Computing empirical markov transition probabilities in Julia Data Frames - dataframe

I want to use Julia DataFrames to construct a 3x3 Markov transition matrix i.e. a frequency matrix that tells me the likelihood of transitioning from each of 3 states to the others. I am trying to learn data frames and I would like to learn the best way to do this. This is more for general learning than about this particular example.
Here's some code I tried so far with some example data but I am not really familiar enough with how to think about dataframes to know how to proceed.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
df = DataFrame(state=state, statelag=statelag)
markov = combine(groupby(df, [:statelag, :state]), nrow => :cat_countmar)
sort!(markov, :statelag, :state) # this gives the number of occurences of each tranistion
total = combine(groupby(df, :statelag), nrow => :cat_count)
# this gives the number of occurences of each state
trans = Array{Float64}(undef, (3,3))
# trans should give probability of transitioning between different states
I need to basically "divide" catcountmar of by cat_count so that I'm dividing the number of occurrences of a transition from state i to state j by the number of occurences of state i. This will give the desired transition frequency. But I don't see how to put markov and total together in one data frame and easily carry out this computation.

You can use the transform function to get results of the same length of your original dataframe. See the code below for an example.
df = DataFrame(state=state, statelag=statelag)
df = transform(groupby(df, [:statelag, :state]), nrow => :cat_countmar)
# get the number of occurrences for each transition
df = transform(groupby(df, :statelag), nrow => :cat_count)
# get the number of occurrences for each state
df[:,:prob] = df[:,:cat_countmar]./df[:,:cat_count]
# get the transition probability
trans = unique(df[:,[:statelag,:state,:prob]])
# remove unnecessary rows and columns
reshape_trans = unstack(trans,:state,:prob)
# Transform into a matrix format
trans_mat = convert(Matrix{Float64},reshape_trans[:,2:4])
# Finally, convert the dataframe to a matrix
Final Output:
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.285714 0.428571 0.285714
0.166667 0.166667 0.666667
0.5 0.25 0.25


What is the most efficient method for calculating per-row historical values in a large pandas dataframe?

Say I have two pandas dataframes (df_a & df_b), where each row represents a toy and features about that toy. Some pretend features:
Was_Sold (Y/N)
Say df_a is relatively small (10s of thousands of rows) and df_b is relatively large (>1 million rows).
Then for every row in df_a, I want to:
Find all the toys from df_b with the same type as the one from df_a (e.g. the same color group)
The df_b toys must also be made before the given df_a toy
Then find the ratio of those sold (So count sold / count all matched)
What is the most efficient means to make those per-row calculations above?
The best I've came up with so far is something like the below.
(Note code might have an error or two as I'm rough typing from a different use case)
cols = ['Color', 'Size_Group', 'Shape']
# Run this calculation for multiple features
for col in cols:
print(col + ' - Started')
# Empty list to build up the calculation in
ratio_list = []
# Start the iteration
for row in df_a.itertuples(index=False):
# Relevant values from df_a
relevant_val = getattr(row, col)
created_date = row.Date_Made
# df to keep the overall prior toy matches
prior_toys = df_b[(df_b.Date_Made < created_date) & (df_b[col] == relevant_val)]
prior_count = len(prior_toys)
# Now find the ones that were sold
prior_sold_count = len(prior_toys[prior_toys.Was_Sold == "Y"])
# Now make the calculation and append to the list
if prior_count == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = prior_sold_count / prior_count
# Store the calculation in the original df_a
df_a[col + '_Prior_Sold_Ratio'] = ratio_list
print(col + ' - Finished')
Using .itertuples() is useful, but this is still pretty slow. Is there a more efficient method or something I'm missing?
Added the below script which will emulated data for the above scenario:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue']
sizes = ['small', 'medium', 'large']
shapes = ['round', 'square', 'triangle', 'rectangle']
sold = ['Y', 'N']
size_df_a = 200
size_df_b = 2000
date_start = pd.to_datetime('2015-01-01')
date_end = pd.to_datetime('2021-01-01')
def random_dates(start, end, n=10):
start_u = start.value//10**9
end_u = end.value//10**9
return pd.to_datetime(np.random.randint(start_u, end_u, n), unit='s')
df_a = pd.DataFrame(
'Color': np.random.choice(colors, size_df_a),
'Size_Group': np.random.choice(sizes, size_df_a),
'Shape': np.random.choice(shapes, size_df_a),
'Was_Sold': np.random.choice(sold, size_df_a),
'Date_Made': random_dates(date_start, date_end, n=size_df_a)
df_b = pd.DataFrame(
'Color': np.random.choice(colors, size_df_b),
'Size_Group': np.random.choice(sizes, size_df_b),
'Shape': np.random.choice(shapes, size_df_b),
'Was_Sold': np.random.choice(sold, size_df_b),
'Date_Made': random_dates(date_start, date_end, n=size_df_b)
First of all, I think your computation would be much more efficient using relational database and SQL query. Indeed, the filters can be done by indexing columns, performing a database join, some advance filtering and count the result. An optimized relational database can generate an efficient algorithm based on a simple SQL query (hash-based row grouping, binary search, fast intersection of sets, etc.). Pandas is sadly not very good to perform efficiently advanced requests like this. It is also very slow to iterate over pandas dataframe although I am not sure this can be alleviated in this case using only pandas. Hopefully you can use some Numpy and Python tricks and (partially) implement what fast relational database engines would do.
Additionally, pure-Python object types are slow, especially (unicode) strings. Thus, **converting column types to efficient ones in a first place can save a lot of time (and memory). For example, there is no need for the Was_Sold column to contains "Y"/"N" string objects: a boolean can just be used in that case. Thus let us convert that:
df_b.Was_Sold = df_b.Was_Sold == "Y"
Finally, the current algorithm has a bad complexity: O(Na * Nb) where Na is the number of rows in df_a and Nb is the number of rows in df_b. This is not easy to improve though due to the non-trivial conditions. A first solution is to group df_b by col column ahead-of-time so to avoid an expensive complete iteration of df_b (previously done with df_b[col] == relevant_val). Then, the date of the precomputed groups can be sorted so to perform a fast binary search later. Then you can use Numpy to count boolean values efficiently (using np.sum).
Note that doing prior_toys['Was_Sold'] is a bit faster than prior_toys.Was_Sold.
Here is the resulting code:
cols = ['Color', 'Size_Group', 'Shape']
# Run this calculation for multiple features
for col in cols:
print(col + ' - Started')
# Empty list to build up the calculation in
ratio_list = []
# Split df_b by col and sort each (indexed) group by date
colGroups = {grId: grDf.sort_values('Date_Made') for grId, grDf in df_b.groupby(col)}
# Start the iteration
for row in df_a.itertuples(index=False):
# Relevant values from df_a
relevant_val = getattr(row, col)
created_date = row.Date_Made
# df to keep the overall prior toy matches
curColGroup = colGroups[relevant_val]
prior_count = np.searchsorted(curColGroup['Date_Made'], created_date)
prior_toys = curColGroup[:prior_count]
# Now find the ones that were sold
prior_sold_count = prior_toys['Was_Sold'].values.sum()
# Now make the calculation and append to the list
if prior_count == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = prior_sold_count / prior_count
# Store the calculation in the original df_a
df_a[col + '_Prior_Sold_Ratio'] = ratio_list
print(col + ' - Finished')
This is 5.5 times faster on my machine.
The iteration of the pandas dataframe is a major source of slowdown. Indeed, prior_toys['Was_Sold'] takes half the computation time because of the huge overhead of pandas internal function calls repeated Na times... Using Numba may help to reduce the cost of the slow iteration. Note that the complexity can be increased by splitting colGroups in subgroups ahead of time (O(Na log Nb)). This should help to completely remove the overhead of prior_sold_count. The resulting program should be about 10 time faster than the original one.

How to convert a mimira object (Cox regression model, from multiple imputations and a propensity score matching (MatchThem pkg)) into a Forest plot

Dear StackOverflow community,
as a surgeon, and full of enthusiasm for 6 months for R learning in self-taught mode (StackOverflow, and so many websites), I beg your indulgence in the triviality of my concern.
The background:
Briefly, my objective is to run a survival cox model regression for a dataset of cancer patients. Due to the retrospective aspect, I planned to make a matching 1:3 with propensity score matching (PSM). The missing data were dealt with multiple imputations ("mice" pkg). The PSM was managed with "MatchThem" pkg.
I used "survey" pkg for pooling the survival (svycoxph() pooled through with() function). This leads us to a mimira object, which I can easily print out into a beautiful Table, with tbl_regression ("gtsummary" pkg).
The issue:
As a usually print my cox regressions into a Hazard ratios Table and a graphical version (Forest plot with ggforest(), from "survminer" pkg), this time I am really stuck. The function ggforest doesn't recognize the mimira object as a "coxph object" and send this error :
Error in ggforest(tbl_regression_object, data = mimira_object) :
inherits(model, "coxph") is not TRUE
I guess that adding a PSM to my multiple imputations is the problem, as I had no problem for printing cox regression of multiple imputations with Forest plot (ggforest is able to deal mira objects without problem with pool_and_tidy_mice() function).
Here is the script:
# Simulate patient data in a clinical trial
participant_data <- fabricate(
N = 2000,
age = runif(N, min = 18, max = 85),
is_female = draw_binary(prob = 0.5, N = N),
is_smoker = draw_binary(prob = 0.2 + 0.2 * (age > 50), N = N),
disease_stage = round(runif(N, min = 1 + 0.5 * (age > 65), max = 4)),
treatment = draw_binary(prob = 0.5, N = N),
kps = runif(N, min = 40, max = 100)
# Simulate data in the survival context
survival_data <- simsurv(
lambdas = 0.1, gammas = 1.8,
x = participant_data,
betas = c(is_female = -0.2, is_smoker = 1.2,
treatment = -0.4, kps = -0.005,
disease_stage = 0.2),
maxt = 5)
# Merging df
mydata_complete <- bind_cols(survival_data, participant_data)
# generating missing value
mydata_uncomp <- delete_MCAR(mydata_complete, 0.3)
mydata <- mydata_uncomp
#1 imputation with "mice"
mydata$nelsonaalen <- nelsonaalen(mydata, eventtime, status)
mydata_mice_imp_m3 <- mice(mydata, maxit = 2, m = 3, seed = 20200801) # m=3 is for testing
#2 matching (PSM 1:3) with "MatchThem"
mydata_imp_m3_psm <- matchthem(treatment ~ age + is_female + disease_stage, data = mydata_mice_imp_m3, approach = "within" ,ratio= 1, method = "optimal")
#3 Pooling Coxph models in multiple imputed datasets and PSM with "survey"
mimira_object <- with(data = mydata_imp_m3_psm, expr = svycoxph(Surv(eventtime, status) ~ age+ is_smoker + disease_stage))
pool_and_tidy_mice(mimira_object, exponentiate = TRUE, -> pooled_imp_m3_cph
# estimates with pool_and_tidy_mice() works with mimira_object but cannot bring me de degree of freedoms. Warning message :
In get.dfcom(object, dfcom) : Infinite sample size assumed.
> pooled_imp_m3_cph
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high b df dfcom fmi lambda m riv ubar
1 age 0.9995807 0.001961343 -0.2138208 NaN NaN NaN 1.489769e-06 NaN Inf NaN 0.5163574 3 1.067643 1.860509e-06
2 is_smoker 2.8626952 0.093476026 11.2516931 NaN NaN NaN 4.182884e-03 NaN Inf NaN 0.6382842 3 1.764601 3.160589e-03
3 disease_stage 1.2386947 0.044092483 4.8547535 NaN NaN NaN 8.995628e-04 NaN Inf NaN 0.6169374 3 1.610540 7.447299e-04
#4 Table summary of the pooled results
tbl_regression_object <- tbl_regression(mimira_object, exp=TRUE, = TRUE) # 95% CI and p-value are missing due to an issue with an other issue in the pooling of the mimira_object. The Matchthem:::get.2dfcom function gives a dfcom = 999999 (another issue to be solved in my concern)
#5 What it should looks like as graphical summary
mydata.cox <- coxph(Surv(eventtime, status) ~ age+ is_smoker + disease_stage, mydata_uncomp) # (df mydata_uncomp is without imputation and PSM)
#with gtsummary
forestGT <-
mydata.cox %>%
tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE,
add_estimate_to_reference_rows = TRUE) %>%
(forestGT) # See picture GT_plot1. Almost perfect. Would have been great to know how to add N, 95% CI, HR, p-value and parameters of the model (AIC, events, concordance, etc.)
#with survminer
HRforest <-
survminer::ggforest(mydata.cox, data = mydata_uncomp)
(HRforest) # See picture Ggforest. Everything I need to know about my cox regression is all in there. For me it is just a great regression cox forest plot.
#6 Actually what happens when I do the same thing with imputed and matched df
#with gtsummary
forestGT_imp_psm <-
mimira_object %>%
tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE,
add_estimate_to_reference_rows = TRUE) %>%
plot() # WARNING message : In get.dfcom(object, dfcom) : Infinite sample size assumed.
(forestGT_imp_psm) # See picture GT_plot2. The plot is rendered but without 95% IC
#with survminer
HRforest_imp_psm <-
ggforest(mimira_object, data = mydata_imp_m3_psm) # ERROR:in ggforest(mimira_object, data = mydata_imp_m3_psm) : inherits(model, "coxph") is not TRUE
#7 The lucky and providential step
# your solution/advise
Would greatly appreciate your help.
Picture GT_plot1
(not allowed to embed images in this post, here is sharelink : GT_plot1
Picture Ggforest_plot
Picture GT_plot2
It seems that there are two distinct problems here:
Problem #1. getting gtsummary() to produce a table with p values and confidence intervals of the pooled, matched data
Problem #2. producing a ggforest() to produce a plot of the pooled estimates.
Problem #1:
Let us follow the instructions in the paper "MatchThem:: Matching and Weighting after Multiple Imputation" ( [page 15]
and modify your block #3. Instead of calling pool_and_tidy_mice() we do the following:
matched.results <- pool(mimira_object)
summary(matched.results, = TRUE)
This produces the following:
term estimate std.error statistic df p.value 2.5 % 97.5 %
1 age -0.0005997864 0.001448251 -0.4141453 55.266353 6.803707e-01 -0.003501832 0.00230226
2 is_smoker 1.1157796620 0.077943244 14.3152839 9.961064 5.713387e-08 0.942019234 1.28954009
3 disease_stage 0.2360965310 0.051799813 4.5578645 3.879879 1.111782e-02 0.090504018 0.38168904
This means that performing the imputation with mice and then matching with MatchThem works, since you do get the p values and the confidence intervals.
Compare to the output from pool_and_tidy_mice():
term estimate std.error statistic p.value b df dfcom fmi lambda m
1 age -0.0005997864 0.001448251 -0.4141453 NaN 2.992395e-07 NaN Inf NaN 0.1902260 3
2 is_smoker 1.1157796620 0.077943244 14.3152839 NaN 2.041627e-03 NaN Inf NaN 0.4480827 3
3 disease_stage 0.2360965310 0.051799813 4.5578645 NaN 1.444843e-03 NaN Inf NaN 0.7179644 3
riv ubar
1 0.2349124 1.698446e-06
2 0.8118657 3.352980e-03
3 2.5456522 7.567636e-04
Where everything is the same except for df and p.value which were not calculated in the latter table.
I therefore think this is an issue with the pool_and_tidy_mice() and you should post this as an issue on GitHub at gtsummary.
For right now, you can bypass this problem by changing svycoxph() to survival::coxph() in block #3 when you call the with() function. If you do that, then eventually you will get a gtsummary table with p.values and confidence intervals. Ultimately, the problem is probably some interaction between svycoxph() and pool_and_mice(), hence why I believe that you should post this on GitHub.
Problem #2:
The short answer is that there cannot be a ggforest plot with all the data that you are looking for. reads:
A common error is to reverse steps 2 and 3, i.e., to pool the multiply-imputed data instead of the estimates. Doing so may severely bias the estimates of scientific interest and yield incorrect statistical intervals and p-values. The pool() function will detect this case.
This means that there is no "real" dataset for the pooled estimates (i.e. you cannot really combine the datasets for imputations 1-3), which means that ggforest() cannot compute the desired plot (since it needs to have a dataset and that cannot be used because it would lead to erroneous estimates).
What you could do, is present all the ggforest plots for each imputation (so if you did 3 imputations, you will get 3 slightly different ggforest plots) and finally add the pooled estimates plot by using plot() as suggested above.
To create each ggforest plot you need the following line of code:
ggforest(mimira_object$analyses[[1]], complete(mydata_imp_m3_psm, 1))
This will create the ggforest plot for your first imputation. Change the numbers to 2 and 3 to check the remaining imputations.
I hope this helped,
If you provide a reproducible example (i.e. an example on a data set that we can all run on our machines), we can better help you out.
The gtsummary package exports a plot() method you can use to construct a forest plot. Example below!
ggforest <-
coxph(Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + grade, trial) %>%
tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE,
add_estimate_to_reference_rows = TRUE) %>%
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#> method from
#> ggplot2
Created on 2021-08-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

How to make a scatter plot based on the values of a column in the data set?

I am given a data set that looks something like this
and I am trying to graph all the points with a 1 on the first column separate from the points with a 0, but I want to put them in the same chart.
I know the final result should be something similar to this
But I can't find a way to filter the points in Julia. I'm using LinearAlgebra, CSV, Plots, DataFrames for my project, and so far I haven't found a way to make DataFrames storage types work nicely with Plots functions. I keep running into errors like Cannot convert Float64 to series data for plotting when I try plotting the points individually with a for loop as a filter as shown in the code below
filter = select(data, :1)
newData = select(data, 2:3)
#graph one initial point to create the plot
plot(newData[1,1], newData[1,2], seriestype = :scatter, title = "My Scatter Plot")
#add the additional points with the 1 in front
for i in 2:size(newData)
if filter[i] == 1
plot!(newData[i, 1], newData[i, 2], seriestype = :scatter, title = "My Scatter Plot")
Other approaches have given me other errors, but I haven't recorded those.
I'm using Julia 1.4.0 and the latest versions of all of the packages mentioned.
Quick Edit:
It might help to know that I am trying to replicate the Nonlinear dimensionality reduction section of this article
With Plots.jl you can do the following (I am passing a fully reproducible code):
julia> df = DataFrame(c=rand(Bool, 100), x = 2 .* rand(100) .- 1);
julia> df.y = ifelse.(df.c, 1, -1) .* df.x .^ 2;
julia> plot(df.x, df.y, color=ifelse.(df.c, "blue", "red"), seriestype=:scatter, legend=nothing)
However, in this case I would additionally use StatsPlots.jl as then you can just write:
julia> using StatsPlots
julia> #df df plot(:x, :y, group=:c, seriestype=:scatter, legend=nothing)
If you want to do it manually by groups it is easiest to use the groupby function:
julia> gdf = groupby(df, :c);
julia> summary(gdf) # check that we have 2 groups in data
"GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: c"
julia> plot(gdf[1].x, gdf[1].y, seriestype=:scatter, legend=nothing)
julia> plot!(gdf[2].x, gdf[2].y, seriestype=:scatter)
Note that gdf variable is bound to a GroupedDataFrame object from which you can get groups defined by the grouping column (:c) in this case.

Difficulty with numpy broadcasting

I have two 2d point clouds (oldPts and newPts) which I whish to combine. They are mx2 and nx2 numpyinteger arrays with m and n of order 2000. newPts contains many duplicates or near duplicates of oldPts and I need to remove these before combining.
So far I have used the histogram2d function to produce a 2d representation of oldPts (H). I then compare each newPt to an NxN area of H and if it is empty I accept the point. This last part I am currently doing with a python loop which i would like to remove. Can anybody show me how to do this with broadcasting or perhaps suggest a completely different method of going about the problem. the working code is below
npzfile = np.load(path+datasetNo+'\\temp.npz')
arrs = npzfile.files
oldPts = npzfile[arrs[0]]
newPts = npzfile[arrs[1]]
# remove all the negative values
oldPts = oldPts[oldPts.min(axis=1)>=0,:]
newPts = newPts[newPts.min(axis=1)>=0,:]
# round to integers
oldPts = np.around(oldPts).astype(int)
newPts = newPts.astype(int)
# put the oldPts into 2d array
H, xedg,yedg= np.histogram2d(oldPts[:,0],oldPts[:,1],
bins = [xMax,yMax],
range = [[0, xMax], [0, yMax]])
finalNewList = []
N = 5
for pt in newPts:
if not H[max(0,pt[0]-N):min(xMax,pt[0]+N),
max(0,pt[1]- N):min(yMax,pt[1]+N)].any():
finalNew = np.array(finalNewList)
The right way to do this is to use linear algebra to compute the distance between each pair of 2-long vectors, and then accept only the new points that are "different enough" from each old point: using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist:
import numpy as np
oldPts = np.random.randn(1000,2)
newPts = np.random.randn(2000,2)
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
dist = cdist(oldPts, newPts)
print(dist.shape) # (1000, 2000)
okIndex = np.max(dist, axis=0) > 5
print(np.sum(okIndex)) # prints 1503 for me
finalNew = newPts[okIndex,:]
print(finalNew.shape) # (1503, 2)
Above I use the Euclidean distance of 5 as the threshold for "too close": any point in newPts that's farther than 5 from all points in oldPts is accepted into finalPts. You will have to look at the range of values in dist to find a good threshold, but your histogram can guide you in picking the best one.
(One good way to visualize dist is to use matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(dist).)
This is a more refined version of what you were doing with the histogram. In fact, you ought to be able to get the exact same answer as the histogram by passing in metric='minkowski', p=1 keyword arguments to cdist, assuming your histogram bin widths are the same in both dimensions, and using 5 again as the threshold.
(PS. If you're interested in another useful function in scipy.spatial.distance, check out my answer that uses pdist to find unique rows/columns in an array.)

Combine Sklearn TFIDF with Additional Data

I am trying to prepare data for supervised learning. I have my Tfidf data, which was generated from a column in my dataframe called "merged"
vect = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', use_idf=True, min_df=50, ngram_range=(1,2))
X = vect.fit_transform(merged['kws_name_desc'])
print X.shape
print type(X)
(57629, 11947)
<class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'>
But I also need to add additional columns to this matrix. For each document in the TFIDF matrix, I have a list of additional numeric features. Each list is length 40 and it's comprised of floats.
So for clarify, I have 57,629 lists of length 40 which I'd like to append on to my TDIDF result.
Currently, I have this in a DataFrame, example data: merged["other_data"]. Below is an example row from the merged["other_data"]
How can I append the 57,629 rows of my dataframe column with the TF-IDF matrix? I honestly don't know where to begin and would appreciate any pointers/guidance.
This will do the work.
`df1 = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray()) //Convert sparse matrix to array
df2 = YOUR_DF of size 57k x 40
newDf = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis = 1)`//newDf is the required dataframe
I figured it out:
First: iterate over my pandas column and create a list of lists
for_np = []
for x in merged['other_data']:
row = x.split(",")
row2 = map(float, row)
Then create a np array:
n = np.array(for_np)
Then use scipy.sparse.hstack on X (my original tfidf sparse matrix and my new matrix. I'll probably end-up reweighting these 40-d vectors if they do not improve the classification results, but this approach worked!
import scipy.sparse
X = scipy.sparse.hstack([X, n])
You could have a look at the answer to this question:
use Featureunion in scikit-learn to combine two pandas columns for tfidf
Obviously, the anwers given should work, but as soon as you want your classifier to make predictions, you definitely want to work with pipelines and feature unions.