How to clean unnecessary full text user queue items in dm_queue_item table in Documenutm 7.1/16.4 and Xplore 1.6? - documentum

I have faced an issue where my environment's Index agent was NOT able to process new documents. While checking I fond out that dmi_queue_item cont is very high, so I am posting this self answered question which will let us know how to get your queue items cleaned up with Xplore OLD items.

In order to clear the unwanted queue items , we will have to perform following steps
Stop the Services for XPlore and CS
Backup the items that are not index user
create table temp_dmi_queue_item_s as (select * from dmi_queue_item_s where name <> 'dm_fulltext_index_user' AND name <> 'dm_fulltext_index_user_01' );
Truncate table
truncate table dmi_queue_item_s;
Restore the items that are not index user
insert into dmi_queue_item_s select * from temp_dmi_queue_item_s;
4)Run ftintegrity in order to fix any inconsistencies between Repository and Index data
Start the Services and add the test document, check if its getting queued for indexing
Note- Make sure, implementation of the above steps should be tested on non-production environment before production


How do I lock out writes to a specific table while several queries execute?

I have a table set up in my sql server that keeps track of inventory items (in another database) that have changed. This table is fed by several different triggers. Every 15 minutes a scheduled task runs a batch file that executes a number of different queries that send updates on the items flagged in this table to update several ecommerce websites. The last query in the batch file resets the flags.
As you can imagine there is potential to lose changes if an item is flagged while this batch file is running. I have worked around this by replaying the last 25 hours of updates every 24 hours, just in case this scenario happened. It works, but IMO is kind of clumsy.
What I would like to do is delay any writes to this table until my script finishes, and resets the flags on all the rows that were flagged when the script started. Then allow all of these delayed writes to happen.
I've looked into doing this with table hints (TABLOCK) but this seems to be limited to one query--unless I'm misunderstanding what I have read, which is certainly possible. I have several that run in succession. TIA.
Could you modify your script into a stored procedure that extracts all the data into a temporary table using a select statement that applies a lock to the production table. You could then drop your lock on the main table and do all your processing in the temporary table (or permanent table built for the purpose) away from the live system. It will be a lot slower and put more load on your SQL box but speed shouldn't be an issue if you have a point in time snapshot of it.
If that option is not applicable then maybe you could play with wrapping the whole thing in a transaction and putting a table lock on your production table with the first select statement.
Good luck mate

Finding deployment data to a SQL Database

In an effort to maintain versions of the databases we have in our CMDB, I have to obtain the versions of some databases deployed to our servers by a third party company.
Is there a system table, view or procedure that allows me to view information regarding recent deployments (code changes from an update script) to a SQL database?
You have three options.
First, you can build your own logging based on a table and a ddl trigger which will log each change in any procedure etc.
Second, you can track changes in one of this sys tables:
select * from sys.all_sql_modules -- Get the sourcecode of each proc (and track it)
select * from sys.objects -- Get information which object is modified at which date
Third, you can reverse engineer changes in the recent past by reading the trace log of the sql server itself and filter for drop/create events. (needed SA permission)
-- Get the current server trace file
select *
from fn_trace_getinfo(NULL)
where property=2
and traceid = 1
-- Copy value from the query above and paste it here
select *
from fn_trace_gettable('[PASTE PATH HERE!]', -1)
where EventClass IN(46,47) -- Create/Drop Object
Hopefully there is one solution for you which is helpfully for you.
But by the way. Another idea is, if your workflow allows this. Just use SSDT to create deployment packages and keep track of your changes.
Best regards,

How to clean a table of old values?

Basically I have a table that grows very fast as it registers all user impressions. However most of the data is useless, I only need the latest entry made for each user. (The table is used to authenticate users).
I'm looking to delete the old data, so the table should end up having a stable number of rows around the total number of registered users.
I can use a cron job, then there's the option of simply adding a line at the end of the authentication script that deletes old rows. It would run on every page load.
Is this efficient, should I use a CRON JOB or what else?
Executing this from the page would add up to the time for the user login.
That is a bad approach. Better use cronjob or some other job scheduling tool like Jenkins
I would say, you could CREATE a temp table to hold your latest records.
And then DROP old table alltogether. Faster :) dropping than deleting.
Rename your temp table to the old one.
So this logic could be in your CRONJOB if you prefer.

How to delete a large record from SQL Server?

In a database for a forum I mistakenly set the body to nvarchar(MAX). Well, someone posted the Encyclopedia Britanica, of course. So now there is a forum topic that won't load because of this one post. I have identified the post and ran a delete query on it but for some reason the query just sits and spins. I have let it go for a couple hours and it just sits there. Eventually it will time out.
I have tried editing the body of the post as well but that also sits and hangs. When I sit and let my query run the entire database hangs so I shut down the site in the mean time to prevent further requests while it does it's thinking. If I cancel my query then the site resumes as normal and all queries for records that don't involve the one in question work fantastically.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is there an easy way to smash this evil record to bits?
Update: Sorry, the version of SQL Server is 2008.
Here is the query I am running to delete the record:
DELETE FROM [u413].[replies] WHERE replyID=13461
I have also tried deleting the topic itself which has a relationship to replies and deletes on topics cascade to the related replies. This hangs as well.
Option 1. Depends on how big the table itself and how big are the rows.
Copy data to a new table:
INTO tempTable
WHERE replyID != 13461
Although it will take time, table should not be locked during the copy process
Drop old table
DROP TABLE replies
Before you drop:
- script current indexes and triggers so you are able to recreate them later
- script and drop all the foreign keys to the table
Rename the new table
sp_rename 'tempTable', 'replies'
Recreate all the foreign keys, indexes and triggers.
Option 2. Partitioning.
Add a new bit column, called let's say 'Partition', set to 0 for all rows except the bad one. Set it to 1 for bad one.
Create partitioning function so there would be two partitions 0 and 1.
Create a temp table with the same structure as the original table.
Switch partition 1 from original table to the new temp table.
Drop temp table.
Remove partitioning from the source table and remove new column.
Partitioning topic is not simple. There are some examples in the internet, e.g. Partition switching in SQL Server 2005
Start by checking if your transaction is being blocked by another process. To do this, you can run this command..
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks WHERE session_id = {spid}
Replace {spid} with the correct spid number of the connection running your DELETE command. To get that value, run SELECT ##spid before the DELETE command.
If the column sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks.blocking_session_id has a value, you can use activity monitor to see what that process is doing.
To open activity monitor, right-click on the server name in SSMS' Object Explorer and choose Activity Monitor. The Processes and Resource Waits sections are the ones you want.
Since you're having issues deleting the record and recreating the table, have you tried updating the record?
Something like (changing "body" field name to whatever it is in the table):
update [u413].[replies] set body='' WHERE replyID=13461
Once you clear out the text from that single reply record you should be able to alter the data type of the column to set an upper bound. Something like:
alter table [u413].[replies] alter column body nvarchar(100)

Need to alter column types in production database (SQL Server 2005)

I need help writing a TSQL script to modify two columns' data type.
We are changing two columns:
uniqueidentifier -> varchar(36) * * * has a primary key constraint
xml -> nvarchar(4000)
My main concern is production deployment of the script...
The table is actively used by a public website that gets thousands of hits per hour. Consequently, we need the script to run quickly, without affecting service on the front end. Also, we need to be able to automatically rollback the transaction if an error occurs.
Fortunately, the table only contains about 25 rows, so I am guessing the update will be quick.
This database is SQL Server 2005.
(FYI - the type changes are required because of a 3rd-party tool which is not compatible with SQL Server's xml and uniqueidentifier types. We've already tested the change in dev and there are no functional issues with the change.)
As David said, execute a script in a production database without doing a backup or stop the site is not the best idea, that said, if you want to do changes in only one table with a reduced number of rows you can prepare a script to :
Begin transaction
create a new table with the final
structure you want.
Copy the data from the original table
to the new table
Rename the old table to, for example,
Rename the new table to
End transaction
This will end with a table that is named as the original one but with the new structure you want, and in addition you maintain the original table with a backup name, so if you want to rollback the change you can create a script to do a simple drop of the new table and rename of the original one.
If the table has foreign keys the script will be a little more complicated, but is still possible without much work.
Consequently, we need the script to
run quickly, without affecting service
on the front end.
This is just an opinion, but it's based on experience: That's a bad idea. It's better to have a short, (pre-announced if possible) scheduled downtime than to take the risk.
The only exception is if you really don't care if the data in these tables gets corrupted, and you can be down for an extended period.
In this situation, based on th types of changes you're making and the testing you've already performed, it sounds like the risk is very minimal, since you've tested the changes and you SHOULD be able to do it safely, but nothing is guaranteed.
First, you need to have a fall-back plan in case something goes wrong. The short version of a MINIMAL reasonable plan would include:
Shut down the website
Make a backup of the database
Run your script
test the DB for integrity
bring the website back online
It would be very unwise to attempt to make such an update while the website is live. you run the risk of being down for an extended period if something goes wrong.
A GOOD plan would also have you testing this against a copy of the database and a copy of the website (a test/staging environment) first and then taking the steps outlined above for the live server update. You have already done this. Kudos to you!
There are even better methods for making such an update, but the trade-off of down time for safety is a no-brainer in most cases.
And if you absolutely need to do this in live then you might consider this:
1) Build an offline version of the table with the new datatypes and copied data.
2) Build all the required keys and indexes on the offline tables.
3) swap the tables out in a transaction. 00 you could rename the old table to something else as an emergency backup.
sp_help 'sp_rename'
But TEST FIRST all of this in a prod like environment. And make sure your backups are up to date. AND do this when you are least busy.