Can we set AWS ALB priorities through AWS Console? - aws-application-load-balancer

I wasn't able to find a way to set the rule priorities for ALB through AWS Console. Can we set AWS ALB priorities through AWS Console ?

What I was able to figure out that the order in which the rules are defined under a listener is the priority


In amazon eks - how to view logs which are prior to eks fargate node creation and logs while pods is starting up

I'm using amazon EKS fargate. I can see container logs using fluentbit side car etc no problem at all. But those logs ONLY show what is happening inside the container AFTER it has started up
I enabled aws eks cluster logging fully
Now I would like to see logs in cloudwatch which is equivalent of
kubectl describe pod
I have searched the ENTIRE cloudwatch clustername log group and am not able to find logs like
"pulling image into container"
"efs not mounted"
I want to see logs in cloudwatch prior to the actual container creation stage
IS it possible at all using eks fargate ?
Thanks a bunch
You can use Container Insights which can collect metrics by using performance log events using the embedded metric format. The logs are stored in CloudWatch Logs. CloudWatch generates several metrics automatically from the logs which you can view in the CloudWatch console.
In Amazon EKS and Kubernetes, Container Insights uses a containerized version of the CloudWatch agent to discover all of the running containers in a cluster. It then collects performance data at every layer of the performance stack.

Apache Ignite server node health check

I am working on launching an Apache Ignite (v2.13.0) cluster in AWS. I am targeting using Amazon ECS for container management and running these container nodes on EC2 instances.
I am fronting these instances with an Application Load Balancer and using the Apache Ignite aws-ext modules TcpDiscoverALBIpFinder to find other nodes in the cluster. As part of setting up an ALB in AWS, you add a listener that routes traffic to a registered healthy target. These targets are represented by a target group. These nodes in the target group are tested periodically to check their health via a health check. The health check sends a request to a configured port and path and determines the health based on returned status codes.
My question is if there is an out of the box path on an Apache Ignite server that I should utilize for health checks?
I looked for additional documentation online on how others have set this up however came up dry.
you can use the PROBE/VERSION commands to implement these checks.
example usage:
Most people use the REST API for health checks.
with auth: http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=probe&ignite.login=ignite&ignite.password=ignite
without auth: http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=probe
with auth: http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=version&ignite.login=ignite&ignite.password=ignite
without auth: http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=version

How to use Watchtower with ECS Fargate?

I'm trying to use watchtower on ECS Fargate. But the documentation says watchtower must bind to /var/run/docker.sock. But AFAIK ECS Fargate doesn't support that.
Is there a way to use watchtower with AWS Fargate?
You can't map the Docker socket in Fargate. You need to build a simple Pipeline that checks for new container images and redeploy an ECS/Fargate service when it detects a new image.
This is a good blog post if you want to go down this route.

How to ingest AWS ALB logs in S3 to Loki?

I'm attempting to ingest AWS ALB logs into Loki but I can't seem to find a smooth way to do this. AWS ALB logs end up in S3 for consumption through Athena or other sources but Loki doesn't have a simple way to ingest S3 logs.
Is there a known way to accomplish this?
lambda-promtail recently gained the ability to ingest ALB logs from S3, in this merged pull request. The lambda is triggered by an S3 bucket notification. The repository includes example Terraform and CloudFormation configs for setting it up.

EKS pods logging to Elastic Cloud

I am trying to set up pods logs shipping from EKS to ElasticSearch Cloud.
According to Fluent Bit for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate is here, ElasticSearch should be supported:
You can choose between CloudWatch, Elasticsearch, Kinesis Firehose and Kinesis Streams as outputs.
According to FluentBit Configuration Parameters for ElasticSearch having Cloud_ID and Cloud_Auth parameters should be enough to ship logs to Elasticsearch Cloud.
An example here shows how to configure ES output for FluentBit, so my config looks like:
Name es
Match *
Logstash_Format On
Logstash_Prefix ${logstash_prefix}
tls On
tls.verify Off
Pipeline date_to_timestamp
Cloud_ID ${es_cloud_id}
Cloud_Auth ${es_cloud_auth}
Trace_Output On
I am running a simple ngnix container to generate some logs (as in one of the linked examples), but they don't seem to appear in my ElasticSearch / Kibana.
Am I missing anything? How do I ship logs to ElasticSearch Cloud?
Also, Trace_Output On is supposed to log FluentBits' attempts to ship logs, but where can I see these logs on EKS?
I also ran into this. It seems to me only AWS ElasticSearch is supported when using the AWS managed FluentBit (from what I can tell).
You can work around this by using a sidecar fluentbit container (which can send to ElasticSearch) if that's an option for you. You will need to modify the application to have logs written to the filesystem.
Or you can use the managed FluentBit with the cloudwatch output, subscribe with to the log group with a lambda function and send it to ES.