Mamp-Pro SSL for local virtualhost - ssl

I've seen a lot of similar questions but none of the answers helped me (and there's one addition I didn't see anywhere).
So, I'm using Mamp-Pro 6.0.1 for local testing. I have a domain set up (www.mydomain.lo), enabled SSL and used a self signed certificate I created with the button in Mamp.
I added the cert to my keychain (I'm on a Mac) and set it to «always trust» in the keychain-info.
But when I try to access the local page with https://www.mydomain.lo, I get an error saying:
There was an error connecting to … SSL received an entry which exceeds the max allowed length. Error-Code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG
(this is loosely translated from German).
The page works with http:// but I'd like to test the SSL-Version, too.
Any ideas?

I was able to partly solve this riddle.
SSL just doesn't work on local hosts, when the standard port (443) is used.
But it works when the «default MAMP ports» are used.
in MAMP-Pro got to «Ports & User» and click on «Set default MAMP ports».
The ports change as following:
Apache 8888 - SSL 8890
Nginx 7888 - SSL 7890
MySQL 8889
It is important that you don't change any of these. I tried to only change the Apache SSL port to 8890 and leave the other ports on their standard (Apache 80, MySQL 3306,…) but then the MySQL-Server doesn't respond.


CloudFlare Error 521 only if setting ssl mode to full

I'm using CloudFlare SSL. when I set SSL to flexible everything works fine.
But if I use full SSL mode this error occurs instantly:
Note that I set the certificate and the key in my cpanel ssl section and I think everything is done ok.
Why this is happening and how to fix it ?
It is quite simple. All you have to remember is:
Flexible - there should be no SSL installed for that domain on the server ( no VHOST for port 443 either ).
Full - there should be an SSL installed for that domain, but it does not have to be a valid one ( you can use a self-signed or expired SSL ).
Full Strict - there should be a VALID SSL installed for that domain on the server ( it has to be absolutely a valid and active SSL ).
So, depending on the SSL you have on your domain server, just set the Cloudflare SSL to one of the above options. If you believe that everything is okay and you still get an issue, I would suggest reaching your web host to check that further for you.

Lestencrypt: Invalid certificate chain because of port

I have app (backend part) running e.g. on: I created a certificate for it via letsencrypt for domain
When I tried to receive payments (webhook) from I end up with TLS error. After some investigation I figure out that problem is with invalid certificate chain for and if I would run it on everything would be ok.
I can't change it to port 443 because on is running frontend part of the app.
I thought about 2 solutions, but my technical knowledge is quite limited so I am not sure if its possible:
create certificate for domain + port
run frontend & backend part on same port: and configure apache2 to forward all /backend-api/* to*
My question is, is any of the proposals possible and more importantly is there any better solution which I am missing?
Thanks for any suggestions!
A certificate is not bound to a port. It is perfectly fine to use the same certificate on port 443 and 8443. But the servers on port 443 and 8443 have a different configuration. If it works on 443 but not on 8443 this is likely due to some error in the configuration on port 8443. The fix is thus to have the correct configuration and not to work around with a different certificate or somehow to reverse proxy it from port 443.
Unfortunately details on how to exactly fix it cannot be given since the current configuration is not known.
Configuring the program to use fullchain.pem instead of cert.pem fixed it for me.

How to tell vsftpd which ssl to use

I already have vsftp set up with an SSL which is working fine. The issue is that the SSL is for the server's host name and not one of my client's. This client has to be PCI compliant, so when the PCI scan takes place it checks the FTP ports and sees that the SSL is not associated with my client's URL. My question is how can I set vsftp up to serve an SSL based off the IP address or the hostname?
vsftpd version 3.0.3
Red Hat 8.2
I finally found the answer to this on Red Hat's site (
Essentially, the default configuration file is located at /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. You need to update this file to listen to the default IP address for the server using listen_address=.... Then, copy that file to /etc/vsftpd/[site].conf and change the listen_address to the one for the other site. (Obviously, you have to have different IP addresses for different sites for this to work.)
Once done, enable and start it:
systemctl enable
systemctl start
I also had to restart vsftpd to get this to work:
systemctl restart vsftpd
After that, when connecting to FTP for site 1, everything worked as expected. When connecting to site 2 (the one with it's own unique SSL) I got the correct SSL.

Why can't I see https webpage after using sudo certbot --apache

I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 and followed the Digital Ocean instructions to get my apache server up and running:
Which worked fine for HTTP traffic, then I used the Digital Ocean instructions (which I knew, but followed them anyway) to set up for SSL (https) access:
I selected the option to redirect all traffic to https. I opened my firewall using sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full'.
But I am unable to see my sites - the browsers just timeout. I have tried disabling ufw just to see, and nope, nothing.
SSL Labs just gives me an "Assessment failed: Unable to connect to the server" error.
I also ran
and it timed out:
I have deleted the letsencrypt stuff and ran through it again three times with the same result, and now I'm stuck...
Everything I've searched points to a firewall error, but as I've said, I've disabled that and have the same result. The router settings have not been changed since I did my fresh Ubuntu install.
Any help gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
on8tom answered this one for me - In setting up the new build of Ubuntu, my local IP address for the apache server had changed, and my Virgin Media Hub only had port 443 open to the old IP address.
Many thanks for pointing me at that (but I should have checked that before posting this - kicking myself!)

Mattermost TLS issue

I'm having issues with TLS enabling in Mattemost. In my server I configured a lot of virtualHosts plus the mattermost files. In http everything was working fine.
Today I tried to setup TLS and https. I followed the instuctions as in .html. Now I get this:
Please notice the error: I'm trying to access and the error is "its security certificate is signed by". is one of the websites configured as virtualhosts in apache.
I did not configure any virtualhost for Mattermost, since I don't thing any is needed (and it worked flawlessly without one, and without TLS). But how can I tell mattermost (or the browser?) that the server of is the same of
I generated the certificates using letsencrypt with the standalone option (sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d and didn't move any file, just enabled "UseLetsEncrypt": true, in config.json file.
Do you happen to have any idea about how I could fix this?
Thank you
You'll need to configure TLS on Apache. You'll needs to use separate certificates for each virtual host.
Here is information that might help you:
Don't configure TLS on Mattermost if TLS is being handled by the proxy.