get all the json object with a specified conditions - sql

I have a jsonarray as given below
I want to get all the json objects with a specified condition. say get all the json objects with key1 less than 25. so my sql query should return this list
what is the resultant SQL query for this.

step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
json_agg(elements) -- 3
FROM mytable,
json_array_elements(mydata) as elements -- 1
WHERE (elements ->> 'key1')::int < 25 -- 2
Extract the JSON array: Each element is now in an own record
Filter by the value. Notice, that ->> returns a type text, so you need to cast it into type int in your case
Reaggregate the remaining elements into the new array

If you are using Postgres 12 or later you can use a JSON path function:
select jsonb_path_query_array(the_column, '$[*] ? (#.key1 <= 25)')
from the_table
Online example


How to cast postgres JSON column to int without key being present in JSON (simple JSON values)?

I am working on data in postgresql as in the following mytable with the fields id (type int) and val (type json):
The values in the json column val are simple JSON values, i.e. just strings with surrounding quotes and have no key.
I have looked at the SO post How to convert postgres json to integer and attempted something like the solution presented there
SELECT (mytable.val->>'key')::int FROM mytable;
but in my case, I do not have a key to address the field and leaving it empty does not work:
SELECT (mytable.val->>'')::int as val_int FROM mytable;
This returns NULL for all rows.
The best I have come up with is the following (casting to varchar first, trimming the quotes, filtering out the string "null" and then casting to int):
SELECT id, nullif(trim('"' from mytable.val::varchar), 'null')::int as val_int FROM mytable;
which works, but surely cannot be the best way to do it, right?
Here is a db<>fiddle with the example table and the statements above.
Found the way to do it:
You can access the content via the keypath (see e.g. this PostgreSQL JSON cheatsheet):
Using the # operator, you can access the json fields through the keypath. Specifying an empty keypath like this {} allows you to get your content without a key.
Using double angle brackets >> in the accessor will return the content without the quotes, so there is no need for the trim() function.
Overall, the statement
select id
, nullif(val#>>'{}', 'null')::int as val_int
from mytable
will return the contents of the former json column as int, respectvely NULL (in postgresql >= 9.4):
See updated db<>fiddle here.
Note: As pointed out by #Mike in his comment above, if the column format is jsonb, you can also use val->>0 to dereference scalars. However, if the format is json, the ->> operator will yield null as result. See this db<>fiddle.

In PostgreSQL, how can I convert some boolean columns into an array of those, that are true?

Given this table
is_a is_b is_c
t t f
f f t
f t t
How can I select it into this result?
You can convert the whole row into a JSON, then use a JSON Path query to get only those keys (=columns) that are true:
select jsonb_path_query_array(to_jsonb(t), '$.keyvalue() ? (#.value == true).key')
from the_table t
to_jsonb(t) converts the whole row into a JSON value. The JSON Path expression splits that into key/value pairs and then aggregates the keys of the "true" values into an array.
Online example
If you want a native Postgres array, rather than a JSON array, you can do something similar:
select t.*,
(select array_agg(key)
from jsonb_each(to_jsonb(t)) as x(key, value)
where value = 'true')
from the_table t;
This again turns the row into a JSON, then generates one row per key and aggregates that back into a native Postgres array.
Online example
('a', $1.is_a),('b', $1.is_b),('c', $1.is_c)
) as letters(k, v)
seems to be a possibility, too. No JSON.

unnest() not exploding array, returns error Column alias list has 1 entries but 't' has 2 columns available

I have some json data which includes a property 'characters' and it looks like this:
select json_data['characters'] from latest_snapshot_events
Returns: [{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":60,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":10,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":3},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":50,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":39,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":2},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":80,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":6801450488388220,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":1,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":4},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":85,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":8355588830097610,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":5,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":4}]
This is returned on a single row. I would like a single row for each item within the array.
I found several SO posts and other blogs advising me to use unnest(). I've tried this several times and cannot get a result to return. For example, here is the documentation from presto. The bottom covers unnest as a stand in for hive's lateral view explode:
SELECT student, score
FROM tests
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(scores) AS t (score);
So I tried to apply this to my table:
characters as (
from latest_snapshot_events
cross join unnest(json_data) as t(jdata)
select * from characters;
where json_data is the field in latest_snapshot_events that contains the the property 'characters' which is an array like the one shown above.
This returns an error:
[Simba]AthenaJDBC An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. SYNTAX_ERROR: line 69:12: Column alias list has 1 entries but 't' has 2 columns available
How can I unnest/explode latest_snapshot_events.json_data['characters'] onto multiple rows?
Since characters is a JSON array in textual representation, you'll have to:
Parse the JSON text with json_parse to produce a value of type JSON.
Convert the JSON value into a SQL array using CAST.
Explode the array using UNNEST.
For instance:
WITH data(characters) AS (
VALUES '[{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":60,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":10,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":3},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":50,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":39,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":2},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":80,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":6801450488388220,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":0,"CHAR_A5_LVL":1,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":4},{"CHAR_STARS":1,"CHAR_A1_LVL":1,"ITEM_POWER":85,"CHAR_A3_LVL":1,"CHAR_TIER":1,"ITEM":8355588830097610,"shards":0,"CHAR_TPIECES":5,"CHAR_A5_LVL":0,"CHAR_A2_LVL":1,"CHAR_A4_LVL":1,"ITEM_CATEGORY":"Character","ITEM_LEVEL":4}]'
SELECT entry
FROM data, UNNEST(CAST(json_parse(characters) AS array(json))) t(entry)
which produces:
In the example above, I convert the JSON value into an array(json), but
you can further convert it to something more concrete if the values inside each
array entry have a regular schema. For example, for your data, it is
possible to cast it to an array(map(varchar, json)) since every element in the
array is a JSON object.
json_parse works if your initial data is a JSON string. However, for array(row) types (i.e. an array of objects/dictionaries), casting to array(json) will convert each row into an array, removing all keys from the object and preventing you from using dot notation or json_extract functions.
To unnest array(row) data, the syntax is much simpler:
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(my_array) AS my_row
I got stuck with this error trying to unpivot data.
This might help someone:
SELECT a_col, b_col
ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4]
) my_col
) CROSS JOIN UNNEST(my_col) as t(a_col, b_col)
t() allows you define multiple columns as outputs.

sql IN operator with text array

How to find string values in text array using SQL query.
Suppose I have:
id location
1 {Moscow,New york}
2 {Mumbai}
3 {California,Texas}
I want to find id whose location is Moscow.I used:
select id from table where location in ('Moscow'); but get error:
ERROR: malformed array literal: "Moscow"
LINE 1: select id from table where location in ('Moscow');
DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
I am using Postgres.
For DataType=Array, you can use the method=Any.
select id from table where 'Moscow' = Any(location)
As the document which describes DataType=Array:
8.14.5. Searching in Arrays
To search for a value in an array, each value must be checked. This
can be done manually, if you know the size of the array.
or use the method = Any:
9.21.3. ANY/SOME (array)
expression operator ANY (array expression) expression operator SOME
(array expression) The right-hand side is a parenthesized expression,
which must yield an array value. The left-hand expression is evaluated
and compared to each element of the array using the given operator,
which must yield a Boolean result. The result of ANY is "true" if any
true result is obtained. The result is "false" if no true result is
found (including the case where the array has zero elements).
For Searching in Array DataType you can use the ANY()
SELECT id FROM table WHERE 'Moscow' = ANY(location);
Live Demo!17/a6c3a/2
select id from demo where location like '%Moscow'%'

postgres json array elements and null returns

I have a json column in a table in postgres that includes an array of objects e.g.
{"BlockData":[{"Name":"George","Age":"54","Height":"1.75"}, {"Name":"Mario","Age":"35","Height":"1.90"}]}
I am using a Select query and want to access the Name object and the value pair of the Name (George and Mario). What I am trying to to is the following:
select jsonb_array_elements(jsondoc_->'BlockData')->>'Name' from BlockData;
What I get in return is
"ERROR: cannot extract elements from a scalar
SQL state: 22023"
From what I could discover is that this issue occurs because at some rows the return is NULL. Can you please advise how can I overlap this issue?
did you try to Filter them?
t=# with t(jsondoc_) as (values('{"BlockData":[{"Name":"George","Age":"54","Height":"1.75"}, {"Name":"Mario","Age":"35","Height":"1.90"}]}'::jsonb),('{"BlockData":null}'))
select jsonb_array_elements(jsondoc_->'BlockData')->>'Name' from t
where jsondoc_->'BlockData' <> 'null';
(2 rows)