num
FROM sys_code s, task_hdr t
WHERE t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr IN
(SELECT ship_wave_nbr
FROM ship_wave_parm
WHERE TRUNC (create_date_time) LIKE SYSDATE - 7)
AND s.code_type = '590'
AND s.rec_type = 'S'
AND s.code_id = t.task_type),
ship_wave_parm swp
GROUP BY wave_num, int_tasktype
ORDER BY wave_num
Image here:
Guessing a bit,both regarding your problem and Oracle (which I've - unfortunately - never used), hopefully it will give you some ideas. Sorry for completely messing up the way you write SQL, SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ... WHERE ... IN (SELECT ...)) simply confuses me, so I have to restructure:
with tmp(int_tasktype, wave_num) as
(select distinct (t.invn_need_type || ' / ' || s.code_desc), t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr
from sys_code s
join task_hdr t
on s.code_id = t.task_type
where s.code_type = '590'
and s.rec_type = 'S'
and exists(select 1 from ship_wave_parm p
where t.task_genrtn_ref_nbr = p.ship_wave_nbr
and trunc(p.create_date_time) = sysdate - 7))
select t.wave_num "WAVE NUMBER", t.int_tasktype "INT / TaskType",
count(*) TOTAL,
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'LOCKED' then 1 end) "LOCKED/DISABLED",
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'RELEASED' then 1 end) RELEASED,
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'PARTIAL' then 1 end) "PARTIALLY ASSEMBLED",
sum(case when sst.sub_status = 'ASSEMBLED' then 1 end) ASSEMBLED
from tmp t
join sub_status_table sst
on t.wave_num = sst.wave_num
group by t.wave_num, t.int_tasktype
order by t.wave_num
As you notice, I don't know anything about the table with the substatuses.
You can use inner join, grouping and count to get your result:
suppose tables are as follow :
cat (1)--->(n) subcat (1)----->(n) subcat_detail.
so the query would be :
select cat.title cat_title ,subcat.title subcat_title ,count(*) as cnt from
cat inner join sub_cat on
inner join subcat_detail on subcat.ID=am.subcat_detail_id
group by cat.title,subcat.title
Generally when you need different counts, you need to use the CASE statment.
select count(*) as total
, case when field1 = "test' then 1 else 0 end as testcount
, case when field2 = 'yes' then 1 else 0 endas field2count
FROM table1