I need to call a .py file and pass an argument to one of the functions in it and have to match the result returned.
For instance:
match result == call('xyz.py')# how to specify the method name and pass an argument in it?
Yes, you can use karate.exec() to call any OS process. Whether python is installed is up to you. Refer https://github.com/intuit/karate#karate-exec
* def result = karate.exec('python foo.py bar')
For more details, refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64352676/143475
my conftest file for my appium/python test framework looks like:
def setup(request):
desired_caps = {
request.cls.driver = webdriver.Remote(
command_executor= "https://"blah.com",
desired_capabilities= desired_caps
yield request.cls.driver
And what I am trying to do is be able to access pytest results from within the 'yield' section, and send a pass/fail result to BrowserStack using the command:
driver.execute_script('browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"passed", "reason": "All elements located and assertions passed!"}}')
The problem is, the only method I know to access the pytest results utilizes a hook in conftest, i.e:
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
outcome = yield
result = outcome.get_result()
if result.when == "call" and result.passed:
if result.when == "call" and result.failed:
But how do I integrate these too? In other words, how can I take the result from the hook to get the test result, and then use the driver instance from the setup to run the execute_script command. Everything I have tried leads to issues with not being able to access the Appium driver instance. Please help!!
I have achieved this by using a global variable in the hook to save the result, and then in the fixture I use this data to send the corresponding message, but I know this is not ideal. So the question remains, how can I store a variable from the hook in conftest that gets the pytest result, and pass that to the yield section of the setup fixture?
I have faced a problem when I try to run a Scenario containing built-in __arg variable as 'stand-alone' (not 'called'), then my test fails with an error (I do not #ignore the called one as in order to use it in both 'called' and 'stand-alone' modes):
evaluation (js) failed: __arg, javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "__arg" is not defined in <eval> at line number 1
stack trace: jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.throwAsScriptException(NashornScriptEngine.java:470)
Following two simple features should be enough to reproduce.
Feature: Called + Stand-alone Scenario
Scenario: Should not fail on __arg when run as stand-alone
* def a = __arg
* print a
Feature: Caller
Scenario: call without args
When def res = call read('called-standalone.feature')
Then match res.a == null
Scenario: call with args
When def res = call read('called-standalone.feature') {some: 42}
Then match res.a == {some: 42}
Putting these two features into the skeleton project and run mvn test will show an error.
I'm expecting this should work as the docs say that "‘called’ Karate scripts ... can behave like ‘normal’ Karate tests in ‘stand-alone’ mode".
‘called’ Karate scripts don’t need to use any special keywords to ‘return’ data and can behave like ‘normal’ Karate tests in ‘stand-alone’ mode if needed
All Karate variables have to be "defined" at run time. This is a rule which can not be relaxed.
So you should re-design your scripts. The good thing is you can use karate.get() to set a "default value".
* def a = karate.get('__arg', null)
That should answer your question.
I am trying to invoke a feature for each element of json array
* def values = karate.mapWithKey(values, 'value')
* def result = call read('my-feature') values
My feature is defined as
Feature: My feature
*some task
# TEST: My scenario
Given path urlPath, value
This works fine if i use #Tags and only run this scenario.
But on trying to run all karate tests, this fails with error
com.intuit.karate.exception.KarateException: my-feature.feature:15 - javascript evaluation failed: value, ReferenceError: "value" is not defined in at line number 1
How do i fix this?
I have marked the ignored feature as #Ignore, but that doesnt help
Got the solution ,
I was using #Ignore annotation but it also need to be mapped at APITest class
#KarateOptions(tags = {"~#Ignore"})
And marking the feature file as #Ignore, solved my issue
Shouldn't it be:
* def result = call read('my-feature') ids
If still stuck, follow this process please: https://github.com/intuit/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue
I have got the response in the background to one of the request and passing to the function for polling purpose and need to run until specific condition met. In that function, I need to pass the values to the calling feature JSON file
while (true) {
var result = karate.call('extractProgress.feature') packageid; -- package id
is response of another request
I followed the similar way as mentioned but in that not passing any parameter.
But i am getting the below error
java.lang.RuntimeException: javascript evaluation failed: packageid,
ReferenceError: "packageid" is not defined in at line number 1
Input for call inside js should be given as
refer this on doc
It sounds wrong to me, maybe you have a typo.
Also please read the docs carefully. Only JSON is supported as a call argument.
The best way for you to get support is to follow this process, else no one can help you with the limited info you seem to be providing in your questions.
In SoapUI, I have a host Test Case, which executes another external Test Case (with several test steps) using the "Run Test Case" test step. I need to access a response from the external TC from within my host TC, since I need to assert on some values.
I cannot transfer the properties since they are in XML. Could I get some pointers as to how I could leverage Groovy/SoapUI for this.
For Response you can use the below code.
testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("test step").testRequest.response.responseContent
In you external TC create another property and at the end of the TC use Transfer Property step to transfer your XML node to it. In your host TC, just read that property as you would any other.
I also had a look around to see if this can be done from Groovy. SoapUI documentation says that you need to refer to the external name of the testsuite / testcase:
def tc = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["external TestSuite"].testCases["external TestCase"]
def ts = tc.testSteps["test step"]
But I could not find how to get at the Response after that.
In addition to Guest and SiKing answers, I share a solution to a problem that I've met:
If your step is not of type 'request' but 'calltestcase' you cannot use Guest answer.
I have a lot of requests contained each in a testCase and my other testCases call these testCases each time I need to launch a request.
I configured my request testCases in order to return the response as a custom property that I call "testResponse" so I can easily access it from my other testCases.
I met a problem in the following configuration :
I have a "calltestcase" step that gives me a request result.
Further in the test I have a groovy script that needs to call this step and get the response value
If I use this solution :
testRunner.runTestStepByName("test step")
followed by testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("test step").testRequest.response.responseContent
I'm stuck as there is no testRequest property for the class.
The solution that works is :
testRunner.runTestStepByName("test step")
def response_value = context.expand( '${test step#testResponse#$[\'value\']}' )
another solution is :
testRunner.runTestStepByName("test step")
tStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("test step")
response = tStep.getPropertyValue("testResponse")
Then I extract the relevant value from 'response' (in my case, it is a json that I have to parse).
Of course it works only because I the request response as a custom property of my request test case.
I hope I was clear enough