Calculate statistics on subset of a dataframe based on values in dataframe (latitude and longitude) - pandas

I am looking to calculate summary statistics on subsets of a dataframe but related to a specific values within the row.
For example, I have a dataframe that has latitude and longitude and number of people.
df = pd.DataFrame({'latitude': [40.991919 , 40.992001 , 40.991602, 40.989903, 40.987759],
'longitude': [-106.049469, -106.048812, -106.048904, -106.049907, -106.048840],
'people': [1,2,3,4,5]})
I want to know the total people within .05 miles from each row. This can be easily created with a loop, but as the space starts to increase this becomes unusable.
from geopy.distance import distance
def distance_calc (row, focus_lat, focus_long):
start = (row['latitude'], row['longitude'])
stop = (focus_lat, focus_long)
return distance(start, stop).miles
df['total_people_within_05'] = 0
df['total_rows_within_05'] = 0
for index, row in df.iterrows():
focus_lat = df['latitude'][index]
focus_long = df['longitude'][index]
new_df = df.copy()
new_df['distance'] = new_df.apply (lambda row: (distance_calc(row, focus_lat, focus_long)),axis=1)[index, 'total_people_within_05'] = new_df.loc[new_df.distance<=.05]['people'].sum()[index, 'total_rows_within_05'] = new_df.loc[new_df.distance<=.05].shape[0]
Is there any pythonic way to do this?

Cartesian product to itself to get all combinations. This will be expensive on larger datasets. This generates N^2 rows, so in this case 25 rows
calculate distance on each of these combinations
filter query() to distances required
groupby() to get total number of people. Also generate a list of indexes included in total for helping with transparency
finally join() this back together and you have what you want
import geopy.distance as gd
df = pd.DataFrame({'latitude': [40.991919 , 40.992001 , 40.991602, 40.989903, 40.987759],
'longitude': [-106.049469, -106.048812, -106.048904, -106.049907, -106.048840],
'people': [1,2,3,4,5]})
df = df.join((df.reset_index().assign(foo=1).merge(df.reset_index().assign(foo=1), on="foo")
.assign(distance=lambda dfa: dfa.apply(lambda r: gd.distance((r.latitude_x,r.longitude_x),
(r.latitude_y,r.longitude_y)).miles, axis=1))
.groupby("index_x").agg({"nearby":"sum","index_y":lambda x: list(x)})
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
Update - use combinations instead of Cartesian product
It's been bugging me that a Cartesian product is a huge overhead, when all that is required is to calculate distances between valid combinations
make use of itertools.combinations() to make a list of valid combinations of indexes
calculate distances between this minimum set
filter down to only distances we're interested in
now build permutations of this smaller set to provide a simple join to actual data
join and aggregate
# get distances between all valid combinations
dfd = (pd.DataFrame(list(itertools.combinations(df.index, 2)))
.merge(df, left_on=0, right_index=True)
.merge(df, left_on=1, right_index=True, suffixes=("_0","_1"))
.assign(distance=lambda dfa: dfa.apply(lambda r: gd.distance((r.latitude_0,r.longitude_0),
(r.latitude_1,r.longitude_1)).miles, axis=1))
# filter down to close proximities
.query("distance <= 0.05")
# build all valid permuations of close by combinations
dfnppl = (pd.DataFrame(itertools.permutations(pd.concat([dfd[0],dfd[1]]).unique(), 2))
.merge(df.loc[:,"people"], left_on=1, right_index=True)
# bring it all together
df = (df.reset_index().rename(columns={"index":0}).merge(dfnppl, on=0, suffixes=("","_near"), how="left")
.groupby(0).agg({**{c:"first" for c in df.columns}, **{"people_near":"sum"}})


Multiplying two data frames in pandas

I have two data frames as shown below df1 and df2. I want to create a third dataframe i.e. df as shown below. What would be the appropriate way?
id val
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 c 3
yr val
0 2010 4
1 2011 5
2 2012 6
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
I can basically convert df1 and df2 as 1 by n matrices and get n by n result and assign it back to the df1. But is there any easy pandas way?
We can do it in one line like this:
df1.join(df1.val.apply(lambda x: x * df2.set_index('yr').val))
or like this:
df1.join(df1.set_index('id') # df2.set_index('yr').T, on='id')
The long story
Let's see what's going on here.
To find the output of multiplication of each df1.val by values in df2.val we use apply:
df1['val'].apply(lambda x: x * df2.val)
The function inside will obtain df1.vals one by one and multiply each by df2.val element-wise (see broadcasting for details if needed). As far as df2.val is a pandas sequence, the output is a data frame with indexes df1.val.index and columns df2.val.index. By df2.set_index('yr') we force years to be indexes before multiplication so they will become column names in the output.
DataFrame.join is joining frames index-on-index by default. So due to identical indexes of df1 and the multiplication output, we can apply df1.join( <the output of multiplication> ) as is.
At the end we get the desired matrix with indexes df1.index and columns id, val, *df2['yr'].
The second variant with # operator is actually the same. The main difference is that we multiply 2-dimentional frames instead of series. These are the vertical and horizontal vectors, respectively. So the matrix multiplication will produce a frame with indexes and columns df2.yr and element-wise multiplication as values. At the end we connect df1 with the output on identical id column and index respectively.
This works for me:
df2 = df2.T
new_df = pd.DataFrame(np.outer(df1['val'],df2.iloc[1:]))
df = pd.concat([df1, new_df], axis=1)
df.columns = ['id', 'val', '2010', '2011', '2012']
The output I get:
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
Your question is a bit vague. But I suppose you want to do something like that:
df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)

Reshape a DataFrame based on column value, and pad missing slices with zeros

I have a Pandas DataFrame which looks like:
I want to reshape it to a 3D matrix with shape (#IDs, #order, #other columns). For the example above, it should be of shape (2, 3, 2).
The order column holds the order of the 2nd dimension, so slice ['A', 0, :] should be [10, 20] and ['A', 1, :] [11, 21] etc. The values of order are identical for all ID (0, 1, 2 in this case).
Trouble is, sometimes a slice is missing e.g. for 'B', the slice (order) '1' is missing, which I want to make it a slice pad with all 0's, to keep the shape consistent.
I think of pre-sorting the whole DataFrame by ID and order, loop over each ID , insert missing slices, and stack them together. However, the DataFrame is huge so I try to avoid global sort and loop if possible.
I came up with a way to do it (if you have enough pc memory to allocate) where you dont have to loop the whole dataframe although I coudn't test it with 10M rows because of memory allocation. I tested it with 5M rows by 300 columns and I will show the results at the end of the answer.
The idea is to get all the combinations of the unique values of the first 2 columns as an index to build the first 2 dimensions of the 3D array.
After that you can merge the original dataframe with the dataframe containing index combinations to then fill all the missing values with 0.
Once the data is complete you can pass it to numpy and reshape it in 3 dimensions.
Code without comments:
# df = orginal dataframe
d1 = df.ID.unique()
d2 = df.order.unique()
df3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((d1, d2), names=['ID', 'order'])\
.merge(df, on=['ID', 'order'], how='left')\
np_3d_array = df3[df3.columns[2:]].to_numpy().reshape(d1.shape[0], d2.shape[0], df.columns[2:].shape[0])
Code with comments:
# df = orginal dataframe
# Get unique id for 1st dimension
d1 = df.ID.unique()
# Get unique order fpr 2nd dimension
d2 = df.order.unique()
# Get complete DF
df3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((d1, d2), names=['ID', 'order'])\ # Get missing values from 1st and 2nd dimensions as index
.to_frame().reset_index(drop=True)\ # Get Dataframe from multiindex and reset index
.merge(df, on=['ID', 'order'], how='left')\ # Merge the complete dimensions with the original values
.fillna(0) # fill missing values with 0
# get complete data as 2D array and reshape as 3D array
np_3d_array = df3[df3.columns[2:]].to_numpy().reshape(d1.shape[0], d2.shape[0], df.columns[2:].shape[0])
First I tried to test with 10M rows but I could not allocate the memory needed for that.
To test the code I created a a dataframe with 6M rows x 300 columns (random float numbers) and dropped 1M rows to simulate the missing values.
Here is the code I used to test and the results.
Test code:
import random
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# 100000 diff. ID and 60 diff. order
df_test = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((range(100000), range(60)), names=['ID', 'order'])\
.drop(random.sample(range(6_000_000), k=1_000_000))\ # Drop 1M rows to simulate missing rows
# 5M rows random data by 298 columns
df_test2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(5_000_000, 298)))
df = df_test.merge(df_test2, left_index=True, right_index=True)
start = time.time()
d1 = df.ID.unique()
print(f'time 1st Dimension: {round(time.time()-start, 3)}')
d2 = df.order.unique()
print(f'time 2nd Dimension: {round(time.time()-start, 3)}')
df3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((d1, d2), names=['ID', 'order'])\
.merge(df, on=['ID', 'order'], how='left').fillna(0)
print(f'time merge: {round(time.time()-start, 3)}')
np_3d_array = df3[df3.columns[2:]].to_numpy().reshape(d1.shape[0], d2.shape[0], df.columns[2:].shape[0])
print(f'time ndarray: {round(time.time()-start, 3)}')
print(f'array shape: {np_3d_array.shape}')
print(f'array type: {type(np_3d_array)}')
Test Results:
time 1st Dimension: 0.035
time 2nd Dimension: 0.063
time merge: 47.202
time ndarray: 49.441
array shape: (100000, 60, 298)
array type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
ids = df.ID.unique()
orders = df.order.unique()
ar = (df.set_index(['ID','order'])
.reindex(pd.MultiIndex.from_product((ids, orders)))
.reshape(len(ids), len(orders), len(df.columns[2:])))
[[[10. 20.]
[11. 21.]
[12. 22.]]
[[31. 41.]
[ 0. 0.]
[33. 43.]]]
(2, 3, 2)

The weighted means of group is not equal to the total mean in pandas groupby

I have a strange problem with calculating the weighted mean of a pandas dataframe. I want to do the following steps:
(1) calculate the weighted mean of all the data
(2) calculate the weighted mean of each group of data
The issue is when I do step 2, then the mean of groups means (weighted by the number of members in each group) is not the same as the weighted mean of all the data (step 1). Mathematically it should be (here). I even thought maybe the issue is the dtype, so I set everything on float64 but the problem still exists. Below I provided a simple example that illustrates this problem:
My dataframe has a data, a weight and group columns:
data = np.array([
0.20651903, 0.52607571, 0.60558061, 0.97468593, 0.10253621, 0.23869854,
0.82134792, 0.47035085, 0.19131938, 0.92288234
weights = np.array([
4.06071562, 8.82792146, 1.14019687, 2.7500913, 0.70261312, 6.27280216,
1.27908358, 7.80508994, 0.69771745, 4.15550846
groups = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4])
df = pd.DataFrame({"data": data, "weights": weights, "groups": groups})
>>> print(df)
data weights groups
0 0.206519 4.060716 1
1 0.526076 8.827921 1
2 0.605581 1.140197 2
3 0.974686 2.750091 2
4 0.102536 0.702613 2
5 0.238699 6.272802 2
6 0.821348 1.279084 3
7 0.470351 7.805090 3
8 0.191319 0.697717 4
9 0.922882 4.155508 4
# Define a weighted mean function to apply to each group
def my_fun(x, y):
tmp = np.average(x, weights=y)
return tmp
# Mean of the population
total_mean = np.average(np.array(df["data"], dtype="float64"),
weights= np.array(df["weights"], dtype="float64"))
# Group data
group_means = df.groupby("groups").apply(lambda d: my_fun(d["data"],d["weights"]))
# number of members of each group
counts = np.array([2, 4, 2, 2],dtype="float64")
# Total mean calculated from mean of groups mean weighted by counts of each group
total_mean_from_group_means = np.average(np.array(group_means,
As you can see the total mean calculated from group means is not equal to the total mean. What I am doing wrong here?
EDIT: Fixed a typo in the code.
You compute a weighted mean within each group, so when you compute the total mean from the weighted means, the correct weight for each group is the sum of the weights within the group (and not the size of the group).
In [47]: wsums = df.groupby("groups").apply(lambda d: d["weights"].sum())
In [48]: total_mean_from_group_means = np.average(group_means, weights=wsums)
In [49]: total_mean_from_group_means
Out[49]: 0.5070955626929458

Extension of Comparing columns of dataframes and returning the difference

This is an extension of my previous question at: Comparing columns of dataframes and returning the difference.
After comparing the columns of all the dataframes in my collection of 37 dataframes, i found that some of the dataframes have similar columns while some have different. So there is now a need to compare these different dataframes and return the difference. This step should continue until all the dataframes have been sorted into two groups, i.e., dataframes with similar columns into one group and different columns dataframes into second group.
for example:
df = [None] * 6
df[0] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'c':[7,8,3], 'd':[1,5,3]})
df[1] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'c':[7,8,3], 'd':[1,5,3]})
df[2] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'x':[7,8,3], 'y':[1,5,3]})
df[3] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'c':[7,8,3], 'd':[1,5,3]})
df[4] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'x':[7,8,3], 'z':[1,5,3]})
df[5] = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[3,4,5], 'x':[7,8,3], 'y':[1,5,3]})
# code to group the dataframes into similar and different cols groups
nsame = []
same = []
for i in range(0, len(df)):
for j in range(i+1, len(df)):
if not (df[i].columns.equals(df[j].columns)):
When I print the above code for same group (same), the output is as:
[0, 0, 1, 2]
Desired output:
[0, 1, 3]
Perhaps I need a recursive function to group all similar columns into one group and all different columns dataframes into a different group. However, the tricky part is that there can more than two groups. For example, in the above code, there are 3 groups:
Group1: df[0], df[1], df[3]
Group2: df[2], df[5]
Group3: df[4]
Can someone help here?
Here is one way
s=pd.Series([','.join(x) for x in df])
s.groupby(s).groups # the out put here already make the dfs into groups
{'a,b,c,d': Int64Index([0, 1, 3], dtype='int64'),
'a,b,x,y': Int64Index([2, 5], dtype='int64'),
'a,b,x,z': Int64Index([4], dtype='int64')}
[y.index.tolist() for x , y in s.groupby(s)]
Out[699]: [[0, 1, 3], [2, 5], [4]]
Isn't it easier to pass all column names as a different pandas dataframe i.e.:
a - b - c - d
a - b - c - d
a - b - x - y
and just do a simple groupby over the columns
the count() series over groupby res will be the desired result

How to turn Pandas' DataFrame.groupby() result into MultiIndex

Suppose I have a set of measurements that were obtained by varying two parameters, knob_b and knob_2 (in practice there are a lot more):
data = np.empty((6,3), dtype=np.float)
data[:,0] = [3,4,5,3,4,5]
data[:,1] = [1,1,1,2,2,2]
data[:,2] = np.random.random(6)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['knob_1', 'knob_2', 'signal'])
i.e., df is
knob_1 knob_2 signal
0 3 1 0.076571
1 4 1 0.488965
2 5 1 0.506059
3 3 2 0.415414
4 4 2 0.771212
5 5 2 0.502188
Now, considering each parameter on its own, I want to find the minimum value that was measured for each setting of this parameter (ignoring the settings of all other parameters). The pedestrian way of doing this is:
new_index = []
new_data = []
for param in df.columns:
if param == 'signal':
group = df.groupby(param)['signal'].min()
for (k,v) in group.items():
new_index.append((param, k))
new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_index,
names=('parameter', 'value'))
df2 = pd.Series(index=new_index, data=new_data)
resulting df2 being:
parameter value
knob_1 3 0.495674
4 0.277030
5 0.398806
knob_2 1 0.485933
2 0.277030
dtype: float64
Is there a better way to do this, in particular to get rid of the inner loop?
It seems to me that the result of the df.groupby operation already has everything I need - if only there was a way to somehow create a MultiIndex from it without going through the list of tuples.
Use the keys argument of pd.concat():
keys=['knob_1', 'knob_2'],
names=['parameter', 'value'])