xero sdk: line item unit price rounding to 2 decimal place - xero

I have posted invoice in xero & passing data in 4 decimal points of unit price but xero is converting it into 2 decimal points, so i am getting total amount issue due to rounding...
Through API I know unitdp=4 have to pass but how to do same thing with sdks?
LineItem qboln = new LineItem();
qboln.Description = "Desc"
qboln.Quantity = 3385;
qboln.UnitAmount = 0.7550;
qboln.AccountCode = code;
qboln.TaxType = "INPUT";
qboln.TaxAmount = 0.678;
so here xero is rounding unit price into 0.76 so I am getting total amount issue that is different with my original invoice.
Please tell me how to solve it ?


Shopify Scripts - Tiered product discount by quantity only when same variant

This is a good example https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/script-editor/examples/line-item-scripts#tiered-product-discount-by-quantity
But I need it to work only if you enter code herechoose the same variant. You cant mix and match. The product has multiple variants but I only want the discount to apply if the product is in the same variant group.
discount +10 same products
Example 1 correct
Phone / variant Black x10 = discount
phone / variant Red x5 = NO discount
Example 2 incorrect
Phone / variant Black x5 = discount
phone / variant Red x5 = discount
Discount applied because total is 10 but its incorrect because the variant is not the same
Thanks for the help.
Not sure if I understand the question but this should be a good start.
def apply_discount(cart, min_quantity, perc_discount)
cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
if line_item.quantity > min_quantity
new_line_price = line_item.line_price * perc_discount
line_item.change_line_price(new_line_price, message: "More than 10 same product!")
apply_discount(Input.cart, 10, 0.90)
We just check line by line if it's more than min_quantity we apply the discount.
If you want to apply the discount only once you can just put a return inside the if
This will not work if you have discounts already applied to a subset of items of the same variant... line items are separated by sku and price, so for that you would need something more complex. But I was not sure you were interested in that case.

Multiplication price and profit with 2 number percentage in vb.net

I have a product table where I save the price and the amount of profit.
I want to display the amount of time displayed differently
for example :
price : 8.08
profit : 8
Presentable : 8.08 + (8.08 * 8 / 100) = 8.7264
Now I want the answer to be two decimal places and rounded up.
And the answer should be as follows:
Presentable : 8.08 + (8.08 * 8 / 100) = 8.73
The "C" currency format specifier should do the trick for you.
Dim amount As Decimal = 123.456
System.Console.WriteLine(amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
' Prints : $123.46
More info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings#CFormatString
There is a also a Round method, where you can specify to how many decimal places you would like to round the number. So in your case of rounding to 2 decimal places you could make a call like:
System.Math.Round(amount, 2, System.MidPointRounding.AwayFromZero)

calculate new price_unit in sale order line

I have created a new custom module to include width and lenght of a product as attributes with custom values, and I need to update the price_unit of the sales order line with the current unit price multiplied by the (lenght*witdh) value, so I can have the price per surface unit in the product card, and the price per total surface in the sales order line.
I use the product configurator and this is my code:
from odoo import models, fields, api
# import pymsgbox
class aurea_calculated_field_line(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order.line'
field_superficie = fields.Float('Superficie')
field_alto = fields.Integer('Alto')
field_ancho = fields.Integer('Ancho')
#api.onchange('field_alto', 'field_ancho', 'product_uom_qty', 'quantity')
def _value_pc5(self):
for record in self:
record.field_superficie = record.field_ancho * record.field_alto
self.price_unit = float(self.field_superficie) * self.product_id.lst_price
def _value_pc4(self):
if not self.product_custom_attribute_value_ids and not self.product_no_variant_attribute_value_ids:
return ""
for pacv in self.product_custom_attribute_value_ids:
if pacv.custom_product_template_attribute_value_id.display_name == 'Largo: Largo':
self.field_alto = pacv.custom_value
if pacv.custom_product_template_attribute_value_id.display_name == 'Ancho: Ancho':
self.field_ancho = pacv.custom_value
It works fine, but the problem is when I change the product quantity the unit price is reset to the product pricelist price.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
I looked at this a bit. I didn't reproduce the problem but here is something you probably can work with.
In Odoo13 source code in file addons/sale/models/sale.py on line 1614 is a method which causes behavior you have problem with:
#api.onchange('product_uom', 'product_uom_qty')
def product_uom_change(self):
if not self.product_uom or not self.product_id:
self.price_unit = 0.0
if self.order_id.pricelist_id and self.order_id.partner_id:
product = self.product_id.with_context(
self.price_unit = self.env['account.tax']._fix_tax_included_price_company(self._get_display_price(product), product.taxes_id, self.tax_id, self.company_id)
This re-calculates unit price when product quantity is changed. You'd have to overwrite this method in your code. Easiest way would be add this to your aurea_calculated_field_line-class.
def product_uom_change(self):
But this needs a lot of testing to make sure that some other feature does not break because of this.

How to compute debit, credit amount in Vendor Bill in Odoo?

I am new to Odoo Accounting. I have been encountering a problem in calculating debit and credit amount of Vendor Bill. I have added two new fields in purchase order line, discount_type and discount_amt. The subtotal value must be (price_unit * quantity) - discount. I could compute the subtotal amount. But when I check the journal items, the debit and credit amount are not changed. I mean the discount amount are not subtracted. But when I saved the form, I got the error which said debit and credit were not balanced. How can I do that?
def compute_price_subtotal(self):
for line in self:
line.discount_type = line.purchase_line_id.discount_type
line.discount_amt = line.purchase_line_id.discount_amt
qty = line.quantity or 0
price_unit = line.price_unit or 0
subtotal = price_unit * qty
discount_type = line.discount_type
discount_amount = line.discount_amt
if discount_type == 'fixed':
discount = discount_amount * qty
line.price_subtotal = subtotal - discount
elif discount_type == 'percentage':
discount = subtotal * (discount_amount / 100)
line.price_subtotal = subtotal - discount
line.price_subtotal = subtotal
if line.move_id.type in line.move_id.get_outbound_types():
sign = 1
elif line.move_id.type in line.move_id.get_inbound_types():
sign = -1
sign = 1
price_subtotal = sign * line.price_subtotal
'debit': price_subtotal > 0.0 and price_subtotal or 0.0,
'credit': price_subtotal < 0.0 and -price_subtotal or 0.0,
The above method is to calculate the price_subtotal, debit and credit.
In the picture, the untaxed amount is 13800 and tax is 690. So the total amount will be 13800 + 690 = 14490. But in the Journal items, it shows 15000 and the subtotal values are different.
This is because you only modify the line you are interested in.
This tries to modify the debit/credit but it is leaving the account move unbalanced.
As this violate a constrains, the modification of the accounting is prevented.
You need to balance the move before updating anything in it.
This involves updating the tax line and the payable/receivable line too.
Once you have all of those lines, you can update the whole account move.
This means that you have to make something like this:
(assuming the calculation is already done)
lines_to_write = [
(1, line_A_id, line_A_values),
(1, tax_line_id, tax_line_values),
(1, receivable_line_id, receivable_line_values)
move.write({'line_ids': lines_to_write})
You can get the list of command here
Btw, to recompute the debit and credit when a business field is changed, you can (should) call the method _get_fields_onchange_subtotal_model to get the new values and then to update the account move line with those new values.
One of the reason is the fact that the accounting and the invoice could be in different currency.
Disclaimer: you should modify taxes only if you are sure of what you are doing.
This can have an impact on the user's tax report.

What function does .NET NPV() use? Doesn't match manual calculations

I am using the NPV() function in VB.NET to get NPV for a set of cash flows.
However, the result of NPV() is not consistent with my results performing the calculation manually (nor the Investopedia NPV calc... which matches my manual results)
My correct manual results and the NPV() results are close, within 5%.. but not the same...
Manually, using the NPV formula:
NPV = C0 + C1/(1+r)^1 + C2/(1+r)^2 + C3/(1+r)^3 + .... + Cn/(1+r)^n
The manual result is stored in RunningTotal
With rate r = 0.04
and period n = 10
Here is my relevant code:
EDIT: Do I have OBOB somewhere?
YearCashOutFlow = CDbl(TxtAnnualCashOut.Text)
YearCashInFlow = CDbl(TxtTotalCostSave.Text)
YearCount = 1
PAmount = -1 * (CDbl(TxtPartsCost.Text) + CDbl(TxtInstallCost.Text))
RunningTotal = PAmount
YearNPValue = PAmount
AnnualRateIncrease = CDbl(TxtUtilRateInc.Text)
While AnnualRateIncrease > 1
AnnualRateIncrease = AnnualRateIncrease / 100
End While
AnnualRateIncrease = 1 + AnnualRateIncrease
ListBoxNPV.Items.Add(Format(PAmount, "currency"))
ListBoxNPVCum.Items.Add(Format(PAmount, "currency"))
CashFlows(0) = PAmount
Do While YearCount <= CInt(TxtLifeOfProject.Text)
ReDim Preserve CashFlows(YearCount)
CashFlows(YearCount) = Math.Round(YearCashInFlow - YearCashOutFlow, 2)
If CashFlows(YearCount) > 0 Then OnePos = True
YearNPValue = CashFlows(YearCount) / (1 + DiscountRate) ^ YearCount
RunningTotal = RunningTotal + YearNPValue
ListBoxNPVCum.Items.Add(Format(Math.Round(RunningTotal, 2), "currency"))
ListBoxCostSave.Items.Add(Format(YearCashInFlow, "currency"))
If OnePos Then
ListBoxIRR.Items.Add((IRR(CashFlows, 0.1)).ToString)
ListBoxNPV.Items.Add(Format(NPV(DiscountRate, CashFlows), "currency"))
ListBoxNPV.Items.Add(Format(RunningTotal, "currency"))
End If
YearCount = YearCount + 1
YearCashInFlow = AnnualRateIncrease * YearCashInFlow
EDIT: Using the following values:
Discount Rate = 4%
Life of Project = 10 years
Cash Flow 0 = -78110.00
Cash Flow 1 = 28963.23
Cash Flow 2 = 30701.06
Cash Flow 3 = 32543.12
Cash Flow 4 = 34495.71
Cash Flow 5 = 36565.45
Cash Flow 6 = 38759.38
Cash Flow 7 = 41084.94
Cash Flow 8 = 43550.03
Cash Flow 9 = 46163.04
Cash Flow 10 = 48932.82
Using the calculator at http://www.investopedia.com/calculator/NetPresentValue.aspx
And following the manual "textbook" formula I arrive at the same result:
Net Present Value: $225,761.70
I cannot seem to get NPV() to replicate this result... it spits out $217,078.59
I iterate it manually using the example same value... so they must be using a different function than I am...
The MSDN page example clearly states that the initial expense should be included in the cash flows list.
Normally you wouldn't include the first cashflow in the Visual Basic NPV() function (or at least we don't in the leasing world). You would discount all but the first cash flow, then add that first cash flow amount onto your Net Present Value. Here's an example of what I've done before in a calculation engine (minus error checking to simplify the example):
Dim leaseRentalsDiscounted As Double = 0.0
Dim rebatedCashFlows As IEnumerable(Of LeasePayment) = GetLeaseRentalsPaymentStream()
Dim firstFlow As LeasePayment = rebatedCashFlows(0)
Dim doubleStream As Double() = PaymentToDoubleArray(rebatedCashFlows.Skip(1))
If doubleStream.Length > 0 Then
Dim rate As Decimal = New Decimal(Me.Lease.DiscountRate / 100.0 / 12.0)
leaseRentalsDiscounted = NPV(rate, doubleStream)
End If
leaseRentalsDiscounted += firstFlow.Amount
Return leaseRentalsDiscounted
That could account for your 5% -- I know I've run into an issue like this before. To me, in the manual NPV formula you posted, C0 doesn't need to be in the stream that is discounted, so that's why I don't include it in the NPV() function.
The MSDN page notes that if your cash outflow begins at the beginning of the first period (instead of the end) the first value must be added to the NPV value and not included in the cash flows array.
Your manual calculation shows that your cash outflow (C0) occurs at time zero (present value), which indicates you should follow the MSDN page's suggestion.
Cory Larson is right, in part... but the MSDN documentation seems in error to me.
The problem is that the NPV() function is discounting the very first (n=0) element of the array when it should not; it is beginning at n=1
Even though the MSDN documentation specifics that the first element of the array should be the initial expense this is not the case with their function.
In the NPV() function, the first element of the array (as Cory Larson implied) should be the first real cash flow. Then, after the function returns a result, the result should have the initial expense subtracted.
This is because the NPV() function begins with n=1
using the NPV formula: NPV = C0 + C1/(1+r)^1 + C2/(1+r)^2 + C3/(1+r)^3 + .... + Cn/(1+r)^n
In the manual formula, Cn/(1+r)^n, for n=0 you use your initial expense... then the denominator is 1 (because n=0)
In my opinion, the MSDN example at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualbasic.financial.npv.aspx should be amended to the following:
Exclude the initial -70000 value from the array, shift all element down one in index, and decrease the array size by 1.
Then add the initial expense (-70000) to the variable NetPVal to arrive at the actual result.
Somebody should like MS know about their OBOB :D
(But it's actually a feature, right?)
EDIT: And the section which says " The array must contain at least one negative value (a payment) and one positive value (a receipt)."
In not accurate.
As Cory Larson pointed out: a negative value is not required in the array (and, in fact, should be left out!)