A different way to Model a portion of this ERD - sql

I have a very simple table diagram from modeling my application. The problem is I am second guessing my relation between Vendor and VendorOrder. The VendorOrders table should store all vendororders in the system. To get all orders for a certain apartment, you would just use the PK and FK relationship to gather that data. Is there anything I should improve with the overall design?

There's three things I see that you could improve this by doing.
Create an intersection table between your Apartment and Resident tables called ApartmentResidents, where each table references the intersection table with a one to many relationship. In this ERD, it only allows for one resident to be registered to an apartment. If a resident lives in more than one apartment for the lifetime of this database, you'll need to register them as an entirely new resident.
Intersection table example
In your Vendor table, instead of using a name as your primary key I would create an id instead. Using things that have a real-world value as your primary key can get messy for a number of reasons:
If two vendors have the same name, like "Johnson's Repair", you'll need to misspell one of them for it to be a valid key.
If you typo a vendor's name, you're also going to contain a reference to that typo in the foreign key tables (Which also might make it not show in results if you do a select query for the correct spelling).
Placing an index on a string is less performant than if you put it on an auto incrementing integer key.
(Optional) I usually name my database tables pluralized, like "Apartments", or "Vendors". It makes the SQL syntax read more like a sentence inside the query. If I remember right that's also one of the things that SQL's creator was going for too with the syntax design.


SQL Server database design with foreign keys

I have the following partial database design:
All the tables are dependent on each other so the table bvd_docflow_subdocuments is dependent on the table bdd_docflow_subsets
and the table bvd_docflow_subdocuments is dependent on bvd_docflow_subsets. So I thought I could me smart and use foreign keys on every table (and ON DELETE CASCADE). However the FK are being drilldown how further I go in to the tables.
The problem is the table bvd_docflow_documents has no point having a reference to the 1docflow_documentset_id` PK / FK. Is there a way (and maybe my design is crappy) that only the table standing above it has an FK relationship between the tables and not all the tables above it.
More explanation:
In the bvd_docflow_subsets table information is stored about objects to create documents. There is an relation between that table and bvd_docflow_subdocuments table (This table stores master data about all the documents for an subset. (docflow_subset_id is in both tables). This is the link between those to tables.
Going further down we also got the table bvd_docflow_documents this table contains the actual document data. The link between bvd_docflow_documents and bvd_docflow_subdocuments is bvd_docflow_subdocument_id.
On every table I got an foreign key defined so when data is removed on a table all the data linked to that data is also removed.
However when we look to the bvd_docflow_documents table it has all the foreign keys from the other tables (docflow_subset_id and docflow_documentset_id) and there is the problem. The only foreign key needed for that bvd_docflow_documents table is docflow_subdocument_id and no other.
Edit 2
I have changed my design further and removed information that I don't need after initial import of the data.
See the following link for the (total) databse design:
The tables subsets, subdocuments and documents have a many to many relationship so I thought a table in between those 3 documents_subdocuments is the way to go were I define all the different keys for those tables.
I am not used to the database design first and then build it. But, for everything there is a first time, and I try to do make a database that is using standards and is using the power of SQL Server the correct way.
I'll address the bottom-most table and ignore the rest for the most part.
But first some comments. Your schema is simply a model of a system. To provide feedback, one must understand this "system" and how it actually works to evaluate your model. In addition, it is important to understand your entities and your reasons for choosing them and modelling them in the specified manner. Without that understanding all of this guessing based on experience.
And another comment. Slapping an identity column into every table is just lazy modelling IMO. Others will disagree, but you need to also enforce all natural keys. Do you have natural keys? It is rare not to have any. Enforce those that do exist.
And one last comment. Stop the ridiculous pattern of prepending the column names with the table names. And you should really think long and hard about using very long table names. Given what you have, I sense you need a schema for your docflow stuff.
For the documents table, your current PK makes no sense. Again, you've slapped an identity column into the table. By itself, this column is a key for the table. The inclusion of any other columns does not make the key any more "unique" - that inclusion is logical nonsense. Following your pattern, you would designate the identity column as the primary key. But ...
According to your image, the documents table is related to one and only one subdocument. You added a foreign key to that table - which matches the image. You also added additional columns and foreign keys to the "higher" tables. So now a document "points" to a specific subdocument. It also points to a specific subset - which may have no relationship to the subdocument. The same thought applies to the other FK. I have a doubt that this is logically correct. So why do these columns (and related FKs) exist? Perhaps this is the result of premature optimization - which everyone knows is the root of all evil coding. Again, it is impossible to know if this is "right" or even "useful" for your model.
To answer your question "... is there a way", the answer is obviously yes. You remove the columns of which you complain. You added them - Why? Is this perhaps a problem with the tool you are using?
And some last comments. There is nothing special about "varchar(50)". Perhaps this is a place holder that will be updated later. It may also be another sign of laziness. And generally speaking, columns with names like "type" and "code" tend to be foreign keys to "lookup" tables - because people like to add, modify, or remove these sorts categorization values over time. I'm also concerned about the column name overlap among the tables. "Location" exists in multiple tables, as do action_code and action_id. And a column named "id" (action_id) suggests a lookup to another table - is it? Should it be? Is there a relationship between action_id and action_code? From a distance it is impossible to answer any of these questions.
But designing a database is more art than science. Sometimes you just need to create something, populate it with some sample data, and then determine if it works for your needs. Everyone will get something wrong in the first try. That is expected; that is how you learn. The most difficult part is actually completing your first attempt.

is it necessary to have foreign key for simple tables

have a table called RoundTable
It has the following columns
Now the RoundType will be having values like "Team", "Individual", "Quiz"
is it necessary to have a one more table called "RoundTypes" with columns
and remove the RoundType from the rounds table and have a column "TypeID" which has a foreign key to this RoundType table?
Some say that if you have the RoundType in same table it is like hard-coding as there will be lot of round types in future.
is it like if there are going to be only 2-3 round types, i need not have foreign key??
Is it necessary? Obviously not. SQL works fine either way. In a properly defined database, you would do one of two things for RoundType:
Have a lookup table
Have a constraint that checks that values are within an agreed upon set (and I would put enums into this category)
If you have a lookup table, I would advocate having an auto-incremented id (called RoundTypeId) for it. Remember, that in a larger database, such a table would often have more than two columns:
CreatedAt -- when it was created
CreatedBy -- who created it
CreatedOn -- where it was created (important for distributed systems)
Long name
In a more advanced system, you might also need to internationalize the system -- that is, make it work for multiple languages. Then you would be looking up the actual string value in other tables.
is it like if there are going to be only 2-3 round types, i need not
have foreign key??
Usually it's just the opposite: If you have a different value for most of the records (like in a "lastName" column) you won't use a lookup table.
If, however, you know that you will have a limited set of allowed/possible values, a lookup table referenced via a foreign key is probably the better solution.
Maybe read up on "database normalization", starting perhaps # Wikipedia.
Actually you need to have separate table if you have following association between entities,
One to many
Many to many
because of virtue of these association simple DBMS becomes **R**DBMS ( Relation .)
Now ask simple question,
Whether my single record in round table have multiple roundTypes?
If so.. Make a new table and have foreign key in ROUNDTable.
Otherwise no.
yeah I think you should normalize it. Because if you will not do so then definitely you have to enter the round types (value) again and again for each record which is not good practice at all in case if you have large data. so i will suggest you to make another table
however later on you can make a view to get the desired result as fallow
create view vw_anyname
select RoundName, RoundDescription , RoundLogo, RoundType from roundtable join tblroundtype
on roundtable.TypeID = tblroundtype .typeid
select * from vw_anyname

Table referenced by other tables having different PKs

I would like to create a table called "NOTES". I was thinking this table would contain a "table_name" VARCHAR(100) which indicates what table put in the note, a "key" or multiple "key" columns representing the primary key values of the table that this note applies to and a "note" field VARCHAR(MAX). When other tables use this table they would supply THEIR primary key(s) and their "table_name" and get all the notes associated with the primary key(s) they supplied. The problem is that other tables might have 1, 2 or more PKs so I am looking for ideas on how I can design this...
What you're suggesting sounds a little convoluted to me. I would suggest something like this.
Id - PK
NoteTypeId - FK to NoteTypes.Id
Id - PK
Description - This could replace the "table_name" column you suggested
Id - PK
Other Columns
NoteId - FK to Notes.Id
This would allow you to keep your data better normalized, but still get the relationships between data that you want. Note that this assumes a 1:1 relationship between rows in your other tables and Notes. If that relationship will be many to one, you'll need a cross table.
Have a look at this thread about database normalization
What is Normalisation (or Normalization)?
Additionally, you can check this resource to learn more about foreign keys
Instead of putting the other table name's and primary key's in this table, have the primary key of the NOTES table be NoteId. Create an FK in each other table that will make a note, and store the corresponding NoteId's in the other tables. Then you can simply join on NoteId from all of these other tables to the NOTES table.
As I understand your problem, you're attempting to "abstract" the auditing of multiple tables in a way that you might abstract a class in OOP.
While it's a great OOP design principle, it falls flat in databases for multiple reasons. Perhaps the largest single reason is that if you cannot envision it, neither will someone (even you) looking at it later have an easy time reassembling the data. Smaller that that though, is that while you tend to think of a table as a container and thus similar to an object, in reality they are implemented instances of this hypothetical container you are trying to put together and operate better if you treat them as such. By creating an audit table specific to a table or a subset of tables that share structural similarity and data similarity, you increase the performance of your database and you won't run in to strange trigger or select related issues later.
And you can't envision it not because you're not good at what you're doing, but rather, the structure is not conducive to database logging.
Instead, I would recommend that you create separate logging tables that manage the auditing of each table you want to audit or log. In fact, some fast google searches show many scripts already written to do much of this tasking for you: Example of one such search
You should create these individual tables and then if you want to be able to report on multiple table or even all tables at once, you can create a stored procedure (if you want to make queries based on criterion) or a view with an included SELECT statement that JOINs and/or UNIONs the tables you are interested in - in a fashion that makes sense to the report type. You'll still have to write new objects in to the view, but even with your original table design, you'd have to account for that.

How to model a mutually exclusive relationship in SQL Server

I have to add functionality to an existing application and I've run into a data situation that I'm not sure how to model. I am being restricted to the creation of new tables and code. If I need to alter the existing structure I think my client may reject the proposal.. although if its the only way to get it right this is what I will have to do.
I have an Item table that can me link to any number of tables, and these tables may increase over time. The Item can only me linked to one other table, but the record in the other table may have many items linked to it.
Examples of the tables/entities being linked to are Person, Vehicle, Building, Office. These are all separate tables.
Example of Items are Pen, Stapler, Cushion, Tyre, A4 Paper, Plastic Bag, Poster, Decoration"
For instance a Poster may be allocated to a Person or Office or Building. In the future if they add a Conference Room table it may also be added to that.
My intital thoughts are:
The LinkedToTableName field will then allow me to identify the correct table to link to in my code.
I'm not overly happy with this solution, but I can't quite think of anything else. Please help! :)
It is not a good practice to store table names as column values. This is a bad hack.
There are two standard ways of doing what you are trying to do. The first is called single-table inheritance. This is easily understood by ORM tools but trades off some normalization. The idea is, that all of these entities - Person, Vehicle, whatever - are stored in the same table, often with several unused columns per entry, along with a discriminator field that identifies what type the entity is.
The discriminator field is usually an integer type, that is mapped to some enumeration in your code. It may also be a foreign key to some lookup table in your database, identifying which numbers correspond to which types (not table names, just descriptions).
The other way to do this is multiple-table inheritance, which is better for your database but not as easy to map in code. You do this by having a base table which defines some common properties of all the objects - perhaps just an ID and a name - and all of your "specific" tables (Person etc.) use the base ID as a unique foreign key (usually also the primary key).
In the first case, the exclusivity is implicit, since all entities are in one table. In the second case, the relationship is between the Item and the base entity ID, which also guarantees uniqueness.
Note that with multiple-table inheritance, you have a different problem - you can't guarantee that a base ID is used by exactly one inheritance table. It could be used by several, or not used at all. That is why multiple-table inheritance schemes usually also have a discriminator column, to identify which table is "expected." Again, this discriminator doesn't hold a table name, it holds a lookup value which the consumer may (or may not) use to determine which other table to join to.
Multiple-table inheritance is a closer match to your current schema, so I would recommend going with that unless you need to use this with Linq to SQL or a similar ORM.
See here for a good detailed tutorial: Implementing Table Inheritance in SQL Server.
Find something common to Person, Vehicle, Building, Office. For the lack of a better term I have used Entity. Then implement super-type/sub-type relationship between the Entity and its sub-types. Note that the EntityID is a PK and a FK in all sub-type tables. Now, you can link the Item table to the Entity (owner).
In this model, one item can belong to only one Entity; one Entity can have (own) many items.
your link table is ok.
the trouble you will have is that you will need to generate dynamic sql at runtime. parameterized sql does not typically allow the objects inthe FROM list to be parameters.
i fyou want to avoid this, you may be able to denormalize a little - say by creating a table to hold the id (assuming the ids are unique across the other tables) and the type_id representing which table is the source, and a generated description - e.g. the name value from the inital record.
you would trigger the creation of this denormalized list when the base info is modified, and you could use that for generalized queries - and then resort to your dynamic queries when needed at runtime.

Primary key/foreign Key naming convention [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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In our dev group we have a raging debate regarding the naming convention for Primary and Foreign Keys. There's basically two schools of thought in our group:
Primary Table (Employee)
Primary Key is called ID
Foreign table (Event)
Foreign key is called EmployeeID
Primary Table (Employee)
Primary Key is called EmployeeID
Foreign table (Event)
Foreign key is called EmployeeID
I prefer not to duplicate the name of the table in any of the columns (So I prefer option 1 above). Conceptually, it is consistent with a lot of the recommended practices in other languages, where you don't use the name of the object in its property names. I think that naming the foreign key EmployeeID (or Employee_ID might be better) tells the reader that it is the ID column of the Employee Table.
Some others prefer option 2 where you name the primary key prefixed with the table name so that the column name is the same throughout the database. I see that point, but you now can not visually distinguish a primary key from a foreign key.
Also, I think it's redundant to have the table name in the column name, because if you think of the table as an entity and a column as a property or attribute of that entity, you think of it as the ID attribute of the Employee, not the EmployeeID attribute of an employee. I don't go an ask my coworker what his PersonAge or PersonGender is. I ask him what his Age is.
So like I said, it's a raging debate and we go on and on and on about it. I'm interested to get some new perspectives.
If the two columns have the same name in both tables (convention #2), you can use the USING syntax in SQL to save some typing and some boilerplate noise:
SELECT name, address, amount
FROM employees JOIN payroll USING (employee_id)
Another argument in favor of convention #2 is that it's the way the relational model was designed.
The significance of each column is
partially conveyed by labeling it with
the name of the corresponding domain.
It doesn't really matter. I've never run into a system where there is a real difference between choice 1 and choice 2.
Jeff Atwood had a great article a while back on this topic. Basically people debate and argue the most furiously those topics which they cannot be proven wrong on. Or from a different angle, those topics which can only be won through filibuster style endurance based last-man-standing arguments.
Pick one and tell them to focus on issues that actually impact your code.
EDIT: If you want to have fun, have them specify at length why their method is superior for recursive table references.
I think it depends on your how you application is put together. If you use ORM or design your tables to represent objects then option 1 may be for you.
I like to code the database as its own layer. I control everything and the app just calls stored procedures. It is nice to have result sets with complete column names, especially when there are many tables joined and many columns returned. With this stype of application, I like option 2. I really like to see column names match on joins. I've worked on old systems where they didn't match and it was a nightmare,
Have you considered the following?
Primary Table (Employee)
Primary Key is PK_Employee
Foreign table (Event)
Foreign key is called FK_Employee
Neither convention works in all cases, so why have one at all? Use Common sense...
e.g., for self-referencing table, when there are more than one FK column that self-references the same table's PK, you HAVE to violate both "standards", since the two FK columns can't be named the same... e.g., EmployeeTable with EmployeeId PK, SupervisorId FK, MentorId Fk, PartnerId FK, ...
I agree that there is little to choose between them. To me a much more significant thing about either standard is the "standard" part.
If people start 'doing their own thing' they should be strung up by their nethers. IMHO :)
If you are looking at application code, not just database queries, some things seem clear to me:
Table definitions usually directly map to a class that describes one object, so they should be singular. To describe a collection of an object, I usually append "Array" or "List" or "Collection" to the singular name, as it more clearly than use of plurals indicates not only that it is a collection, but what kind of a collection it is. In that view, I see a table name as not the name of the collection, but the name of the type of object of which it is a collection. A DBA who doesn't write application code might miss this point.
The data I deal with often uses "ID" for non-key identification purposes. To eliminate confusion between key "ID"s and non-key "ID"s, for the primary key name, we use "Key" (that's what it is, isn't it?) prefixed with the table name or an abbreviation of the table name. This prefixing (and I reserve this only for the primary key) makes the key name unique, which is especially important because we use variable names that are the same as the database column names, and most classes have a parent, identified by the name of the parent key. This also is needed to make sure that it is not a reserved keyword, which "Key" alone is. To facilitate keeping key variable names consistent, and to provide for programs that do natural joins, foreign keys have the same name as is used in the table in which they are the primary key. I have more than once encountered programs which work much better this way using natural joins. On this last point, I admit a problem with self-referencing tables, which I have used. In this case, I would make an exception to the foreign key naming rule. For example, I would use ManagerKey as a foreign key in the Employee table to point to another record in that table.
The convention we use where I work is pretty close to A, with the exception that we name tables in the plural form (ie, "employees") and use underscores between the table and column name. The benefit of it is that to refer to a column, it's either "employees _ id" or "employees.id", depending on how you want to access it. If you need to specify what table the column is coming from, "employees.employees _ id" is definitely redundant.
I like convention #2 - in researching this topic, and finding this question before posting my own, I ran into the issue where:
I am selecting * from a table with a large number of columns and joining it to a second table that similarly has a large number of columns. Both tables have an "id" column as the primary key, and that means I have to specifically pick out every column (as far as I know) in order to make those two values unique in the result, i.e.:
SELECT table1.id AS parent_id, table2.id AS child_id
Though using convention #2 means I will still have some columns in the result with the same name, I can now specify which id I need (parent or child) and, as Steven Huwig suggested, the USING statement simplifies things further.
I've always used userId as a PK on one table and userId on another table as a FK. 'm seriously thinking about using userIdPK and userIdFK as names to identify one from the other. It will help me to identify PK and FK quickly when looking at the tables and it seems like it will clear up code when using PHP/SQL to access data making it easier to understand. Especially when someone else looks at my code.
I use convention #2. I'm working with a legacy data model now where I don't know what stands for in a given table. Where's the harm in being verbose?
How about naming the foreign key
where role is the role the referenced entity has relativ to the table at hand. This solves the issue of recursive reference and multiple fks to the same table.
In many cases will be identical to the referenced table name. In this cases it becomes identically to one of your proposals.
In any case havin long arguments is a bad idea
"Where in "employee INNER JOIN order ON order.employee_id = employee.id" is there a need for additional qualification?".
There is no need for additional qualification because the qualification I talked of is already there.
"the reason that a business user refers to Order ID or Employee ID is to provide context, but at a dabase level you already have context because you are refereing to the table".
Pray, tell me, if the column is named 'ID', then how is that "refereing [sic] to the table" done exactly, unless by qualifying this reference to the ID column exactly in the way I talked of ?