Avoid v-deep duplication with SCSS and Vue 3 - vue.js

Vue 3 deprecated using v-deep as a combinator: https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/blob/master/active-rfcs/0023-scoped-styles-changes.md
We have existing code using SCSS and v-deep like this:
.class ::v-deep {
.child-class1 {...}
.child-class2 {...}
Which compiles into something like this:
.class[data-xxxxxx] .child-class1 {...}
.class[data-xxxxxx] .child-class2 {...}
In Vue 3, this syntax is deprecated, and we need to do this instead:
.class {
::v-deep(.child-class1) {...}
::v-deep(.child-class2) {...}
We have to repeat v-deep for every nested rule. In reality, there are many more, and some complicated rules.
Is there any way, in SCSS to construct a nested block where all the inner rules are wrapped into this ::v-deep(...) syntax?
I'm looking for something like this (not actual syntax):
::v-deep(&) {
.child-class1 {...}
.child-class2 {...}
Except that the self-selector (&) would have kind of the opposite meaning, referencing the child selector instead of the parent.

You can do pretty much the same thing with an empty selector argument:
.class ::v-deep() {
.child-class1 {...}
.child-class2 {...}


How do I specify an ActionListener in Kotlin?

I want to add an ActionListener to a JButton in Kotlin. In Java, I would just write this:
JPanel makeButtonPanel() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
JButton dirButton = new JButton("Change directory");
dirButton.addActionListener(e -> chooseDirectory());
return panel;
But it's not so simple in Kotlin. I first tried this:
private fun makeButtonPanel() : JPanel {
val panel = JPanel(FlowLayout())
val dirButton = JButton("Choose")
dirButton.addActionListener(e -> chooseDirectory()) // error message here
// ...
private fun chooseDirectory() { ... }
But I'm getting this error message:
Type Mismatch
Required: ((ActionEvent!) -> Unit)!
Found: KFunction1<ActionEvent, Unit>
I understand that the ! means that this is a java method with uncertain nullability, but that doesn't help me understand how to write it. All I want it to do is call the chooseDirectory() method. There must be a clean, simple way to do this, but I don't see it.
As you've discovered, you need to use braces ({ }).
This is because braces are a necessary part of defining a lambda in Kotlin.  (That differs from languages like Java and Scala, where the necessary part is the -> or => arrow.  That's because in Kotlin the arrow is optional if there are one or no parameters; if one, the it keyword is used.)
Without the braces, the code would call your chooseDirectory() function, and try to pass its result to addActionListener() — which obviously wouldn't work.
Braces are also sufficient: they're taken as defining a lambda unless you're giving the body of a function or method or an if/when branch.  (Again, this differs from most C/Java-like languages.  In Kotlin, if you just want a block scope, you have to use a construct such as run.)
As for the parentheses, they're optional here.  You could include them if you wanted:
dirButton.addActionListener({ chooseDirectory() })
But Kotlin has a convention that if a function's last parameter is a function, you can pass it after the parens:
dirButton.addActionListener(){ chooseDirectory() }
And if that would make the parens empty, then you can omit them entirely:
dirButton.addActionListener{ chooseDirectory() }
That's to allow functions that look like new language syntax.  For example, you may have met the with function:
with(someObject) {
itsProperty = someValue
That's just a perfectly ordinary function, defined in the standard library, and taking a function as its last parameter.  Similarly, repeat:
repeat(10) {
// Some code to be run 10 times…
There's one further thing worth mentioning here.  In Kotlin, lambdas are one way to define functions, which are first-class types and can be defined, passed around, and used just like other types.  This differs from Java, which has traditionally used interfaces for those purposes — often interfaces with a Single Abstract Method (‘SAM interfaces’) — and in which lambdas are little more than syntactic sugar for defining an anonymous implementation of such an interface.
As a special case, for interoperability, Kotlin allows a lambda to define an implementation of a Java SAM interface (or, since Kotlin 1.4, of a Kotlin fun interface), instead of a function.
ActionListener is a Java SAM interface, which is why you can use a lambda here.
Okay, I figured it out, and it was pretty simple. I just have to dispense with the parentheses and say
dirButton.addActionListener { chooseDirectory() }
I'm still not clear on when I should use braces instead of parentheses.

Catching up with 'require' for a metamodel class

I have defined own metamodel class to create a special kind of classes. Now, I would like these classes to automatically register themselves with a special kind of manager. Basically, this would like like this (would only compose be called each time when class' module is being loaded):
use MyManager;
class MyHOW is Metamodel::ClassHOW {
method compose ( Mu \type ) {
self.add_parent( type, MyParentClass );
registerMyClass( type );
Then I have something like:
use v6;
use MyClass;
myclass Foo { ... }
in a module. Then there is a manager object which scans repositories/file system and requires modules with names matching to a certain pattern. Afterwards, it needs to know what myclasses are defined in each module. It could scan the symbol table of the loaded module. But this won't work if the loaded file contains multiple modules or no modules at all – like in the example above.
So far, it looks like the INIT phaser would provide the solution, but I'm struggling to find how to get the body block of a class from within the composer method.
When doing meta-programming, the meta-object's methods are invoked during compilation, as declarations are parsed. Therefore, the compose method is called immediately after the parsing of a myclass foo { } declaration. The result of the module's compilation is then saved, and nothing in the meta-object will be processed again when the module is loaded.
There's no supported way that I'm aware of to inject a load-time callback into the module where a type is being declared. However, it's possible to install the symbols into a separate package - used as a registry - and then find them there.
For example, given I have a lib/MyClass.pm6 that looks like this:
package MyRegistry { }
class MyParentClass { }
class MyHOW is Metamodel::ClassHOW {
method compose ( Mu \type ) {
MyRegistry::{self.name(type)} = type;
self.add_parent( type, MyParentClass );
my package EXPORTHOW {
package DECLARE {
constant myclass = MyHOW;
And I write some files mods/A.pm6 and mods/B.pm6 like this:
use MyClass;
myclass A { }
And this:
use MyClass;
myclass B { }
Then when I require them in a script like this, and dump the keys in MyRegistry, they'll both be registered there:
use MyClass;
for dir('mods', test => /pm6$/) {
require $_;
dd MyRegistry.WHO.values;
Thus giving a predictable way to find them all.
Note that for a technique like this to work, you really need to have them stored into a Stash, since the loader knows how to symbol-merge those, whereas other types touched in different ways during the compilation of different modules will result in load-time conflicts.
You are left with the slight challenge of making sure to install everything under a sufficiently unique key; the type name as I used here is probably not unique enough in general. Probably I'd just generate something sufficiently random that the chance of a collision is hugely unlikely.

Is it possible to overwrite the behavior of materialize css navbar and make it into a bootstrap style?

I was thinking to use bootstrap and materialize css but it happen that they have the same class.
If you want to add custom style to an object that already has it's style defined by other css class, sometimes you will have to replace some styles. Here's how to do it:
Firstly, check which class overrides it.
Let's say your markup returns:
<div class="range-specific range"></div>
If your css is defined like that:
.range-specific { foo; }
.range { bar; }
Then the range will win.
If you change it to:
.range-specific.range { foo; }
.range { bar; } `
Then the specific will win.
If you want to hack it even more, do this:
.range-specific.range-specific { foo; }
.range { bar; }
And specific will surely win.
It's even better to do this:
.range { bar; }
.range-specific { foo; }
If u want to override that class you can use nav.app-bg or use !important
Here you can check Overrides of Material-UI

Kotlin type safe builder DSLs, safety for the outermost function

I'm going to use the official example from the documentation that implements a DSL for some HTML creation.
Since Kotlin 1.1, the #DslMarker annotation allows us to restrict the scope of the functions in our classes, like the example does with the #HtmlTagMarker annotation. This gives us an error when trying to write incorrectly structured code like this:
html {
body {
body { // this in an error, as it's a function call on the outside Html element
However, this doesn't prevent nesting the outermost function, which is the entry point to the DSL. For example, with the example as it is now, this can be written down without problems:
html {
html {
Is there any way to make a DSL safer in this regard?
Probably this can somehow be done in a more elegant way, but I can suggest using the #Deprecated annotation with DeprecationLevel.ERROR on a function with a matching signature defined for the receiver type, for example:
#Deprecated("Cannot be used in a html block.", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun HtmlReceiver.html(action: HtmlReceiver.() -> Unit): Nothing = error("...")
Or this can be a member function. By the way, the IDE completion behaves a bit differently based on whether it is an extension or a member.
This will make the calls like the inner one invalid:
html {
html { // Error: Cannot be used in a html block.
(demo of this code)
The top-level function can still be called inside a DSL block by its FQN e.g. com.example.html { }, so this trick only protects the users from calling the top level function by mistake.

How to reuse pseudo class in less?

Is there a way to reuse the pseudo class in less?
For Example:
This class already exists in some external file which I cannot modify.
Now, I would like to make use of that pseudo class in my current code. Is it possible?
For example:
.cssClass:before; //but this is giving error
In Less you can not mixin pseudo classes, see also Allow for pseudo-classes to be used as mixins.
Probably you can use extend to solve your problem as already suggested by #Harry.
.cssClass:before {
content: "test";
The preceding Less code will compile into the following CSS code:
.lessClass {
content: "test";
or use: .lessClass:before:extend(.cssClass:before){} that will compile into:
.lessClass:before {
content: "test";